Chapter 25: Respite

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jolyne: Th- This is... ?!

TV: This is the afternoon news. The accident on route 405 in Cape Canaveral, with casualty numbers estimated to be between one and two thousand was thought to be a cave-in, however, the situation seems to be more serious, as there have been reports that military tanks and helicopters were unable to approach the scene. Updates on this story after the break.

Jolyne: Wait... Where Y/n ?! What's going on ? Where did he go ?!

"Not too far... Yet. But right now, we should probably focus on Pucci... As mush as possible."

Jotaro: The shuttle is over there. It wasn't the shuttle that moved, but it seems that we're the ones that moved about 200m away from it. We were behind that building just a moment ago.

Hermes: Uh... Don't wanna be rude or anythin', Mr.Jotaro, but I don't remember being blown away or nothin' ! No one saw anything ?!

"i saw... probably way too much, compared to what I wished I'd see..."

Emporio: We must have been blown away because of the reversed gravity !

Anasui: the gravitational effects... They'd already won off back there. Besides, the priest said that C-Moon was gone.

Emporio: We have to follow the priest ! Can you sense which direction the priest is headed ?!

Jotaro: I cans sense that he's here. But only that he's around... Where is hiding in which direction ? 'And besides that, he definitely saw the spear coming towards him, even when I stopped time. He saw it, so he was able to dodge it... But how... ?'

Hermes: ... I GET IT ! The priest was all like "It's complete !" and "Time for heaven !" and all that shit, but maybe he's just bluffin' ! We had him cornered ! Maybe he's just pulling some trick so he could run away and wait for the New Moon to come ! In reality, nothing's going on ! he's just using this time to safely get away !

"... Wrong... He is not bluffing in any way... he finally achieved it... Heaven, did come... I would know..."

Jotaro: How can you be so sure ?

"Look at this left arm of mine, Jotaro. All traces of Bad Apple are gone. All that is left is a tattered black glove, remnants of my Act 3. He tore it away from me, to complete his stand... It means nothing good, and the worse it to come."

Hermes: Wait... So what's going to happen now ?!

Jotaro: Hermes, don't go inside the buildings for now. Stay where you have a good vantage point. Besides, this rain will stop soo-

Emporio: Wha... We're soaked ?

Hermes: What's going on ? Guys ?

Jolyne: H- Hermes ?! What are you doing ?

Hermes: Aaaagh !! Th... This... ! This automatic door ! It- It's fast !! AGHHHH !!


Hermes: WHAT THE FUCK ?! it's opening and closing really damn fast !!

Jotaro: ... Dried off... Yet I was soaked a split second ago...

"Are you... Starting to get it now ? That power, born from Gravity..."

Jolyne: W- What ?

TV: It's time for the evening news. Continued reports on the Cape Canaveral, Route 405 incident. Oh... wait... Uh, excuse me, it seems to be time for the commercials... Huh ? It's already over ?

Jolyne: The... The sun... It's already setting...

Anasui: Wh... What ?! What the hell is going on ?!

"I told you already... it's not just a bluff. Pucci did complete his ability, and we're already experiencing its effect..."

Hermes: What's it even doin' right now ?!

"... I can only suppose, but... While I had Bad Apple, I could catch a glimpse of what lies beyond... the manipulation of gravitational forces, causing time to slow down... Then, Pucci's new ability would be the opposite. In other words..."

"Time... is accelerating..."

Emporio: ... No way... Is this the completion of his ability ?! The sun is setting ! I can already see the stars in the sky !

Jotaro: the passing of time is increasing in speed... And in this situation, only he's safe... Can he be the only one who can withstand the acceleration of time... ?

"It's possible... If he was able to see in your stopped time, even if it was unconsciously... If he's able to move freely in this new flow of time..."

Jotaro: ... So this is what Dio felt against me back in Egypt... We're back to square one... But, this could be good news. If you're really back to your Stand, then you just need to hit him with it, and it'll be over.

"Yeah... It would... But it won't. Tell me, Jotaro, what do you see right here ?"

Jotaro: ... A half-destroyed glove ?

"Precisely. And it's still flaking away as we speak, as you can see... Now, the question worth a lot of money would be: What will happen once it's completely gone, do you think ?"

Jotaro: ... ... ...

"You know it better than anyone, don't you ? Damage done to a stand will reflect onto the user, and when the stand is destroyed... Well, you punched a leg really hard to make it happen. I... I am on respite right now. And as my stand is crumbling, so is my life, withering away. It may be still there, but at this point, it's just some empty shell, without any power. And if Pucci realizes that, that the only one to really counter his ability is on death's doorsteps, then..."

Jotaro: ... Jolyne, we're running. This isn't a good place... Staying here isn't wise.

Jolyne: NO WAY !!

Jotaro: Can you sense it ? Jolyne. Where is he ?

Jolyne: Wh... Where is he ? he's moving... I don't know where, because he's hiding, but I can sense him coming closer !

Jotaro: Damn it... We should move somewhere else... Everyone, hurry and move out ! STAR PLATINUM: THE WORLD !!

Jotaro: ... ... 'My timestop... ! It's shortened !'

Anasui: Over here, Mr.Jotaro. Get up on the roof... Also... I'm determined to protect your daughter with my life. We're already involved in something we can't back out of... But i'm going to make sure that we come out of this alive. So please, give me permission to marry your daughter.

Jotaro: ... You... What did you just say... ?

Anasui: What I mean, Mr.Jotaro, is that... I want your permission, here and now, to marry your daughter... I know this isn't the time, but... All you have to do is give me permission. If.. if you say "Yes"... Those words could save me.

Jotaro: ... ... ...

Anasui: I... You know, I didn't expect to just immediately be able to marry Jolyne... It's true i'm a murderer, I don't deny it, and I also know, that Jolyne won't fall in love with me, just like that... But... Jolyne's strong will and pure heart, that she inherited from you, her father... Is the light that shines on the darkness of my heart... My heart, which could collapse at any moment ! She's what I need, right now ! You don't have to say much... Just that you'll "Let me"... I want you to let me reveal my heart ! I need you to let me marry her once we get out of here alive !

Jotaro: ... I don't understand what you're talking about. Are you insane ? Babbling, in this situation...

Jolyne: Anasui. We should stay close together. Everyone, don't stay too far apart... This roof, we're up here, fine, but now we have nowhere to run.... he's still on the move, somewhere below this building... But I can't see his movements ! I made a barrier around us with my strings, but... I don't even know if this will work... And because he was able to complete his ability, he's not going to just let us go ! What he's after is seeing this through the end ! He knows that he has to put an end to the Joestar Bloodline !

Hermes: Sh... Shit ! Look at how those clouds are moving ! It's almost like those special-effect things ! Is this the priest's new power ?! What the hell is gonna happen now ?! How the hell are we supposed to beat him ?

Anasui: Mr.Jotaro. Please, give me your permission...

"... Whatever... Everyone, listen. This does indeed looks as if we were cornered, but it was the right decision to get up on the roof. His ability is to "Accelerate time", while only he can move freely in that state. But that doesn't mean we can't see his actions. Jotaro, how fast is time going right now ?"

Jotaro: According to the speed in which my wristwatch is moving... The minute hand is moving at a rate that indicates that an hour passes in roughly two minutes.

"So in other words, someone who can run at 10KpH would seem to us as if they were running at the same speed as a bullet train. But, we're still able to see an approaching bullet train with the naked eye. We can at least see his movements."

Emporio: Th... thirty times faster... But, if it was a car going at 65KpH, then it would be moving at 1800KpH for us... that's Mach 2.4 !

"Indeed... But Pucci is still reluctant to get up on this roof. He knows Jotaro can stop time, and right now, this is the only thing that gives us a chance to beat him. He wants to find out his own stand's true value, to see if it can evolve even further..."


Jotaro: 'Where... Where is he ? Something moved underneath that table... he's around here somewhere. I can stop time for a maximum of five seconds... If I can just find him within the five seconds ! I have to approach him and attack him directly... All within the span of five seconds... Good grief... He's not there... I must have been seeing things, when I thought something moved...'

Jotaro: that's the limit... Time resum-...

Jotaro: 'the palm tree... What ? Spring action ! Hiding in the leaves ! It can't be... No, this is the limit ! Time will resume ! he's going to launch himself over there !

Jolyne: H- Huh ?

Hermes: H... How ?

Jolyne: AAAAAAHHHH D... Dad...

"Jolyne, behind you !! He's coming again !!"

Jotaro: Ugh... Anasui, you... Your stand... You dove inside my body and took the priest's blow, so that the wound wouldn't be fatal... However... It's to short ! Only 5 seconds of timestop, it's too short ! And I can't stop time consecutively... Once I stop time for 5 seconds with Star Platinum, I'll only be able to stop time again after a few seconds... the only one who can stand up to him now is me. i'm within range... And my only chance is now, while time is stopped... That's the limit... Time resumes...


Jolyne: Ah ! Dad ! Anasui !

Pucci: ... I suppose Anasui should now be first in line to kill, and not Jotaro... Fine, then. Although all but one of you were probably not able to fathom it, I will tell you one last thing. Time will keep on accelerating. It looks like my ability is now complete, and did not obtain this ability just so I could dispose of you, nor did I do it to gain power... It is a power that I will use to guide humanity towards true "Happiness". To give this ability a name... Made In Heaven.

Pucci: The reason for my disposing of you is for the future. You are just sacrifices for the greater good of mankind.

Emporio: ... G- GHOST GUN !!


"It's no use, Emporio... ! Bullets won't hit him ! he's coming again...

Emporio: that's not it ! I didn't aim for him, I aimed for the wall of the building across from us ! Hermes put a sticker on the bullet ! There are two bullets right now !

Anasui: Huh... ? Emporio...


"Gh... It... it's no use ! he's still following on the ground ! And because Kiss is a stand, its actions aren't accelerated !"

Anasui: Emporio ! Put another sticker on the next bullet and fire it !! Move towards the marsh ! Head towards the ocean ! If our surroundings are the ocean... There's one way we can kill him !

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