Chapter 26: Hecatomb

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Enrico Pucci

Stand: Made in Heaven: -Power B

-Speed Infinite

-Range C

-Persistence A

-Precision C

-Potential A*


Anasui: Change directions with this next bullet, Emporio ! To the ocean !! Go towards the marshes ! Aim the bullet at the rocks that are jutting out of the water !!



"No... This might work... Even if time is accelerated, he still has but one stand... No matter the speed, he can only kill us one by one... We have a chance to beat him down..."

Anasui: Mr.Jotaro, the moment he goes in to kill me, I'll give you a signal. When I do, stop time immediately, and kill that fucker... ! The timing for stopping time should be right when his attack hits me. Alright... ? Don't stop it before he hits me. Do it after... This is all going to happen quickly ! The timing is the most important part ! Grasping the timing is crucial ! And to do that, we need your Star Platinum !

Hermes: W... Wait a second.

Emporio: Wh... What are you trying to do ? I don't get it ! What are you saying ?!

Jotaro: Anasui... it's a good idea, but... Even though Pucci declared that you're first on his list, he might not act on his words... Logically thinking, I should be the one he should dispose of first.

Anasui: No... My Diver Down is still in your body, protecting you like before. Not just that, but all of you as well ! In this proximity, my stand can phase inside everyone at once... So, no matter who Pucci attacks first, my Diver Down will "Take" the first blow. And that signal should be transferred to you through the sensations from my stand. Do you understand ? You have to stop time after he deals the next blow to finish me off !

"Anasui, you... Are you trying to make this a tie... ?"

Emporio: N- No way !! His next attack will definitely kill you !

Anasui: Maybe. But maybe I'll be able to signal before the blow reaches my vitals... I've been having good luck recently, right, Emporio ? Ever since I got out of prison, I've managed to stay alive... If I can just stay alive, keep this trend... Then maybe I'll ask Jolyne to marry me... or, you know, something like that...

Jolyne: ... All right.

Jolyne: All right, Anasui... Ask me... i'm not saying this because I'm despairing over this situation... Your plan, it still has hope. it's not darkness that drives you... Even if there's only one path that we can take, if there's a hint of hope, then that's the right path.


Anasui: HUDDLE CLOSER !! Come towards me ! He's going around to the right !

"H... He's coming... That was smart, getting surrounded by water... because of the waves, we can see more clearly where he's moving..."

Jotaro: Are you...

"Focus on the enemy, Jojo. I'm just dead weight at this point..."

Anasui: Not yet, Mr.Jotaro... ! Don't stop time yet ! If he gets away, it's all over ! We have to grab him ! You have to feel my signal !

Emporio: W... wait a second... ! What... ?! The clouds, in the sky ! They're moving really fast, like rockets ! And... What's going on ?! The eastern sky is already light !

Anasui: What ?! It's too fats ! One hour was supposed to be about two or three minutes... It should have taken at least twenty to thirty minutes for the sun to rise again !


"Time... Will keep on accelerating... That's what he was waiting for..."

Emporio: I... I can't see the movement of the waves ! THE TIDE IS GOING WAY TOO FAST !! I CAN'T TELL HOW THE PRIEST IS MOVING !!

Hermes: Wh... Where is he planning to attack from ?!

Anasui: get ready ! Mr.Jotaro, not yet ! Not yet ! Wait for my signal ! Gh-


Jotaro: What ?! He used Jolyne's stand to... ! Anasui...

Jotaro: 'he used Jolyne's stand to attack Anasui ! I was... A step too late... ! Only four more seconds ! If I don't finish him now, he'll just hide again in the increased speed of time ! Once time starts moving again, we'll be finished ! I have to get him while time is still... Only three more seconds ! ... Two more seconds !'

Jotaro: AAARGHHHHH !! W- While he was falling... ! The priest has already thrown them ! Just like DIO once did... !


Pucci: "Two steps". You were late by "Two steps"... The Joestar Bloodline drew strength from their pride and courage to conquer their fate... But ! The weakness is also in their blood. Jotaro Kujo... Your daughter is your weakness.

Emporio: W... What...

Jolyne: ... ... ... I stole a car... I... At the supermarket on my way home, I... Why did I do something like that... ? But... My father will come save me... he will... he'll... Come save me... He always... Do...

*Wielder of "Diver Down", Narciso Anasui... ... Deceased*

*Wielder of "Kiss", Hermes Costello... ... Deceased*

*Wielder of "Stone Free", Jolyne Cujoh... ... Deceased*

*Wielder of "Star Platinum", Jotaro Kujo... ... Deceased*


Pucci: I have to eliminate any obstacles to my destiny... I don't pity them, nor do I think I should have let them live. I have to put an end to everything. To you, I'm your mother's killer, aren't I ? Emporio...

Pucci: Shoot me... Then you can leave this world as a martyr.

Emporio: AAAAAGHHHH !!




Pucci: Huh ?


Pucci: GUARG !! J... JOESTAAAAAAAAAAAAARR !! Do you think you can get away ?! The speed at which you can swim through the water, is slower than my running !

"Hm. No matter how fast time is going, every organism is still moving at its normal speed. And you, father Pucci ? I don't think your physical abilities have been increased at all, have they ? Yes, you could easily catch up with us, but distance stays the same ! How long can you swim ? How long can you hold your breath underwater for ? Will you be able to catch up before you suffocate or becomes exhausted ?"

Pucci: I won't let you get away ! Never ! This ends now !! I cannot have any of your existence in my destined future !

"Just as expected... He's after me now. Emporio... because everyone was working so hard to defeat him, I haven't been targeted by his first blow... But I can't win here. The only chance, the slightest hope we have, is for you to escape now."

Emporio: W- What are you talking about ?! Hurry, get over here ! The dolphin is getting away !

"Emporio, give me your hand. I have... One last gift for you... One last thing even a man on respite can do."

Emporio: W- What ?!

"This is... My spirit, Emporio. Please receive it, and run... Deep Pass... Overdrive..."

Emporio: Y- You...

"This is... the end of the road for me, right here... You are our only hope... You must survive, no matter what... And live on... Please... Em... Porio..."

Emporio: No... You can't... YOU CAN'T !! NOT YOU !!

'... I can see it... The omen star of death is waiting for me... Avdol... Iggy... Shigechi... Bucciarati... Abbachio... I'm sorry... I made you wait...'

Emporio: NOOOOOOOO !

*User of "Dark Void", Y/n 'Joestar' L/n... ... Deceased.*

3rd person POV:

Emporio: H... His body didn't even got time to rot... he straight-up turned to dust...

Emporio: Wh... What's going on ?! Even the rocks are changing shape because of the waves ! Will the speeding up of time ever stop ?! How much more ?! How long will it last ?!


Emporio: AAAAHHH !! the whole geography of the Earth is changing !!

Emporio: What is this ?! This place, where am I ?! WHERE AM I ?! AGHHHHH !! I... I can't breathe...

Guard: Whoa ! You ! Why are you all naked ?! Hurry up ! Hurry up and put on your prison clothes !! Huh ?

Guard: Whoa, I, I'm... Even i'm... ! Why am I, a guard, naked ? Uh... What ? Time was speeding up, and... Oh, shit ! They're watching this on the camera ! They're going to get the wrong impression !

Emporio: Th... This is... ! This place ! I know this place ! This is "green Dolphin Street prison !" And this is the hallway before the visiting rooms !

???: What do you want ?! I didn't want to see you !! You think you can just come waltzing back into my life ?! Don't act all fatherly now !!

???: I want to help you. i'll get you out of here soon.

'Jolyne': Shut up ! You wouldn't be able to anyway ! I can handle two years for a hit-and-run by myself ! It's pathetic ! I don't want your stupid father-act ! Go home ! Go away ! Go away ! I don't get along with you, remember ?!

Emporio: 'What... ?! These two ?! But, they... They look so similar... But they're not... !'

Pucci: This wound... I will keep it on me, as a token of gratitude... For the only person, beside DIO, I ever could've called a friend.

Emporio: AH ?!

Pucci: Due to accelerated time... the final destination of "Time" is achieved ! The universe after a full cycle ! A new world ! Humanity has finally reached a common end ! A new dawn ! But I can't bring my past interference into the beginning of this new dawn !

'Jolyne': Wh- What ?! Who are you ?

Emporio: PUCCI !!

Pucci: Jolyne Cujoh is no longer alive ! Not even her soul... Jotaro is gone as well ! And Anasui, and Hermes, Y/n... The dead cannot return ! I've left all the obstacles to my fate in the other world ! All of them, except you, Emporio ! You were not supposed to come here ! You must be eliminated, right here, right now !

Emporio: AGHHHHH !!

Pucci: let's say that you are going to try to hide in your room. The secret room that you used to hide in, in the old world. The fact that you are going to retreat here had already been decided. Because it is "Fate" ! Fate is brought on by certainty, not by chance !

Emporio: Uh... Ohh... Ohhh !!

Guard: hey. It's a kid... there's a kid here, why ? How did he get in ? Why is there a kid in prison ?

Emporio: 'He... He's going to trip. These boots, what are these strange predictions ? This guard, if he decided to come over here, he's going to slip on those files and fall. He'll step on those papers and fall over...'

Guard: 'Hall ? He... he's going to trip, here... But why would I suddenly think that way... ?'

Guard: 'Huh ? I... Am I going to step on some papers and trip , No... of course not ! Be careful ! It's just me telling myself not to step on anything and trip.'


Emporio: AAAAHHHHH !!

Pucci: After a full revolution of time, a new world appeared ! Fate will repeat itself ! When a human meets another human, it is due to "Gravity" ! It happens because it was fated to be that way ! And now, humanity has experienced the future, and has now arrive that this world !

Pucci: For example, five years from now, what could happen ? Everyone knows what will happen, now. During the accelerated time, they experienced when every accident, every illness, when their life would end... they already experienced it before arriving here. When one will meet another... And when will they separate ? Who will one love, and hate ? What kind of child will one bear, and what kind of person will that child become ? Who will commit crimes and who will invent, create works of beauty ? The spirit, not the mind or body, has already experienced and memorized those facts !

Pucci: And that is "Happiness" ! Not just one person, but everyone will be able to face their Fate ! Ones who are able to face this are the ones who will be happy ! You might think that knowing the ill fortunes of the future is despair, but... It's the opposite ! Even if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, it is that resolution that makes one happy ! One's resolution eradicates despair !

Pucci: Humanity will change ! This is what I strive for ! This is Made in Heaven !!

Emporio: AGHHHHHH !! If... If I turn right at the corner, there are stairs... And my Ghost Room is there... ! Ugh... Pucci already knows about that room ! I... I can't go "Right" ! I need to go left, and... And look for somewhere else to hide !! I... I left my gun in the ocean !! GUH !!

Pucci: Even if small details might go astray, there no way one can defeat fate... it's inevitable. It will happen no matter what. I am the only exception. If I let you escape here, and I lose track of where you are... Then you will most likely grow, and try to defeat me... That is your destined future ! I can't let you live ! Even without Jolyne or Y/n, you're still fated to leave this prison and disappear at Cape Canaveral !

Pucci: Here, in the prison, before I sped up time, I would know exactly where you are... The only way to defeat my past destiny is to dispose of you here ! That's why I stopped the passing of time here and now !

Emporio: Ahhhhh... Agh... ...

Pucci: You have no choice but to hide inside that space in the wall ! Make your resolution ! Your resolution will only lead to happiness, Emporio ! THIS IS FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY ! DIE, EMPORIO !!

Emporio: fate is predetermined, and can't be changed... if that's so, then, I could just make you change it for me... Your arm pushed it in, when I was in-between the wall. Weather report's stand ability that he turned into a Disc before you killed him ! It's the disc that Jolyne gave me, the one she told ma to keep !! And the will to live, to fight... The will to use it to defeat you, that was passed onto me by Y/n !!

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