Chapter 27: ...Over...

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3rd person POV:

Pucci: In the name of God, I will destroy you ! Your actions, Emporio... You're just making it so your screams become the trumpets of hell ! Even if you insert Weather's Stand disc, Weather's ability is his own talent ! Don't think that you can use his ability however you want ! AND !! I've accelerated time again !! In front of my honorable ambitions... REALIZE YOUR INSIGNIFICANCE AS YOUR CRUMBLE AWAY !!

Pucci: Ugh... Guh... What ?! What is this... ?! I cant... Stand... Something's wrong... ! I have to increase the speed, so I can get away... ! Wh... What is this... Weather Report ?!

Emporio: It looks like this is an ability that you didn't know about... A hidden ability that lay dormant within Weather. I've ready about it in a book once. The most deadly poison that's always within proximity of all organisms... Is the air we breathe ! All organisms need oxygen to live... But the concentration of atmospheric oxygen cannot be above 40%... 100% pure oxygen is poisonous, and will drive organisms to death ! Highly concentrated oxygen can corrode iron in a matter of seconds, and make fire explode ! It can absorb electrons in the human body to destroy our cells !

Emporio: if you breathe too much of it, first your hands and feet will go numb, and you won't be able to stand ! The capillary veins in your eyes break and you go blind ! It's irrelevant how fast time passes... Weather Report is a stand that can control the weather ! it's already accumulated a huge amount of pure oxygen into this room... And slowly you lose consciousness... 100% pure oxygen will sink deeper, and deeper, into your tissues...

Pucci: Y... You brat !! GH !!

Emporio: I'm not controlling it. This is Weather's hidden ability. You stole weather's memory, and the one to awaken Weather again with his snail ability, father Pucci... It was all you ! Meeting and finding people are also part of Gravity, of Fate... You were unable to defeat your fate !

Pucci: AGHHHHH !! S- Stop !! Emporio... Stop this !! weather, Emporio !! Don't let him do this ! My ability, that I've finally gained... ! God wished it to be so ! It was an ability that God chose for me ! A new history of humanity will be born, and the future of mankind will be saved ! If I die before the original acceleration of time, before Cape Canaveral??? if I die, the fate of mankind will be altered !

Pucci: It will probably be a different future ! I cannot die here ! As long as it's after Cape Canaveral, I will gladly give up my life ! Or else it will mean that everything iv' done until this point will have been meaningless ! Humans will not be able to see the future as it happens ! They will not be able to face their fate ! Remember that resolution is the way to happiness ! I CANNOT DIE HERE !!

Emporio: Don't you understand ? You lost to fate ! Walking the path of Justice is true Fate !


Emporio: Ahh... A bus...

???: I told ya !! I only have 50 dollar bills ! Why the hell doesn't this bus have any change ?! What, you gonna say that to a paying customer ?! Fine, fine ! Wait a second, I'll go get some change from that gas station !

Emporio: ... All right ! It stopped !

???: Hey, kid ! You gonna ride this bus ? You've come at a god time ! You got any change ? I have a 50...

Emporio: ... ... ...

???: Right ? It's all right, yeah ? This isn't a fake bill. This bus doesn't take anything too big.


???: HEY !! WHAT ?! Hey, wait, bastard ! He tossed my luggage ! Why the hell did he start driving ?!

Ermes: hey ! The bus drove off because you were so friggin' slow ! It's two hours until the next bus comes ! What the hell am I supposed to do now ?! Are you even listening ?! Shit ! Maybe they thought I was an escapee from green Dolphin or somethin'.

Emporio: Y... You're...

???: Hey ! My car's out of gas. If you give us gas and food money, i'll take you wherever you want. How about you, kid ?

Ermes: is that how you save cash ? My sister said that I shouldn't ride with strangers.

*drip drip drip*

???: A storm's coming, soon... I guess i'm fine with testing to see how well you two do in the rain for two hours until the next bus comes.

Emporio: ... ... Ah... !

Irene: get in, little boy. We're not bad people. I'm Irene, and his name is Annakiss. Where's your mom and dad ? We're going to see my father, you know.

Irene: He's... My boyfriend. I don't know how it'll go, but if my father says yes... We might get married.

Ermes: Shit, is there really a storm coming ?! But i'm not payin' more than 10 dollars ! And i'm gonna have you guys stop by Cape Canaveral, too !

Irene: What's your name ? Come one, get in, we're not going to take your money; kid. You're trembling, are you cold ?

Irene: Here.

Emporio: ... I'm Emporio...

Irene: Hm ?

Emporio: Emporio. My name... My name is Emporio...

Irene: Hey ! Look, a hitchhiker !

Annakiss: i'm not picking another one... two is enough.

Irene: You were the one who said a storm was coming ! Stop the car, poor guy !

Don't you think... That something is amiss ? That someone that should be here, is not ? I wonder, what could've happened ? Where could he possibly be ? What answers lies beneath that ?

I must say... When I started this entire thing, the ending I first imagined was far from being something like this... So... For one last time. Can I, ask you this ? For one last time...

Can you bear this trip with me, just for a little bit longer ?

"That... That is some serious bullshit..."

???: What is ? Your death ? The way this ended ?

"I couldn't care less about my own demise. The omen star of death sentenced me a year ago. I was prepared, and waiting for this. If anything, the one regret I have, is that my end caused tears to be shed. But, what I was talking about... I know I made sure such a thing wouldn't happen."

???: Hm. Do you even know where you are ?

"Why would it matter ? Purgatory, limbo, Heaven, Hell, Nirvana... So many different names for the afterlife. What, you gonna tell me i'm not really dead ?"

???: Oh, no, you are. Dead, deceased, kaput, game over, buh-bye, and all that goes with it.

"... Who even are you ? Part of my consciousness, telling me not to give up ? The spirit of my ancestors, welcoming me ? Ans where the hell are them all ? I was looking forward to meet up with all those that I couldn't save..."

???: That last question, i'm afraid I don't have the answer to it. However, the first is easy. I'm you.

"... Come again ?"

???: Well, not "You" you, but you.

"... I'm not in the mood for jokes."

???: Why not ? You've got all the time you need. Now that you've accomplished your mission.

"Mission... ?"

???: You've got all six of them, don't you ? It took us more than a century to gather them all, but you've finally managed to do it.

"I literally have no idea..."

???: I know. Well, I knew, at some point. I knew that you wouldn't know. But going back at what you called "Bullshit"... That was half-true.

"Huh... ?"

???: What you saw... was what happened before. What happened to me, and what would've happened without you. Well, me.

"... ... ..."

???: is it confusing ? Haa... Fine. Let me show you... Instead of replaying what you forgot, let me show you what you missed.








Pucci: Wh... What ? What just... Everything... Stopped ? What the... Did Jotaro... No, this isn't timestop... This is something else... What is this ?!

???: This is... Requiem.

Pucci: H- Huh... ?

Pucci: W- What ?! Everything... It's going backward !! How can it be !!

???: When he called me, a few days ago, asking me to come to Cape Canaveral as soon as possible, I was hesitant... But now I realize. He was right.

Giorno: This power... An end must be put to it.

Pucci: You... You are... ?!

Giorno: It's not just me, you know ?


Mista: GO ! Pistols !!

Narancia: AEROSMITH !!


Trish: SPICE GIRL !!

Polnareff: Hey ! Wait for me ! I can't... You left me behind !

???: Do not worry, Jean-Pierre. You're in good hands now.

Polnareff: Ah... ? You...

Kakyoin: Everything ends now ! HIEROPHANT GREEN !!

Polnareff: K... KAKYOIN !! And...

Kakyoin: I get it now... He really passed three phone calls, didn't he ?

Josuke: You bet. CRAZY DIAMOND !!

Koichi: ECHOES, ACT 3 !!

Okuyasu: THE HAND !!

Rohan: HEAVEN'S DOOR !! if time keeps on accelerating like that, even I won't be able to make my deadline. Ans also... No way I'm passing on such prime manga material !

Giorno: father Pucci, is it ? Time will keep on reverting, until all trace of your actions are reverted back to zero. Your actions will disappear from this Earth !

Pucci: Guh !!





Mista: ... It stopped again... Giorno, what's that ?

Giorno: I... I don't know... GER ?

GER: ... It appears... That a strong force appeared... A force that keeps me from reverting time any further... I do not know any more...

Emporio: A... force... Wait, this moment... isn't it right when... He died...

Pucci: Huh... HA !!

Your POV:

"... ... ... ... ..."

Emporio: He was dead... How...

Polnareff: Was he brought back to life by the reversing of time ? But even so... He can't be the one blocking GER's ability... Not from that far...

Pucci: ... Just a respite, and nothing more... You're just back on Death's doorsteps ! Nothing has changed !! MADE IN HEAVE-



Pucci: AGH !! M... Made in heaven... ?! What ?!

Polnareff: ... This is not requiem... His ability is supposed to only work at an extremely close range... What did he do ?!

Giorno: ... Is it how he countered GER... Without even being close... What is that, if it's not Requiem ?!

Emporio: ... Pucci... The priest's goal, was to attain heaven... But... What if, there was something even above that... ? What if there was something...

"Over... Heaven..."

Pucci: Wh... What ?!

"This is... Its name... The name of this ability... I give you... Dark Void: Over Heaven..."

*Stand user: Y/n "Joestar" L/n

Stand: Dark Void Over Heaven: -Power: Not measurable

-Speed: Not measurable

-Range: Not measurable

-Persistence: Not measurable

-Precision: Not measurable

-Potential: Not measurable

Appearance: the user appears wrapped in a toga, similar to what was worn in ancient Roma, with a two-tone pattern. The user's entire left side's clothes and hair become pitch black, while their left eye turn entirely white. This same side is decorated with three arrow-like pads, on their should, knee and backhand, all pointing up. The exact opposite happens to the right side, becoming white, with a black eye and three arrow pads pointing down.

Ability: Spiritual omnipotence. The user has all control over stands, being able to create, modify, or delete any stand at will, even overwriting pre-established rules, such as "One stand for one user".*

"Remember, Pucci... This is what it said... 'What is most necessary is "Courage". I must have the courage to destroy my stand momentarily. As it disintegrates, my stand will absorb the souls of the 36 sinners and will give birth to something utterly new'... And this is what was born. Pucci, the moment my stand disappeared... The moment I died... This ability was created, by your hands... Made In Heaven is no more."

Pucci: Guh...

"... You think it's over, don't you ? But it's far from it. It just started. Or rather... It's about to get back. This ability... It cannot stop time, loop time, erase time, rewind time, or accelerate time... But it can do much more than this..."

Pucci: W... What...

"It... Transcends time... Made in heaven... Null."

*Dark Void Over Heaven secondary ability: Time transcendence. This stand exists in the past, present and future. it's power extends to the infinity of the universe and even beyond that.*


Jolyne: H- Huh... ?

Hermes: What... Didn't we... Why are we back at the space center ?

Anasui: We were attacked by the priest... Weren't we dead ?!

Jotaro: ... Y/n... What did you...

"You understand, don't you, Pucci ? I didn't just suppress your stand... I simply decided that it never existed to begin with. And all the actions that it did... Were ultimately deleted as well. If it's true that Fate cannot be changed once it's written, then... I just need to rewrite it from the beginning !"

Giorno: From the beginning... if it can even alter the past..

"You start getting it, Giorno. I think you, all of you, for coming here this day. You truly saved it. And now... It's time to overwrite, all of my regrets. Whitesnake... Null."


Weather: H- Huh ?

Foo: Wha ?!

Jolyne: F- F.F. !! Weather Report !!

"This transcendence can also extends... To stands that don't exist anymore... It's time, to undo all the evil DIO's legacy has ever done !! King Crimson, Silver Chariot requiem !! NULL !!"

Polnareff: H- Huh... Whoaaaaah !!


Kakyoin: Gugh !! P- Polnareff... You're heavy !!

Polnareff: I'M BACK !! Then...

Bucciarati: STICKY FINGERS !!

Abbachio: You damn bastard... Don't expect me to thank you for this ! MOODY BLUES !!

"I expect as much... But i'm just getting started. Killer Queen ! Null !"


Josuke: Huh- GAH !!

Shigechi: This is the money you owed me, Josuke !

Josuke: You...

"Red hot chili pepper ! Null !"


Okuyasu: H- Huh... ?!



Okuyasu: B... BIG BROOOOOOOOO !!

Jotaro: But wait... if... If you keep going back... next is...

"... Cream... Null."

Kakyoin/Polnareff: C- Could it be !!


Iggy: 'THE FOOL !!'


"Now... You see, Pucci. From all evil that Dio ever did... You are the only trace left. Somehow, I believe those were your words, were they not ? We can't afford to bring any interference into that new world... This is my... No, our will... the will... OF THE JOESTAR LINEAGE !!






Pucci: BUG-... GAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaarghh...

"This is it... After so long... It's finally over..."

Or is it ?

I did tell you a while ago, there was, in my opinion, 4 major questions:

-DIO's flashback at the end of part three

-The fact that Rolling Stones' statues broke at the end of part 5

-The fact that he saw the Omen star of death but didn't die at the moment.

-Funny Valentine's presence.

Right now, two out of the 4 have been answered, he did die, and Over heaven undid what the statues predicted. But the last two... Don't worry. For once, this was promised to you.

The beginning of this entire story, also marking its end. Phantom blood.

Coming tomorrow, and for real this time.

And yes, I just wrote 4 chapters in like 24 hours. My right hand hurts.

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