Epilogue: The Eyes to rewrite all

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jotaro: It's... It's over, is it ? Finally...

"Almost. Well, for you it is over, but there's one last thing I have to do. So, it's time for us to say goodbye."

Jotaro: Huh ?

"Remember what I said ? When you got to the prison ? I'm gonna make you both break out of here, help you escape, then you will give me the last arrowhead as promised, and then, I'll just disappear. Now, it might not be for the same reasons, but this is still what's gonna happen."

Jotaro: I see... There's no way to stop you now, is it ?

"None. And beside... Don't see it as me going away... It's just me going back. I can't really explain how it is, but... I'm not even supposed to be here. So... Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno, Jolyne... please, take care of this world. I managed to remove every trace of Dio's evil, and now I offer it to you. Stay safe, all of you."

Josuke: Professor...

Giorno: Capo...

Jolyne: Guard...

"This is goodbye. Probably farewell, even... But I'll never forget you. And, honestly... I think I'll see all of you again very soon, but you won't see me ever again. Over Heaven..."

Pucci: Gh- ! H- Huh... ?

"I have removed your Made In Heaven, Pucci. But in exchange, I gave you something else. I dub thee 'Country roads'."

Jotaro: Wh- Why... ?

"This time, I have a clear destination in mind. I can't allow myself to just wander around until I reach it. So I'll just use him as a catalyst to... Take me home, to the place I belong. After that, you all can deal with him the way you see fit. All of you... Farewell..."


Cairo, 19XX:


Jotaro: URG !!

???: Hehehehehehe ! I figured I'd have to use the full extent of my abilities to finish you off !

Jotaro: Nghhhhh !!

???: I'm going to erase you from existence, Jotaro !!

Jotaro: Gwaaaaah !!

???: My hand will always reach reality... A reality free of obstructions... And that starts by removing all traces of the Joestar Lineage. By its very nature, there can only be one reality... And the reality that I create, is more than enough !

???: You have my gratitude. Thanks to you, I gathered the parts in no time at all, and made it over to this main world without lifting a finger. And now that I've obtained your souls, my Stand shall rise to even greater heights !

???: The Joestar bloodline... It was always such a nuisance, like piles of dog shit strewn over the path of my destiny... But at last, at the very end, it turns out the Joestars were always destined to serve me ! Fuhahahahaha !

Jotaro: Sh... Shut... Up !

???: Now then, Jotaro, last of the Joestar lineage... I'm going to finish you of personally. All I have to do is blow your head off, and the bloodline of my vile nemesis will disappear forever...

Jotaro: ... Joestars... The last... Bloodline...

???: NOW DIE !! JOTARO !!

Jotaro: GH- !



???: Hmm ? What was that... Did something stop that punch... What just...

Jotaro: Y... You... You are...

"I'm really sorry, Jotaro... It took me a bit more time than I anticipated... But I still managed to make it."

???: You... Who are...

"I'll be with you in just a moment. First thing first, I think I need to get you patched up, Jotaro... Where is Josuke ?"

Jotaro: Not... Anymore... he has them all... Only me left...

"Wow... Well, looks like I really made it in the neck of time, in the end... Rest easy, this is in my hands now."

Jotaro: No... You can't... You have no idea how strong it is... Over Heaven... Y- Y/n...

"Jotaro... If I'm here now, it's precisely because I know what I'm playing with. Right now... There is no one other than me who can defeat you, DIO !!"

DIO: Hmph. I was curious, so I let you have your little conversation... But, Y/n, if that really is how you're called... You've changed. The only one I recall going by that name was that shivering kid, constantly trying to hide behind Speedwagon... What happened ?

"A lot happened... Including a good century. Maybe you'd like to know... or maybe you did know... Considering who I had to deal with twice."

DIO: What happened to Valentine... ?

"He managed to get me once... But that's it. Even though more than a decade passed between our two meetings, he was no match for me the second time."

DIO: Interesting... So you really managed to kill him... Even after I personally send him after you...

"But that's where you made your mistake, DIO. SO let me retrace all from the beginning... Since neither you nor I are from this reality."

"You destroyed everything... Killed everyone... You said it yourself, in the reality you're from, you attained Heaven and exterminated the Joestars... But you weren't complete just yet... You needed something that you couldn't obtain there... The parts of the Holy Corpse, that could only be found in the Base Reality. So you traveled there... Unknowingly bringing two little pests with you..."

DIO: So that's how... Speedwagon... But you didn't have a stand back there, did you ?

"Correct. But let's proceed in order. Your... Well, our arrival threw the timeline here in disarray, causing the Corpse parts to activate, creating bridges through space and time... Speedwagon used it to warn everyone about you, and your powers... But it wasn't enough. Even with the entirety of the Joestar lineage united, your strength was far beyond what any of us could've imagined... Over Heaven, the ability to rewrite reality itself. And in the end, they knew this reality would fall too."

"That's where they came up with an idea... using the last Corpse part still in their possession, they tried to awaken my own stand in a last ditch effort. These parts are known to grant power, yes... But to those that are seen worthy."

DIO: So why... Such a trembling child, with no spirit, not even worth killing ! So how ?! How did you awaken a stand ?!

"There is more than just the will to fight... In this desperation... What was needed was not to fight... But something that would be able to defeat you, no matter what... And that is what was created. The stand to fight and destroy all stands, [DARK VOID] !!"

DIO: Then, using Valentine's D4C, they managed to sent you to yet another reality... What I don't understand, is how Valentine didn't find you right away...

"Easy. You believed they would send me around the time you and Jotaro battled. But they sent me way back. They knew I couldn't do anything as I was, so I needed time... Time to grow, to mature, until the day I would be ready... Something that even an entire life could not achieve. Thus come... The curse of my blood, and Dark Void's very essence... The End for a New Beginning."

*Dark Void's hidden ability: Soul succession.

As the embodiment of a complete cycle, Dark Void is passed from father to son, indefinitely. Through it, the father's soul is slowly consumed, protecting the mother and child from any misfortune, and soon imprinting itself as a whole into the baby. Soul, abilities, appearance, memories... Everything is passed on, over and over.*

"Just to start all over again... 4 generations were needed, in order to remove your evil from the roots. In this next reality, the one to put a final end to everything was me."

DIO: Everything, you say... What happened to Pucci...

"Why don't you come and figure that one yourself ?"

DIO: Hmph. Here to play the hero, in the end. You will fall just like the rest of them.

"Don't misjudge me. I may be here to put you back in the grave you came from... But I'm in no way a hero. I'm simply another monster you created. Now come at me, DIO ! Let me show you how much I've grown since then !"

DIO: If you insist ! I will crush you just like the rest of them ! Cower in fear in front of my newfound power ! [THE WORLD: OVER HEAVEN] !!

"... Dark Void..."


"Well, what's wrong ? Aren't you going to attack ? Come on, I'm waiting."

DIO: ... Hehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHA !! Indeed, the stand to defeat all stands !! I see now why they placed all their hopes in you ! A complete immunity... Very impressive ! But you yet have to experience Over Heaven's true power ! Reality itself bends to me !!

"Act 1... 2... 3... Requiem."


"NULL !!"


"... ... ..."

DIO: So on par with me, even in strength... Like Star Platinum, it seems to be the same type of stand. Not much range, but high speed and power.

"You're wrong. But first off... You should worry about the fist that hit you. Here lies the true power of that 'Null'."

DIO: And you ignore the power lying in [The World]'s fist ! Your reality will be chosen by I, DIO !! Now !!

"... ... ... So ?"

DIO: H- Huh... That... How did you... I made sure to rewrite... Could it be...

"It's true that Over Heaven stands on a plane of its own in terms of power and might... But, by sacrificing any sort of strength... Wouldn't one be allowed to peek in that same reality, even as Requiem ?"

DIO: What power did you sacrifice ?! Your stand is on par with the World in strength, there's no place left for might !

"And that's where you're wrong. Even as Requiem, Dark Void only gains more durability and might. The strength that went there was nothing but my own. If your soul cannot protect you, all that's left is to train and hone your body, and that's what I did. Reminds you of anything, DIO ? Hamon..."

DIO: Gh... It's true, if they sent you back to Jonathan's era, you would try to learn Hamon... I was careless. And that "Requiem" it's the same power as Giorno...

"There's still one part you're overlooking. Be it you, Kira, Diavolo, Valentine or Pucci, they all fell to my hand."

DIO: Pucci ? What happened to Pucci ?!

"Made In Heaven is no more. But remember, the real objective was for me to find something that could stand in front of Over Heaven... Something to compete with the 9 Corpse Parts... And I found them. All 6.

DIO: The stand arrows...

"You destroyed them in this reality so they couldn't be used against you... Using one on oneself, you can awaken your stand, or evolve it a bit further... Using it on your stand makes it break a new barrier, reach another plane. But then..."

"If one... As their stand is being destroyed... As their life is fading away... After uttering 14 phrases, absorbing the 36 souls, one would to imbue their very being with the 6 arrows at the same time... What would arrive, you think ?"

DIO: ... No...

"Hard to believe ? There's a good reason I came back when I did. It's because I knew that I could put an end to everything, yet again. Put an end to your schemes, by going beyond even you ! Yes, DIO, this indeed is... [DARK VOID: OVER HEAVEN] !!"

DIO: ... So be it. I never could've imagined something of that scale... But you're delusional to think this would be enough ! What can you do, without touching me ?!

"What can I do ? But DIO... I already did."

DIO: Huh ?

"Dark Void Over Heaven's most terrific ability isn't the rewriting of reality... Because it can't really do it. What it does is manipulate any kind of spirit power, without any limit, the Spiritual Omnipotence."

Dio: That doesn't change the fact, that just like the world, your power activates through direct contact ! You will be dead before you can even graze me ! THE WORLD ! TIME STOP !!


DIO: ... To you who vanquished Pucci, even in another reality... Yes, you will atone that with your life.

"I thought I was clear enough, DIO. Omnipotence... It means no stand could ever get the upper hand on me. Requiem could already peek into your reality, but Over Heaven completely supplants it. And like I said... I already beat you, long ago."

DIO: What ?! URGH !! The... The Spirit Power...

"You're a tough nut to crack, you know that ? I can't believe it took so much time just to rewrite that one single action of yours... That time you took their souls, as well as their corpse parts... Null."

DIO: W- What ?!

"Time transcendence... The true ability of Over Heaven. It has no physical power, and no grasp on reality... But anything that's related to stands falls under its rule. What they do... What they will do... And what they did. I erased all your actions leading to this day, one by one... And now, it's your turn."


"... Who I am ? ... Y/n... Y/n Joestar. DIO... There's just one reason you lost. One, single, reason..."

"You made me shiver in fear. The World Over Heaven..."


Jotaro: ... ... Hm ? Huh ? What... Oh, right, the diary... I just burned it off.

Joseph: Jotaro, there you are !

Polnareff: We got word from the hospital. They said you'd regained consciousness. C'mon, let's get going !

Jotaro: ... ...

Polnareff: Hm? What, something the matter ?

Jotaro: Oh, nothing... I'm just tired. Let's go. 'Did I just white out for a moment...' Heaven...

Joseph: Hm ? Did you say something ?

Jotaro: No... No, there's nothing.

"That's it, Jotaro... You don't have to remember anything. Not even my very existence. Like a fleeting phantom that only existed in that nightmare of yours, I simply had to wake you up..."

"DIO has been stopped again... The Holy Corpse is no more, preventing anything of that caliber from happening ever again... Yes, it looks like I finally tied up all loose ends. This was my mission..."

"To protect the Joestar lineage from the shadows, at all costs... And it is finally over... Now history can start again from where is was halted. And as for me... Well..."

"Open up... [Core] Requiem."

When possessed by a forgotten blood,,,

Becoming the Seventh Crusader, his unavoidable future...

An unbreakable will, held by the wind of Fate

From an Ocean of despair to the heights of Heaven itself...

His Eyes saw it all, and rewrote it all.

Only one reality shall remain.

The End.

Thank you. Thank you all.

You may also wonder why I waited so long to publish that chapter. the answer is really simple.

23/01/2019. It was exactly three years ago, when I published my first ever chapter, and started this whole, very bizarre adventure. To all of you who followed and supported me since day 1, to all of you who joined mid-way, I thank you. I don't think it would've been possible without you all.

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