Daizen Osamu

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|Full Name|
Daizen L. Osamu

|Nick Name(s)|

Copy Cat

21 Years


|Sexual Orientation|

Gifted Human


Port Mafia

Head Subordinate



|Hair Color|
Rusty Red

|Eye Color|
Light Brown

Daizen's appearance when it comes to his clothes is very flexible. He wears anything from lazy sweatpants to designer clothing when he goes out and hits the town. Really, whatever sort of mood he's in, he dresses for. Regardless, women seem to find Daizen attractive in whatever he wears. Daizen also wears glasses while doing paperwork, as he is a bit nearsighted.

Daizen has a few piercings scattered on his ears, and he has a variety of tattoos along both forearms. He's meaning to get more and do full sleeves on both arms. The male has quite a few scars, the main one running across the length of his chest. It's a large scar, one that's a bit jagged, but he doesn't give it much attention.

Daizen's ability is known as The Mask of Mirrors.

Daizen has one of the most diverse abilities that has ever been seen before, which has sparked rumors that it could lead him to one day being Boss. Daizen's ability is a mirroring ability, which allows him to copy the ability of his opponent and use it to beat them in battle. Not to mention, he inherited the coveted nullification abilities from his grandfather. Since Daizen's ability is dependent on mirroring others, nullification is his only constant ability that doesn't change. Simple touch can nullify any ability he pleases.


|Detailed Personality|
Daizen's personality around the Mafia is definitely no secret. He's a boisterous and outgoing young male, one who doesn't hesitate to put in his two cents. The male can be a bit dorky and clumsy, but it only seems to add to his charm. Daizen comes off as an extremely confident young man, and he has steadily worked his way up the ranks, becoming a dedicated member of the Mafia. His determination to please and go beyond has caught the eye of the Bosses, and he hopes to one day rise to an Executive before long. There's no doubt that Daizen is one of the Mafia's pretty boys, and he enjoys the attention. Usually he partakes in quick flings and love that dies fast, as he gets bored easily. Not much seems to really keep his attention efficiently, other than sex. Speaking of it, Daizen eludes sex appeal, and he definitely knows it too. The male is also a huge partier, he loved to go out and drink, and partake in some particularly hard drugs. There's few things that Daizen won't do, all he really needs is a dare. He's very spontaneous and wreckless, but Daizen never lets that stop him.

Likes - Daizen loves to go out and partake in large parties and ragers. Drinking, smoking, and having sex are high up on his list.

Dislikes - Daizen hates it when he's flustered, and he really has no tolerance for spicy foods. He also doesn't like when anyone messes with his twin brother, Daisuke.

Daizen is a very dominant young male, one whose pride seems to be tainted if he's in a role of submission. He also gets a little too flustered if he does happen to be submissive, it's a bit embaressing to him.


|Family Tree|
Taiyo Osamu ~ Father ~ Alive
Inari Osamu ~ Mother ~ Alive
Daisuke Osamu ~ Twin Brother ~ Alive


|Crush/Love Interest|



|Theme Song|
WHAT U CALL THAT by Chase Atlantic

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

|Back Story|
Daizen was born alongside his twin brother, Daisuke, to Inari and Taiyo Osamu. The two boys have come a long way since being children, and Daizen is proud to be named after his grandfather, Dazai. As a child, Daizen was very nerdy and dorky, but as he matured, he grew more into his true colors. Daizen always works hard within the Mafia, and at only seventeen he became a head subordinate of one of the current Executives on the board. Daizen has maintained his position, and knows he's high up on the list to be a next appointed Executive.

Due to the nature of Daizen's ability, he has a lot of fear based respect within the Mafia. It leads to a lot of rumors that he may one day over throw the current Bosses of the Port Mafia, but nobody can be too sure. There hasn't been an Osamu era for over forty years.

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