Mira Nakahara

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|Full Name|
Mira I. Nakahara

|Nick Name(s)|
Little Nakahara

Girl of Insanity

18 Years


|Sexual Orientation|

Gifted Human


Port Mafia

High Division Leader



|Hair Color|
Pastel Blue

|Eye Color|
One Brown, One Blue

Mira has a very two toned sort of style. On one hand, she dresses very innocently and child like, in large sweaters and sweatpants or leggings. On the other hand, she can dress rather suggestively and wears particularly skin tight clothing, which shows off her amazing hourglass figure and large breasts. The color of most of her clothing is light, and she doesn't really wear very many darker end colors.

Mira has no tattoos, but she seems to make up for that with the copious scars that litter her body. They are long and deep scars that will remain for the rest of her life. She has some simple ear piercings, but that's all she had wanted.

Mira's ability is known as Human Malfunction.

Mira's ability takes the form of a spirit, her twin sister who deceased in her mother's womb. Mira is able to control this spirit, who she's named Aoi. It's practically like she has the control of a poltergeist. The female is able to detatch her sister's spirit from her body and make her do a multitude of tasks. These include flinging items or weapons, inflicting psychological pain, listening in on nearby conversations, and even a sort of mind control to a certain degree. It's a particularly useful ability, and has served well in getting her to the top of her own division.


|Detailed Personality|
Mira is the youngest Nakahara in the line of children from Ryuzo and Hana. To say she is a trouble maker and extremely chaotic is putting things lightly. Mira has a determined and slightly detatched personality that leaves most members of the Mafia confused right after talking to her. She often mutters to herself and says things that can be slightly out of it, and she has a fascination with abilities and how they connect to the people wielding them. The young girl is also a little mezmorized by death, and she's a bit of an obsessor at times. Her focus can be so firmly planted on something that it takes over her whole agenda, and she'll do anything to get what she wants. Mira doesn't play nice, either. If you happen to get on her bad side, or you make an enemy of her, it's sure to end horribly. She isn't above doing some low blows to get what she wants. When Mira is brought up in the Mafia, most just concern her as a bubbly girl who's just off her rocker, which for the most part is true. Those she cares for are defended with her life, and she can be quite affectionate with those people. She is the princess of the family, and incredibly intelligent when it comes to strategizing and researching. She's a great person to go to for factual knowledge, as her obsessive side unintentionally makes everything commit to memory. Without a doubt, she is a strong girl, but she's still young, just barely eighteen. The female has a lot to learn before she really grows up.

Likes - Mira loves to study and absorb herself into things. She also enjoys going out and sneaking out after her older siblings to bars, and getting into all sorts of trouble.

Dislikes - Mira can't stand when she feels restricted, and hates to be told no. She just can't seem to take it as an answer. The female also doesn't seem to enjoy when people comment on the way she acts.

Mira is a very submissive female, but she will take things to a near dominant form if she really wants something. The female can be a bit of a switch, but would much rather be the one being thrown around.


|Family Tree|
Ryuzo Nakahara Tahvo ~ Father ~ Alive
Hana Nakahara Tahvo~ Mother ~ Alive
Narumi Nakahara ~ Older Sister ~ Alive


|Crush/Love Interest|



|Theme Song|
HAUNTED by Isabel LaRosa

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

|Back Story|
Mira was the final child born to Hana and Ryuzo Nakahara. She was a bubbly and playful young child, but she had a rather close call very young in her childhood. At eight years old she was taken, assaulted, and given the scars that she still bears today, formed by barbed wire. Due to this early trauma, she has been overtly protected by her parents, and her older siblings are also quite protective of her. It seemed to have slowed some of the maturity that needed to happen with her, and as a result she still acts out like a little girl despite now being an adult.

Mira's ability has a lot to do with what happened to her before her mother Hana gave birth to her. She was originally supposed to be part of a set of twin girls, but natural selection simply came into play. Her twin was too weak in the womb, and as a result, she absorbed her sister. It was a case of vanishing twin syndrome, but luckily since it had happened in the first trimester, it didn't effect Mira or Hana. Her ability connects her to the spirit of her deceased twin sister, who she has called Aoi. People who have tried to decipher her ability say the mood swings and obsessive outbursts are actually a result of Mira's twin influencing her. Aoi is an angry spirit, and that anger sometimes is reflected through Mira. It also explains why she seems to mutter so much and be a bit oblivious, since she often talks to Aoi and becomes a little detatched from the world.

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