Aengwen (Finding Hope)

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Name: Aengwen Undoeme

Nickname(s): Wennie (Keith, Pidge, Hunk), Princess (Tirnel), Angel (Lance, obviously. He adores her since she reminds him of his sisters), Lady (again, Tirnel).

Alias(s): Songstress, Holy Maiden (given by the people of Pillerna)

Home-planet: Pillerna

Species: Pillernian

Age: Not exact, but around a few thousand years, maybe 7,000? (Not including cyrosleep time)

Gender: Female

Height: 4'9

Weight: 83 Ibs

Sexual Orientation: As far as we know, she is straight. She has the mind of a child though so she hasn't actually thought of anyone in this way.

Relationship status (taken, single, etc.): Single, mainly because she, oh I don't know, has the body and mind of a child?!

Occupation: None.

Birthday: January 27th on Earth calendar, the Pillarian calendar is very similar but with different month names.

astrological sign/zodiac (Greek Zodiac like Pisces, Scorpio, Aries, etc.) {if you don't know the dates look them up!}: Aquarius

Birthstone: Garnet

personality: She is hard and cold at first, but once you get to know her, she is kind and gentle. Unlike Tirnel, who doubts everything with a frown, she can be seen being positive and smiling. She is easily manipulated into doing things she doesn't want to do, as noted later on during a fight when she is forced to reveal her ability to Team Voltron to save her teammates. She has the body and mind of a child. However, she has seen starvation and slavery from the Galra during her time of capture. She tries to act mature because she had been hurt so much. She is not able to do so without feeling like she has upset whoever she shows this act to.

likes: oversized sweaters, dancing, singing (Lance calls her Angel for a reason), hugs, Tirnel, team Voltron, sleeping, plants, nature, dressing up with Allura

dislikes: cussing, makeup, snow, small spaces, tight clothes, lightning

past/bio: Aengwen is the daughter of the king and queen of Pillerna. She was the middle child, however, she was spoiled heavily due to her singing ability, which is a coveted trait on her home planet. Because of this, her siblings and half-brother treated her badly. However, she still loved them, even trying to use her voice to protect them during the Galran massacre of her family. She still has flashbacks of this event, since she saw her entire family die right in front of her eyes.


Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Hairstyle: long, straight, ends at knees

Skin color: Alabaster

Scar(s): one beginning right under her eye and ending at the bridge of her nose

Any bodily modifications? Like cyborg parts?: No

Accessories: Bandage wrapping that hides her eye and some of her scar.

any tattoos? If so tell what the tattoo(s) look like and where the tattoo(s) are on the person's body: No

Piercing: None

Royalty Information

Role: Princess, Heir to the Throne

Of what planet?: Pillerna

Allies: Altea, TBA.

Other: The entire royal family of Pillerna is considered dead, except her eldest brother and Aengwen. If Aengwen goes back home, then she will be crowned queen. She is the middle child of 5 children. Her brother, Zheind, was exiled by her father for treason after helping the Galra find their planet, which had been cloaked so that it could not fall. The crown would have went to Eruima, since Zheind was not a full-blood royal.


Father: dead

Mother: dead

Siblings (order of age): Locien (brother, dead), Illya (sister, dead), Eruima (sister, dead), Zheind (half-brother, alive)

relatives: Tirnel (distant cousin, alive)

best friend(s): Tirnel

friend(s): Team Voltron, Tirnel.

Love interest/crush: None, because she's basically a kid.



- "I can't just sit here as my friends are being defeated around me, Tirnel! Are you with me or not?" -Before revealing her ability to Team Voltron

- "Who... Who are you? Where's Tirnel?" - First line from her

- "Tirnel... It's okay, I promise. I'm okay, you're okay, and we'll be okay. Look, these Paladins are going to help us get away. Maybe we can go home or take refuge somewhere safe and peaceful." -Aengwen trying to comfort Tirnel

- "My name...? Such silly questions you humans ask! To answer, I am Princess Aengwen Undoeme, Crown Princess of Pillerna and Heir to the Throne." - Official introduction from Aengwen

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