Fire Emblem Fates: Ryoko

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Name: Ryoko

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Birthday: December 6th

Birthplace: Nohr

Race: Nohrian-Mokushu

Class: Priestess

Level Obtained: 3

Backstory: It starts with her parents. She is the daughter of a noble of Nohr and a miko for a shrine on the border of Hoshido and Mokushu.
After Ryoko's birth, her mother ran from her father, fearing that her child and herself would be murdered by her father's outraged family. She runs back to her shrine and drops her child off, knowing that her child will be safe with her sister, Ryoko's aunt. Her mother runs off, never to be seen again. It is assumed that her mother is dead. She lived at the shrine with her aunt in her childhood, happily becoming a miko to help her aunt tend to the shrine, unaware of their familial relation.
When she was young, she was frequently bullied by the boys of the nearby Hoshidan village because she was strange. They would pull her hair, tease her verbally, throw rocks at her, slap, kick and hit her. This grew into a fear of men on her part.
Her aunt went so far as to beg the nearby Mokushu village to send a ninja in training. The boy, named Koyo, and Ryoko spend a few years together, growing to be best friends. This helped her get over the fear of talking to men, however touch was a different story.
Koyo and Ryoko eventually parted, with a promise to meet again. The bagged necklace around her neck holds a gift from him inside, a small piece of sapphire.
On her 19th birthday, Nohrian soldiers (allied with Mokushu ninjas) show up claiming that the shrine's priestess and mikos are all Hoshidan sympathizers and openly attacks. Ryoko's aunt tries to fight back but dies, and Ryoko finds out the horrible truth of their relationship in her aunt's last moments.
Corrin and their army appears and manage to save Ryoko's life via Azura's singing ability, who was engulfed in her murderous rage that she had been possessed by an unknown entity. Ryoko feels inclined to join them on their travels. Ryoko's help is happily accepted with wide arms on Corrin's part, as the army does need healers.
During Chapter 10, after the fight, she has a cutscene with the ninja Koyo finally reuniting. He ends up joining their cause to stay with Ryoko, and swears to never leave her side again.

Weapon(s): Staff/Festal, Bows/Yumis

Most Used Weapon: Staff

Weapon Proficiency: C in staves/festals, D in bows/yumis

Inventory: Sun Festal (15/15), Vulnerary (3/3), Master Seal (1)

Battle Partner(s): Kaze, Corrin, Kaden

Path: Birthright.

What happens to them in other paths?: In Conquest, Corrin and their army are the ones who killed Mitsuko, Ryoko's aunt. Because of this, Ryoko flies into a possessed rage and ends up having to be killed to quell her anger.
In Revelations, she was actually temporarily possessed by Anakanos, and Azura has to sing to her to snap her out of his possession. She joins their group happily.


Hair Color: Dark brown

Hair Style: Long, worn down with any hair above her ears other than her bangs pulled back, decorated with her mother's very own ivory oriental comb.

Eye Color: Light green

Skin Color: Porcelain

Height: Short (5'0)

Weight: 127 Ibs

Outfit(s): Prior to joining Corrin's Army, she wears a long red skirt (a hakama) and a white kimono jacket (a haori) over her underclothing (kosode), which is typical attire for mikos like her.

fter joining, her attire slightly changes. She wears a shortened version of her hakama and a sleeveless haori, although she does wear the haori sleeves with ribbon details.


(Being healed/assisted)
- "Thank you very much!"
- "Ah, that feels better!"
- "Woah, didn't see that!"

- "There you go!"
- "I've got you covered."
- "No! Not today!"
- "Don't touch them!"

(Defeating an enemy)
- "I'm so sorry."
- "This was for the best."
- "Rest in peace."

- "I'm so sorry Corrin, I'm too injured to continue. I must withdraw."

- "I'm done with you!"
- "You've done it now!"
- "Prepare to be defeated, heheh..."

- "I tried my best... Sorry for letting you down."

(Leveling up)
- "Oh... I see."
- "I'm getting stronger!"
- "I'll be able to help more!"

(Love confession)
- "I promise I will protect you to the best of my ability, my love. I will not allow you to hurt any longer!"

(Being invited to the Avatar's My Room)
- "Was there something you wanted to say to me?"
- "W-Why am I here e-exactly...?"
- "Yes? Is something t-the matter?"

(Married, Avatar returning to My Room)
- "Oh, you're back! It's good to see you again. Our children have been anxious."
- "Hey, hey! Would you close your eyes for a moment? I promise it won't be anything bad. *kiss* Hehe, look at that. You're blushing! How cute."

My Room (talking)
-"Eh? You seem off today... Maybe I should leave and come back later..."
- "Are you certain you aren't hurt?" (Female avatar)
- "I had better things to do, but I suppose it can't be helped." (Male Avatar)
- "Eh? Why are you staring at me like that?" (A-support only)

(Dawn Lottery)
- "If you need something, please say something to me."
- "I sincerely hope you find a good use for this!" (Bad)
- "How lovely! I know you can find a use for this!" (Good)
- "Yay! I'm so happy you got this!" (Great)

(Hot springs)
- "A-Ah! Lady Corrin, you startled me..." (Female Corrin only)
- "How lovely the warm water feels on my muscles..." (Female Corrin only)
- "This was a good investment, Lady Corrin..." (Female Corrin only)
- "Don't overwork yourself, Lady Corrin. It's bad for your health." (Female Corrin only)
- "Ack! Get out, get out, get out!" (Male Corrin only)

- "To be honest, being in here is a little... unsettling."
- "You want... Me to talk to the Nohrian? Well, I can try, I suppose."
- "Look at that! They were so eager to join us! (Successful persuasion)
- "Eek! Don't make me go back there, please." (Failed persuasion)

(Castle Talk)
- "Oh! I was just about to do a trick with my bow! Wanna watch?"

~Attainable Supports~


Male Avatar - C, B, A, S
Female Avatar - C, B, A
Kaze - C, B, A, S
Setsuna - C, B, A, A+
Takumi - C, B, A, S
Sakura - C, B, A
Ryoma - C, B, A, S
Azura - C, B, A, A+
Hinoka - C, B, A, A+
Kaden - C, B, A, S
Subaki - C, B, A, S


Laslow - C, B, A, S
Camilla - C, B, A
Leo - C, B, A, S
Elise - C, B, A
Xander - C, B, A, S
Niles - C, B, A, S
Selena - C, B, A, A+

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