Arashi Namikaze

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Arashi Namikaze

(Arashi Namikaze without the mask. Sorry, but NovelAI was doing it again and not giving me the results I wanted aka him looking forward without his clothes looking sus)

(And ignore that spot on his left eye in the third pic without his mask. This is honestly the best one that I like since we can see a little bit more of his face)

Name: Arashi Namikaze

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Orange

Species: Human/Alien 

Skin Color: Tan

Appearance: Young male in his early twenties with scars on his body (Kind of a mix between the 1 and 2 of the no mask pics). Seems to prefer using traditional ninja outfits in contrast to the standard shinobi uniform.

Age: 22

Personality: Calm, deadly, efficient and dangerous. Brutal on the battlefield, chill off the battlefield.

Family: Minato Namikaze (Father), Kushina Uzumaki (Stepmother), Naruko Uzumaki (Half-sister), biological Mother (Unknown).


Powers: Chakra, sensory ninja, enhanced senses, flight, dimension warping/creation, nature manipulation, Chakra absorption, Six Paths: Yin and Yang, teleportation. ???/???/???.

Sexuality: Straight.

Love Interests: ...Well one is a certain female alien. (Not from a series, an OC) and the others are 'undetermined' at the moment.

Likes: His family, his village, his friends, his lovers, The shinobi nations, the Twisting Realms, Orario, Ovius, Drakonia, earth, the food that is not found in the Shinobi Nations (He's kind of like Beerus when it comes to food), the Vanguardians, the Paradigms, the Kamen Riders, etc. etc.

Dislikes: Union (varies on the timeline), Vought, villains, LOV, corruption, individuals in power that abuses their power. Greed, senseless murder, rapists, abusers, hypocrites, those who try to tell you what to do. Karens, the SDC, Atlas (varies on the timeline).

People who would sell out their fellow people for power, those who would abandon humanity just for power, Danzo Shimura, Madara, Sasuke (for abandoning the village and being a little shit), Jiraiya (not because he's a pervert. But that he kept the fact that he knew Naruko parents but couldn't even drop any kind of hint. And Arashi found his training of Naruko to be lackluster and a disgrace to someone of his caliber. Arashi had to train Naruko the moment she came back. Both in combat and in fashion)

Old fogies who were still stuck in the old ways and refuse to adapt to the times.


Arashi Namikaze is the result of a one night between Namikaze Minato and an unknown woman. At this point in time, Minato and Kushina were not together as it would take a little bit longer before the two finally admitted their feelings and started going out.

(Minato Namikaze)

There were some back and forth 'friendly' banter between the two, but nothing concrete just yet.

Minato was unaware of Arashi birth due to Arashi mother keeping him a secret to protect him from his father growing list of enemies.

Especially with the Third Shinobi World War in full swing.

But Arashi mother had another reason as well. One that wouldn't be known for a very long time.

While the Third Shinobi War raged on, Arashi mother would begin to teach him the art of Chakra and of the forms jutsus as he grew up. From Ninjutsu to Taijutsu to Genjutsu to Bukijutsu and more. 

Though that was more of a later time due to Arashi being too young to learn some of them at once. Instead, Arashi mother decided to first teach him a useful ability.


Which she might have made a mistake. After now having to fly after him now that the ball of energy was now flying around like a pinball.

Eventually, time moved on, and the war finally came to an end. 

Minato, for his part, could never forget about the woman he had a night of passion with. And felt guilty for continuing to think of her even though he was now with Kushina. Don't get him wrong, he loves Kushina, a lot.

But there was something about that woman that was alluring.

But Minato had other things to deal with that required his attention. The end of the war aftermath, mourning the loss of his two precious students who were like his own kids, making sure Kakashi didn't go off the deep end.

Oh, and the fact that he was going to carry one the mantle of Hokage very soon.

But it all came to a head after Kushina announced to Minato that she was pregnant with their child.

Minato was over the moon when he heard this. But now, his mind was pulled back to that woman, and he couldn't now help but wonder.

'Did I have a child with her?'

It was something that was on the back of his mind but with the chaos of the war he didn't have much time to think about it. He thought about going to see her during the war to check on her.

But Minato was nothing if not carrying a healthy dose of paranoia.

If he had went to check up on her, his enemies or someone might have followed him. And if they discovered that he had a connection to her. They would have killed as revenge for the Yellow Flash killing their fellow shinobi.

Kushina for her part was worried after Minato initial reaction of joy now turned to contemplative.

That was worrying as Minato only did that when he had something weighing on his mind.


Kushina asked her husband.

"Is something the matter?"

Sighing, Minato decided to just be upfront and tell her of the mysterious woman that he had a night of romance with.

Kushina for her part.



Her husband actually got laid before they even got together!?

"That's why you're such a beast in bed!"

Kushina shouted as she pointed at Minato.



Who just happened to be drinking a glass of water and was now choking on it as it went down wrong after spitting it out.

"Crap!" Kushina shouted as she realized what she had caused. "Quick! The Heimlich Maneuver, Dattebane!!"

After saving Minato from choking himself to death, which he muttered at:

"I have killed many powerful shinobi. Gone toe to toe Bloodline users, even fought the Tsuchikage, someone as old and experienced as Hiruzen, and even A and Bee of Kumo. And yet, what almost does me in is me choking on my drink."

"The hell?"

He deadpanned as Kushina nervously chuckled at that.


Kushina scratched her cheek.

"But tell me about your mysterious lady!!"

Kushina shouted.

"Okay, okay!" Minato raised his hands in defeat. "But don't go telling anyone, ESPECIALLY JIRAIYA-SENSEI!!"

"I respect my old sensei. But he does not need to know about my private life. Especially my sex life!!"


Kushina said quickly.

Besides, it's not like she would tell him anyways. A great ninja, Jiraiya of the Sanin might be. But a massive pervert who takes inspiration from almost anything for his novels.

They didn't need him trying to make some spicy novel with some sort of love triangle involving Minato, Kushina, and this mysterious lady.

And so, Minato told her everything of the short time he and the mysterious lady knew each other.

...And went into great detail, by Kushina unrelenting persistence, at how he banged the sexy, mystery girl.

'Why is my wife such a bisexual disaster?'

Minato thought to himself.

He now had the realization why she wanted to know so badly.

"You should bring her to Konoha and have her be a part of our family, Dattebane!"

...There it was.

"How am I NOT surprised?"

Minato deadpanned as Kushina giggled.

But Minato went to where she lived.

Only to find that it has been abandoned for quite some time. The lady having left a note saying:

To any of my old friends...I have moved.

See ya suckers!

...Well...that was unexpected.

Minato mused to himself.

Oh well. Time to see his wife explode.

And explode she did. Kami, he loves his wife, but she can be so melodramatic.

Which had gone into overdrive due to her pregnancy.

Time would pass and soon, Kushina would give birth to a healthy baby girl.

Naruko Uzumaki.

But their happiness was not to last. For a mask figure claiming himself to Uchiha Madara attacked. Killing the midwife and Sarutobi wife, Biwako, before forcing Minato to retreat after he laced Naruko blanket with explosive tags. Giving the masked figure the distraction he needed to make off with Kushina.

Once Minato made sure that Naruko was safe in the safehouse. He went back for Kushina, knowing that she was the target. Especially since Kushina is the Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Kitsune (The Nine-Tailed Fox).

Unfortunately, so time had been wasted thanks to the masked man distraction that he was able to extract the fox from its seal. Due to Kushina being an Uzumaki she didn't die instantly and Minato was able to get her to safety. Leaving her with their newly born daughter as Minato don his white haori with red flame like motifs at the edges that had the Kanji for Yondaime Hokage written vertically on the back.

After stopping an attack from the controlled Nine Tails, Minato would soon do battle with 'Madara' who tried to take him out of the fight because he was the biggest threat to his plans. But as always, people tend to underestimate those who did possess a special power or bloodline.

Minato quick and calculating prowess quickly helped him deduce how the masked figure time-space ninjutsu worked and he was able to deal a devastating blow to the masked figure with a combo attack of the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique) and the Rasengan (Spiraling Chakra Sphere) and defeated the masked man after freeing the fox from his control.

And so, 'Madara' was forced to flee. But not without leaving behind the promise that this was far from over.

Sadly, Minato knew that to be the truth.

And with a heavy heart, made the decision to seal the fox inside Naruko. Much to Kushina sadness and protests, but knowing that Minato does everything for a reason.

And granted, while Minato did have that prophecy that Jiraiya told him from a long time ago. His actual reason was because he knew that if anyone could stop the masked man goals. It would be their child.

How he knew this, even he wasn't sure. But he felt it in every fiber of his body that Naruko would be the one to bring an end to the mysterious madman plans.

He just had to pray that Hiruzen can make sure that Naruko isn't hated for being the container of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

...He didn't have much hope.

Well, there was Jiraiya...wait...he would make some excuse about his spy network needing his attention and all that despite being her godfather.

Kakahsi! ...Never mind.

Tsunade? Left the village a while back and once news of their passing reached her ears. She won't be coming back anytime soon.

Mikoto and Fugaku? Unfortunately, they were a part of the Uchiha Clan and despite many years of excellent service. Were still regarded with distrust and suspicions thanks to Madara 'fucking' Uchiha. That would be political suicide and he wasn't going to put them through that hell.

His mysterious lover? She was mysterious for a reason.

'Ah, fuck.'

Minato mentally deadpanned.

'Why can't there be someone we can trust to watch over our daughter 100%?'

Sighing, he sealed half of the fox inside her, the Yang half to be specific. While he sealed the Yin half inside of him.

And thus began the start of Naruko adventure as a shinobi.

In about another decade or so.

During this time, Arashi would be trained by his mother to hone and harness the immense power he held deep within.

Until, finally, she decided that he has learned what he could from her. Now he must learn by himself and see the world for what it is. And make the final decision.

What it was, only she knew.

So, she disappeared with a letter left behind for him. Telling him she loves him deeply and that he was destined for great things. And that one day they WILL meet again, but for now. Go to Konoha.

His father home.

At this point in time, she had told him everything.

So, he left.

And made it to Konoha where he enrolled in the Ninja Academy, albeit a bit late but he was accepted regardless of his age. And excelled.

Many of the older generation noted that his prodigal talent was reminiscent of the late Fourth Hokage.

Some getting a bit of Déjà vu when they looked at him.


Was the thought running through their heads.

Little did they know that he was the secret son of Minato Namikaze.

Of course, Arashi would meet Naruko. That was one of his goals since he knew she was his little half sister.

How his mother knew when it was a secret, no one would learn until a certain event.

Rather annoyed at her disheveled, raggedy state. Arashi took her under his wing and basically moved her into his house.

This was met with resistance from neighbors, and other locals who know of Naruko secret. Hell! Even the landowner threatened him eviction if he 'didn't get that unsightly demon spawn off his property!'

Arashi unleashed a wave of terror and pain upon them.

Many were sent to the hospital very traumatized from the brutal beating they had received from the male. Many wanted him out, but dared not say anything after what he had did.

Hiruzen was at a loss.

On one hand, he was glad that there was someone who protected Naruko.

On the other hand, he was worried for the young boy safety. He was strong, yes that was something he had noticed. But even he could not protect her at all times.

"Minato, old friend, what would you have me do?"

He asked the picture of Minato that was handing on the wall with the other Hokage pictures.

"Set the village on fire."

The pic 'talked'.


Hiruzen looked at the picture in shock as it looked teh same as always.

"The paperwork is getting to me."

Hiruzen muttered as he went to deal wiht the true bane of his existence.


'How the hell did you survive this Minato!?'

Hiruzen thought in despair.

Minato always seemed amused at the amount of paperwork on his desk.

Because he was considered a genius for many reasons.

Not even the dreaded paperwork was no match for him.

Arashi was met with a lot of stares and looks of fear. His reputation spreading quickly like wildfire after hearing of what he did to those who treated Naruko like dirt.

Many did try to overcharge him but failed when he gave the correct amount. Even trying to get the ANBU and police force involved did nothing as he technically did not commit a crime and paid the exact amount.

Thankfully, there were those like the Ramen shop and the weapons shop run by a young girl name TenTen dad that treated them like normal people.

Eventually, Arashi would be in a team and start taking missions. But not before adding security measures and precautions to ensure that no one tried anything while he (and eventually Naruko) was away.

Because surprise, surprise. They did try to do something.

It failed, painfully.

His prowess on the battlefield eventually earned him a new nickname.

The Second Yellow Flash of Konoha.

...Which triggered certain shinobis and villages due to the trauma the FIRST Yellow Flash of Konoha gave them.

And they tried to kill him...his would be assassins either quit or were sent back to their villages in pieces.

Quite an achievement for someone in his teens.

Eventually certain events happen like the Uchiha Clan Massacre and Sasuke turning into an emo.

...For five seconds before Arashi beat it out of him with a chancla.

Sasuke was even more traumatized after that.

Itachi Tsukiyomi paled in comparison against the power of the Chancla.

Arashi ended up taking Sasuke, Naruko, and Sakura under his wing during their time in the academy.

In this timeline, Sakura Haruno had different parents and a different life. For instance, her first real friend was Kiba Inuzuka, not Ino Yamanaka.  

From then on, Sakura life was changed as she was surrounded by positive women influences (Tsume Inuzuka and Hana Inuzuka) that she never received because her mother died in childbirth.

So, she wasn't the fangirl she was in canon (and fanon).

Her father was a businessman and so was often away on trips with only a maid to take care of her.

Arashi offered to help with Sakura, which the woman was glad. Not because she didn't like her. No, she loves her like she was her own daughter.

She just wanted a break from all the crazy ninjas breaking down the front door for no sane reason.

And so, Sakura had the luxury of getting a teacher who could actually teach and wasn't wasting his time reading smut.

She quickly leaned towards medical ninjutsu. Especially with how destructive all three of them could be.

Arashi wondered who he pissed off in a past life to be given such an interesting life.

Soon, many things would happen.

Sasuke would awaken the Sharingan after Arashi questioned him about the requirements and he told him. 

To which Arashi asked:

"Then shouldn't you already have it then? You did witness a very traumatic event that should have fit the requirements."



Sasuke stumbled because the dobe (Naruko: Stop calling me a dobe, teme! Sasuke: Stop calling me a teme then...dobe.) brother had a very good point.

With a hesitant inhale, he focused on his eyes and saw to his shock. That he HAD already awakened the Sharingan. It might have only been with one tomoe in each eye, but it was there.

"I'm guessing the trauma of what you had been forced to witness subconsciously locked it away."

Arashi said as Sakura and Naruko looked at his eyes in awe.


That makes sense. After all, seeing your brother, who he idolized the most, kill your clansmen, and your parents and forced to watch it all in such a sadistic manner. No wonder it wouldn't register to him that he probably awoken it by then.

Then, Arashi told Naruko the truth about why she was hated.



...Good thing they had put soundproof Fūinjutsu already in the house.

"That's why they called me a demon?!"

She shouted in pure shock.

"The only thing demonic is Naruko insane appetite for ramen."

Sakura deadpanned.


"It's true though."

Sasuke smirked.

"Screw you, Teme!"

"No thanks, not interested."

Arashi chuckled at the sibling like banter between the three.

Before frowning as he had to tell the next part.

Of her parents and their relations.

Their reactions?


Was pure shock and disbelief.

"The Fourth Hokage is my father!?"

"Naruko has family!?"

"Naruko is part of a clan!?"

Yep. They were surprisingly taking it better than expected.

"I had a crush on my own dad and brother!?"

Ayo, say what now?


Arashi looked at her in surprise as she blushed.

"I-I mean, it's not wrong to have a crush." She admitted. "But I did not know I was crushing on my blood family."

...Well at least they nipped THAT problem in the bud.

"You must keep this a secret though."

Arashi told them.

"There is a reason why Naruko parents are kept a secret. Especially father. He's made a lot of enemies when he was still alive the Third Shinobi War."

"I believe it." Sasuke nodded. "Tou-sama always said that Minato-Sama was extremely powerful, and some had put him on a rank as close as to the Shodaime Hokage and Uchiha Madara. If not on the SAME LEVEL."

"That is something that not just anyone can be capable of achieving."

Considering how legendary and powerful the First Hokage and Madara were, that was saying something.


Arashi ran a finger through his hair.

"If Tou-san was still alive, who knows what heights he could have achieved."

"But back on topic." He said. "No one can know about this. Hell! They aren't aware that I know of Naruko parents and if they found out that will lead to questions that I can't answer."

"Because only your mother has the answers."

Sakura nodded her head in understanding.


Arashi nodded.

And so time flew by.

Naruko, Sakura, and Sasuke would all become members of Team 7 and trained by the legendary Copycat ninja Kakashi Hatake.

"...Is it too late to ask for Arashi-nii to be our instructor?"

Naruko asked her teammates who just shrugged wondering the same thing.

After all, Arashi had told them that Kakashi was the last surviving member of Minato old genin squad and had a fearsome reputation.

The giggling, lazy slacker they were seeing...was not giving them confidence.

That doubt quickly went away when they nearly burned his book, and he took them on seriously.

That was an asskicking they won't soon be forgetting.

And just like Arashi, they too would see the world and understand what it meant to be Shinobis.

Specifically Wave, where they fought the missing-nin Zabuza and his companion, Haku. They defeated them and then forged a quick alliance when Gato the Terrible (and hideous) made his appearance with his pitiful mob army.

After gloating that he never intended to pay him and was going to kill him regardless of whether or not he killed Tazuna. Gato met his end as Zabuza showed why he was called 'The Demon of the Mist'.

After that Zabuza and Haku would be at a crossroad of where they should go. Maybe to Konoha iwth the tree huggers? Try to continue overthrowing the Fourth Mizukage?

Their questions were answered when out of nowhere, an envoy arrived.

And at the head of it.

Mei Terumi.

The Godaime Mizukage of Kirigakure.

Who has been looking for him for quite some time after the revolution was a success and wanting to bring him back as one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.

Zabuza was, obviously, genuinely surprised when he heard the news. Having been on the run, he did not really keep up and even if he did. He would be wary of returning since he was a Nuke-nin.

And admittedly, Zabuza missed his home.

...Okay, and he missed Mei as well. The two were old flames which might be reignited once more.

So, Zabuza agreed to return home with Haku in tow. With a promise to meet them again one day.

Then teh Chunin exams came around.

Orochimaru marked Sasuke iwth the Cursed Seal in an attempt to get him to abandon the village for power and for Orochimaru to use his body stealing technique to get his Sharingan so that he can copy almost all the Jutsu in the world.

Obviously, he can't steal Kekkei Genkai based Justsu without the Kekkei Genkai in question.

But what Orochimaru didn't know, like a good majority of Konoha and the world and even Itachi. Was that Sasuke had changed thanks to Arashi influence.

While he was still going to make Itachi pay by burning his supply of pocky and dango. He was not going to play to his psycho older brother tune and waste his whole life trying to kill him.


This was the perfect opportunity to train under a Sannin.

So, after the Invasion failed and they went in search of Tsunade and Itachi made his reappearance to propel Sasuke into killing him. Sasuke went to Orochimaru, but had to make a big scene because no one knew of the plan that the trio had.

But Sasuke and Naruko always got a little too into it. Which is why Sakura had to be present so that they didn't actually kill themselves.

Though for some reason, people were of the belief that she was a Uchiha fangirl.


So, anyways. Sasuke leaves and trains with Orochimaru, Jiraiya takes Naruko under his wing, Sakura trains under Tsunade. And this would continue on for three years.

Arashi would continue on his own training.

Knowing that soon enough all their answers would be revealed.

Three years later, the organization known as the Akatsuki (which Itachi was a part of), would make their move and go after the Jinchūriki and bijū (Tailed Beasts).

Arashi, Naruko, and Sakura would be part of the frontlines as this mattered to them a lot.

While Sasuke prepared to kill Orochimaru eventually. Knowing that he was too dangerous to be left alive.

After several battles waged agasint the Akatsuki, Sasuke killed Orochimaru, then fought against his older brother while Tobi (aka 'Madara') stalled the group.

Tobi was apprehensive of Arashi.

Especially as it took all his skills, his power, his Sharingan to keep the man at bay and stop him from getting past him.

'Who is he!?'

Tobi thought to himself.

'And why does he remind of sense!?'

Especially with his sensei signature techniques!

But soon Zetsu reports that Sasuke has won and Itachi is dead.

Tobi quickly snatches Sasuke away and tries to lure him to his side.

While greatly shocked at the truth. Sasuke knew what he had to do.

He had to pretend he was on Madara side and when the timing right, he'll strike.

And so he joined Akatsuki and 'kidnapped' Killer B but had quickly used a genjutsu to relay his true intentions. He needed to 'kidnap' him so the Akatsuki can extract his bijū, but since Sasuke has no intentions on helping Madara. He needed him to play along.

Which Killer B did without losing a beat.

Then came Pain invasion of Konoha.



Pain grunted as he was brutally slammed into the ground.

Only for Arashi to take him on and match him in combat.

"Incredible..." Pain grunted as he got up. "I did not think that there was someone who could stand up to me in this village besides the long dead Yondaime Hokage."

"Guess I'm just that special."

Arashi coldly said as weave extremely fast hand signs.

"But all shall know PAIN."

Pain said as he lifted his hand.


A massive explosion between the two erupted.

Soon after, Naruko would make her grand entrance and take over the fight as she had questions that only Pain could answer.

The battle grew brutal as Naruko and Pain clashed.

Pain was already wearing down due to the fight between himself and Arashi.

Speaking of which, Arashi went to hunt down the true head of Pain while Naruko battled him.

He found him and Konan as Naruko, for some reason, lost control and went berserk with almost the Fox being reborn. But just to stop for some reason.

"Do you think you can stop pain?"

The controller, Nagato Uzumaki, asked him.

"No." Arashi simply said. "Pain is a constant. You can't live life without experiencing pain of some sort. It is a part of us. Makes us human, makes us feel alive and understand the true value of life and ourselves."

"And what it means to live."


Nagato pondered that as Naruko finished off the last of his bodies and made her way towards them.

After words were said and Nagato deciding to place his trust in them, he sacrificed his life to resurrect the people that were killed in battle.

Truly, the Rinnegan was a fearsome power.

Soon, the Kage summit would convene at A behest. Madara would openly declare war, Danzo would die, mainly because he was simply too dangerous despite his well meaning intentions. Sasuke would keep his cover while throwing out hints and such that only they knew how to translate.

...They weren't sure if they were going to kill him or not after this.

And soon the Fourth World Shinobi War began.

The United Ninja Alliance against Madara, Kabuto, and the Undead.

It was amazing, the power of Unity. 

Even though those summoned by the Edo Tensei were practically unstoppable unless sealed away.

Arashi mowed them down with his powers, causing many to question who his parents were. And how did they evade detection from any of the five main ninja villages?

Soon Naruko would join and turn the tide of the war in the Alliance favor. Sasuke would be fully healed and now possessing the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and planning on ending Tobi life.

...Only to change direction when he saw his resurrected brother and decided he needed to confront him now or he will never get the chance again.

After they took down Kabuto and released the Edo Tensei the two were able to talk long enough before Itachi soul returned to the afterlife.

But unfortunately, on the battlefield, the TRUE Madara Uchiha was back in action. And was more than capable of undoing the restrictions the Edo Tensei had on them.

Shouldn't have given him independent action.

And with no one controlling his strings, he annihilated the five kages and rejoined Tobi.

...Or better known as Obito Uchiha.

Kakashi old teammate now turned traitor and resident nutjob.

After several battles which included a resurrected Orochimaru, a snapped to his senses Kabuto, and the aid of the former Hokages. They took on the Jūbi (Ten-Tails) and Obito who became its Jinchūriki for a while.

Then Madara became the Jinchūriki for a while. Before activating the Infinite Tsukiyomi and trapping nearly everyone in their dreams that their hearts coveted.

Then Black Zetsu betrays him and reveals its true ultimate goal.

Reviving the Moon Goddess.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.

Which he used Madara as a medium to bring her back. All the while, revealing everything that it had done over the years since Kaguya was sealed.

From secretly manipulating events in the shadows, to tampering with the Uchiha sacred stone tablet to many other things.

And once the transformation was complete. The ultimate enemy had return.

But while a majority of the ninjas not trapped in a dream got ready.


Arashi shocked voice startled them as they turn and saw Arashi looking at Kaguya in shock.

"Did you just say 'MOM!?'"

Naruko shouted.


Now Minato was the one getting the attention as he stared at the woman that he had a short intimate relationship with.

And was the mother of his son, Arashi.

Boy, was Minato, chakra left in Naruko seal, shocked when he listened in on their conversation that day.

 "Arashi." Kaguya voice, soft and filled with love, said, smiling happily as she looked at him and at Minato. "Minato."

"You're our enemy?"

Arashi was shocked.

"But how?" Minato asked, still trying to process this. "If you were sealed inside the moon, how were you able to manifest yourself on earth?"

"While my full powers were limited in my human vessel." Kaguya began. "It is still possible for me to leave the moon without being detected."

"I'm just not as strong."


Arashi thought to himself, a deadpanned look on his face.

Because if that was true. That meant that she was even stronger than when she was training him!

"But of course." Kaguya smiled softly. "I was unable to stay for as long as I'd like. Sooner or later, I would have to leave or risk being detected by my clan."

Here spat out 'clan' like it was a poison in her mouth.

"Now." She smiled. "Let us begin!"

"The beginning of the end!"

And with that she flew at them!


They were so stunned that they didn't have time to react.


Except for Arashi to quickly block her.


Kaguya grunted as her son now went on the offensive.

It soon became a cataclysmic fight between mother and son. Alien Princess vs. her alien/human hybrid son.

While this was going on.

"I can't believe you fucked the MOON!!"

Naruko shouted at her father.


Minato gave her a look.

"Is now really the time for this!?"

He shouted at her.

"YES!! You fucked the MOON!" Naruko shouted back. "You fucked the Rabbit Milf Moon Goddess!"

"Every time you say something like this, I can see more and more of Kushina in you!"

Everyone just sweatdropped at that.

"Even in death, I'm getting too old for this shit."

Hiruzen groaned.

"Can we...get back to the fight."

Sakura sweatdropped.

And so they did.

Eventually with the combined efforts of Arashi and Team Seven. They were able to defeat Kaguya and seal her back.

But not before.

"You have grown so strong my son."

Kaguya smiled as she put her hands on his face.

"I never regretted having you."

And with that, she was defeated with a smile on her face.

"I love you Arashi."

She said as she turned to Minato.

"And you as well, Minato." She smiled. "Even though our time was short, I enjoyed every minute of it."

"Farewell, my love. And thank you for everything."


Minato just watched as she disappeared.

Soon after, the Infinite Tsukiyomi was released.


"Let's have one last battle."

Sasuke said to Naruko.

"Let us put an end to this cycle of hate that has plagued this world for so long."

"All right!"

Naruko smirked.

"Been wanting to kick your ass for some time now!"

"In your dreams, dobe."

Sasuke smirked as the two duked it out at the Valley of the End.

Arashi and Sakura nearly killed them for nearly killing themselves.

Soon after, Arashi would awaken the Rinne Sharingan (well, still technically the Rinnegan, along with the Byakugan and Sharingan) and with his enormous chakra system.

"Outer Path - Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique!"

Was able to bring his parents and stepmother as well as Neji, Itachi, and Kisame back to life.

Thanks to his unique biological structure and high levels of chakra, he did not die from performing it.

Soon, the villages would rebuild while alliances were solidfied and people got use to their new lives.

Kaguya was a little cautious due to her past before she was sealed. But thanks to Minato and Arashi she was able to warm up a bit to the humans once more.

Kushina was ecstatic.

"A new member to join the family, Dattebane!"

Soon Kaguya would learn just how crazy they were.

Now it was an era of rebuilding and prosperity.

And this is what Kaguya wear now.

No one is crazy enough to hit on her because her husband and wife will kill them.

(Damn Minato is a lucky bastard 😝)

But one thing that eluded Arashi for some time was one simple thing.


Even now at 21, he has never dated, never kissed, never lost his virginity.

Mainly because he hasn't found the right one.

One that is strong, mainly in protecting herself, capable, smart, and someone he can trust to watch his back.

He was wonderign if he would ever get a love life.

Well, he got his answer quickly.

By arrival of a special alien girl.

(Alice Aveline/Arisa)

Arisa, a Dyclonian from a far away planet who had fled due to...certain circumstances. 

She had unintentionally crash landed on top of him in a desperate attempt to escape from her prison and accidentally landed on the half alien boy.


And also accidentally kissing him rather hard.



She shouted as she quickly pulled herself away. Ignoring the fact that she was straddling the male and got a nice view of his body.

"It's fine!"

Arashi said, face red at the unexpected girl landing on him and stealing his first kiss.

"Who are you?"

He asked.


Th girl hesitantly said.


She got out.

"Arashi Namikaze."

The shinobi introduced himself.

"Do you need help?"

He asked.


She admitted as Arashi took her to the village to go see their father who took back the hat and freed Tsunade from the horrors of paperwork.

All the while, the two were thinking.

'Her lips were soft/his lips were firm.'

And thus, a budding romance began.

Soon Arisa, now known as Alice Aveline, would get situated in Konoha, in Arashi house for protection from her enemies.

All the while learning about the new world she was in.

She was extremely shocked to learn that Kaguya was also an alien and that Arashi was hers and Minato son!

It shocked her greatly and yet formed a closer bond to the half alien boy.

She also gave Minato a thumbs up when she learned more about Kaguya.

"You fucked the moon? Noice."

Minato groaned.

He was never going to live that down, was he?

Soon Alice and Arashi would go on mission, learn more about each other, get closer and soon...become much more close.


Alice screamed as she and Arashi bonded for life.

While he also milked her.

Which was fair since she was milking him as well.

She was not the only one blessed with well endowed genetics.

And a year happened.

The Merge.

An event that mixed countless realities into one whole big one.

There they would meet several versions of the Vanguardians.

Alice would join the one that were all female since they were missing an Alice and it turns out that she was meant to be a part of their group.

Arashi groaned when Alice told them that she was open to getting Arashi a harem.

The poor hybrid was in for the time of his life.

Especially when he got the attention of a reality bending psycho.


(Female Taeho)

Who didn't hesitate to make dirty jokes and tease him.

Knowing that it will agitate him.

"I'm going to pound you into oblivion!"

And give Taerin what she wanted.

"Harder, you stud!"

She moaned/purred.

And thus Arashi found himself dating the Vanguardians and Taerin.

Apart form that.

He was not impressed with Union.

They were greedy and corrupted like the SDC and Atlas.

He did not appreciate them calling him and other offworlders primitive and outdated barbarians. And boasting their own egos.

He doesn't much appreciate Issei and Mineta ogling his girls even if they can take care of themselves and clobbered them.

He sent them to the hospital after they made lewd comments towards his mom, stepmom, and sister. Brutally after they said, without shame, that they were going to cuck his father in front of him.

And after his family taught them a lesson?

...How the hell were they still alive after all that?

He finds the Twisting Realms and other worlds to be very interesting and enjoys traveling through them.


(I didn't have time to put Naruko and Kushina pictures so I'll do that later)

This OC is particularly OP due to his alien heritage.

Soo-ah means Beautiful Waters in Korean. But is also just a nameholder if Seraphim has another name in mind.

EDIT: It is now Taerin thanks to Seraphim responding to me.

I'll find a picture for female Taeho eventually. Just don't have time right now.

Arashi doesn't much like Jiraiya because he half assed Naruko training. Still respects him. 

He also doesn't approve of the fact that Jiraiya not once ever dropped a hint that he knew her parents. Thank Kami Arashi already knew thanks to his mother.

Minato Namikaze is my favorite Naruto character despite being killed off right at the beginning.

Hence why he gets more than just one sexy lady.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki went by Usagi when she was on earth.

Kushina Uzumaki is a bisexual disaster.

Minato Namikaze is a beast in bed which is where Arashi gets his bed skills prowess.

Due to her race unique biology. Alice has the ability to lactate. Which makes their foreplay and sex lives all the more arousing.

Alice likes it when Arashi squeezes her large breasts. It somehow relaxes her after she orgasm from the round ministrations he gives to her chest.

Alice, the Vanguardians, Taerin are very kinky lovers.

Arashi has high levels of stamina, virility, and endurance due to his human/alien hybrid biology. And can go on for a long time because of his libido.

Example: He took on all the Vanguardians and Taerin and still wasn't completely satiated.

Arashi has a huge list of jutsu in his arsenal thanks to his parents and stepmom.

Naruko seems to have an interest in a certain Kumo shinobi that goes by the name of Raiden Kurosawa.

Arashi is confused as to why Raiden is scared of him and shakes in his presence.


'He's huge!'

Raiden shivered from the tall male massive presence.

He has an intimidating presence and aura about him.

Arashi despises Vought and especially Stormfront.

He's not particularly fond of the White Fang due to some of the idiots running loose without restraint.

Sakura and Kiba becoming best friends is based on a fic I read on Fanfiction.Net.

It's called:

A Different Friend

By MoonShadow396.

A shame the author stopped updating it.

Kaguya family will eventually make their appearance and throw the world into yet another alien war.

Oh, well.

At least we got the Avenger and Justice League to help us.

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