Seele Licht (The Boys/Union)

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Name: Seele Licht (German for 'Light')

Age: 18

Race: Human

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: German-American

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Cobalt Blue

Skin Color: Tanned White.

Power: Energy Manipulation, Evo human powers.

Likes: Her family, her friends, skateboarding, music, martial arts, the park, the beach, Union, Legion, the Avengers, Justice League, X-Men, the Supernatural, The Seven, The Boys.

Dislikes: The idiots running certain offices. Atlas ego. Corruption. The evil versions of her family and friends. 

Monsters aka heartless/feelingless people.

Villains: Real/hardcore/and wannabe villains.

Fake heroes: Those who are only in it for the fame, the glory, the power, the fans, the hanger ons.

Hates: Alternate Unions, the alternate version of the Seven and her friends. Racism, racist bastards, discrimination, the SDC from other worlds. Hypocrites.


Seele story begins with her parents.

John and Adelheid Licht.


(Adelheid Licht)

John childhood was not a pleasant one. Born in a lab from one of America's first superheroes: Soldier Boy and an unknown woman. He was born with incredible powers. He was raised in a lab and surrounded by doctors like one Jonah Vogalbaum.

Jonah was the one who gave him the name: John.

Jonah had commented that 'John was a sweet child in his early days between 5 and 6.' But in order to create one of the strongest men in the world.

He had to become 'violent, aggressive, wrathful and downright hateful'.

As Jonah quoted in his reports during his later years.

The tortures he went through were horrific and hellish and could not be described in words.

His 'childhood' was similar to a certain 'Specter' from another timeline.

Both going through such cruel and inhumane treatment that could be considered a 'Crime of Humanity'.

In 99% of timelines where Vought exist, John would eventually become a sociopath and one of the most brutal and vain heroes to ever live.

But in this timeline...things were different.

One change. All it took was one change to the formula and everything changed.

This came in the form of the woman that would eventually become his wife.

Adelheid Licht.

A young German girl who would be brought in to become a new Supe as well after her family was deceived into believing she had died on the operating table. Giving them money as compensation as well as a cleverly disguised fake body of her to bury.

An interesting thing to note about her is that her grandparents (or maybe it would be great grandparents if I can understand the timeline right) Cora and Gilbert Licht were formerly Nazi scientists who worked with the Nazi Party of Nazi Germany.

Unlike many in Nazi Germany, Cora and Gilbert did not blindly believe in the Führer ideology like the rest of the Nazi Party firmly and wholeheartedly believed in.

Yes, they had their pride as Germans and for their country. And while they did believe in the existence of a superior race (as doubtful as it is to them). They did not believe in the senseless persecution and violent murders of Jewish people and their neighboring countries that did not ally with them or support their beliefs.

To them, what was the point in killing the Jewish population? Unlike what Hitler had told Nazi Germany, the Jewish people were not responsible for the state of their nation after World War I. But unfortunately, they were just an easy target to exploit and give the German population a focus to direct their anger. Which made it easier for Hitler to lead them to a better future.

This only served to sow more doubt into Cora and Gilbert as time went on. Especially after the creation of the concentration camps and the gas chambers.

Now, they were just being cruel and sadistic.

Especially when Jewish sympathizers were rounded up and captured along with Jewish people that they were hiding/sheltering.

Those were dark times.

After all, they are merciless and cold even to their fellow Germens. 

Germany had lost itself.

After all...

How was waging war against the world and inflicting such inhumane treatment on their fellow men supposed to bring prosperity and happiness to Germany?

The two already knew the answer.

Whatever good intentions that might have existed in the beginning before all this madness happened...they were gone.

Or perhaps, they were never there.

So, with a heavy heart (mainly because they were going to betray their country) they eventually made the choice to leave (well escape. After all its treason to leave your country during a war especially those high up) and fled to America.

There, they would work with American scientists and military to help combat their homeland and stop them from going to the point where Germany may be wiped off the map.

Eventually, they would be joined by two unexpected people.

Doctor Frederick Vought and his wife, Klara Risinger who would eventually become the heroes known as Liberty and Stormfront.

Now, Cora and Gilbert were cautious for good reasons. These were some of Nazi Germany loyal supporters. But they assured them that they had betrayed the Nazis too because they were straying away from their goals.

Cora and Gilbert didn't fully trust them but said nothing as they were needed to end the war.

Time would pass and the war would end in the Allies favor.

Cora and Gilbert would retire and disappear somewhere in America. Away from the certain hate and anti-German sentiments that were sure to arise from this war.

Now we get back to Adelheid. 

She began to develop powers that were not a result of Compound V and were in fact natural.

This drew in the attention of Vought as people were starting to awaken powers of their own that were natural and did not require some kind of formula to imbue them with powers.

So, due to a 'required check up' they made up a lie to the family that they were taking some kind of specialized X-Rays on her when her powers suddenly reacted violently and before they could do anything, she died due to the violent backlash.

This of course was a lie to kidnap her for experiments.

And like John, she did undergo harsh treatments and experiments that the scientists used as a means to better under her powers.

However, Adelheid arrival was the changing point to an otherwise 'canon event'. Having never interacted with someone his age, John was fascinated by her and soon the two began a friendship.

The two endured the harsh experiments and treatments that were an attempt at transforming John into the perfect national symbol.

But John mindset changed after Adelheid told him stories about the outside world. About her home before she was taken away. All the sights, all the places she's been to, the beach.

John seems particularly interested at the beach part, specifically about the sand and the sea.

The foods, the culture, nature itself.

For the first time in a long time, John felt a light growing inside him.

And Hope.

And a plan.

Years would pass by and when John felt it was time.


"You have a choice to make, Doctor."

A 19 year old John gave Dr. Jonah Vogelbaum a harsh stare. The lab destroyed and on fire.

"You let us leave and you get to keep your life."

It was a simple demand but one with heavy implications.

Despite the hell Jonah made him go through, John still saw him as the father he never had. So much, that unlike with a majority of the people in the lab he was giving him a choice:

To live or die.


And Jonah chose to live.

Which might not have been a surprise. In his heart of hearts, he always did have some hidden regret in trying to make John the perfect American Hero.

And even though it was horrible to think of. He was glad that they had kidnapped Adelheid from her family.

Otherwise, John might have turned out to be a complete monster of a hero.

And so, they left.

Adelheid reunited with her shocked family who had thought she had died and buried her years ago.

"My baby!"

Adelheid mother cried tears of joy as she hugged her.

"Son." Adelheid father looked at John. 

"Thank you for bringing our girl home."

"She is my light, sir."

John said.

"For her, I'll protect her and make her happy."


That was a confusing statement.

But it was all cleared up when they learned the truth.

And when they did.



Adelheid mom shouted as she violently sent some glass falling to the ground after learning the truth.

Adelheid dad was no better as he shook with restrained rage.

"To do that to innocent children."

He muttered to himself.


After that John and Adelheid would stay with Adelheid family while they both went through a lot of catching up on their education beside heroism and whatever the lab had them do.

A couple years later.


Adelheid would accept John proposal and surprise him with a surprise of her own.

"I'm pregnant."

John fainted and was not afraid to admit he had such a reaction.

The two married and eventually their daughter was born into the world.

Seele Licht.

Sometime between Seele birth and the Merge. John would eventually join Vought and become Homelander.

This was in part because Jonah asked him to destroy the corruption and inhumane treatment that Vought inflicted upon their test subjects when injecting them with Compound V to give them super powers.

And in part that he wanted to be the hero that he should be.

One who fought for the people of the world.

It was a rather harrowing trial the first year. After all, despite his training he had a hard time controlling his strength and powers.

His first mission was a both a success and a disaster. Unintentionally killing some of the hostages he was supposed to save. Thankfully, he was able to get his emotions in check and was able to save the rest of the hostages.

It did hurt him that they looked at him in fear, but he understood. 

He was dangerous and needed to keep himself under control otherwise risk hurting others like he did today.

Black Noir was about to silence them.

"Don't touch them!"

Only for Homelander to order him to stop.

He was not going to take the easy way out. He would accept the repercussions of today and learn from it.

And despite Vought best attempts, the truth of that mission was revealed to the public by Homelander own admission.

Many were appalled by what he had done. Some shouted accusations and wanted to drag his reputation to the ground. But due to his honesty and truthfulness many praised him on not running away from what he had done.

Even those the most critical of reporters and viewers had to admit that it took great courage and strength to own up to one's own actions.

Accidental or not.

And due to it being accidental and not meant with malicious intents (in part by the hostages that he was able to save). Homelander reputation grew.

But the mental scars from that incident never left him. And he was glad that Adelheid was there for him.

She was his saving grace and so was his beautiful daughter who had his eyes (albeit a bit different shade of blue) and Adelheid hair.

Several years later, at a party in Vought, John would meet William "Billy' Butcher and his wife Rebecca Saunders Butcher.

The group would become good friends...mainly because some idiot scientist thought it would be a good and funny idea to test out an experimental beer designed to make Supers, super drunk.

And very potent too.

Homelander and Becca would wake up in horror as they realized that they were so drunk that they had done the deed with each other!

John: "OH SHIT!"

Becca: "OH, HELL NO!"

The two in extreme shock when they woke the same bed...without clothes...

The implications were obvious.

Billy reaction?


*Strangling John Simpson style*


John psychotically cackled as Adelheid, Seele, and Becca sweatdropped.

"...So, what are you going to do?"

ADelheid asked Becca.

"Regardless of what happened, I'm not going to reject the child I most likely have just because of this accidental drunken one night stand."

Becca told her.

"Have you thought of a name?"

Adelheid asked.

"Ryan if it's a boy, and Rachelle if it's a girl."

Becca said.

"So, I'm a big sister now?"

Seele blinked.

A little confused on why her uncle was strangling her father.

"...Let's talk."

Adelheid and Rebecca said.

While ignoring their respective husbands in the background.

Soon news spread like wildfire over Homelander drunken affair with Rebecca Butcher.

...Mainly because of Homelander rampaging throughout Vought Corporation screaming "WHERE ARE THOSE BASTARDS THAT HAD THE BRILLIANT IDEA TO MAKE THAT DAMN SUPER BEER!?"

...People did not dare to bring it up after seeing Homelander going on the rampage.

He is a family man and loyal husband.

Soon, Ryan was introduced to the world.

"I am now their godfather."

Butcher stated.

"No buts."

He told Homelander.

"...Can I even have a godfather now at this age?"

Seele blinked.

"You do now."

Billy deadpanned.

"Fair enough."

John shrugged.

Hey. Better than Billy trying to kill him for accidentally knocking up his wife.

Time would pass and new members would join Vought International and other Hero schools and organization.

Stormfront, would eventually take Translucent place after the man eventually found someone who love him despite that not being the most attractive individual around and settle down. He would still do missions time to time if he was needed.

Stormfront was admittedly intrigued by Homelander family and when she eventually found out that the older generation of Seele family was her old friends, Cora and Gilbert. She tried to indoctrinate Seele into continuing the Nazi cause.

"Why though?"

Seele had asked her one time Stormfront and her were spending time they were training together. Which was Stormfront way of trying to turn her to the Nazi Ideals.

That caught her off guard.

"What's the point of continuing a dead ideal that was never going to work in the first place?"

"The Nazis lost the war showing that their ideals had no place in this world or in the universe."

Stormfront was shocked at that and was at a loss for friends as she saw her old friends in her. She remembers Cora confiding in her one time that she was disillusioned with the Nazi Party goals and agendas. Adn that they were never going to get anywhere with that kind of thinking.

"And even if you were able to revive the Nazi Party, it would be doomed to fail. There will always be someone who opposes it."


Stormfront has lived a long time thanks to her deceased husband Compound V formula. She has committed countless acts that would have people squirm in horror and disgust. And she had no shame in it.

But she has wondered sometime, if she lets go of the Nazis ideology. How much happier would she be?

"You should do what makes you happy."

Seele told her.

"But this does make me happy."

Stormfront said.

"Being a puppet to a dead puppet master?"

Seele asked.


"You're continuing this crusade because that's all you've ever done. But maybe if you take a step back, you can understand the beauty of this world and of all the people that live in it.

"The good, the bad, the cultures, the heroes, the villains, the monsters. All of it."


Stormfront left and wasn't seen for a while by anybody.

Eventually it was learned that she was seen in Russia.

...With a man.

May that poor Russian man rest in peace because Seele still believes that Stormfront is into BDSM.

John, Adelheid, Billy, and Becca choked at that.


They shouted at her.

"I heard uncle Billy saying that mom and dad are into BDSM."


Homelander had a look that promised pain. Extreme pain.


Was all he said as Billy had already booked it.

Soon Stormfront would return to America with her Russian husband, Mikhail.

And with twins to boot.

Soon, Seele would attend Union where she would meet all sorts of interesting characters.

From the Quirk users to the Supernatural to the super powered to the Huntsmen to the mutants to Evo humans to even non powered individuals and more.

She made friends with Rias Gremory and the ORC.

...Though she regretted introducing her to The Emperor's New Groove.


"To the secret lab!"

Rias shouts as Issei is next to a lever.

"Pull the lever, Issei."




Rias shouted as she fell down the trap door and into the pool.


Issei and the other ORC said.


Rias kicks the door open with a crocodile biting her ass.

"Why do we even have that lever?"

She says as she smacks away the crocodile.

Cause now they had a secret lab and a lake with a crocodile underneath the ORC building.


But things would go on as normal.

She and the others would take their classes, learn about their professions, deal with problems that stem from either external or internal, like with certain elements.

Fighting villains/aliens/rogues and saving the world.

Things would go on normally.

Until the EVENT.

When they woke up one day and saw to their shock and disbelief. 

That their world has merged with countless others.

And their new neighbors...well, Seele was still convinced that this was all a bad dream.

A result of some Jambalaya her family had.

Because what she saw was madness.

Her father, the Seven, her friends, Union, some of the heroes she knew. Her classmates/schoolmates.

Some had changed.

...And not for the best.

But while it might feel like it was only bad, there was also good.

Vanguardians, heroes, protectors, the Twisting Realms, Orario, other versions of Earth, Drakonia, Terreria, demigods, beastkins, aliens, nikkes and so much more.

The Boys as well...many different versions of them.

Let's hope an all out war doesn't happen.


As you can see. This is a MAJOR What-If reality.

Basically: What if Homelander and the Seven were actually good guys?

John interacting with someone his age and actually being able to be human around her.

Don't touch Homelander family, you'll regret it.

Ryan is a protective little brother, so Seele suitors beware!

Yes, this may seem similar to Tempest Specter OC. But to be honest, whenever I see a series and I see the bad guys. I start to think to myself.

'Is it possible to make them good?'

And lo and behold after reading his wiki, it seems that there is an opening to exploit.

Cora is German.

Gilbert is Prussian before Prussia was dissolved.

While Stormfront still believes in the Nazi ideology, she no longer wants to create a world of one superior race.

Amazing how it took a child that is a descendent of her old friends to knock some sense into her.

She does feel a little guilty now for killing innocent people senselessly just on the basis of their skin color.

She is deeply in love with Mikhail and even says that he's a better lover than her deceased husband.

How she fell that in love with him they didn't want to know. But apparently Mikhail is a kinky bastard and tends to dom her in bed.

Much to Stormfront embarrassment.

As mentioned before: The Seven in this timeline are far better versions of their original selves.

They do have their quirks and want fame and glory. But they are a lot better about it and don't use extreme and dubious means to be recognized.

A-Train temporarily resigned from the team because he was starting to get addicted to juicing himself up with Compound V and it was starting to affect him tremendously.

He rejoined the team after going through rehabilitation and sought to make himself faster by pushing himself past his limits.

The Deep is one of Starlight mentor, the other being Queen Maeve, and sees her like a kid sister or like a daughter.

A complete turnaround compared to what other versions of himself had done to her.

Black Noir likes to stare at people and traumatizes them because he finds it funny on how they react.

He was healed.

Translucent as mentioned, retired after finding a new love and marrying her.

If he is needed, he will come back to fight.

Dr. Reed gave him suit much like Invisible Woman and he can turn invisible and visible again without having to worry about being cited for public nudity.

He says the suit feels comfy.

Translucent was married before but divorced for unknown reasons. Has a son from the previous marriage.

John eventually learns that Benjamin aka Soldier Boy is his biological father and keeps him at a distance from his family, especially his kids for a while.

They do eventually sit down and talk...though there was a lot of words thrown and furniture exploding and the like.

John agrees to let his biological father see his kids on the condition that someone is there with him.

After all, like they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And after the abuse Soldier Boy went through with his own father. 

Soldier Boy and John grandfather were more alike than Soldier Boy wanted to admit.

After all, when you have that kind of person of a role model, you tend to emulate them whether willingly or unwillingly or unknowingly and he didn't want his family to get hurt.

Soldier Boy accepted and something seemed to have changed in him.

Probably because his grandkids looked at him with love.

Something Soldier Boy bastard of a father never gave him.

(Man, The Boys universe is so messed up. No wonder they turned out the way that they did)

Queen Maeve regained her confidence and the her that she thought she lost all those years ago.

Seele is an extremely powerful and skilled girl who does not hesitate when in battle.

No surprise when she possesses incredible powers that can pretty much end the world and possibly the universe.

She hates the new world after the merge because of how DIFFERENT everybody is.

She is visibly disgusted by the other versions of Issei Hyoudou and Mineta Minoru.

Sure, the Issei and Mineta she knew were perverts, but they were not to the extent these guys went!

At least the Issei and Mineta in her world are likeable!

These other versions were disgusting!

The Seven were even more disgusted as they (with the exception of Queen Maeve and Starlight) looked at their counterparts in disgust.

'How can they even more villainous than even the worst of the worst!?'

They thought to themselves.

The alternate Stormfronts looked at Stormfront in disgust.


They all shouted at her for abandoning the Nazi ideals.

"At least I'm happy!"

Stormfront scoffed at them.

"Can't say the same for you!"

As you can see. The Seven from this timeline and the Sevens from other timelines hate each other.

Another thing to note is that The Seven are terrifyingly stronger than their counterparts which pisses them off to no end.

Seele is wary of certain versions of her uncle Billy Butcher.

She did not like the look in their eyes when they learn of a Homelander that had family.

They had a look of hatred and desire for revenge.

Something that did not escape Billy eye.

The man frowning.

Of course, the cast of The Boys knew why after the merge gave them some information about their new neighbors.

They could not let them go so far that they'll lose themselves.

(No, I'm not making Billy Butcher alternate versions the bad guys. I'm just using what I read from the Wiki and putting it on here. Let's just say he's uses extreme and questionable methods in the series)

The Justice League and Avengers regard them with caution.

But get along with their own counterparts.

As do the X-Men and other known people.

Union is good and has a friendly rivalry with Legion.

The Vanguardians were so shocked at an actual nice and good Seven!?


...That they fainted.

Seele sweatdropped at that.

Billy and Becca have a son and a daughter.

Hugh Campbell and Robin Ward got married.

Taeho is still a homicidal maniac.

I was bored and decided to try my hand at seeing if I could make a 'Good Vought/The Sevens' timeline.

Well, I mean, I've seen Star Wars What-Ifs on Youtube and if they can actually make Palpatine turn good and to the Light Side.

Then this isn't as impossible as it may seem.

Saw a female Homelander and I don't know if I should be scared or aroused.

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