Diego (+Anima + Danmachi)

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Age: 19

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green

Skin color: Tan

Race: Human (Crow +Anima)

Powers: Crow Anima. Shadow magic. Illusions. Enhanced abilities.

Personality: (Normal) Strong, fierce, stubborn, serious, caring, calm, stoic. Apathetic at times.

(People he doesn't like or barely tolerates): Cold, aggressive, harsh, blunt, annoyed. Apathetic at times.

Family: Cooro (little brother), unknown parents (Deceased)

Pseudo family: Senri, Nana, and Husky.

Likes: His little brother, Cooro. Senri, Nana, and Husky. Fly and Blanca. Rose and her little brother, Pinion. The Kim-un-Kur Shuros tribe of Moss Mountain. Igneous Giesrieg. Crystala.

Rei and Bella. Bete Loga and Ais Wallenstein. And some others.

Flying in the sky. Mountains, nature.


(After the Great Merge)

Legion, some heroes, some villains, some vigilantes/anti-heroes. The Justice League, Avengers, X-Men, Vanguardians, Taeho (to a certain extent. Man is crazy).

Dislikes: Sailand. Astaria to an extent. Idiots, assholes, racist bastards, conceited assholes. Loki (or as Diego likes to call her: Low-Key). Hestia being overly possessive of Bella. Certain gods.

(After the Great Merge): Union, Issei Hyoudou, Bakugou, Mineta, AFO, Rias and most of the ORC and the Supernatural because they are idiots and worship the ground that Issei walks for some reason.

Vought, hardcore villains, fake heroes and so-called heroes. Emo Uchiha. Corruption, hypocrites, people who think they can get away with committing disgusting acts and trying to break up happy couples. People who can't see the difference between reality and fiction.

People who get easily offended and triggered over a drawing and the pairing that's on it.

...Unless it's one that is really trampling boundaries, morals and questioning an artist sanity when they draw certain things.

(If you're confused. Human x animal like dogs and pigs. Or certain fetishes that involve certain body functions. UGH! Get shivers just thinking about it. How is *Beep*ing and P**ing themselves hot? Or farting?)

(Monster animals like minotaur's and werewolves are kind of different and don't disgust me like the dogs and pigs thing. Seriously, why do they like drawing a girl getting *beep*ed by a pig?)

Karens and their shallow false sense of superiority. 

Certainly weren't talking after Diego dropped them off to be pounded into oblivion by pent up thugs.

And he was being merciful with that.

SDC. Slavery. White Fang.

You get the point.

Hates: Issei Hyoudou: A massive pervert that thinks with his dick instead of his brain. Thinks that just because he's the Red Dragon Emperor that he could do whatever he wants.

Bakugou Katsuki: Arrogant and drunk on his own power, hype, and ego.

Mineta Minoru: Another pervert with no shame.


Midoriya Izuku: Finds him too naive to how the world works. And that a hero doesn't kill and if they do, then they're no better than the villains.

Ozpin: Unlike Rei. Diego doesn't hate him and honestly can see why he keeps certain things hidden.

'I certainly don't want to be reminded that I married a homicidal bitch who can't let go of a damn grudge over countless eons.'

Diego thought to himself.

And honestly.

Some of the students were idiots so who cares if they die due to Ozpin secrets? 

The world was better off without those nitwits passing on their gene pools anyways.


It has been a year after the events of the +Anima manga with Diego and Co. residing in Moss Mountain with the Kim-un-Kur.

(For more information go to Diego (+Anima) bio for the background information)

Diego, Cooro, Senri, Nana, and Husky had adjusted quite well to their new lives up on the Mountain and honed their Anima forms nicely (in Nana case) and were more at peace than ever before.

Life with the Kim-un-Kur was a rather easy yet fulfilling lifestyle for people of their talents. While not interested in having positions of power, they did their parts in helping out among the Shuros Tribe.

When Cooro and Diego weren't snacking on the apples they were supposed to bring back.

But life was peaceful after their journey. A little bit repetitive but nature had a way of making things better.

Until word of Sailand army moving across the great desert and to another continent soon reached their ears.

"Another quest to expand their borders and add more territory, I see."

Diego had commented when they heard the news.

Only to everyone surprised when they later learned that Sailand army had been brutally beaten and forced to retreat back to Sailand.

It was shortly after AStaria spies and intelligence network managed to gather up some information did the new land that Sailand tried to add to their kingdom made contact with them.


One of the cities that exist across the Great Desert.

It is also known as Labyrinth City Orario because it is the only city in the world that has a dungeon.

Other cities included Melen: a fishing city that is also known as Orario's entrance to the sea.

Rakia: A military like country located on the western side of the continent. They're known to like fighting hence the nickname. Though due to a certain event years before, they are more likely to lose more than win some.

Though they won every battle against Sailand. So maybe the losses are restricted to their part of the continent.

Telskyura: a nation called the country of Amazonesses. Because it is mainly ruled by women. Men aren't allowed in the country and any men born in the country are either slaves or tools used to create new Amazonesses.

You can imagine how well they get along with Diego when he heard that...they didn't.

Some have a kind of 'want to kill him' or 'want to breed him' mentality because of his strength and brutality.

Which to Diego was weird considering he killed some of their warriors.

But anyways.

The representatives, after the war with Sailand and learning of Astaria existence, were sent to negotiate peace terms with Astaria as they wanted to nip another potential war in teh bud before it was too late. In return, they would learn of the existence of some VERY special people.

To be specific: GODS.

Literal, actual deities that mingled among the mortal kinds with a type of unit known as Familias.

Basically guilds that have a patron God as their head. It was very fascinating.

...Ignoring the part where they were weirder and act more immature than humans did. Which sort of shattered Astaria religious sect a bit.

But their divine power was more than enough proof for them to believe their existences as Gods.

Then there was the topic of people who were basically Orario version of Anima but permanent and diverse. From wolves to dwarves to elves to amazons to orcs to...you get the picture.

Astaria was wise to not say or do something stupid. Unlike their neighboring kingdom.

And it helped that Igneous Giesrieg suggested that they bring in the Kim-un-Kur of Moss Mountain to act as their mediator. A neutral third party so to speak.

The wise tribe leader of the Shuros Tribe, Si Mukar helped keep things calm his wisdom prove instrumental in peace talks.

The representatives were intrigued with the spiritual tribe and their ways of communing and living side by side in a respectful manner.

Soon agreements were made and travel and passage were granted between Astaria and Orario. It's amazing how a little God magic can be quite useful.

Deciding it would be worth exploring, Diego and the group packed their bags and headed to Orario.

Orario...was different.

After crossing the Great Desert, they did not expect to see a bustling city very much different from the likes of their own country. It was prosperous, possesses abundance of fertility in the ground, it was vibrant and full of life.


Senri had commented.

And it was true...for the most part.

It still had its problems...like the monsters that roamed around. But they weren't that strong. Not like the ones in the dungeon.

The Dungeon.

A mysterious labyrinth that is located under Babel. A strange piece of trivia is that The Dungeon exists only in Orario. Nowhere else has a dungeon.

The strange monsters that call it home and the possibilities of wonderous treasures has attracted many people of different races to explore and be the one to conquer the dungeon.

However, the dungeon is not for the weak of heart and is it recommended that adventurers should join a Familia first before taking on the dungeon due to getting a power boost and blessing of the Patron God of the Familia they join.

A strange fact to note is that the Dungeon is apparently alive and sentient. Harboring a deep seated grudge against the Gods, its hatred is so great that if it senses a God inside it. it will trap them and send a black monster to kill them.

Should be noted that black monsters are stronger than the regular monsters living inside it. But if the black monster fails to kill the god and is killed instead the dungeon doesn't send another. Implying that it has limits and that it cannot summon more than one black monster to kill a God if the first one fails.

Deciding to try their luck Diego, Cooro, Senri, Husky, and Nana went to the first floor, ignoring the receptionist words about recklessly going in without joining a Familia.

The first level was rather challenging, but for Diego and Senri. It was a piece of cake.

Cooro, Husky, and Nana did have some difficulties at first. But were able to use their Anima powers to their advantage.

Eventually, Diego left behind on the third floor as that was where even Senri was having a little bit of a challenge in dealing with and went to the 4th floor and then the 5th floor.

Where he would meet a surprising new character.

(Bella 'Bell' Cranel)

A young girl with big dreams and a desire of meeting boys in the dungeon.

You can blame her grandfather for that.


Simply put.

"Men like a girl that is strong and can stand up for herself."

He said.

But apparently, he forgot to mention the part where minotaur's might actually be able to think besides mindless killing and apparently believe her to be a suitable breeding mate.

But thankfully she was saved before the minotaur could enact its primal instincts drive.

Thanks to.

(Bete Loga)

Bete Loga, an executive member of the Loki Familia. A level 6 Adventurer who had just been returning from his current expedition when he saw the monster attacking Bell.

After easily killing the beast by punching its head off its shoulders (like how Koga did to his traitorous clansman).

'So cool!'

Bell thought as Bete made sure it was dead...while blood accidentally splashed her.

 After finishing that, he looked at a blushing Bell and said.

"Why on earth is a low level Adventurer on the fifth floor?!" He shouted, startling the girl. "This isn't some game, kid. Beat it and don't come back until your part of a Familia and have leveled up some more!"

And so Bell did, slightly sad that the experienced Adventurer said that, but also slightly understanding since she could have been killed.

And it was then.


"OW!" "The heck?"

She ran into Diego who had just killed a minotaur that had attacked him.

"You okay, kid?"

Diego asked the girl who was drenched in blood for some reason.


Bell stuttered.


Diego gave her a look over and frowned.

'She lacks proper training and adequate skills.'

He thought to himself.

Obviously, she should not be here on this dungeon so soon.

Sighing, he decided to call it a day and head back with the others. Bur first...

"Come on."

He said, helping her up.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

He calmly said as they departed the dungeons.


Bete scoffed while thinking to himself.

'She is rather cute.'

Cooro, Senri, Husky, and Nana were surprised when Diego brought in a new addition to the group. But were fine with it, especially Nana since now there was another girl there besides her. So now she had someone to do girl talk with.

Shortly after that, after getting her cleaned up and finding place to stay for the night, they rested.

Bell dreams were of a certain wolf boy.

The next day the group went out to explore the city and ran across a certain goddess.


Hestia. Goddess of the immortal flames.

A cheerful, yet secretly perverted, Goddess who for some reason...had pretty bad luck in creating her own familia. It isn't clear why, but until she met Bell, Diego, and the others. She had been unable to recruit anyone to her family.

She had tried 50 times and failed each and every one of them. 

Eventually, two people were 'willing' to join for a...favor.

It didn't take a genius to get what they were alluding too, and Diego sent them running like the cowards they are by using an illusion of a giant terrifying monster to scare them off.

...If they were that easily to scare with an illusion, then obviously they weren't exactly worth having.

After some talk, Diego and the crew joined Hestia Familia. Mainly because they were feeling nice.

And so, their new lives as members of the Hestia Familia began. With Diego helping Bell to train and get stronger.

After entering the dungeon against the next day, Bell would soon understand her own strengths and limits.

And after taking on the dungeon and getting a better idea of what awaited in them. Bell and the group headed to the Hostess of Fertility for some chow.

It was there that Bell learned that Bete Loga was an executive member of the Loki Familia.


Diego blinked.

"Syr said Loki, Diego."

Husky corrected him.

"Really?" Cooro blinked. "It's Chokey?"

"No, Cooro." Nana sighed. "It's Loki."


Senri said as he ate.

"Syr also menteioned that they come here often."

Diego added, causing the poor girl to blush at the prospect of meeting her savior again.


"Speak of the devil."

Diego added as lo and behold, the Loki Familia was here with Bete Loga and a blonde haired girl were up front leading the group in.

"So, you're saying you've met a low leveled Adventurer on the 5th floor?"

The golden haired girl asked in shock.

"Why would I lie about that, Ais?"

Bete asked.

"What's even more shocking was that she wasn't even a part of a Familia!"

Ais golden blinked in shock at that.

"Why would she go and try to take on a level that she wasn't ready for!?"

Ais asked in shock. Concern in her voice for the girl.

Bell shifted uncomfortably at that. Knowing that the girl was probably thinking that she was being reckless and careless for pulling such a stunt. Not that she could blame her.

"Why are you asking me?" Bete groaned, annoyed at the questions. "All I know is that girl was stupid for taking on a dungeon floor by herself with no aid. If I wasn't there, who knows what could have happened to the little rabbit."

Bell blushed at the nickname.

'He called me a little rabbit!'

She inwardly squealed at that.

Diego sweatdropped at that.

He could tell what was going on through her mind.

"What happened to her?"

Another member of the Loki Familia asked.

"Someone escorted her out and to safety."

Bete said.

"You didn't help her!?"

Another member asked in shock!

"Hell no! I ain't a babysitter!" Bete said annoyed. "If she wants to be a big girl and take on monsters far stronger than her current state, than that's her problem!"

"I'm not going to hold her hand no matter how tempting it is!"


"Oh, my!" Ais put a hand to her mouth. "Does someone have a crush?"


"Wha-NO!" Bete denied. "Why would I have a crush on someone I just met! Even if her scent is alluring and she's quite the looker with a nice set. I don't even know her or how old she is! She looks so short for all I know she could be 14 with a big chest!"

"...I'm actually 17."

Bell whispered to herself. Though Bete wolf ears caught her words, and he stiffened as he realized that she was here and listening in.

(Yeah, I'm bumping her age and Ais age to 17. I would have put Bell at 16 like Ais is originally 16 just so she could be in the middle of her teenage years and going through all the hormonal changes a teen goes through as they age. But due to Wattpad I'm putting them at 17 just to be safe)

It was nice to know though that the age difference isn't THAT big. Just 5 years apart.

"You know, Bete." Riveria chuckled. "I thought she would be your type. You know, since you seem to have a kink for submissive women."


Bete shouted at her.

"What the heck are you talking about!?"

Bete said.

"It's one thing if she was a normal citizen I wouldn't mind. Because I'll admit I do like the feeling of having my potential mate dependent on me to take care of the major things."

"But it's different if she's an Adventurer as well! If she wants to be one then I prefer someone who is strong and I can trust to watch my back!"

"Interesting." Riveria snickered. "How you didn't even deny and fail to counter my comment."


"Aw, shit!"

Bete shouted, face red from embarrassment and the beer.

Bell was blushing heavily as she quickly ran out with Diego and the others in tow.

Bete could smell her arousal and could feel himself getting hard at the image of Bell screaming his name as he mated and dominated her.

"I don't need this."

He said in his aloof manner. Successfully managing to hide his arousal from them as he left the restaurant.

Let's just say that Bell learned how to masturbate and had her first orgasm, while Bete jacked off to images of Bell seducing him in a cute, innocent, oblivious manner.

Good thing their rooms were soundproof.

A month or two would pass with Bell growing at a rapid pace that scared her and by extension Hestia. As she was growing at a rate that wasn't normal for anybody.

And while Bella wanted to believe it was because of her stubbornness and determination to become a high level adventurer worthy of standing side by side with Bete and being recognized as a woman by him. Bell had to be realistic.

Because this wasn't natural to her.

"Its probably some sort of gene trait hidden in your blood."

Diego had commented. While also concerned, he was getting tired of them going ballistic every time she got stronger.

"And considering you're an orphan. That might explain it."

He added.


"AAHH Q_Q!!"

Instead of making it better, it just made it worse.

Sighing, Diego left while Hestia, Bella, and Nana were screaming and panicking and throwing out wild theories like Bella being an alien or something of that nature.

Deciding he was going to go to the dungeon and let the drama queens panic. He left and along the way he walked past Bete.

"Your rabbit is in distress and needs you." Diego told him. "So go fuck her and make her a happy woman."

Bete blushed and stammered as he tried to yell at him for saying such a weird as hell comment.

"Wh-What the fuck are you talking about!?"

He asked as Diego just walked off, not answering.

Soon, Diego was back at the dungeon and started off where he was previously at.

On the higher levels while his little brother and friends were still at the lower levels.

Though this was more out of concern than it was their skills. Diego is protective over Cooro and the group. So, he didn't want them to on the higher levels just yet.

Much to Cooro displeasure.

He wanted to kill some more with his hatchet!

After taking down that floor nest of monsters, he headed up to the next level and saw a surprising figure fighting off the monsters of that floor.


A scorpion girl also known as a Scorpcanius from one of the clans from the desert.

Adn yes, he knew the scorpion person is a girl. Despite not having a big chest, well toned, lean, add in a short haircut and viola! It was easy to mistake her for a boy.

But again, he knew she wasn't a boy but a girl.


Same way he and Cooro can tell if a person is an Anima or not.

The girl was a vicious and strong fighter, Diego had to give her that. These monsters were no joke but here she was beating them down with her fire and lightning magic and impaling any would be ambushers with her scorpion tail.

Those Minotaurs didn't stand a chance. And these were much stronger than the ones down in level 5.

Seeing one monster attempting to ambush her, he quickly used his shadow manipulation and trapped the beast in tendrils of darkness. Quickly he lunged and landed a fatal kick to the head.


As said head rolled away, having been violently ejected from his kick.

"I had that handled!"

Rei angrily said. Pissed that her kill was stolen from her by some random dude.

"I don't need some guy to sweep me off my feet and save me!"

She snarled.

"Oh, I know." Diego deadpanned, amused. "But I was getting bored and watching you fight. While hypnotic, wasn't going to relieve me of my boredom."


'Di-Di-Did he just indirectly flirted with me!?'

Rei thought to herself, her tail trashing back and forth at the compliment.

"Besides." Diego crossed his arms. "I don't need you hogging up all the kill."



Rei screamed, face red with embarrassment as she lunged her tail forward in an attempt to stab him.



Only to stab the ground as Diego was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did he?!"

Rei frantically looked around to see where he had gone.

"Up here."

Diego voice overhead caught her attention and she looked up.


Her eyes widening as she saw flying in the air, hands in his pocket as he gave her a nonchalant look.

"You're going to have to do better than that to hit me."

He said.

Rei just stared, before growling as she shot a fireball at him.


Diego boredly dodged.

"To slow."

He stated, infuriating Rei as she charged up an electric attack.

"Then try this on for size you overgrown bird!"

She shouted as she shot a lightning blast at him.

Only for him to dodge as he removed one hand from his pocked and did a hand sign as he made thrusting upwards motion.




REi shouted as she narrowly avoided being impaled by spikes made of shadow.

"Not bad."

Diego said behind her. 


Causing Rei to turn around...only to see nothing?

"Not many can avoid my attack that easily."

Rei turned to where the source of the voice was. Only to see nothing yet again.

'He's good!' Rei realized. 'My usual tactics won't work.'

"I wonder."

Diego smirked as he was suddenly in front her. Their foreheads touching as continued.

"How long can you last?"

Well, apparently a long time as the battle ended in a stalemate and Diego left to return home.

Soon, enough Rei would track him down to Hestia Familia HQ. Completely shock that someone as powerful as him would be willingly tied down to a Familia.

"Why would you?"

Rei asked.

"Don't be so quick to judge."

Was all Diego said.

Eventually, Rei would learn of the two kingdoms beyond the Great Desert. Astaria and Sailand.

"Oh, yeah. I think I remember killing some weirdo racist soldiers that tried to treat me as a lower lifeform."

Rei said.

They sweatdrop but welcome her anyways.

Sadly for Hestia, Rei refused to join her Familia. Stating that joining a Familia was a waste of time for her and that she hated being told what to do.

Rei was a rather crazy individual. A flirt to the ladies especially with Ryu at the Hostess of Fertility.

Ryu is infinitely glad that Diego is now there to keep her in line.

She didn't have time to deal with Rei constant flirting while she was busy on the job!

It would take another month before Rei realized that she was developing feelings for the older Crow +Anima male.

And that scared her.

'I thought I liked girls only!' Rei thought to herself. 'But I like Diego in that way?!'

It was a rather startling revelation. Knowing that she was falling in love with the aloof and stoic male.

but the more she thought about it. The more she realized that it was the truth.

She had somehow fallen for him. HARD. In just a month or so.


Rei shouted into her pillow. Extremely confused.

But she eventually confused her feelings the next month with Diego accepting it as he too felt a rather strong attraction to the tomboy.

And let's just say their sex night.

"AHHHHH" Rei screamed in pleasure. "HARDER DIEGO❤️! FUCK ME HARDER DADDY ❤️❤️!!"


Rei screamed as she came, and Diego roared as he violently came inside her.

The two went at it for long time before finally spent and just spent the rest of the night cuddling while still connected.

And they weren't the only ones.


Bell screamed.

"BETE ❤️❤️!!"

Bell moaned as her eyes looked at Bete as he mated her.

"MY! MATE!!"

Bete growled as he bit her neck and marked her as his mate.

The two went at it for quite some time.

Who knew the little rabbit could endure such a virile werewolf aggression?

But anyways. Two couples were born and happy and life was good.


"Hurt my Oni-san and I'll break every bone in your body as I chop off every single one of your limbs slowly and painfully."

Cooro smiled a scary smile as his hatchet dripped with blood after killing several dungeon monsters from earlier.



Rei stammered and shook in fear at Cooro menacing and dark smile/grin. 

Completely taken aback by his sudden and violent change in demeanor and personality.

'I thought he was complete cinnamon roll!' Rei thought to herself in fear. 'But he's just as scary as his brother!'

While Hestia and Bell shook in fear.

Senri, Husky, and Nana just said in unison.

"This is normal."




Rei, Hestia, Bell, and Bete because he was there to spend some time with his new mate thought to themselves.

But other than that. Life was good.

...Until it wasn't.

Not until the event that Orario would forever call The Heavenly Merge happened.

Where multiple realities combined with singular reality that served as their core.

This planet?


Which would grow in massive size to accommodate for all the new arrivals and worlds and nations merged into it.

And cause the universe to expand even further and the neighboring planets to expand as well. Just so that there is no imbalance among the Solar System delicate formation.

Like thing anyone needed was gravity going out of whack and causing some sort of catastrophe on a celestial scale trying to balance out the change in gravity fields.

They got to meet their new neighbors.

...And the +Anima gang had a new group to hate even more than Sailand.

Union, Atlas, Vought, SDC, villains, fake heroes, glory seekers, racism, prejudice, discrimination, delusional fools.

Not to mention Union and its allies waging war over the new worlds to gain more land and resources.

They lost thanks to the combined efforts of the Twisting Realms, Drakonia, Draconia, Orario, Astaria, Sailand, the Justice League, the Avengers, the X-Men, The Vanguardians, the Dragon Realms, etc. etc.

And that was just some.

Let's see how this journey goes shall we?


Due to rereading the three volumes of +Anima. I have now fallen back in love with this series, and I feel a spark ignited inside me again. So, you should probably expect more +Anima!Diego if I can fit it in.

Sailand changed after the Merge and has abolished slavery and made changes to their society.

Rei is like an older sister role model for Bell and Nana.

Though Rei feels a sense of breast envy because Bell has bigger boobs than her despite Bell being a couple years younger than her.

Hestia has a massive crush on Senri.

Senri seems to reciprocate those feelings.

Like Diego, Cooro could instantly tell that Rei is a girl.

Husky and Nana reactions were expected when Cooro said that Rei is a girl.


That was surprising, even to Husky.

Rei is secretly hoping that Diego got her pregnant. The idea of being a mother was rather appealing. Very much so.

Bell is also hoping that Bete got her pregnant as well.

(Let's hope Bell is not part rabbit otherwise Bete is going to have a HUGE family)

Rei used her magic cock to pound Xenovia into submission and now Xenovia is part of the family and the Familia.

Issei cried like a bitch when he learned that he lost Xenovia not to a guy. But a girl!

Nana used her supersonic scream ability that she possesses due to being a Bat Anima to cause Mineta eardrums to explode.

Diego doesn't like Ruby because she's energetic and annoying.

Which is weird because Cooro was rather energetic/hyperactive, and Diego never hated him.

...Bah! It's probably because Cooro is his baby brother.

He has a biased opinion towards his little brother.

He doesn't like Jaune Arc due to the Huntsman in training suddenly having the 'brilliant' idea to take on the Dungeon when he had no training in it!

It wasn't like those Grimm or Nomus or whatever they fought! They were going in half-assed.

And he was right.

They nearly got themselves killed on the 5th level...without even challenging the previous four levels to test their opponents.

Jaune was the last one left after his team was beaten and incapacitated. And nearly got his head caved in before Diego swooped in and saved him and his team by killing the monsters.

After they got back.


Diego growled as he glared at them.


Jaune shouted as he bowed down in apology.

Diego just glared before leaving.

Unfortunately, this had the damn effect of other 'great and powerful' students trying to conquer the dungeon.

They all failed, and some died on the first level.


Rei magic somehow evolved and instead of just having the ability to create a magic penis.

She can now turn herself into an actual male.

Let's just say that Rei and Diego had a really fun time experimenting.

Rei was very vocal as she/he was pounded into submission.

During sex/foreplay, Rei wraps her tail around his shaft to stimulate/tease/excite him.

Those nights she will definitely not be walking straight in the morning.

When Rei and Diego are together. Rei likes to wrap her tail around his leg as a way to show her affections.

Diego lets out his wings when he's relaxing with Rei.

Xenovia tends to wear skintight outfits/bodysuits under her regular clothes. Mainly around Diego and Rei because she knows that the skintight bodysuits hug her body and show off her curves which excites them.

Xenovia loves threesome.

Diego wings can grow to massive size and have a monstrous blade-like tail as well as having more feathers on his arms when angered or enraged.

His tail can smash through buildings and cause them to collapse.

Rei gets horny when sees Diego in a berserker rage.

The mysteries of the Dungeon have yet to be solved.

But it is only a matter of time before all of its secrets are revealed.

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