Diego Belmont (Castlevania Variant #2)

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Diego Belmont

Age: 18

Hair color: Brown Hair

Eye color: Green eyes

Species: Human

Skin color: Tan

Noticeable traits: Has some scars on his body, mainly on his arms due to them being unprotected by kind of armor.

Title: Child favored by God.

Family: Father (dead), Mother (dead), Older brother: Trevor Belmont (alive).

Likes: His older brother, Trevor. Alucard, Sypha, Wallachia, traveling the country. Music, wolves, Dracula (to an extent). The Speakers, snow, the Belmont Estate (well what's left of it), the Belmont underground library. Taeho, Vanguardians.


Dislikes: His older brother overprotectiveness. Dracula madness in trying to destroy the world. Dracula trying to court him and kidnap him. Sypha laughing at him over that. The demons of Hell. Assholes, hypocrites, the corrupt church. Issei Hyoudou, Mineta Minoru.

Bastards that don't know anything about what they are talking about.

A majority of the church 'holy men'.

Considering it was because of them that Dracula unleashed her rage upon the world after they killed her wife, Lisa Tepes.

The brutal slaughtering of children.

The mindless sheep/masses.

Jaune Arc and the majority of the Arc clan.

Diego love Interests: Dracula Tepes, Lisa Tepes, Bailey Taurus/Tepes, Jeanne D' Ark.

Trevor love interests: Sypha, Irene Valentine.

Alucard love interests: Greta, Marrow.

They might have more, but we'll see.


Our story begins about a couple of decades ago (1455). When a young woman by the name of Lisa.

A beautiful young woman with a noble goal.

To heal the sick and help to extend their short lifespans. She wished to be a doctor, regardless of the ridicule and disbelief many had for a woman to be a doctor and not a housewife or any other job a woman was allowed to have in the 1400s.

Undeterred and undaunted, Lisa would soon make the journey to Dracula Castle.

"And what do we have here?"

Dracula voice rang throughout the halls.

"What brings a mortal to my castle?"

The voice was rather strange for a man. But Lisa wasn't letting that stop her.

"I am Lisa from the village of Lupu." She introduced herself. "I came to you because I seek knowledge and wisdom. I want to be a doctor."

"Hmph!" The voice scoffed disappearing from one corner and speaking from another location. "Witchcraft eh?"

Here, Lisa had a look of annoyance on her face.

"Don't mistake me for a witch, your excellency." Lisa coldly said. "Everybody out there already does that. I believe in science, but..."

Here she looked to the side.

"I need to know more of science, of medicine." She said. "I have heard stories that talk of a man who lives here who possesses secret knowledge that can help the world."




"And what have you to trade for my knowledge."

The tall and imposing figure of Dracula towered over her. But the height wasn't what surprised her.

No what surprised was the gender.

(Were the best I could find)

'Dracula a woman!?'

Lisa was proud she was able to keep her composure and hiding her shock.

Though Dracula could sense her emotions behind her calm facade.

"Lisa of Lupu?"

She finished as she bared her fangs at her.

Lisa scoffed.

"Perhaps I could help you relearn some manners, my Lady." Lisa said. "I've crossed the threshold of your home, and you haven't even offered me a drink or even to take my coat."

Dracula chuckled, amused at the mortal boldness.

"How fascinating." She mused. "I am Vlad Dracula Tepes. And I must say, I don't get many visitors but when I do. They do not possess the fire that you have."

Chuckling, she made up her mind.

"Very well." She smirked. "I accept your silly proposal. Though why I would want to help a world that has forgotten its old knowledge is beyond me."

"The world is changing, Dracula." Lisa said. "Travel, like people do."

Here, Dracula raised an eyebrow at that.


She said, amused.

"You might just come to like it."

Lisa said.

"How intriguing." Dracula mused. "More and more. I've barely known for a few minutes and here you are, offering me to walk the earth like an ordinary peasant. While I give the knowledge of immortals, the true science."

She said.

"They won't be peasants anymore if you teach them." Lisa said. "They won't live such short, scared lives if they have real medicine. They won't be superstitious if they learn how the world really works."

Dracula mused.

She had quite an interesting argument.

"Very well, my dear."

The vampire smiled.

"This shall be a fruitful endeavor for both of us."

"Let me just move my castle near your village first."



And so, Lisa became the doctor she always dreamed of and in time pursued a relationship with Dracula Tepes.

And due to some obscure magic Draculina gave herself magic dick to impregnate Lisa.

And thus, Alucard was born.

Many people don't realize that Selena (female Dracula human name) is a female because of her tall and imposing figure. Adding to that, her clothes were big, heavy, and had several layers to it that it covered her chest very well. Many just thought that she had a large muscular chest. Never realizing that those were boobs.

But sadly.

All good things must come to an end.

And it came in the form of Bitchsop Asshole. A bishop of the Church sent by the Archbishop of Targoviste to hunt down and burn any 'witches' accused of witchcraft. 

Many were likely innocent and were unjustly burned to the stake. 

But the church and the bitchop were corrupt. And killed many that dared to go against the norm. And to dare defy the will of the church who proclaimed to be doing God work.

Ignoring the fact that God made everyone to be equal, but it was their actions that declared that only they held the right to rule over their fellow humans.

The dark fury that coursed through Selena veins consumed her and after warning the elderly lady who had been seeing her for medicine to leave as a final act of goodwill to her beloved wife.

Dracula decreed in the flames that killed her beloved that they had ONE year to make peace and remove any marks they have made upon the land. One year to repent before she would be able to summon an army from the depths of Hell itself.

"I give you one year, Wallachians. You have one year to make your peace and remove any marks you have made upon the land. One year, and I'll wipe all human life from the land of Wallachia. You took that which I love, so I will take from you everything you have and everything you have ever been. One year."

With that, Dracula left to begin her campaign of revenge.

Even though in Lisa dying moments, she begged her to not unleash her wrath upon them.

Sadly, a fruitless effort.

(Especially considering she wasn't there to hear them)

After all, the life of an immortal is not a pleasant one. Living forever, while your mortal lover grows old and eventually dies. If she had died naturally, then perhaps things wouldn't have come to this.

But the loss of such a beautiful and innocent soul by the hands of such savagery broke Selena.

And in its place, was a hunger for revenge, a desire to see all human life in Wallachia destroyed. Down to the last man, woman, and child. Not caring about any innocents saying.

"If there were any innocents that day, then they should have stood up for her and say: No, we won't behave like animals anymore."

Selena snarled as she spoke to her defiant son who tried to stop her.

Alucard tried to stop his mother in memory of his mom. But failed due to the older vampire wisdom, knowledge and power.

Forcing him to retreat to Gresit to recover from his grave wounds his mother had inflicted upon him for going against her.

Some did try to flee or repent. But the church honeyed words and sweet lies eventually 'convinced' them that this was nothing than the lies of the Devil. Conceited in their own arrogance that nothing could defeat the church.

Those that weren't convinced were threatened with death for deserting their country or threatened to be the next 'witch' to be burned at the stake.

The church could not afford dissension, hesitation, doubt, or distrust towards the church authority. Otherwise, they risk losing their power.

One year later on the promised day that Dracula vowed her revenge. The people, now completely brainwashed/indoctrinated by the church 'teachings' celebrated the death of the 'witch' as decreed by the fatass known as Archbishop of the Church.

Who openly mocks the 'Devil himself' for daring to threaten the good people of Wallachia with empty words of war and death.

Proclaiming it to be the lies that the Devil operates on as one of his works.

Everyone cheered.


Only for the cheers to be silenced as the sun was blocked out. Ominous dark clouds covering the sky.


Glass shattering and scattering all over the town.

"One year."

Came the ominous voice of their executioner. Voice cold and filled with dark anger as her dark visage formed in from the fires that had erupted.

"I gave you one year to make your peace with your God. And what do you do? Celebrate the day you killed my wife. One year I gave you, while I assembled my armies. And now I bring your death. You had your chance."

Her face turned into a sneer as the terrified citizens stared at the face of not a man. But a woman.

The 'Devil' was a girl!

"You took that which I love, so I will take from you everything you have and everything you have ever been."

She ended with that. And soon.


Monsters straight from nightmares (actually from the guts of Hell) soon appeared.



Came the terrified screams of the citizens as they fled for their lives.

A fruitless endeavor due to the advantages the demons had in flight, speed, and strength.

The Archbishop could only look in horror as the terrified populace of Targoviste was being picked off one by one.

No one was spared. Not the men, not the women, and especially not the children.

And the Archbishop, on the ground with a large glass shard impaled on his back.

*Flicker* *BURN*


Screamed his last scream as he was burned alive!

Just how Lisa and countless other 'witches' were burned alive.

Targoviste was devastated while most were dead.

It would have been all of them but some of the demons had other goals in mind.

To breed and reproduce and secure their bloodline by spawning their offsprings.

And humans, as it turns out, were very much compatible with demons and other supernatural monsters.

Male or female, didn't matter considering there were male and female demons as well. They would have them.

Hey, demons have needs to you know. And they can shapeshift as well.

The Dark Times have come upon the people of Wallachia.

But you know what they say.

So long as there's darkness, there will always be light.

And this came in the form of Diego Belmont and his older brother.

(Trevor Belmont)

Trevor Belmont.

The last remaining survivors/descendants of the Belmont Clan. Unjustly exiled, excommunicated, and massacred by the Church.

A clan of GREAT importance and perhaps the most prominent clan of all of Wallachia.

The Belmont clan ultimate purpose was to fight the creatures of darkness, those that go bump in the night, creatures of myth and legends that were commanded by Lord Dracula.

-7 years before the events that would plunge the world into darkness-

Unfortunately, their combat prowess in fighting off against the legions of darkness led to paranoia which soon gave way to rumors.

Rumors that the Belmont Clan practiced black magic which in turn attracted evil to them and gave them supernatural abilities.

Despite the Belmonts always protecting them against the legions of hell. They were exiled and excommunicated by the Church. While the 'good' citizens burned everything that the Belmont owned to the ground and destroyed whatever they could.

Not only that, but members of the Belmont clan were hunted down and heartlessly killed. Until all but two remained.

A 13 year old Trevor holding the hand of his 10 year old little brother, Diego.

The events of the fall and destruction of their clan left a deep mental scar in Trevor and a very fierce overprotectiveness over the last family he had.

His little brother, Diego.

For seven years, they would be on the road. Drifting from place to place, dealing with any demons that dare to show their ugly face. Sleeping out in the woods.

At times it was tough, but other times it was fun.

Though Trevor had to do the best he can to give Diego a good level of education. Knowing that they would be persecuted if their last name was revealed.

Diego found it tough, but he wouldn't trade it for the world.

His big brother was the best big brother that a little brother could ask for.

I mean, he could have just left him to die or fend for himself. But he took on the role of older brother, father, sometimes mother, teacher, guardian, and role model.

But again, Trevor is VERY protective of Diego. 

An example of this is the pub in some random village where the inhabitants were talking shit. Blaming those 'high and mighty' clans, especially the Belmonts. Spouting nonsense about them practicing black magic.

Although the Belmonts did seem to possess some level of magic considering the sealed gateway to their most treasured possessions.

Unfortunately, Trevor and Diego were exposed as Belmonts due to the family crest embroidered on their clothes and a fight ensued.

Trevor could have easily knocked them out at first punch. But he was trying not to pick a fight for once and just wanted his ale.

But the idiots sealed their fates when one of them commented on Diego handsome features and saying that once they killed Trevor. He would make them a pretty penny on the market.

THAT...was the wrong to say.

Especially after the 'leader' just had to run his mouth off and insinuate doing an illegal before selling him off.

Well, safe to say that none of the inhabitants that were in that bar were leaving since they were all attacking them just because they were Belmonts.

Let's just say that their deaths...were very gruesome once Trevor killed them all in a brutal and horrifyingly slow manner.

"No one will be doing ANYTHING to my baby brother." Trevor coldly said. "Not even over my dead body."

Note: Diego can fight and can actually use magic. Especially a special kind of magic. But Trevor basically loses it when his little brother is in danger.

Especially from predatory people like those dead farmers.

No wonder the ringleader goat got *beep*ed by another farmer.

"Hope you enjoy Hell." Trevor said as Diego set the building on fire with a little fire spell. "You bastards will fit right in with the demons."

"I'm 17."

Diego pouted.

"I'm not a baby, anymore."

He added, referencing to the baby brother comment he made earlier.

"Still my baby brother."

Trevor said causing Diego to sigh. Knowing that Trevor will forever see him as his little kid bro.

Trevor chuckled as he rubbed his little brother. hair, messing it up.


Diego pouted as he tried to get older and taller Belmont to stop.

Trevor just chuckled as they went to go rest at the forest.


"Their beer was shit."

Diego deadpanned.

"That it was, little bro." Trevor nodded. "That it was."

The two eventually settled sleeping against a huge tree. Using Trevor oversized coat as a blanket for the two.

If an artist had seen them at that very moment, they would have painted an artwork called 'the bonds of brothers'.

Because they instinctively tell that they were brothers.

Soon, they would sneak into a barricaded Gresit, where the citizens talked shit about the nomadic tribe of people known as Speakers. But it wasn't really the citizens own fault. Much like the people of Targoviste were due to the Church influence and false tongue. The people of Gresit were led to believe by the very same 'bishop' who burned Lisa Tepes at the stake and started this whole war that the Speakers were to blame for the war.


A nomadic tribe of people who gather knowledge, memorize it, carry complete spoken histories within them.

(Wish I had that kind of memorizing skill)

And also possessing hidden knowledge and many practitioners of magic knowledge in the many tribes of Speakers.

They tell their stories verbally; they are a group of nomads who maintain oral stories and traditions.

Extremely well knowledge and highly educated, they possess knowledge of histories that the Church would certainly not like to get out. And have often been persecuted for being sorcerers and bringing upon Dracula wrath upon them all. Of course, that was to cover up the truth that the CHURCH was the culprit responsible for a pissed off vampire coming after them.

With interesting morals and codes, the Speakers are considered to be altruistic idealists. They help those in need, no matter the dangers and no matter the looks they get.

They to not like God and consider themselves to be the "enemy of God". According to Sypha.

(Sypha Belnades)

But also seem to revere Jesus Christ and his unconditional love interestingly enough.

Perhaps it is through him that they found their calling?

Speakers are mostly pacifists and don't believe in using violence against others. Sypha won't harm humans, but will kill demons, vampires, and other monsters in the dark.

An interesting key note to know is that the Speakers and the Belmonts have been historically have been on good terms. Especially since their goals were linked to protecting and aiding Wallachia.

Regardless of what had happened.

While traveling through the city, Trevor and Diego happened upon a confrontation with a Speaker leader and two priests from the Church who did not act priestly at all and were very aggressive in trying to demand that he and his tribe leave or else.

Despite Trevor insistence on not intervening.

They did anyways.

Taking down both priests very easily and causing them to lose a limb or two. They escorted the Speaker back to his tribe. Despite Trevor and Diego intending to leave they were persuaded by the group of Scholars to help them to find the leader grandchild.

Trevor did, ordering Diego to stay with the Speakers.

Diego did so, pouting as the younger members of the tribe just laughed at the younger Belmont silent tantrum.

And just like Trevor promised, he came back with the leader granddaughter, Sypha. Much to Trevor surprised and annoyance because of course they would have their women dressed as men.

Though logically speaking considering the kind of unsavory folks hanging around. It was understandable.

After the elderly leader convinced Trevor and Diego to stay, Trevor went out of the hut for some fresh air. 


Only to be met by priests of the Church who told him that the Bishop wished to see him.

So, Trevor went and nearly killed the bastard when he brought Diego into this and hinted that Diego would be made a ward of the Church should Trevor refuse his deal.

How he thought he could take Diego away from him was beyond the older Belmont.

But should he take the deal, then the Belmont clan would be pardoned and be allowed to begin anew with the backing of the Church.

Trevor, for obvious reasons, wasn't going to accept this deal. Just pretended to think about it as he left

After all, the Church had betrayed the Belmont clan once. For what reason did he have to believe and trust in the Church to uphold their promise?

So, Trevor told the Speakers what the Bishop intended to do and try to convince them to leave. But the leader and Sypha persisted in staying and even lecturing him about their convictions.

"Maybe we should stop running."

But the final nail in the coffin came from Diego adding his own two cents in.

"We were meant to fight them, not for the Church but for the people."


Trevor groaned as he caved in.

"Fine. This is what we're going to do."

When the priests (and the mob they formed) came for the Speakers, they only found Trevor. Who proceeded to kick their asses.

And Diego?



An archer priest groaned as a blade pierced his heart and he fell to the ground dead.


He was taking out the ones that thought they had the advantage with the high ground.

Unfortunately for them, Diego was the one with the high ground.

The two Belmonts took the priests down with brutal efficiency. Knocking some of the mob down as they easily escaped.

While the Speakers were hiding away in the catacombs that Trevor had gone to earlier to (unintentionally, since they all thought she was dead) save Sypha.

"Night is fast approaching."

Diego realized as he looked to the setting sun.



Diego tilted his head as the arrow flew harmlessly past him.

"Too slow!"

He shouted as he quickly parkoured the wall and proceeded to kill them.

This kept on with Sypha entering the battle and showing her magical powers as they fought the villagers without killing them.

Eventually, Diego, Trevor, and Sypha were able to reveal the truth.

It was the Church that unleashed Dracula rage upon them all. By killing the woman Dracula loved and the perpetrators not even showing a single ounce of regret.


The priests denied.

"It was the Speakers that incited his rage upon the good people of Wallachia! The Church has proof!"


Another priest shouted.

"You cannot lie to the people about the Church! It is the eyes of God!"

"...The eyes of God you say?"

A new female voice spoke up as footsteps could be heard.


"What nonsense."

The voice coolly said.

"And such lies to be telling the people when you abuse God teachings yourselves."

The long haired beauty glared at them with an icy look.

"And who are you, bitch!?"

A priest shouted.




"What the!?"

The remaining priests shouted as the loudmouth head fell to the ground in shock.


(Jeanne D'Arc)

"Am Jeanne D'Arc." She introduced herself. "Better known as Joan of Arc."



A priest shouted.

"Witch!" Another priest screamed. "Demon! Hellspawn! You really are a mistress of the Devil!"

"Shut up."

The Savior of France coldly said. Causing the man to shut up.

"If I am a witch, then how can I do this?"



A wave of holy power emitted from her.

"N-N-NO!!" The Clergymen all screamed in disbelief and anger. "You're a witch! You cannot be holy!"

"That is the thinking of narrow minded fools."

The changed woman coldly said.

"Yes, I have come back from the dead." She said. "But not by witchcraft, but by the Grace of God Himself."

"Hear me, good people of Gresit!"

She shouted.

"What my companions said are true! The Church is the one responsible for the situation we are in now!"

"It is because of them that you must bury your loved ones and fear for your lives as the demons of Hell come to feast on your flesh."

"Wake up!" She said. "Wake up and see WHO the true aggressors and perpetrators of this war are!"

Soon, the citizens rage turned towards the remaining priests that were still alive and brutally slaughtered them. Their rage unrestrained as they took their anger out on the ones who were the true cause and the ones who knew and did not regret it.

And most of all, for being deceived by those that were supposed to be trustworthy.

After that little stress relief, they rallied the able men and prepared for the assault on Gresit.

It was a long and brutal battle.

Many dying on both side.

And in the Church.

Retribution had come for the Bishop.

"You cannot be here in the house of God!"

The Bishop shouted as the demons began crawling in all over the Church walls and pillars.

"House of God?"

Blue Fangs chuckled.

(What a handsome boy. Surely, he's not going to kill you and feast on your remains)

"That is a joke of the highest order, 'Bishop'." Blue Fangs cackled. "Surely, you cannot mean to say that. Otherwise, you yourself should not be allowed in here. After everything you have done."

"LIES!!" The Bishop snarled. "Everything I have done is in his name! I have done His bidding! Everything is in His name!"

"I thought this was a Church?" Blue Fangs rhetorically asked. "Perhaps it's because the presence of God cannot be felt here that you feel comfortable to lie."

"God is in all his churches."

The Bishop stated, hand holding a cross.

Blue Fangs laughed at that. If it was in the hands of a man truly protected by God it would have been a bigger threat.

"And you still lie? In your house of God?"

He slowly approached the cowardly figure.

"No wonder he has abandoned you."


The Bishop instantly denied.

"But we?" Blue Fangs continued. "We love you."


The Bishop shouted in disbelief as the demon continued.

"We love you." Blue Fangs repeated. "After all, none of this wouldn't have happened without you."

"You are the source of all the suffering happening now." He cruelly said as towered over the human and used his claws to trap him by taking ahold of his shoulders. "It was your actions that lead to our lord decision to burn this world to the ground."

"And because of that. Your God has abandoned you."

"Lies from a treacherous demon!"

The Bishop snarled.

"Your God's love is not unconditional." Blue Fangs glared down at him. "He does not love us. And he does not love you after what you have done in your in 'service' to his divine will."

"Your life's work makes Him want to puke!"

Blue Fangs calmly roared.

"And if God truly loved you, then it should be impossible for us to enter a Church under his protection. After all, HE knows that we wouldn't be here without you."

"This is all your fault human, you had the chance to repent but you spat upon our master remaining goodwill and doomed yourself to death."

Blue Fangs chuckled as he leaned forward.

"Let me...kiss you as a thank you."

He opened his razor sharped fanged mouth, ready to kill him.

Before he stopped as he remembered something.

Something that made him chuckle and laugh as did the demons because they all had a feeling they knew that he was laughing at an irony.

"I almost forgot to leave you with this juicy tidbit as you depart from this world."

Blue Fangs chuckled at the confused look on the Bishop face.

"God abandons you scum. But the Belmont brothers?"


'What do they have to do with this!?'

The Bishop thought to himself as the demon continued talking.

"God favors and loves them unconditionally."


"N-NO!!!" The Bishop shouted in denial. "That's not possible! God would never love a bunch of pagans who practiced the black arts!!"

"Especially that filthy punk and his equally filthy brother!"

Now Blue Fangs had a frown on his maw, as did the other demons at that.



The Bishop screamed in pain as his arm was brutally ripped off. Blood pouring down as the demons feasted on his severed limb.

"Watch your tone, human." Blue Fangs warned. "You have no idea how much God favors them, especially the youngest. Here's something that the residents of Hell are aware of that not even our master knows."

"Diego Belmont is a child loved and favored by God."


"We call him the child who can hear the voice of God. Much like a certain girl several decades back."


"That witch!?" The Bishop spat out through the pain. "Jeanne D' Arc?!"

"She's not a witch, you arrogant shortsighted fool."

Blue Fangs corrected.

"She too heard the voice of God and what did those humans do? Burn her at the stake, proclaiming her to be a witch and then turning her into a saint after everything you had done to her."



The Bishop yelled.

"Oh, you ignorant buffoon." Blue Fangs smiled cruelly at the look of despair and broken views. "You know, we must thank you."

"After all, it was thanks to the Church that you drove away and killed most of the Belmont clan that allowed us to run unchecked."

"Oh, how fucking ironic!" He laughed. " Oh, how ironic! You drive the only force, capable of stopping us, in the world away into exile for your own gain. And you don't even know that the youngest Belmont is considered by Hell resident as 'God's Favored Child!'" 


Demonic laughter filled the hallowed halls of the Church as the ultimate irony was laid out before them.

As he said once again.

"And now." He finished. "Let me give you, your ultimate reward from God."

The Church was filled with the screams of the Bishop as Blue Fangs cruelly killed him in a horrific way.

No one would miss him anyways.

Soon Blue Fangs would join the battle too, leading an army of demons to kill the three.

Only for Sypha to trap them in ice.

"You think this will end?!"

Blue Fangs shouted.

"There's an army of us!" He roared. "An army...from hell!"


Trevor scoffed as he raised his weapon.

"Just die."

But before he could kill the demon.


Diego stopped him, blocking his path.


"Diego!? What are you doing?!"

Trevor and Sypha shouted in shock.

"Can we keep him??"

Diego asked.


Trevor, Sypha, and Blue Fangs all shouted in shock at that.

"Are you crazy!?" "Why would you want to do that!?" "I'm not a pet!!"

The three said as Diego hugged Blue Fangs furry neck.

"Look at him!" Diego said. "He's so vicious, brutal, and warm! Let me keep him! I promised to keep him in line!"


Trevor shouted.

"Get away from him!"

Sypha shouted in concern.

"What the hell is happening?"

Blue Fangs muttered to himself.

Was his life really hanging in the balance of being kept as a pet!?


Diego pouted at Trevor who tried to resist.

'Don't say yes!' He mentally shouted at himself. 'Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes! Don't say yes!'



He said.


He mentally roared in his head.

He failed!

"Trevor?!" "YES!!"

Sypha shouted in shock and Diego in happiness.

As for Blue Fangs?

"I blame God."

Blue Fangs growled before realizing something.

"You might want to move away from there."

He added.

Hey, he might as well repay them for sparing his life somehow.





Trevor and Sypha fell down to the lower levels as Diego looked in shock.

"You may have taken me out child."

Blue Fangs spoke up.

"But you still got the army to deal with."


"Not a problem."

Jeanne smirked as she killed a demon trying to attack Diego.

"We're more than enough for these small fries."


"The Savior of France."

Blue Fangs recognized her. She might have looked different but it was her no less.

"To think that you would somehow come back from the dead and walked the lands once more."

Soon, the battle ended with a new member of the group.

(Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes)

Adrian Tepes.

Son of Dracula and Lisa.

Someone who has been awaiting for the people who meet the requirements to fulfill a legend.

...And someone that didn't get along well with Trevor.

Diego sweatdropped at that.

But protectively shielded Blue Fangs from him.

"You can't kill him!" Diego shouted. "He's mine!"

"He's a powerful demon that is too dangerous."

Alucard said.

"No means no!"

Diego stood his ground.

'The hell is wrong with this human?'

Alucard thought as he could see Blue Fangs taunting him with a smile.

"Look magic baby."

Trevor called him that after finding out that Dracula is a woman.

"You're not going to kill him. So, let it go."

"Don't call me magic baby."

Alucard growled.


Trevor said as he contemplated about something.

"If we're going to defeat Dracula. We need more than just weapons." He muttered. "We need knowledge."

"...We have to go back home?"

Diego asked.


"I see." Blue Fangs realized what they were getting at. "The Belmont clan has been fighting us for centuries. If anyone might have a clue to stop my master, then it would be the Belmont clan."

"But the estate you lived was destroyed." Jeanne frowned. "How would you get information from there?"

"Not all of it was destroyed."

Diego snickered as Trevor smirked.

"After all, the most important things were hidden underground."

And with that, the group left to the Belmont estate.

"You really are a fool."

Blue Fangs told Diego after everyone went off to gather supplies.

Diego burying his face in Blue Fangs fur.


He asked innocently.

Blue Fangs twitched as in a blur he knocked Diego to the ground used his claws to trap him as he towered over him. His hot breath hitting the teen in the face.

"I am a demon." Blue Fangs growled as his glowing blue eyes looked at the teen green eyes. "I am your enemy, not a pet nor a companion. I could betray you at any given moment."

"I could drag you into Hell right now and breed you and use you as my breeding factory. Break you as you bare my pups for my master army to destroy this world."

"Would you like me to fuck like this?"

He said.

"Or would you prefer if I fuck you like this?"

He transformed into a handsome, muscular humanoid figure with furry ears and a tail.

"Would you like to be mated and pounded for the rest of your life? Because you have no idea of what I could to you."

"But you won't."

Diego said.

"...And how do you know that?"

Blue Fangs asked his now human like eyes continued their inhuman glowing.

"Because you choose to bind yourself to me." 

Diego smiled.

"You chose to be my familiar."


Blue Fangs chuckled as he got off the teen and pulled him up. Transforming back into his demon form.

"You are truly an interesting and unique being."

He said.

"No wonder God favors you."

Soon after, everyone would return and unaware of what just happened would eat.

Before being attacked by a horde of demons.

While Blue Fangs was now allied to Diego, he did send information to a fleeing demon telepathically.

Something for his master to learn of.

After Isaac got information from the dead demon along with a classified ball that could only be opened by Dracula. He went to inform Dracula and the War Council of his findings.

Let's just say their reactions varied from shock to disbelief to anger to extreme shock.


An impetuous vampire, Godbrand, shouted.

"A child that God favors!? And the demons never told us!?"


Someone else once said.


Dracula said, something in her voice as her eyes were drawn to the image of Diego.


There was something in her voice that they could not discern.

But a spark seemed to be lit as Dracula greedily drank in the sight of not only Diego, but also Jeanne D' Arc.

And now, she had a new goal in mind.

'If Jeanne D' Arc can be brought back to life. Then surely Lisa can too!'

The Vampire Queen felt a rush of excitement, happiness, love...

...And lust?


She thought to herself in shock.

But the longer she stared at Diego. The more 'alive' she felt.

"...I want him."

She said.


The vampires and the newly arrived vampire Carmilla all looked to their queen in shock.

"I want him alive and in one piece." She said. "I don't care if you have to roughen him up. But he better be brought back here in one piece."

"If not..."




Some of them managed to get out as they left.

"...Diego Belmont."

Dracula retreated to her quarters as she did something she hadn't done in a while.


Stimulating herself by groping and massaging her tits.

Imagining the teen manhandling them or her using them as a pleasure tool for the young boy cock.

"hah...hah...Diego Belmont...you will be mine."

Soon, the war took on a more drastic turn as Dracula now intended to take the younger Belmont and make him her king. And while the war was being fought, Dracula drank blood more often and restored herself to full strength.

All the while ordering for an elixir of immortality as she intended to trap him forever with her.

And she supposed for his brother as well as she observed the strong bonds between them.

As well as for the resurrected Jeanne D' Arc.

'She makes for a good mistress.'

Dracula thought to herself.

Diego and Jeanne shivered for some reason.

Soon, it got to the point that Dracula herself made an appearance and made her intentions towards Diego quite clear.

"Over my dead body, you fucking vampire milf!"

Trevor shouted as he swung Morning Star at her.

"No one is touching or turning my baby brother!"

"I'm 17!"

Diego shouted.

"Still too young!"


Blue Fangs kept his mouth as Alucard looked like his soul was leaving his body after hearing what his mother was intending to do. Sypha was laughing her ass off.

Jeanne did not know what to say since Selena (Dracula told them to call her that since they were going to be seeing her around more often) also mentioned that she intended to take her as a mistress or a wife as well, didn't matter to her. And so, she just kept silent.

"I came back for this?"

Jeanne muttered as Blue Fangs sweatdropped.

'Technically, he's not too young.' The demon thought to himself. 'Considering how short their lifespans are in this era you guys are considered to old to not be married already.'

Of course, he didn't say anything as Trevor tried to kill the 'Ara Ara' Vampire Milf Queen for trying to taint his baby brother.

Eventually, all things come to a head and the final battle was upon them.

Dracula lost, which wasn't shocking but saddening due to her regaining her sanity after consuming blood again.

"So, this is it."

She said, laying on the ground.

"In the end, I couldn't save her and I couldn't bring her back."

"Mother." Alucard looked at her sadly. "You know mom didn't want this. You know she wanted you to forgive and not punish them for their actions."

"Heh." Selena chuckled. "The world was too far gone to be allowed to be left alone. At the very least, I purged the Church corruption and eventually killed the ones who killed my beloved Lisa."

Alucard bowed his head as the sun started rising.

"Thank you all for helping me remember myself."

Selena smiled as she weakly beckoned Diego over to her.

The teen blinking as he did so.

"Let me kiss you...at least once..."

Selena asked.

Diego blinked, before blushing and nodding his head.

Leaning down his lips met hers as Dracula gave him a passionate kiss with the last of her strength.

"Just as good as I dreamed."

She said as Diego blushed and turned to the side.

"That was my first kiss."

He admiited.


"...Heh..." Selena weakly laughed. "Glad I could...give you something...special..."

"Take care of each other."

She said to Diego and Jeanne.

"And Adrian." She looked to her son. "I am so proud of you and please live on for the future."

"I will mother."

He said. 

"Hm." She smiled. "It's been fun, Trevor Belmont. You're a good brother and a good man. I can see who taught Diego the Belmont Rizz."

"The what now?"

Trevor and Diego blinked as the sun hit Selena and Count Dracula died for good.

And thus ending the legacy of Count Dracula.

...Or so you thought.

Tempest: SIKE! You thought!

Now we go into Selena new life.

To make a long story short. If you have read Tempest book: Castlevania: Remnants Vampire Kingdom. 

This is basically that but genderbended.

Which should have been obvious since Dracula a girl in this timeline.

Tempest makes a deal with Selena and gives the vampire a second chance at life.

Much to her shock.

"Why would you give a wretched creature like me a second chance?"

She asked.

Tempest simply said.

"Because you deserve to be happy." He said. "None of this would have happened if those stupid humans weren't so drunk on power and control. You could have lived a happy life with your family, not have to fight your own son."


Dracula felt touched by the God sincere words and warmth.

"But this second life is going in with a twist."

He added.

"Of course."

Selena deadpanned.

"What is this twist?"

She asked.

"You're going to be reborn into the body of a young girl, Bailey Taurus, who has just died from a pierced heart, from the jagged end of her ribs."

"...What did you just say?"

Dracula coolly asked as her eyes turned pure blood red.

Tempest wasn't fazed though impressed with how she reacted to that.


She asked further.

"...She was different." Tempest said. "This girl did things her own way and didn't follow in the ideology of his world, where being a Huntsmen is everything in that world."

"Stupid if you ask me."

Zero deadpanned causing Selena to shoot up from her chair and crash through the ceiling.

"Where did you come from!?"

Selena asked once she landed back down.

"I've been here the entire time."

Zero said.

"I'm just good at hiding my presence."

"Back to the story." Tempest snickered before turning serious again. "They bullied her because of that and not only that. But there is this little worm that is perverted beyond all comprehension, even to us, and has tried many times to get her into his harem. Because he's the 'harem king'."

He sarcastically finished.

"...The fuck?" Selena deadpanned. "And they killed her because she didn't want to be a Huntsman?"

"It was mainly an accident." Zero shrugged. "But regardless they did kill her by their own hands. Intentional or not."

"Let's say I agree, and I will mark my words." She said. "What will become of me?"

"You will reunite with your beloved wife at the end of this long journey."

Tempest said.


"I'll do it."

Selena said, a smile of determination on her face.

"Then let's get started." Tempest grabbed the Crimson Stone. "Oh, also, you will also get your boy toy and his girl as well eventually."

"An even more enticing deal."

Selena admitted.

"And I think he'll make a fine husband and king to my reincarnation."

""Ohoho." Zero snickered. "That poor boy love life is such a mess."

Tempest snickered as well.

"Oh, yeah." He remembered something. "I've already moved your castle and the vampires of your world to Remnant as well and did a few tweaking to Remnant history as well. It is now as though it was always a part of the world history. Oh, and I took away the little problem of burning up into ashes when exposed to sunlight. You and your fellow vampires are now immune to the effects of the sun."

"Far out."

Selena said.

"Warning though." Zero frowned, getting her attention. "Due to altering that world history there is now an order and a religion that was created to combat the vampires."

"It is called the Church of Light."

"Let me guess." Selena deadpanned. "It is like the Church then."

"And then some." Tempest deadpanned. "They worship the God of Light, who makes God look like the greatest and kindest deity to ever exist. And there is a clan of Vampire Hunters called the Arc clan."

"And trust me, you will be wishing to go fighting the entirety of the Belmont clan because at least they are decent."


Dracula sarcastically said.

"Alright. Let's get this over with."

And so they did.

Dracula would make contact with her reincarnation.

(Bailey Taurus)

Bailey Taurus.

Who would begin her new life as the Queen of Vampires along with her friend.

(Irene Valentine)

Irene Valentine. A Dhampir who has been discriminated because of her being half human and half vampire. Calling her a traitor to humanity.

Bailey would quickly learn much under Dracula/Selena tutelage.

...And also start to crave the male that Selena lusted for.

Diego Belmont.

Bailey saw Selena memories of him. And like what she saw.

He was more of a man than most of the boys (and that's putting it lightly concerning ones like Hyoudou and Minoru) were or ever could be. 

(And she was not considering Jaune Arc to be a potential love interest because of how edgy and ego inflated he was just because he was a vampire hunter and from an important clan. And how racist he is towards vampires)

And his muscular scarred physique led to many nights touching herself. Imagining being in his strong embrace.

Soon, Bailey and Irene left Beacon and went to Wallachia with Ozpin and Glynda approval. And quickly as well before the Arc learned of Bailey new heritage.

Once she gets there, she reveals herself to her old War Council, gets updated on Wallachia situation, and begins to get to work.

"Why am I doing this?"

Carmilla asked as she was being used as dress model for some reason.

"Because I'm still mad at you for your little betrayal but killing you is stupid and does not benefit anyone. So, I decided that wasting your time is more effective punishment since I know you don't like to waste time."

"...You are truly are Lady Dracula reborn."

Carmilla smiled.

"I just hope you don't do anything crazy."

"I inherited her obsession for that sexy stud."

Bailey said.

"...He's doomed."

Carmilla laughed.

"Him and that sexy saint."

Bailey licked her lips.

"Can't wait to have them."

"...Yeah, you're definitely our Lady." Carmilla deadpanned. "Only she would be that depraved and only horny for Diego."


Bailey and Dracula shouted.

Soon enough, Bailey managed to track down Diego Belmont and the gang.

And when she told them the news and showed proof that it was true.

"My mother still after him even after reincarnating!?" Alucard shouted. "My mother truly is lonely!"

"Don't be saying that abut your mother!"

Dracula spoke through Bailey.

"For crying out loud!"

Trevor groaned.

"Can't that damn vampire leave my baby bro alone?"

"I'm 18!!"

Diego shouted.

After spazzing out, Bailey tells them everything about what happened after Dracula death.

Their reactions?


Yeah, that basically sums it up.

"Is this why you have return to us, Milady?"

Blue Fangs asked.

"Partly." Bailey admitted. "I need your strength for the eventual war that's sure to come because of those prejudiced, racist, disciminating bastards. Especially hte likes of the Arc clan and the SDC and who knows waht else."

"And the other reason."

Jeanne asked, amused.

Already knowing the answer.

"To take Diego as my husband and King." Bailey said. "And you and any other fine ladies as my wives or mistress. Whichever they find sexier."


Trevor and Alucard shouted as Trevor tried to lunge at her!


Only for Sypha to use her magic to hold the enraged older Belmont brother in place.

"Easy, Trevor!" She shouted. "Let Diego have a love life already!"

"He doesn't need a harem!"

Trevor shouted.

"Yes he does!" Sypha shotued before adding. "And so do you!"


Trevor looked at her in disbelief.

Was she crazy!?

"You and Diego are the last of your clan." Sypha added. "You're going to need a couple more wives to help jumpstart the rebuilding and return of the Belmont clan. And as much as I wish, I can't pop out that many babies. Childbirth is a pain you know."

Trevor just gaped at his wife in shock as Bailey chuckled triumphantly.

"Then let's go back to the castle!"

Bailey shouted as she grabbed Diego by the hand and pulled towards the castle direction.


Diego shouted as he was unexpectedly being guided to their new destination.

"Wait up!"

Trevor shouted as everyone chased after them.

All the while, Diego and Bailey were thinking.

'Her hands are soft/his hands are strong and firm.'

Soon, some time will pass and the relationship between Diego and Bailey would soon grow and then.


Bailey screamed as she held onto Diego. Her nails scratching his back as she felt her orgasm explode.

(Sidenote: The rooms in the castle are soundproof so that no hears them. Not even vampires and those with enhanced hearing)

"More! MORE!" 

She screamed as Diego violently thrusted inside her womb.

"So fuckign tight!"

Diego groaned as Bailey walls squeezed his cock.


Bailey moaned as her body shook in pleasure.


Diego yelled as he violently came inside her.


Bailey moaned in pure ecstasy as the two mated in a frenzied flurry of passion, love, and lust.

In another part of the castle.

"TREVOR ❤️!!"

Irene screamed as she was plowed into oblivion by the older Belmont brother large cock.

The Belmont Brothers were definitely packing very much down there.

"Fuck! Irene!"

Trevor groaned as he impregnated her with his seed.

They enjoyed the time they had together because soon.

Soon. Things were going to become much, much more interesting as the world will be forever changed.

Whether by their planet inhabitants or by some unexpected celestial merging.

That remains to be seen in the future.


I made this bio because I had just started watching Castlevania on Netflix.

I didn't watch it before because...well, I didn't really thought to watch. Truth be told, I only started watchign because I was sleepy and bored and didn't want to do anything until I decided to see what was good on Netflix.

If I'm going to have that streaming service and 20 something dollars for it I might as well use it.

There were some interesting and then I saw Castlevania and thought: 'Hm, why not?'

And I got hooked.

And found a new inspiration for a new bio.

If people already forgot. Tempest used Bailey as Ben genderbent female self name. So Bailey Taurus is Ben Taurus genderbent/female self here.

This timeline follows Ben Castlevania book. Castlevania: Remnants Vampire Kingdom. 

With obvious minor adjustments.

As mentioned before.

Trevor is VERY overprotective of his little brother Diego.

Trevor is dating Sypha and Irene Valentine here.

Irene is obviously 18 like Bailey and Diego due to the change in rules on this site.

Better safe than sorry. 

Blue Fangs has a human form and Weiss is dating him.

(Blue Fangs human form. Eyes can the same as in the picture or blue like his demon form eyes)

One because his human form is too sexy for her to not want. And two, to piss off her dear old dad if she's dating what looks like a faunus but is really a demon.

Weiss has a breeding kink that Blue Fangs unlocked inside her.

Blue Fangs is a loyal demon partner/familiar to Diego.

Alucard has found two new loves.



Marrow Amin

(Tempest suggested them when I asked him for love interests for him)

They'll probably have some more girls probably.

And when Lisa comes back, she's apart of Diego harem.

Selena sometimes takes control of Bailey so she can finally have sex with Diego and fulfill her dirty fantasies.

Jeanne D' Arc was brought back to life by Diego due to the powers God blessed him with.

Unlike her Fate/Grand Order self, she is a little bit jaded due to the bitterness she has inside her that she could never let go.

Not to mention how fucked up the world was after she had died.

But thanks to Diego, her faith in humanity is restored and she is living a happy life and is also a mother making Diego a father.

Boy, was the FGO gang surprised at seeing such a different version of Jeanne without Gilles interference.

Even Jalter was taken aback at how apathetic she looked at times.

Of course, we all know that things won't be without conflict.

Let's see how this goes.

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