Diego (+Anima Variant)

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(His wings)

Age: 19

Hair color: Brown hair

Eye color: Green eyes

Skin color: Tan

Race: Human/+Anima

Personality: Serious, strong, patient, caring, unflinching and without fear.

Love Interests: Crystal Fatalis. Most likely more.

Family: Father: Unknown. Mother: Unknown. Cooro (Little Brother).

(Cooro. Has black hair and blackish brown eyes)

Powers: Crow +Anima. Possesses the power of flight. Mystical Shaman Arts taught to him by Si Mukar. The Tribal Chief of the Shuros Tribe that lives on Moss Mountain. He also has the power to sense other +Anima like his younger brother, Cooro. This might have something to do with the unique circumstances of their birth.

Features: Is human for the most part, he does have feathers on his arms. When his +Anima is active he sprouts large black crow wings, sometimes will have a large bird like tail those this is mostly to defend himself with. His hands can turn into claws and his personality becomes more vicious if his tail and claws/talons are out.

If it's just his wings, he's his usual self.

Likes: His little brother Cooro who is also a Crow +Anima. Husky (Real name Myrrha) a Fish +Anima. Senri, a Bear +Anima who hails from the now destroyed Tooa Tribe. Nana, a Bat +Anima. Apples. His home. Traveling with the group. The Kim-Un-Kur tribe of Moss Mountain.

Open spaces like large grass fields and mountains.

Dislikes: Before The Merge: Sailand. People who treat +Anima poorly. Those who have turned themselves over to savagery. Commander Igneous Giesrieg  of Astaria Army (Though this was because of Igneous hate towards Senri. Which disappeared because Senri was too young to have been the Bear +Anima that killed his grandfather in the Battle of Moss Mountain).

Having to deal with people trying to take advantage of his brother naive and good nature to help.


Neutral: Igneous. Husky siblings. Fly/Fry (though he still doesn't get why Fly is so obsessed with stealing other +Anima powers and giving them to Blanca. An artificial lifeform who Fly and Fly old master claims is an angel +Anima). Blanca. Marca.

Hates (After the Merge): Union, racists, discriminations, villains, fake heroes, the SDC, certain groups and students of Union. Atlas (Depends mainly on the timeline though). The White Fang. Vought.

Hypocrites, cowards, Faunus trying to 'sympathize with them and ally them to their cause'. 

People trying to help the 'poor, oppressed Faunus of this new realm'.

They weren't Faunus okay!

Alien invaders trying to take over the world and enslave them. If they take over the world is fine. But they draw the line at slavery.


In the land of +Anima, there exists a special group of individuals.

They are simply called +Anima.

Now what is an +Anima exactly?

Well, I can tell you this. It's not Fairy Tail anima, LOL.

No, +Anima are humans who possess animal-like abilities. 

They are called Anima.

They possess the power of an animal that is most compatible to them.

It is unknown exactly how one can get an +Anima thus making it rather incredibly rare. Most cases, a person can obtain an Anima during a near death experience. Not always a guarantee, but in most situations that's often how it happens.

If one is able to become an Anima, then the Anima is absorbed through the person body through sheer will and a need to survive.

It is very common for children to become Anima due to how vulnerable and weak they are to external forces like abuse, monsters, their instincts screaming for survival.

+Anima can even transfer their Anima to another individual as such is the case with Senri obtaining his Anima from his father, Riiya.

Unfortunately, like always. There will always be discontent and distrust between the normal humans and the +Anima humans which has lead to conflict, wars, and differences in philosophies.

Sailand consider them to be less than human and as such Anima are sold into slavery there. Even associating with +Anima is illegal and the stigma it carries is heavy.

Astaria: In the Kingdom of Astaria, knowledge about +Anima is somewhat scarce. Leading to believe +Anima are strange, dangerous, and scary individuals which has made the +Anima something of outcasts.

But outcasts beats slavery at least.

The mountain that divides the two kingdoms: Astaria and Sailand. Moss Mountain are home to the people of Kim-un-Kur. Who see +Anima as something to be a great honor. As such, many +Anima have risen to high standings within their cultures and some even becoming leaders of their respective tribes like Si Mukar, Chief of the Shuros Tribe.

Of course, this puts them at odds with their neighboring countries.

An +Anima can go away as people grow and age. Most will lose it around the age of maturity if it their +Anima is no longer needed. Some can still keep it depending on the circumstances even if they have grown up.

The Kim-un-Kur are an exception since +Anima is an integrated part of their culture. So, theirs is basically permanent.

There are also artificial +Anima. Those implanted with an Anima. But those are dangerous and unstable as it is not a natural part of their biology. And can leave at any time meaning that it is a risk to use them because you don't know when they are going to disappear.

Natural born +Anima are impossible due to the certain circumstances one needs to go through to get one.

Diego and Cooro are the only exceptions to this rule.

Diego was born to unknown parents in his hometown of Lilt. A small village that is 5 hours away from Astaria capital: Astar.

During Diego mother pregnancy with him, crows would often flock around his parents' house for some strange reason. Worrying the parents and the village due to the omen that crows carry with them.

But the pregnancy went fine...until she gave birth to Diego.


Because to their complete surprise, Diego was born with crow wings and had tattoos on both of his arms!

The marks of an +Anima.

Obviously, his parents were quite shocked to see their son had somehow become a natural born +Anima.

Years would pass and things would happen.

Diego's mother was pregnant again. His father, a soldier, died in battle.

Unfortunately, the stress of hearing of her husband death along with almost reaching full term was too much for her.

She ended up passing away with the baby inside.

Lilt had a rather unique custom. It was relatively a new one, but unique all the same. Whenever a villager would die, they would be placed on a cairn and then the deceased body would be eaten by the crows that live in the surrounding areas.

It is believed in Lilt that the crows are like messengers of Heaven. That when they arrive to a funeral, they are there to bring the deceased soul to Heaven.

Diego just watched as the crows ate his mother and his unborn sibling. Just watching as +Anima felt restless.

It was going normally...until...


The baby whose destiny was to die along with his mother was born an +Anima! Just like his older brother Diego, he too was born a natural +Anima.

Witnessing these events was a researcher, Aaron Newt, from the Astarian National Research Facility.

"He must have wanted to chase after the spirit of his dead mother."

Aaron remembered as he told Senri, Husky, and Nana about that eventful day.

"His longing must have drawn in the Crow +Anima."

He finished, remembering the look of surprise on Diego face as the 7 year old own Crow +Anima activated, and he took to the sky and grabbed his baby brother into his arms. The two smiling happily as they chase after the crows.

Both having matching tattoos symbolizing their +Anima as Crows.

After that, the two would be raised in an orphanage run by the church. Where they would interact with Aaron and his apprentice Fly Greena Aight.

The two a rather interesting to the researchers due to the both of them being natural born +Anima.

11 years would pass and the two would eventually set off on a journey.

They would meet Husky, a silver haired, purplish blue eyed, Fish +Anima, who is a rather feminine looking 10- to 11-year-old boy.

Husky past remained a secret for a good amount of time. Until certain events brought them to Sailand.

His home country.

Where it was revealed that he was one of many children of the king of Sailand.

Basically, a Prince of Sailand.

But the court life was filled drama, selfishness, and treachery with the possible exception of his mother. After one of Sailand queens attempted to kill him by drowning him since he couldn't swim. He obtained his fish +Anima and escaped Sailand knowing that even though he was a prince he would be enslaved because he was an +Anima.

Which also made him distrustful of females because of that. Though it gradually dissipated over the course of their journey.

His true name is Myrrha but is called Husky because of his husky voice.


A grayed haired, grayed eye 15 year old boy who is a Bear +Anima.

Originally from the Tooa tribe of Moss Mountain, Senri meets Diego, Cooro, and Husky at the village of Abon where he is defending it from the Garrison Gang.

Quiet and calm, it surprises most people when he is provoked and turns aggressive and violent.

Senri suffers from short memory loss due to an event in his past. And carries around a book with pressed flowers to help his memory.

When the gang crosses path with Kim-un-Kur of Moss Mountain, they meet Upas, a former member of Senri tribe before it was destroyed by Sailand. He revealed the reasons behind Senri lost memories and the fact that his father died the very year he received his Bear +Anima.

Of course, they did not know how until later when they try to stop Upas from killing Senri.

And accidentally releasing the Mad Bear contained deep inside him.

It was then that Upas told the whole story.

About the Mad Bear Amurui. About Senri father, Riiya fully transforming to kill Amurui. About Amurui madness infecting Riiya to the point he attacked his own son and tried to kill him.

Upas back then tried to get his old friend to see reason and somehow it managed to work. Riiya managed to gain some clarity, just enough to transfer his +Anima to Senri who then became a Bear Anima.

But after doing that, he was completely gone and nothing more than a wild animal to be put down. 

Senri was the one to kill him.

Senri killed his own father in an attempt to protect himself. Hence why his memories of his life in the Tooa tribe were gone.

But Amurui madness still lived on in Senri.

But due to certain events, they were able to Amurui madness and Senri was back.


Full name Nana Alba is young girl, around 10 -11 years old. She has light brown/wheat colored hair and green eyes.

She is a Bat +Anima.

Nana lived in a small near a wooded area with her mother and her father. They were a happy family until one year her father harvest returned low yields.

Her father got drunk off his ass and was easily aggravated and started to beat his wife. Nana tried to stop but accidentally stabbed because she was holding a pair of scissors at the time.

Enraged her father went after her with a cleaver in hand, but it was at this time that Nana received her Anima and used her newfound Bat wings to flee into the night.

It is unknown what happened next, but Nana believes that her mother is dead.

Shortly after, she would end up in the town of Octopus where she would join a local gang of orphan girls. She leaves eventually because she believes she is not well liked but in reality the leader was jealous of her for having such awesome powers.

Diego, Cooro, Husky, and Senri would meet her shortly after Diego, Cooro, and Husky meet Senri in Abon.

They would meet when Nana steals Husky pearls and is pursued by them. After some adventures, Nana goes with them on their adventure.

She is insecure about her Anima due to her being a Bat +Anima. And fears it somewhat especially after witnessing Senri being possessed by the Mad Spirit of Amurui.

Diego helps her to come to terms with her Anima.

Soon their journey comes to a climatic point when it is revealed that Diego and Cooro do sort of a task for Fly.

They bring in +Anima humans and offer them a normal life in exchange for their +Anima.

To enhance the artificial Anima lifeform known as Blanca. Who is apparently an Angel +Anima.

Most seem to agree and those that don't are allowed to leave.

The group splits after that with Nana, Senri, and Husky leaving behind Diego and Cooro. Though Senri is hesitant to, only leaving when Cooro said to.

It is then revealed that years ago, Cooro and Diego agreed to give Fly thier wings. An innocent promise between the trio, but Cooro and Diego always did fulfill his promise.

Though Fly was somewhat hesitant now. Having bonded with Cooro and Diego for quite a while.

Eventually Husky and Nana decide to go back with Senri in tow. Going to the secret tunnel that led to Blanca resting place. There Husky decided to release Blanca as revenge against Fly only for Blanca to be missing from her tube.

It was there they met Aaron Newt who had been fully transformed into a full Anima state due to experiments.

It was there that they learned the truth about Cooro and Diego.

They were naturally born +Anima. Not artificial like Nana had originally believed after learning the truth.

Returning to the castle in secret they run into Marca. A novice assistant they had met several times.

She was trying to find Cooro and Diego.

It was then that they noticed a flock of crows and Marca wondered if a funeral was being held at the moment.

Remembering what Aaron had said about the events surrounding Cooro birth they quickly ran to the direction of the crows.

Fly transplanted the +Anima to himself and finally could be together with Blanca.

Then the King of Astaria and Lord Nuoref along with some of the guards make an unexpected arrival. The king wanting to see his nephew +Anima study in action.

Mainly due to wanting to quell the rumors that his nephew was trying to amass power for himself.

Which wasn't true.

He was just a weirdo.

Then Blanca makes an unexpected appearance and flies away. With Fly chasing after her with his new wings startling everybody present that he is an +Anima.

The king wondering if his nephew had been possessed by the Angel of Death.

Meanwhile, Senri, Husky, and Nana find a despondent Diego and Cooro looking at the crows.

And with a yearning.


Grew crow wings despite giving their +Anima to Fly.

But Senri noted that they weren't THEIR WINGS.

Husky realized it quickly as they were Anima wings from one of the crows but not ones that they needed.

After chasing off the crows they were able to get through to them and thanks to the friendships they forged on their journey. Cooro and Diego regained their sense of self.

And restored their +Anima back to their rightful place.

Fly just smiled as he fell to his death.

Happy that he could fly with Blanca.

Blanca saved him and the two returned to Astaria.

Eventually, Diego and Cooro go back to their  hometown and pay their respects to their parents graves and then head to Moss Mountain where Diego learns the mystical arts from Mukar.

Delving deeper and deeper into their respective +Anima and learning to bond and be in harmony with their animal halves.

Everything went fine for a year.

...Until the MERGE.

Soon, they found themselves in a new world with countless other worlds all merged into one.

Union, Earth, Legion, The Twisting Realms, Orario, Ovius, Drakonia, and multiple versions of some of those worlds were also added.

There, they would find themselves in a war against Union, the Four Kingdoms, Vought, the Supernatural and more that wanted to control their lands and steal their resources.

It was here that +Anima got a chance to show their true capabilities and helped repelled the invaders until help from other realms aided them in defeating them once and for all.

So Union and its allies lost much to their shock and disbelief.

Sailand gained a newfound respect for Anima and abolished slavery and saw them as humans.

Astaria people grew to understand Anima better and respected them more.

And now.

Diego and the gang decided to enroll in Legion and even attend some of the X-Men classes at Professor Xaviar Mansion which was known as Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters even though they aren't mutants per say.

It was in Legion Academy that Diego would meet his girlfriend.

(Not mine. Found it on Pinterest and been meaning to put it on one of Diego bios as his girlfriend)

Crystal Fatalis.

A fellow student at Legion whose power was simply called Enhancement. She could alter her body stats like strength, stamina, speed, physical abilities, skills, senses and then some.

A tomboy that doesn't easily fall in love. She was terrified when she did when she saw Diego.

She was head over heels for him but was able to act normally and not like a fangirl.

Eventually she and Diego get to 'know' each really close.

And now.

A new adventure awaits Diego, Cooro, Senri, Nana, and Husky and their friends.


I was doing a little trip down memory lane before my mind wandered around.

I decided to make a comment on one of Tempest books but felt like doing something different with my Diego OC.

I only thought about it when I decided I wanted to make a new OC version of Diego but couldn't figure out from what series.

Then I went to my bookshelf and saw the +Anima volumes that I had.

Then I realized that the Faunus of RWBY reminded me of the Anima in the manga.

The manga not long, only has 10 volumes. Makes sense since the first volume was released in 2001 and the last volume was released in 2005.

But I realized that there are some similarities between Anima and Faunus.

Though both are completely different.

Certain events are obviously changed than what had originally happened in the manga.

Like in Canon, Cooro and the gang eventually settled at a place where they had encountered during their journey.

Here, they settled down in Moss Mountain until the Merge.

Diego and Cooro love apples.

Due to Diego and Cooro being natural born +Animas. They do not understand the plight, emotions, or thought processes of people who became +Anima under near life or death circumstances.

To them, being +Anima was a normal thing because they've been +Anima their whole lives.

They were different in that sense and that's why they could not understand Nana or any other +Anima, besides the Ki-un-Kur, feelings about being +Anima.

How could they understand when they have been +Anima their entire lives?

Fly somehow became an +Anima after the events of the manga.

Blanca has grown up rather quickly and is in a relationship with Fly.

Her true age is truly unknown, and no one wants to ask for fear of dying.

Husky was able to spend more time with his mother.

He wears a pair of sapphire earrings which are his most prized possessions.

Senri enjoys the calm peace and serenity of the mountains.

Nana is always flying around.

Cooro carries a small hatchet around.

Don't let Cooro naive face and personality fool you.

"Neh? You want to date my Oni-san?"

Cooro asked as he swings his hatchet.

He's scary as hell when it comes to his big brother Diego.

He's a bit protective/possessive of him.

Which you wouldn't think with how sweet and innocent he is.

Which is why it's surprising to the group at how well he accepted Crystal as his big brother girlfriend.

Cooro likes Crystal and thinks she's a good fit for his big brother. Hence why he accepted her as Diego girlfriend.

Diego may or may not have more girlfriends in the future.

Diego is the oldest with Senri being the second oldest and Cooro being the third oldest though this is sometimes debatable because of how childish he is. That Husky and Nana sometimes feel that they are the older ones and Cooro is the youngest one.

Diego has little to no love or respect to Union and the way it is being handled especially with how the students talk down to their new neighbors despite the fact that THEY were the ones who lost and that their new neighbors won.

Diego and Cooro are referred to the Angel of Death (Diego) and Black Messenger (Cooro) due to their black crow wings.

They do have a good relationship with the Avengers, Justice League, and X-Men

All +Anima humans have tattoos that symbolizes their Anima counterparts.

Diego and Cooro have theirs on their shoulders.

Senri has it on his right hand.

Husky around his neck.

Nana on her back.

The Kim-un-Kur respects the +Anima. They see it as a power given to them by nature.

Anima are able to retract their animal like features.

They can use a partial Anima transformation or a fully transformed Anima transformation.

Astaria is a religious kingdom of sorts as they believe in God and Angels.

It is possible that Christianity exists here in some form.

Sailand system is a social Hierarchy and depending on what status your family has will determine your future.

Of course, this was before the merge and changes were made in the Kingdom of Sailand. It is no more, abolished like slavery was.

Every +Anima has unique abilities that only they possess because of the type of Anima they are.

(Imagine Diego in the picture with them)

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