Grace Moon (Star Wars: Clone Wars Variant)

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Grace Moon-Jinn

Age: 19

Hair color: Brown hair with a red tint

Eye color: Gold

Skin color: Tan

Species: Human

Titles: Jedi Knight (Recognized by the Jedi Order). Jedi Master (Recognized by the Force). Master (By her Padawan). Little sister (Anakin Skywalker). One of my many heart attacks (Obi-Wan Kenobi). Reckless (Mace Windu).

Powers: The Force (Both Light and Dark)

Love interest: Tristin Graves

(Aka the dude who I thought his hair was a bandana when I first saw the pic)

Personality: Calm, caring. Aggressive towards people she doesn't like. Cold as well when it comes to those she hates.

Likes: Her mother and her father. Coruscant. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ahsoka Tano, Bariss Offee, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos. Satine Kryze. Bo-Katan Kryze.

Luminara Unduli (though that wouldn't be until later in the Clone Wars after noticing how she behaved when it came to her padawan: Bariss. She opts to help Luminara understand that she was being too rigid in how she trained Bariss and helps her to become a better master)

Tristin Graves, his girls, and the Cabel. The Clone Troopers especially the squad she had under her command when she was still in the order.

Reading and listening to music. The Room of a Thousand Fountains. Nature. Kirishima and Mina once she gets to know them.

Vick Silvers (Once he stops mixing up timelines from his ability to dimension travel and stops confusing her for the Grace he knows in his original universe)

Blake Belladonna and her team.

Dislikes: Pong Krell (HATES), Ki Adi Mundi (HATES), Chancellor Sheev Palpatine (she doesn't like him, she doesn't know why but she just doesn't trust him. Much to Anakin surprise), certain senators and military officials (Tarkin), people blaming the Jedi with their misconceptions of them being these all powerful OP monk warriors.

Darth Maul: He nearly killed Duchess Satine and would have succeeded if Grace hadn't been there to stop her from plunging his lightsaber into her chest.

And also does not like him for killing her father.

Maul hates her for getting in his way at that crucial moment and losing the opportunity to rule Mandalore.

The Jedi Code (HATES) because the Jedi devotion to it and to the 'No Attachment' Rule is ironically creating attachments to the Code itself.

The Jedi blinded by their own haughtiness and overconfidence that stems from their arrogance.

Being mistaken for a Sith due to her eyes being golden and her ability to use the Dark Side of the Force naturally.

The Vex.

Neutral: Count Dooku (He might have chosen the Dark Side, but Grace can tell he has good intentions. Just bad decision making)

General Grievous: She is basically the only Jedi he doesn't hate. But he still wants to add her lightsaber to his collection.

Asajj Ventress.

Luminara Unduli until during the Clone Wars.

Yuuzhan Vong


Grace was born on an unknown planet in the Middle Rim. Her birth planet is one of the small group planets that is well off and possess a military force and can match even the planets in the Core Worlds.

There, Grace would grow up with her mother, Solana Moon. And would occasionally get to see her father when he comes to see her and her mother in secret.

Who is her father you might ask?


Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

A powerful Jedi of the Jedi Order and well versed in the studies of the Force. Unlike 99% of the Order, he did not blindly follow the Jedi Code like it was the Holy Gospel.

Trained by Jedi Master Dooku of Serenno, Qui-Gon is described to a maverick by many, including Yoda.

He did not strictly adhere to the Principles of the Jedi Code and followed his own path and philosophy as he studied and followed the Will of the Living Force.

The Living Force.

The energy of all life. From it came The Force.

The Force.

An energy field created by all life that bounds everything in the universe together.

It is made up of two parts.

The Light Side of the Force (Ashla)


The Dark Side of the Force. (Bogan)

The Light Side: Used commonly by the Jedi. The light side was known to be aligned with calmness, peace, and passiveness and was used only for knowledge and defense.

It was selflessness.

The Dark Side: The opposite of its counterpart, the light side in many ways, and yet so similar in other ways as well.

If the light side could be considered positive. Then the dark side could be considered the negative.

Even though both sides have their pros and cons.

Unlike its counterpart, the Dark Side taps into the raw emotions of the user. Examples would be passion, anger, and hate.

Greed fuels the Dark Side, as did fear, and a person inability to let go.

To suffer is to devote oneself to the Dark Side. Though that is not always the case.

The Jedi opposites: the Sith relish in the dark and uses it to empower them as they seek domination.

Then there is the Cosmic Force.

The wellspring from which the Living Force sprang into all living things. And into which all life was feeding upon death, becoming one with it.

The Force exists in everybody, but only those with a high enough concentration of Midi-chlorians could listen, hear, and use the power of the Force.

Jedi are agents of the Force and seek to ensure that peace, harmony, and stability remains throughout the galaxy.

But the Jedi weren't the only ones who could use the Force.

Force users that were not Jedi could use it. Whether it was for good or bad depended on the Force User themselves.

Though it is called different names and titles on many different worlds. Especially those that have never heard of the Force.

Then there are the Sith.

Just like the Jedi they are an ancient religious order of Force Wielders that are devoted to the Dark Side of the Force.

The Sith were more driven by their emotions and were obsessed with gaining more power for themselves. No matter what they had to do to get it.

Though not all Sith were evil. They had their own goals, noble or not depended on a person point of view. And the lengths they willing to go to achieve their goals.

Once, the Sith were many like the Jedi Order. But infighting, civil wars erupted among the Sith. As all coveted the ultimate power and to be the ultimate Dark Lord of the Sith.

This in turn gave the Jedi Order a great opportunity to wipe out the Sith and thus, bringing an end to the Jedi-Sith War that had been going on for years. The Sith were wiped out and peace reigned throughout the galaxy.

Or so they thought.

One Sith Lord survived.

Darth Bane.

And with his survival came a new Sith Order.

The Rule of Two.

"One who embodies power - The Master." Darth Bane decreed. "And who covets that power and desire to become the new Dark Lord of the Sith - The Apprentice."

With this new decree established. Darth Bane would begin the groundworks for the Sith return and ultimate revenge against the Jedi for nearly causing the Sith extinction.

And not only that, Darth Bane laid the foundation for the Sith Grand Plan.

AKA the Great Sith Plan and the Sith Conspiracy.

Basically, galactic domination by manipulating the Republic in the shadows. Sowing seeds of discord, widespread corruption, destroying the Jedi Order by turning the people on them and ruining their reputation and standing in the order.

For a thousand years the Sith would follow the Rule of Two loyally. The Master being slain by the apprentice. The apprentice becoming the new master and training their new apprentice. The apprentice killing their master and the cycle continued into present day.

The identity of the new Sith Master remains clouded in mystery.

But perhaps the answer is much closer than one might think.

But that is a story for another day.

Qui-Gon would often teach his daughter the ways of the Force and to follow her own path. Be it good or evil and follow her own convictions.

Qui-Gon eventually decided that he was going to leave the Order and live with his family.

After getting Obi-Wan to leave the Order as well.

He wasn't stupid. He knew there was something going on between his padawan and a certain lovely Mandalorian back on Mandalore.

But alas, it wasn't meant to be.

After a millennia of hiding, the Sith finally revealed themselves to the Jedi...well to Qui-Gon at least.

But unfortunately, the Jedi refused to believe or even entertain the notion that the Sith had returned without them knowing. An era of peace had led to the stagnation of the Order and had made them arrogant and conceited in their power.

Just the idea of the Sith somehow coming back from extinction was a laughable thought.

Well, they certainly weren't laughing at Qui-Gon funeral after he was killed by the Sith Apprentice, Darth Maul.

With the death of Qui-Gon, the return of the Sith, and Obi-Wan Kenobi keeping to his promise to train a young Anakin Skywalker (who his master believed to be the Chosen One despite the Council disbelief) regardless of whether or not the Jedi Council will approve of it.

Around this time, the Jedi Acquisition were testing for Force sensitive children, that might have been missed in the Republic Screening, on Grace home planet when they came upon the rumors of a child with mystical abilities.

Eventually, they stumbled upon Grace using the Force and made contact with Solana to discuss about inducting Grace into the Jedi Order.


Was Solana immediate response to their question.

They were taken aback by the quick and unyielding answer she gave them.

"Besides the fact that she's too old by the Jedi Order standards to be taught. My husband told me not to allow her to be taken into an Order that is 'outdated and obsolete'."

"His words, not mine."

Obviously, this incensed the Acquisition and tried once more to convince her to let her go. She refused and they got even more aggravated at that.

So, they decided to use their authority over taking custody of any Force-sensitive child.

Grace response?


Was to unleash a powerful Force Push before trapping in midair.

And try as they might, the Acquisition Jedi were powerless to braek free as they stumbled upon a terrifying realization.

The Force itself was protecting the girl from them. Warning them as it sent its disapproval through them to not try to force the girl to come with them.

They were forced to admit defeat and leave as they realized that there was nothing they could do when the Force itself was the one thing standing in their way.

So, they left for Coruscant to inform the Jedi Council. All the while thinking.

'Who is the Jedi that broke the Code and married?'

When they informed the Jedi Council of their findings.

"Hmm, curious this is."

Grandmaster of the Jedi Order Yoda said once the report was given.

"Broke the Code, a Jedi has."

Yoda said.

"Identity of said Jedi, know not do we."

He hmm.

Trying to recall any Jedi that had left and were in still in the age to have a child.

Extremely rare so it was hard to discern.

"Master Yoda."

Jedi Master Mace Windu Master of the Order looked to the Grandmaster.

"Is it possible that the Jedi who broke the Code is still in service to the Order?"

"Possible, it is." Yoda agreed. "Find out who it is, important it is not. Done already, damage has."

Yoda tapped his walking stick in contemplation.

"Meet young Force sensitive child, I will."

Yoda decided.

"Speak to her mother and reach agreement, I'll try." He said. "Says no, she does. Accept decision, I will."

The past few days have been rather hectic and taxing.

Qui-Gon was dead. The Sith have returned. The other Sith is nowhere to be found.

Dooku has left the Order for good. Master Yaddle had disappeared. Only thing they knew was that she was dead and one with the Force.

Getting out of the temple was the best thing for him to do.

And so, he did.

But not without Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Yarael Poof joining him.

Mainly because with an unknown Sith on the loose, it wasn't safe for Yoda to be by himself. Regardless of his combat prowess.

"Why are you back?"

Solana groaned after seeing her guests at the front door.

The Jedi kept a calm facade knowing that showing the slightest emotion that could be seen as hostile would definitely not make negotiations easy.

"Wish to make agreement, we do." Yoda started explaining. "Wish to bring your daughter into the Order we do. By your blessings, we do."


Solana sighed.

"Well, at least your more flexible than those idiots that tried to take my daughter away."

Here they couldn't hold back a wince.

They needed to make the Acquisition a lot more presentable and perhaps show some kind of empathy when taking Force sensitive children from their families and into the Order.

"Many thanks, madam."

Poof graciously said and Solana smiled.

"Definitely a major improvement from the last group that was here."

She chuckled as she let them in.

"Pardon for the blunt question."

Plo Koon said as they sat down and Solana offered them some refreshments.

"But who is your daughter father?"

He asked.


Solana said nothing.

"We know he's a Jedi from our Order based on the reports that was given to us." He said. "But we just can't place our fingers on the identity of the Jedi."

"Probably for the best." Solana shrugged. "Your Order is too rigid and overly strict that he kept it a secret. I wouldn't be surprised if many had secret relationships in the dark to avoid being expelled from the Order."


They didn't deny that she had a point. They were sure some Jedi were breaking the Code by having attachments. But even for them, it was something of a daunting task to find and discipline them.

"You're not going to tell us."

Mace said not in a questioning tone but stated.

"Hmm, I don't think so."

Solana mused.

Before any of them could say anything else.

"It's Qui-Gon isn't, it?"

Yarael Poof, who had been mysteriously silent for some reason, spoke up. Startling them with that question.


"How did you...wait, when did you leave?"

Solana blinked as she Poof with Grace on his shoulders.

When did that happen?

"I noticed the little gremlin sneaking about and decided to say hi to her."

Yarael cheerfully stated as Grace giggled.


"Hold on..." Mace said as the words sank in. "Her father is Jinn?"


Solana sweatdropped at the slightly over the top reaction they were having.

Was it really THAT surprising that Qui-Gon broke the Code? Even knowing that he didn't follow it?

"Well the Lothal cat out of the bag now." Solana shrugged. "But yes. My husband and Grace father is Qui-Gon Jinn. I kept my maiden name for obvious reasons."

Obvious indeed.

"Surprising, this is."

Yoda said.

"Yet, expected completely this is as well."

He added.



"He left Grace Holocrons since he didn't want his daughter into what he perceived to be an archaic Order." Solana sighed as she decided to explain some of her deceased husband reasonings. "Since he couldn't train her as much as he could within the allotted time he had with us without raising suspicions."

"And also in the event that he could die on some mission, he wanted to ensure that Grace was trained in the ways of the Force after his death."


"Qui-Gon." Plo Koon could not help but chuckle and smile behind his mask. "You sly old fox."

"Would it be all right if we see the holocrons he left behind?"

He asked her.

"Sure...if you don't mind him being a snarky bastard to you guys."

Why did that scare them?

After they saw the holocrons and what Qui-Gon noted in his observations about him.

"I do not look constipated and stare 'motherfukingly' at people."

"Own a ketamine factory, I don't. On space drugs, I am not."

"My neck may be long, but I cannot twist it into a pretzel."

"Why is mine normal? What does he mean by 'Plo Koon is the dad of the Order?'"

And those were some of the nicer ones.

He had less than favorable opinions on certain Jedi.

After that spectacle of Qui-Gon roasting the Jedi Order. Yarael and Plo Koon reached an agreement with Solana and Grace was brought into the Order.

Even though some felt that like the recently brought in Anakin Skywalker. That she was too old to join.

"Made exceptions, we have."

Master Yoda pointed out.

"Different, young Grace is not."

That was true.

Though the Jedi Council was in shock when they learned that her father was the Maverick Qui-Gon Jinn.


Obi-Wan fainted when he learned that.

Anakin poking his face with a stick trying to see if his new master was still alive.


Obi-Wan shouted when Grace gave him a holocron that Qui-Gon had personally made to leave a message behind for Obi-Wan in the event of his death and if Obi-Wan hadn't a move yet.

"If I'm dead and you haven't already made a move. Go bang that Mandalorian chick that you are so infatuated with you smooth talker, you."

Yeah...Obi-Wan was never living that down. Not if Anakin, Grace, and Quinlan Vos had anything to say about it.

Though that would explain why Obi-Wan felt that Qui-Gon was trying to say something besides making him promise to train Anakin.

...Probably for the best that he couldn't get it out otherwise Obi-Wan might have given him another body stab wound on the dying man.

And so, Grace would grow up in the Temple alongside Anakin Skywalker.

Many would find her to be aloof and unapproachable because of her upbringing and what could be considered heretical views on the Order.

She cared little for the Code. Only using the parts she felt actually made sense and could be applied in a non hypocritical way.

What scared many later on was her use of the Dark Side.

Though more on the fact that she could use the Dark Side without being corrupted by it and was in perfect harmony with both the Light Side and the Dark Side.

Something that Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Yarael knew from the holocrons left behind by Qui-Gon Jinn.

In some of them, Qui-Gon had made notes of his observations of his daughter bond with the Force. And how the Light and Dark sides of the Force seem to be at peace with her. Neither side fighting for supremacy but working in harmony together.

He observed that Grace was a child love by the Force and the Living Force.

It was hard to believe, but the proof was there.

During her time in the Order, Grace would be taught by Plo Koon and Yarael Poof.

Yarael trained her more in the Force and shared his own favored abilities like using telekinesis to trigger fires by manipulating the molecules of combustible objects and battle meditation.

And of course using Telekinesis to an insane extent.

He even taught her how to use illusions that were so real and lifelike that to the mind of the target they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Even teaching her to utilize Affect Mind (Read: Jedi Mind Trick) to its fullest potential. But with a warning.

"Altering a person perception can be dangerous and sometimes fatal. And should only be attempted by a competent individual who is in control of their powers."

While Yarael likes playing tricks on people with Affect Mind, especially with how talented he is in it. He knew that there are dangers that came with messing with a person mental psyche. And always made sure to be careful.

A lesson he made sure to drive deeply into the students of the Order.

It was not a game and should not be used recklessly. 

Plo Koon mainly taught her in the art of Lightsaber combat and forms.

Grace seemed to excel in several forms much to their surprise.

Ataru (Form IV).

Djem So (Form V).

Niman (Form VI)


Vaapad (Form VII)

Though the last one was somewhat limited due to the dangerous and unpredictable nature of this with its connection to the Dark Side.

While Grace did not have the problem of falling into the Dark Side and becoming rouge. Due to her bonds with both Light and Dark. Many felt that she would have too much power in the event that she turned against the Order.

With her abilities to use the Light Side and Dark Side abilities of the Force. She was already a force to be reckoned with.

So, she was given limited training Form VII.

...Not that, that stopped her. The Force had some pretty decent teachers to help her.

"Why am I teaching a Jedi?"

The Force Ghost of Darth Bane groaned.



"Because the Force told you to."

Darth Revan deadpanned.

"But she's our enemy!" Darth Bane groaned, rubbing the back of his head. "Why would we give our enemy even more power to destroy the Sith?!"

"Would you rather go back to that room and watch the greatest abominations that the universe has ever seen?"

Revan sarcastically asked.

"...What would you like to learn?" Darth Bane asked, quickly changing his tune.

Grace blinked.

That was unexpected.

'What did the Force do to get that kind of reaction?'

The young girl thought to herself as Bane continued talking.

"Would you like to learn some new tricks? How to pull some of the most extravagant pranks and not get caught? The Sith Grand Plan for Galactic Domination?"

Say what now?

"...What was that last part?"

Grace just asked.


Aw, karablast.

"...Forget it." Grace shook her head, surprising Bane. "If the Jedi hadn't cuaght on in the millennia hte Sith were operating in secret. Then they need a reality check."


"...I like this one."

Darth Revan nodded.

She gave zero fucks at such a young age.

"...Just how arrogant have the Jedi become?"

Darth Bane muttered to himself. A little scared at the girl reaction to his slip up of the Grand Plan he had made for the Sith ultimate revenge.

The Jedi Order of today must have really sucked for her not to nip the problem in the bud.

...That has been in the making for a thousand years.

Eh. Whatever. He's dead and the only thing he was here for was to secretly train Grace in the knowledge of the Dark Side while the Jedi did her training in the Light Side.

He pities the fools who dare try to pick a fight with her.

'Those poor Siths.'

He thought to himself realizing that it was probably the Sith that were going to get an ass kicking from her.

Time would pass with Grace and Anakin developing a sibling like bond despite the no attachment rule.

Didn't stop Obi-Wan from bonding with them.

...Or having his thoughts wander to Satine.

His former master words still ringing in his head after all these years.

'Damn, you master Qui-Gon!!'

Obi-Wan mentally yelled into the Force.

Somewhere in the Force, Qui-Gon can be seen laughing like a maniac at his old padawan despair.

However, 5 years after Grace and Anakin were brought into the Order. Master Yarael Poof would perish in combat after sacrificing himself in order to neutralize the catastrophic powers of the artifact called: the Infant of Shaa.

A receptacle for Force Energy, that when released, would emit a disturbance in the Force great enough to rip a planet apart.

The Infant of Shaa was a religious statuette carved by the people of the planet Seylott years ago and made in honor of their deity known as Shaa. The Annoo-dat political terrorist Ashaar Khorda stole the superweapon and later on enlist Jango Fett to get it back for him when a Seylott devotee stole the idol in an attempt to preserve his species culture.

Khorda would then try to use the idol to destroy teh Republic's capital world, Coruscant. Only to fail when Jango Fett, his comrade Zam Wesell, and Jedi Master Yarael Poof all came to stop him. Though with differing agendas but they all aligned on the same path.

Stopping Khorda from destroying the Republic Capital and killing countless lives. 

Though gravely wounded by a dying Khorda final attempt to stop them before the bounty hunters killed the madman once and for all.

Yarael made the ultimate sacrifice and used the Force to an incredible extent to revert the idol to an inert state.

The Idol was returned to Seylott and Yarael was cremated with his final rites and Mace Windu eulogy for him.

Grace was closed off for a while, even Plo Koon could not help her get out of her shell.

It took Anakin rambunctious self to snap her out of her funk and she continued in memory of Yarael.

5 more years will pass, and the Clone Wars would begin...along with Anakin marrying Padme.

"Skyguy, you have to got to be the most reckless person I have ever met."

Grace deadpanned.

"Pot meet Kettle."

Anakin shot back.

And so the trio (Grace, Anakin, Obi-Wan) would be on the frontlines of the war. Each commanding their own squad of Clones and taking to the battle fields.

"I thought Jedi were supposed to be peacekeepers." Grace deadpanned. "Why are we fighting as generals?"

"Fan service."

A clone offered.

"...Makes sense."

Some Jedi were rather alluring and attractive.

Herself included but she didn't exactly have an interest in anybody at the moment.

A maverick just like her father, Grace had a tendency to do things her own way and wasn't above being an 'aggressive' negotiator.

"If you don't want this lightsaber shoved up your ass then shut up and listen!"

...She was the most terrifying thing the Separatists have ever seen.

Grace laughed at Anakin exasperation at having to train Ahsoka.

"This is karma for all the times you triggered Obi-Wan into ripping off his hair because of your antics."

For the most part she got along well with the Order with certain exceptions that showcased the Order hypocrisy in following their own rules and the Jedi Code.

Exceptions, they say.

It was hypocrisy when it to certain individuals like a certain forehead man. Or allowing certain species religion/culture despite the Order own religion with the Force.

She also despised Pong Krell, something about that Besalisk rubbed her the wrong way. 

Anakin was in complete shock when Grace told him that she did not trust Palpatine and would rather let him die in a life or death situation.

"Grace...why do you hate Chancellor Palpatine?" Anakin had asked his sister in all but blood. "He's a good man trying to end this war."

"There is something about him that sends me the willies." Grace admitted. "And don't take this wrong Anakin. But his friendship with you and the way he encourages you to not hide your emotions rubs me the wrong way."

"Has he ever said anything about trying alternate ways to deal with the council?"

She asked him.

"No." Anakin shook his head before asking. "Why?"

"Because I feel that as a man who holds the highest position of power in the Republic. He would have some knowledge on how to deal with stubborn people."

Grace said.

"He could be giving you advice on how to better your relationship with the Order instead of just saying to not be afraid to show your emotions."

"Sorry, but something in my gut tells me that he can't be trusted."

If this was the original timeline, Anakin would have objected greatly to any kind of attack on Palpatine.

But he knew Grace. She was one of the people he was closest too and could bond well with. If she was wary of Palpatine and not from a Jedi standpoint, then perhaps there is something to that to give some thought to.

He idly wondered if Palpatine was the one being controlled by the Sith. Remembering Obi-Wan report that Dooku had told him that the Sith were in control of the Senate.

"Luminara, that is not how to train Barriss!"

Grace shouted at the Jedi Master unflinching gaze.

"This is simply the way of our people, Knight Jinn."

Luminara told the young girl.

Grace rolled her eyes.

"Oh, sure!" She sarcastically said. "Let's treat her with no emotions as though there is no bond! Surely, she won't do something drastic thanks to developing PTSD and possibly bomb the temple!"

The irony in those words would not be felt until later on.

"She is still a young girl, Luminara!" Grace pressed. "Being a Jedi does not save you from having to experience the joy of being a teenager! This is a vital time in their growth from teenager to adult! And she needs her mentor there for her!"

"But the Jedi Code strictly states and forbids attachments."

Luminara Unduli reminded her.

"...And since when has that stopped anybody?"

Grace deadpanned.

...Good point.


Now Luminara was unsure, herself.

"...I had to be the one to comfort her."

Grace said.

"After that mission where you were about ready to write them off as dead in 'accordance to the will of the Force'. She was having nightmares along with the other horrors of war. Horrors that no child should be forced to go through."


"I had to be the one to let her know that it was okay to cry and that it wasn't a sign of weakness nor was it her first step to the Dark Side."

"...But you never had that problem because of how loved you are by the Force."

Luminara pointed out, a bit of envy in her voice as she could not help but feel a little bit jealous of Grace unique connection to the Force.

"And yet, I have been scorned and looked upon with fear of the fact that I can use the Dark Side without the usual corruption." 

Grace pointed out.

"Or of the fact that my eyes are gold...which they for some reason think are the yellow eye colors usually associated with the Sith."


"You're a good person, Luminara." Grace sighed. "But you have to let go of what the Order has taught you. Otherwise, you risk losing your padawan one day."

Something changed in Luminara and she started to slowly warm up to her and began doing a sort of Anakin behavior with her Padawan. Being a little bit more affectionate and giving Barriss Offee hugs.

Unfortunately though, tensions between Grace and the Order standing on this war grew to the point that Grace decided to leave the Order.

And there was nothing anyone could do about it as she was just tired of playing nice with ungrateful people. Especially those that offer her a 'reward' by being their wife and living a life of wealth and luxury.

Grace might like to do some girly things, but she wasn't shallow or a gold digger.

And she had standards.

They weren't handsome and muscular enough for her.

Oh, and they had to be tall and a beast in bed and a master of romance.

Yeah...she had some weird standards.

But she left, despite the Order objections.

Not like they could sway her anyways.

And so, she left to explore the galaxy.

Somehow, she veered off course and flew into the Unknown Regions. Where she would encounter a strange warlike alien species known as the Yuuzhan Vong.

She managed to fight them off, noting with worry that she could not sense them in the Force, even though they were affected by Force based attacks and wondered what they were.

Eventually, she would run afoul of a strange cyber-organic alien species known as Vex. An ancient species that is said to be as ancient as the Universe itself.

Possessing incredibly advanced technology that could put her galaxy technology to shame. They worked endlessly to convert planets and other celestial bodies into vast machines and will not hesitate to eliminate those that stand in their way.

That is how Grace ended up getting into a fight with them. It was a tough because the Vex were master of spacetime engineering and even possess the power to time travel.

But even they fell to the power of the Force and thanks to Battle Meditation, Grace was able to even the scales to her favor.

All that was left were destroyed scraps of organic metal that fell to her lightsaber.

She jokingly called her blue lightsaber: the Vex Slayer 9000.

Ironic considering Anakin made it as a gift for her. A back up just in case she lost her primary lightsaber somehow.

The Vex seem to have an interest in this new player and her abilities.

Sometime later, Grace would wound up on a planet called Earth, where she would spend a couple of months attending a university there for a bit of a vacation.

Where her destiny would be forever intertwined with Tristin Graves, his friends, Legion, the Cabel, certain students of Union.

And it would all begin a long time ago...

...In a galaxy far, far away...


Certain events happened differently in this timeline.

Maul would try to kill Satine Kryze earlier, but failed thanks to the combined efforts of Grace, Obi-Wan, and Anakin.

Thus, Maul would lose his chance to rule Mandalore.

Shmi Skywalker didn't die because Anakin told both Obi-Wan and Grace about it. And while Obi-Wan believed them to be dreams. Grace didn't.

And with an easily believable excuse, escorted Padme to Tatooine on a diplomatic mission, and saved Shmi from the Sand People.

It was here that Grace found a Force Sensitive Tusken and after negotiating with the Sand People was allowed to take the young male Tusken Raider back to the Jedi Temple.

Despite what the locals of Tatooine believe, Sand People are intelligent. It's just not seen by their standards.

The young Tusken Raider boy would come to see Grace as a mother due to losing his own at a young age.

Anakin is not sure what to make of it, but trust Grace decision and instincts.

When Grace left the Order so too did her son who was growing into a man. And he followed his adoptive mother teachings and did not become an emotionless meat droid like many have.

He went to go bang some bitches and raise a family of his own.

Grace despises Palpatine because she can tell there is something off about him.

Palpatine has tried to kill her because she is the biggest obstacle in his plans to turn Anakin to the Dark Side.

General Grievous seems to respect Grace and actually likes her despite being a Jedi.

But still wants her lightsaber.


He doesn't have a pink lightsaber yet!

Grace primary lightsaber is pink. Mainly to see the looks of despair and disbelief at being beaten by a 'girly' color.

Their pride would be irreparably wounded by that.

She also has a blue lightsaber (which is the Vex Slayer 9000) and a green lightsaber.

Her lightsabers.

Count Dooku actually fainted when he learned that Grace was the daughter of his former padawan.

Ventress snapped some pics for the HoloNet.

She got zapped for that, but it was soooo worth it!

She doesn't have much fondness for her 'suitors' aka greedy, corrupt senators that only want her as a trophy wife.

"Let's put it this way, Anakin." She told Anakin and Padme one day, when asked. "I would rather marry a Tusken Raider or Jabba the Hut."


The thought to themselves.

'That's gotta hurt!'

She seems to have gain the respect of some of the leaders of the Yuuzhan Vong after she ran into them a few times.

Some even tried to court her!

She was flattered but their culture scared her. Especially the pain thing.

A shame really, despite their terrifying appearances. They were rather attractive.

Yeah, she was weird with her taste in lovers.

The Yuuzhan Vong are outside of the Force. Meaning that they can't be sensed through the Force and only some Force abilities work on them,

The Vex have an interest in her as well. Having never seen her kind of power before.

And wanting to add it to their ever growing list.

She met Tristin Graves after he pranked a house party with the bodies of Vex machines as a prank.

She has destroyed countless Vex machines.

She calls them clankers because they remind her of the Droids from the Droid Armies.

Issei is a piece of shit along with Mineta, Monoma, and Bakugou.

Will not hesitate to strike you down if you piss her off.

Obi-Wan: Wasn't Grace with you?

Grace: In my defense I live for the chaos and madness.

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