Grace Moon (Dragonside Industries Variant)

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(Sorry if I don't get the parts that mentioned Clay right.)


Grace Moon

Hair color: Brownish-red

Eye color: Gold

Species: Human

Race: White/Hispanic

Skin color: Light tan

Personality: A mostly calm individual. Due to her upbringing, she is somewhat oblivious when it came to Clay liking her. However, she can easily tell when someone has less than nice intentions.

(This is true when it comes to the likes of a certain wannabe dragon, a useless grape, and narcissists who think only their problems matter)

She can get easily flustered when Clay gets a little aggressive when he flirts with her.

(Which Clay knows and his dragon side loves it when she gets submissive in front of him)

Powers: She wields the power of Air and its sub elements. Possess a magic that is far different than what the Brother Gods gave to Remnant and is able to peer into the future to some extent, though it isn't always reliable as Grace knows from her training under Sorcerer Supreme Stephan Strange that the future is always set in motion.

Likes: Her friends, the gang, Catherine, Sara, the company, and decent heroes. Conversing with her alternate versions and learning just how different their lives are.

She is fond of Nani, Lilo, Stitch, David, Jumba Jookiba, Pleakley and the gang. She finds Nani and David relationship to be cute with how shy and awkward the two could be with each other.

Loves: Clay Carmine. Her family and extended family. Clay fellow girls.

Dislikes: Hypocrites, arrogant assholes, perverts who took it to the extreme and don't care how their actions look to the rest of the world. Extremists, the true monsters, corruption, those who think they can do whatever they want because they have money. When people get away with crimes via bribery, corruption, or power. Union because it's full of hypocrites and lies.

Hates: Issei Hyoudou (Very much, he tried to force her into joining his harem, but she literally sent him flying. Unfortunately, he refuses to give up and is part of the reasons certain rumors fly about)

Most of the ORC (excluding Xenovia, Kiba, and certain others) because they are insulted that she refuses to join Rias peerage and also Issei harem.

Mineta Minoru (He has tried several times to grope her only to face the winds wrath. Not only that but he is one of the people responsible for spreading those rumors about hers and Clay relationship.)

Blake: She tried to 'convince' her to use Clay influence for her cause. And is a hypocrite to the highest degree who doesn't see the hypocrisy in own her actions. And Grace knows what Blake had done to Clay, so her anger is even greater towards her.

Bakugou: She hated him the moment she saw him bullying and abusing those weaker than him. And didn't much appreciate his sexist comments and being called a whore. And was particularly incensed when he demanded that she should service the future Number One Hero.

He wounded up in the hospital with multiple wounds and failing lungs after Grace removed all the air from them.

Sasuke Uchiha: Grace had some sympathy for him after hearing his past. But it faded away after seeing how standoffish he was towards others, especially Sakura and Ino, though in Grace opinion, if they wanted him, they had to be on his level. But after seeing how powerful she is, he started making unwanted moves on her. Not stopping even when she makes it clear that she has no interest in him that way.

She despised traitors like him. She didn't care for the reason, but she heard of what he had done when he was 12.

This incensed the Uchiha pride. Many women would kill to be his wife, how dare she deny him!?

The Uchiha did not like being denied but no matter what he did. She wouldn't even give him the time of day.

Hurts to be the one on the receiving eh, Sasuke?

Extremely HATES: People butting in on her and Clay relationship. Throwing all kinds of accusations about the 'true' nature of their relationship. Making implied racist comments and insinuating she's only with him because he's black and has a big you know what.

(Which says to her and everyone else that they have been on the Internet for WAY TOO LONG. And need to get out more and smell the roses)

(And granted that he is packing very well under there but that's not even the focal point of their relationship!! It's not even a part of why they're dating!!)

People who use others for their own gain and will toss them to the side once they are of no more use to them. Businesses that don't care if their products hurt others.

Heroes that don't practice what their preach. Whiny, self-entitled brats who think that they are the only ones who suffered. The so called 'White Saviors' and all that.

Neutral: Faunus/White Fang (unless they do something that is not right). DCverse. Random dimension travelers (unless they try to threaten and hurt people). The Justice League and other good heroes as well as their allies. Some people at Union.


Not much is known about Grace past. Due to an unknown event when she was still a baby, her parents perished. The site of the incident happened in a mountain where baby Grace would be found by a mysterious being. She only knew her name because it was sewn onto the blanket she was in.

And this being name?

Cloud Retainer.

An Adeptus and ruler of Mt. Aocang, her domain, where she and Grace lived in. When she had found Grace at the site where her parents died, she sensed incredible potential and decided to take her in and raise her as her own instead of dropping her off at an orphanage. All the while, teaching her the Adepti arts and educating her.

When Clay finally meets her, his response?

"...So, that's why Grace wore that sexy outfit when I first met her."

What he meant by that?

Because Mama Birb has a thing for skintight outfits.

And the outfit Grace wore before they met.

Instead of love at first sight, it was lust at first sight. Clay did not expect when he found her to be wearing such a sexy skintight outfit that showed off her lovely curves and assets. He almost lost control of his hormones!

But thankfully, he had very good self control (unlike certain perverts like Hyoudou and Mineta. And he would be damned if he fell to their level!) and did not start flirting with her, instead focusing on the matter that had brought them together.

(Back to the matter at hand)

Eventually, Cloud Retainer or Xianyun in her human form, decided that once Grace had turned 14, she should go out to the human world and explore what they had to offer. Grace behavior was seen as peculiar or strange due to her somewhat expressionless appearance. Though that was more because she was not used to being around so many people, having only known Cloud Retainer and a few others. It was overwhelming.

But she caught on quickly on the current state of the world and noticed with worry about how certain things (cigarettes and the like) were killing people and toll it took on both the person and their loved ones.

And what both worried and angered her was how those in charge didn't really care behind their pretty words and lies. So long as it made profit, what did it matter for those who are struggling with trying to overcome their addiction.

But this would come later. For now, she still had to see the world. And for the next several years, she learned how to express her emotions, and observed every corner of the globe. And saw the good and the bad.

She visited Union once, since she heard about the professionalism of heroes. While she had her own opinions on people being heroes as a job, she gave them the benefit of the doubt.

...She took it back after a wonderful experience in Union with people trying to befriend her or hit on her or persuade to join them. But her training let her know who had darker intentions and who had pure/genuine intentions.

She made quite a lot of enemies with Union students because she rejected them and humiliated them with just how powerful she is.

She quickly made her departure before any corrupt high ranking official tried to force her to join because it was illegal to use her powers like that. Which was a laugh because they think they had that kind of power to impose that kind of law when many don't even follow it.

Sometime later, Grace begins creating nonlethal cigarettes with the use of her Adepti Arts. While it was impossible to stop people from partaking in those activities. She could at least give them a smoke that wouldn't kill them. So, she made cigarettes, same as other brands, only hers did not contain harmful chemicals that caused cancer and addiction.

She also dabbled in a few other lucrative businesses as well.

When she marketed her product, it quickly became a huge success due to people realizing that there was a healthier (ironic) smoke that they could buy, and it won't kill them.

Hell! They even came in different flavors thanks to Grace creativity with her Adepti Arts.

Of course, not everyone was happy.

The big businesses were not happy at this new competitor entering their market and stealing their customers.

They tried slandering because it was threatening to destabilize their market, but Grace, while learning much about the world, wasn't even thinking (she wouldn't even care anyways) about how it would affect the businesses. All she cared about was trying in some way to help people.

When that didn't work since she didn't really care, they hired goons for hire, to destroy stores that sold her products. And even tried to bring in the law to put an end to this mysterious good Smartian.

Of course, nothing could be done because no one could find the mysterious creator or where the shipments were coming from.

No one except of course, 

Clay Carmine. (Tempest OC and Main Character of his book Dragonside Industries)

Owner of Dragonside Industries. Clay too was after her, but more to protect his future investment since he no longer had any worry about getting sick from smoking too much. Not that he was worried in the first place since he's a dragon Faunus and his healing factor fixed any potential damage to his body.

But he saw the potential in it and the benefits it gave people and wanted to strike a deal with the creator of the health smokes (that's what he and others called them). He saw the change in people attitude after smoking one of her cigarettes. They did not have rash mood changes or short tempers.

He realized that if the creator of the health smokes could make healthy cigarettes. Then perhaps they could so much more.

Imagine his surprise when he found out that the creator was a girl only one year younger than him. And very attractive, especially in that skintight outfit of hers.

...He had to resist his dragon self urges to mate with her right then and there.

He was not like those worthless perverts back in Union, damn it!

He had dignity, he had respect, he did not treat women like trophies/prizes to be won!

So, he talked. He introduced himself and from there on, the negotiations started. Grace was intrigued by the male but was still unsure of, if she should agree. 

Clay decided to make her another offer on top of his current offer. Either come with him willingly, or he'll throw her over his shoulders and take her back to his company unwillingly.

His dragon instincts had been screaming to protect her, so he wasn't leaving without her.

Grace agreed.

She didn't know why, but she felt that she would be a bit embarrassed if he did that.

So, Grace joined Clay company and the unfortunate competitors were screwed now that the health smokes were under the ownership and protection of Clay Carmine company: Dragonside Industries.

And with permission from Cloud Retainer, Grace was able to teach a group of people some of the Adepti Arts so that they didn't have to rely on her.

But she made them sign a strict contract to never misuse the arts for their gain. And the contract was binding, fail to follow it and grave misfortune (which ended in death) would befall upon them.

Thankfully, the employees of Dragonside Industries were very competent and were ablet to recreate her works on making health smokes without having to be heavily reliant upon the Adepti Arts.

After all, best to keep some things secret just in case they needed to fall on a backup method.

Funny fact: Due to Grace somewhat oblivious nature because of being raised away from the mortal realm. She's not all that good at realizing that Clay has feelings for her ever since he saw her. Which only grew the more they interacted.

Everyone in the company knows it but are impressed at how Grace could be oblivious and at how patience Clay was in trying to court her.

...Clay finally snapped one day and physically showed his feelings to her.

She couldn't walk straight for weeks, even with the help of her Adepti Arts and magic.

Catherine and Sara, as well as several others, won the betting pool.

Grace wears her current outfit now because Clay doesn't like anyone but him looking at his girls in sexy outfits.

She still has her original outfit, but it's usually reserve for some...intimacy.

Clay isn't jealous per say, because why he would be jealous of the scumbags of Union who have no chance in stealing his girls. But he is possessive of his girls.

He's especially possessive of Grace, though.

And he doesn't appreciate people degrading her for having an interracial relationship with him. Or making those kinds of comments about how they think his and Grace relationship really is behind closed doors.

Not to mention what it also implies about him and it's an insult to his integrity and honor.

He has killed for less and won't hesitate to silence them permanently if they keep running their mouths off.

Displays of her powers:

(In this pic she's able to harness the energy of the cosmos for a short period of time. She can also use it to 'divine' with the power of the winds)



Hope you liked.


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