Grace Moon (Dragonside Industries Variant) Family Bios

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I was doing a little thinking and decided that since I mentioned it in Grace (DI) bio that she was raised by Cloud Retainer and by a few other people that I should introduce them.

Here we go.

I don't own the art. They belong to their respective creators.


Morax. Rex Lapis. The God of Contracts. The Geo Archon.

These are just some of the titles he holds.

He is technically the de facto leader of Mt. Aocang and the Sacred Mountains that surrounds their home but only if they ever have to hold an emergency meeting. Otherwise, everyone does their own thing with Cloud Retainer holding dominion over Mt. Aocang.

Extremely powerful, wise, and knowledgeable. Zhongli is a feared individual who has live for a VERY, VERY long time.

If Cloud Retainer could be considered to be Grace's mother figure. Then Zhongli would be a cross between a father figure and the wise uncle.

(Grace doesn't see him as a grandpa due to their closeness. Sees him as a father figure and as an uncle depending on what his interaction is like for the day)

He taught Grace everything she needed to know about the art of Contracts and Sealing.

Raiden Ei.

(Ben: No! NO! I want to live! *BANG!* *BANG!* I WANT TO LIVE!! *BANG!!*)

The Electro Archon. God of Eternity.

A mystifying beauty who ponders the meaning of her domain: Eternity.

The storms are hers to command.

A goddess who, like her companions, hail from a time long forgotten. Master of the sword and polearm. She helped with teaching Grace how to wield various weapons and to hone her skills.

She also taught her unique ways to call upon the storms.


God of Freedom. The Anemo Archon. Barbatos.

A silly bard that loves to get drunk and sing songs of days past. When many first meet him they either write him as a weird bard, or just listen to his songs. That sing of a melody long forgotten.

Though many would dismiss him as some sort of weakling, especially with a bow.

They don't know how DEAD wrong they are.

Venti might seem like some drunk off his ass bard that Qrow would get along. But behind that facade...

...Lies a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The winds are his to command and he can utilize the power of the winds in ways that NO ONE could ever hope to accomplish. He could wipe off entire cities off the map if he so pleased.

After all, HE was the one who taught Grace everything she knew on how to use the powers of the winds.


God of Justice. Archon of Hydro. The god with two souls. She who weighs the scales of good and evil.

An actress of great renown to the rest of the world. But unknown to them, she is the Goddess of Justice who weighs the scale of good, evil, truth, justice, righteousness, and releases divine judgement.

Furina is a young woman who treats the world like a stage and its inhabitants as supports and stars of the shows.

She's the one that travels around the world and comes back with stories and information to her friends back in Mt. Aocang.

Due to an unknown event that happened eons ago. Furina was once Focalors before they somehow split in a sense and then when they merged once more. Furina was the dominant host, in both appearance and personality. But still a God. And Focalors still exist inside her mind.

Murata Himeko

Former teacher. Valkyrie from another world. Sexy teacher with equally sexy thighs (Benjamin Taurus words not mine). Goddess of Flames (many people call her that because of her incredibly mastery over Fire)

Himeko is a young woman from another world. She was supposed to have died during the fight to save her student Kiana. But when she closed her eyes expecting to see the afterlife or whatever awaits her.

She opened them up to find that she was in what could be described as little piece of paradise.

Here, she would be found by a young Grace who would take her to Cloud Retainer and Zhongli.

After confirming that NO, she wasn't dead. And no, this wasn't a dream. Himeko was given the choice of staying or leaving.

Obviously, she chose to stay. She wasn't stupid. She didn't know where she was or what this world was like.

Thanks to her experience as a teacher, she was mainly in charge of Grace general education. And also, a mentor in her combat training.

She sees her old students in Grace and hopes that they are safe.

...And that Kiana hasn't gone and cleaned out the fridge again or set the campus on fire...again.

She was unlucky in her love life back home. But maybe she'll be lucky in her love life here if a certain somebody has something to say anything about it.


(Ben: She's hot and sexy but I'm not crazy enough to test my luck flirting with her!!)

The richest woman in the world. The most terrifying tycoon ever to exist. She who you should NOT cross.

Ningguang is the owner of Qixing Liyue Inc. A business corporation specializing in trade, business, agriculture, medicine, technology, and many other fields. 

Master of her field and a highly ambitious woman. Her company is one of the few that can rival and compete on the same level with Dragonside Industries.

(Because if you think Ningguang of all people is going to be running an inferior company like the SDC in any world then you have never played Genshin Impact nor heard of her)

She's a human who was granted a Geo vision.


Cocogoat by Ben (because he's a naughty boy)

One of Grace big sisters.

The daughter of a Qilin and a human. Ganyu is Ningguang personal secretary. She handles the day to day matters and reports and informs Ningguang of any changes to the business and stock markets.

Is insanely powerful and an expert with the bow. Taught Grace how to use a bow and how to be creative with it.

Along with her Adeptus power, she wields the power of Cryo.


Big sister (Grace). Mommy (Ben cause he likes them nice and thick). Homicidal bitch (Issei, Bakugou, Mineta, Blake, and yada, yada, you know the others)

A human woman who was taken care of by Cloud Retainer when she was a young girl. She was present when Cloud Retainer came home with baby Grace in her feathery hands.

Shenhe is close to Grace and will eradicate whoever she sees as a threat.

A powerful exorcist well versed in exorcism and in the art of Polearm/spears/lances.

She wields a Cryo vision. And can be as cold as her element.


Big brother Alatus (Grace is the only one he feels comfortable calling him by his other name). Conqueror of Demons. The Last Yaksha.

A warrior from a bygone age. Xiao is the last Yaksha of his kind. A powerful warrior and considered to be the vanguard of Mt. Aocang and the Sacred Mountains. He spends most of his time eliminating any threats near their home.

He finds the idea of being paid to be a hero to be an insult to all those he knew and have lost their lives in battle fighting against the evils of the world.

He personally crafted Grace polearm.


A mysterious swordsman who past is a mystery to all but the gang in Mt. Aocang.

He taught Grace the art of swordsmanship and is protective of her.


I originally only intended to put Zhongli, Ei, and Venti but my mind spiral out of control.

When Ddraig and Albion were still alive, they stumbled upon Cloud Retainer and attacked her.

The end result?

Ddraig and Albion were brutally beaten to within an inch of their lives while Cloud Retainer, while sporting some nasty injuries herself, was the clear victor.

It is noted that Ddraig and Albion fought at full power while Cloud Retainer did the same.

Cloud Retainer was indirectly the reason why Ddraig and Albion were sealed into Sacred Gears.

When Ddraig learned who Grace 'mother' was, he nearly tore Issei arm off his body to escape!

He didn't want to face death again!

Albion was of the same opinion once he heard that Cloud Retainer was still alive and adopted a child (well she adopted more).

Vali was intrigued and wanted to fight Grace.

Only for Albion to violently scream at him and use his own hand to choke him! Telling him that under NO circumstances was he to fight Grace or Cloud Retainer!

Vali had to agree in order for Albion to stop choking him!

Azazel was intrigued and wanted to see what would happen if Cloud Retainer became a Sacred Gear.

...He was lucky to be alive after Cloud Retainer heard about that and beat him up.

Mt. Aocang and the Sacred Mountains are where they are located. Though they do venture out from time to time.

It is nearly impossible to find them on the map or on satellite. You just have to be lucky.

The base of Mt. Aocang is where Grace and Clay first met.

Which is where Grace was doing her work since it was near impossible for mere human technology to match against Divine technology.

It's possible...but not with the idiots in charge.

Mr. Aocang and the Sacred Mountains basically exists in an entirely different dimension. Hence why, when the Brother Gods wiped out Humanity for the first time, they were unaffected.

Celestia does not exist here, so the Archons are the sole providers of Visions.

The other Archons are dead because I did not know what to do with them.

Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper are dead because I hated the design they were given in the game.

The remaining Archons have to handle handing visions that the deceased Archons would have given.

They, along with Makoto (Ei sister who was the Original Electro Archon) Guizhong, Streetward Rambler, Moon Carver, Moutain Shaper, Ei old friends, The Nameless Bard, and Xiao fellow Yaksha perished when the God of Darkness wiped out humanity. This was because they were not in Mt. Aocang nor in the Sacred Mountains at the time. They had decided to explore the lives of the humans of that world.

...But unfortunately lost their lives in the process.

The remaining members secluded themselves for eons until they turned their gaze once more to the world.

However, they swore that if the 'Brother Gods' ever returned. They would do what they should have done earlier and put them in their place.

Shenhe was sacrificed to the 'god' that threatened her home. But she killed it by the time Cloud Retainer arrived and took her in after disposing of the remains.

Shortly afterwards Cloud Retainer finds Grace and the bodies of her dead parents at the base of Mt. Aocang. After she buries them, she takes Grace in.

Shenhe wears red ropes because of her homicidal tendencies that she developed from the trauma of her father betrayal and sacrificing her in a pitiful attempt to bring her mother back to life.

Her homicidal tendencies had worsened over time because she would not let ANYONE near Grace and was very protective of her. So, Cloud Retainer managed to create a somewhat permanent solution.  

The red ropes would keep her bloodlust in check, but it ended up in resulting her having an indifference to the world.

Himeko was deaged several years back and is in her twenties right now.

She no longer suffers from Honkai radiation and is able to use her powers without worry.

Zhongli created one of the world currencies: Mora.

And Mora has the highest value of all.

He also works as a consultant from time to time and taught classes for Dragonside Industries on the complexity and intricacies of Contracts (since you know, he is the God of Contracts) and gave them pointers and advice to find the loopholes in the little things.

Venti is very good at getting information.

He is responsible for slicing certain companies' buildings and operations in half. Forcing them to have to waste money on rebuilding them.

Hates the tainted air caused by pollution and destruction of tree life.

Ei causes severe weather to occur around Atlas and Union City.

Aside from being an actress, Furina also does consulting for the entertainment field.

She is very tough when it comes to accepting a consultation assignment because she refuses to spread misguided propaganda or hidden agendas.

This has made many angry at her for not being 'a supporter'.

She could care less.

And despite what they may think, they couldn't gaslight her into feeling any kind of guilt or pity.

Those that she accepted were award worthy.

People think she has a split personality because sometimes she and Focalors switch places. But split personality can't explain the sudden change in appearance.

Blade is actually Grace paternal uncle, and he has made no attempt to hide it. Even bluntly saying it and proving the truth with a DNA test.

Though it is unknown why he was missing for a decade opting to say that it was personal, and he didn't want her involved in his mess.

Cloud Retainer made copies of Ganyu and Shenhe outfits fitted for Grace. 

It drove Clay even crazier in love with how tight they were clinging to her body.

Ganyu and Shenhe are 99% sure that the reason Cloud Retainer makes such skin tight clothing is because she wants to show to her daughters potential suitors how breedable they are.

Shenhe sent Luke to the hospital one time due to a misunderstanding. Luke had accidentally tripped over a rock that was conveniently there and he frantically tried to grab something to stop himself from following.

He did and was to avoid hitting the ground...though that was probably preferrable to what was about to happen next.

When he looked to see what he had grabbed, he realized that he had grabbed Ganyu horns!!

The poor Adeptus was gasping as her shook due to the sensitivity of her horns.

Shenhe misinterpreted that as someone attacking Ganyu and violently fended off her 'attacker'.

...The poor croc boy was traumatized and spent MONTHS in the hospital.

Ningguang is Grace godmother even though she is in her twenties. This is because Ningguang parents were close to Grace's parents and even though Ningguang was a kid, they named her godmother to Grace.

Ningguang wondered why she just couldn't be a godsister.

Ningguang still has the Jade Chamber in this world. 

She also built a new Jade Chamber as a present for Grace to celebrate her new life and as a place for privacy.

If you know what she means.

Ningguang is perhaps the scariest woman Clay has ever faced and he met Cloud Retainer.

While Cloud Retainer may have been happy her youngest had found a mate and someone that is trustworthy, she still needed to give him the 'you hurt my child and I'll make you wish you were never ever born' talk.

It's unknown WHAT she said to him but by the time that little talk was over, and Clay left the room. The entire company saw the result of that little chat.

It had to have been very terrifying because Clay had somehow lost all of the melanin in his body!

They had been given the extremely rare opportunity to see a what if Clay had been born white!

And if they hadn't had security cameras and taken pictures at the time, they would have been convinced that it was all a dream.

But a picture tells a thousand words and this picture said.

Never mess with mama birb children or you will die a horrifying painfully torturous death.

But Ningguang was also terrifying in her own right.

A powerful businesswoman who took the world by storm and established herself as one of the most powerful (if not the powerful) women of the world.

With a ruthless, cunning mind like hers. She was a force not to be reckon with!

Something that Union learned the hard way when they tried to open an alliance with her.

The sheer disrespect they had given her along with those worthless brats unneeded input (why were they even there in the first place for a meeting between the heads?) had ticked her off.

She taught them a lesson when she easily bought their shares and forced embargos and sanctions on them. And with airtight reasoning that Union could not refute or fight against. Oh, they tried for sure, but Ningguang showed them what happens when you scorn a woman.

She returned the shares after she felt that they were punished enough because she wanted nothing to do with them.

She'll let her goddaughter and her friends deal with them once and for all.

Admittedly, she didn't trust Clay or really liked him. Not because he was black or he was unruly or ruthless and merciless in his tactics. The world of business is not for weaklings.

But mainly because she could sense a darkness inside him. A dark, burning anger that threatened to consume him if he let himself drown in his hate for those that wronged him and others.

She feared that Clay could one day turn his wrath towards Grace and those he cared for. That he would lose himself and inflict harm upon those that he loves.

Her fears lessened gradually over time as she saw how even though his heart is filled with anger. His girls and especially Grace tamed the hatred inside him. Their love filling him with happiness and healing his mental wounds and heart.

Eventually, she was able to fully trust him with both Grace and everyone else's safety.

Ningguang scares Clay because she's one of the few (if the only one) that could buy out his company. And he knows that behind her mischievous facade lies a dangerous, ruthless woman who made it to the top at a frightening speed.

It's what made her a formidable rival.

Ningguang was the one to suggest to Grace to do her work at the base Mt. Aocang since it would be virtually impossible for anyone to find her. 

She could have had her work under her. But she wanted to see if Grace would end up starting her own company or not.

She was surprised at the turn of events when she heard Grace was under the employment, and protection, of Dragonside Industries. 

But she knew from her own research that DI was a trustworthy corporation.

Blade also scares Clay with his emotionless, intimidating gaze.

All Blade had to say to him:

"You hurt my niece and I will kill you nice and slow."

Clay could only nod.

His girl's family was scary as hell!

And a random pic just to end things.

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