Out and About

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[Netflix and Kill Side Story]

"So you're trying to ignore the fact that you had a party without Me?"

Will sighed as he seared the bacon to a crisp he liked best. Plating enough for two before he got started on the eggs. Making sure there was a healthy pad of butter in the pan along with the leftover bacon fat. Pretending to ignore his brother as he kept cooking.

"Scrambled?" He asked. Making the blue eyed boy fume.

"Don't ignore me you prick! How where you going to hang out without me? The day before I came home?!" Thomas called out dramatically. This was their third day together. Still home thanks to the school shutdown. And locked in to keep Tom from doing anything stupid again like stealing his car.

Or as he so affectionately called it, borrowing.

"I like mines over easy." Will said after a minute. Cracking one into the pan as it hissed and sizzled.

"Sunny side up." Thomas huffed. Leaning back grouchily as he attempted to glare holes into his little brothers head.

"It wasn't a party by the way. It was a send off. It just got a little... Out of hand." Will said after he plated his food. Getting started on Thomas'. Thinking it'd probably be best to make him three instead of two before he asked later.

"Eggos or toast?"

"I got it." Tom grumbled as he went over to the fridge. Almost reluctantly volunteering to help. "And it sure as hell sounded like a party with how you and your boyfriend talked about it."

"And when the hell did you hear this?"

"When you guys where having phone sex last night. Your room is right next to mines Will. And I do not appreciate the fact that you had to use speaker phone."

Will nearly dropped the hot pan on his foot. But he managed to get the eggs off of it and place it in the sink without much incident. His face a bright red that made Thomas grin. Handing him a frozen waffle as he made his way over to the toaster.

Will pressed it to his face without hesitation. Wanting the color to go down before he could even bother to turn back to face his snickering brother.

"How much did you hear?" Will grumbled as he switched cheeks with the waffle. Brows furrowed as he tried to swallow his embarrassment.

"Oh you know," He went over to pick up his plate. Digging through a drawer to pick out a fork as he immediately stabbed at the egg. "Just all of it. And I gotta say, for a quiet kid he's got a hell of a mouth-"

William didn't realize he had until he did. But he shut his brother up pretty quickly by slapping the waffle he had in hand over his chattering mouth.


After breakfast, just to get Thomas to stop talking about yesterday and the fact that an actual party went on without him (why this bothered him so much, the younger couldn't understand), Will did the only thing he thought he could do to capture his brother's short attention span away from him for a bit.

As they pulled up to the bowling alley, he could see Tom's eyes just widening out of pure childish excitement.

"Dude? I haven't been here in agessss." He said in awe as he scrambled out of the car. Already heading inside without his brother.

After closing the side door Tom had so nicely left open for him, and locking the car, Will strode in after him to see him already chatting up the guy behind the shoe counter.

They got set up without a problem. Heading through the arcade, as Tom actually started up with some mildly decent conversation.

"You know, it's definitely a good thing they updated this place. I swore they where going to close it down before I ever came back." He hummed. Pressing every button that he could as they passed by the machines lining the small path as they head down to their lane. "Oooh, before we leave we should two player Galaga like we used to."

"It looks a lot cooler for one, right?" Will sighed. "And sure. We can always try to beat the high score. We do everytime."

Tom laughed as he poked him in the chest. "And do you know what three letter word we're gonna put up there?"

Will shrugged, but knowing him it was probably going to be crude.

"Ass." He smiled widely. As if it was the most clever thing anyone could ever come up with.

"So basically Tom?"

The punch to the shoulder was expected, and well worth it.

"Oh shut up. Anyways, buy me a milkshake. Or I'll tell who ever that is that you're willing to give him twenty bucks for a blow." Thomas threatened playfully (or at least what he thought was playful). Will only rolling his eyes before looking at who he was pointing at.

"That's Kurt you dumbass. Literally one of the straightest guys I know."

"Oh forgive me for never meeting your friend. It's not like I've been locked up since I got here." Thomas gave a phony sniffle. "What are you? Ashamed of your big brother?"

Will deadpanned. "You where only locked up after you stole my car. And ashamed? Very."

Tom pointed to his heart. "Right here. That's where I'm hurt."

"Kurt!" The younger of the two decided to cut the dramatics short by calling out to his best friend. The other boy looking up from watching someone else play to see them walking forward. Raising a brow in surprise at the figure beside him.

"Will and co. It'd been a hot minute. Coming down to try and pretend everything is going alright for once?" Kurt grinned as he did the customary bro handshake Will insisted they needed to have.

"Yup. That and trying to get this asshole to stop complaining about everything." He jabbed a thumb Thomas' way as he rolled his blue eyes.

"Dick." He muttered. "I'm Thomas. The fun brother." He stuck out his hand for a shake. Kurt returning it as he looked between the two.

"Brothers? I thought he might be a cousin or something. You two don't really look alike." Kurt tilted his head.

"Step." They both said in unison. They didn't really talk about each other much. So having to clarify  who they where to each other was basically a second nature to them.

"Ah. Well that makes more sense. I was just watching Grayson try to use his hand again. He took off the bandages, but I'm not 100% sure it's all healed." They all turned to the person in question. Watching for a minute as he cautiously held a bowling ball.

"Is it just you two?" Will asked. Wondering if he just ordered a while lane for nothing if he could've just joined these two.

"Nah, he says he's waiting for Alice. I just came around by chance." Kurt shrugged. "Y'know. Just trying to see what's interesting out and about."

William nodded as Thomas quickly lost interest. Grabbing onto his wrist and pulling him along. "Yeah yeah yeah, c'mon let's play-" He said like an inpatient toddler. Making Kurt laugh as the curly haired boy was dragged forward.

Just to keep things light, Wattpad whyyyyy ;-;


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