The sorting

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Hi, my name is Isabella Dall. I have a brother who is 2 years younger then me called Nigel. We are both muggle-born and we go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Since we are muggle-born, we were hand delivered our letters but since I am the oldest I got mine first. Nigel got told he will be attending Hogwarts and he is a wizard when I was told so he knows what I do.
This is my story of when I was first sorted at Hogwarts!

We were led up stone steps to large oak doors.
A old-looking lady told us that we had to wait here until he were told to enter the great hall.
I wanted to make a friend so I walked over to a boy with platinum blond hair.

''Hello, I'm Isabella Dall. You are?'' I asked.
''Draco Mafoy.'' He told me.
''What house do you think you will be in?''
''I don't think, I know I'll be in Slythrin. My whole family is.''
''Oh, well I think maybe Ravenclaw or Slythrin.''
''You seem good, hope I see you in our common room.''
''So do I.''

We were called into the hall and the sorting began. It was a patched up hat which would tell you your house for the next 7 years.
''Mafoy, Draco!'' The lady called.
The hat just touched his head when it yelled out:
A few more names past until my name came.
''Dall, Isabella!'' The lady called out.
I went up and the hat was placed on my head.
''Oh, very brave I see and very loyal. You are proud too but have a great mind. I know where to put you.... Ravenclaw!'' The hat shouted and said.
I walked over to the table and sat next to a first year.
''Hi, I'm Isabella.'' I said.
''Hi, I'm Clara.'' She told me. ''Can I call you Bella?''

We were let to the Ravenclaw tower where we had to answer a riddle. We went into our dorms and I had one just with Clara! This is amazing!

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