Time skip-The D.A

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She is in the same year as the golden trio so this is the order of the Phoenix. Her brother Nigel is in Grythndoor. She isn't dating anyone but Draco likes her and is her best friend. Also, she made another close friend who is in the year below them but in the same dorm. She is called Riley and please don't hate me if you see what I did I just loved the idea. The picture at the top is Riley.

Today I had a lesson with Umbrige and and the Hufflepuffs. I sat next to Clara like always and we began to read. I was asking Clara a question then....
''Miss Dall!'' Umbrige shouted.
''Yes Miss?'' I asked
''We do not talk in class!''
''But I was asking a question!''
''How dare you speak to me like that!''
''It's how you are specking to me!''
''Detention! 8pm!'' She called out!
I rolled my eyes and the bell finally went.

I made my way to the room of requirement at 7pm and walked in. Today we are going to be learning about and how to make a protronus.

I thought about when I got my Hogwarts letter and I focused on it. A rabbit came out of my wand and hopped around the room. I looked down to my watch and realised that I was going to be late for detention. I said goodbye and went to Umbrige's office. I went inside and she gave me paper and a quill.
''I need some ink Miss.'' I said.
''No you won't.'' She told me.
I started writing what she told me to write: I must not talk back to teachers.
A couple of lines in my left arm started to sting. I pulled my sleeve to see the words I was writing being written on my hand.
It hurt the more a wrote and when I was done I had to hold back tears. I walked into the common room at sat beside Riley. I felt tears slowly rolling down my cheek.
''What's wrong?'' She asked.
''Umbrige.'' I said while I rolled up my sleeve to reveal my hurt hand.
Her eyes widened as I sat there holding my arm. I excused myself and went up to my dorm. I laid on my bed, still in my robes, until I cried myself to sleep.

The next day I went through all of my classes and luckily I didn't have DADA today. I went down to the room of requirement as Harry had called the older students as we needed to save someone.
We were walking to Umbrige's office when I was grabbed by Goyle and was forced to walk to Umbrige's office. When  we got there I was held onto tighter and a wand was pointed to my throat. I looked towards Draco and I saw that he was staring at me until I looked over and he looked away. I struggled and struggled but the wand was held deeper and deeper into my neck.
''Why, Mr Potter, where you going into my office?'' Umbrige asked.
''Harry stayed silent.
''Very well. Pansy, ask Snape for some truth telling potion.'' She said.
Snape came back with Pansy empty handed and Umbrige was not happy.
''Very well then. You. Your a Ravenclaw, you are smart.'' She said pointing at me. ''You will tell me. Sit!'' She shouted.
I was thrown into a chair and Umbrige's wand was pointed at me.
I stayed silent and stared at her.
''I think I may need to use a curse.'' She smiles bitterly.
''That's illegal!'' Hermione shouted.
''It won't hurt is Fudge doesn't know.
''Now, tell me!'' She spat and I shook my head. ''Well then, Crucio!'' She shouted.
I fell to the ground and I felt like I was on fire. I turned to see Draco looking worried.
"Stop! I'll tell you!" Hermione shouts.
I felt myself being picked up and a wand being put at my throat.
Hermione, Ron and Harry led Umbrige to something in the forest leaving me, Luna, Neville and Ginny with the slythrins.
I needed to think of a plan to get out and I remembered that Neville had some puking pastels in his pocket.
"Hey Neville, can I have some sweets?'' I asked with a wink.
"Sorry, I can't reach them, it's in my pocket.'' He says.
The slytheins raid his pockets and ate the sweets. This meant that we could all escape.

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