Happy Birthday!

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It is Fiona_Callie_Afton's birthday today! She's one of my closest friends and I've known her ever since the faithful year of 2019. She's one of the first pals I've ever made on this site and is honestly the reason I stuck around.

I still remember the way we met, when she commented on one of my oldest stories, which was a retelling of how Zane and Mr. E were supposed to fight in Season 8 of LEGO Ninjago. I had just started writing on Wattpad and was still new to the game, but I was delighted to see someone I didn't know comment on my little story.

I sent her a DM and we started our friendship. And now, here we are. It's mind-blowing to believe. She could've been some stranger on the internet, but now I know for certain that she is indeed a real person. And while currently at a physical therapy facility, she's still the same gal I met all that time ago.

I've known her longer than anyone on this site. But I can confirm she's been here way before me!

She's a great person. She has amazing ideas, is hilarious, and not to mention encouraging! If I ever meet her in real life, I have a strange feeling she'll bite someone if they ever talk down to me. XD

Fiona (while I know her real name, don't wanna reveal it here without her permission! And this is supposed to be a tiny surprise) is just an awesome friend. I care a lot about her and spend nearly every day talking to her. I don't wanna stop talking to her cause even if she is states away from me, she's one of the greatest friends I could have ever asked for.

Keep being awesome, Fi! Happy Birthday!

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