Chapter 16

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Levy P.O.V

We stood outside a military camp set up by the sephrim, it was said the emperor was here. I wasn't going to lie, I was scarred out of my mind. As if sensing my stress Gajeel took my hand and squeezed it gently, making me smile. This time all of the chimera had their hoods up and the sephrim were surrounding us. We walked into the camp, earning looks from soldiers but none would dare to speak. We approached a large gold and red tent, where the emperor stepped out.

"What is the meaning of this?" he called out. Like all sephrim he was tall with fiery wings. He had deep black eyes and red hair, you could see where Erza got it from. Said woman and Natus stepped forward. She took a deep breath, pushing her hair out of her face. She had stunned everyone by finally letting it go from that painful looking braid.

"Father," she started and there were gasps from everyone. Weapons had no father. "We have come with a group of allies wishing to join with us. Not in battle, but in peace." she started similar to Lily. "The chimera have agreed to extend a hand, with an olive branch of peace. They wish for this pointless war to be over." There were murmurs as the emperor watched her quietly. "Peace with the beasts? How ridiculous." My stomach turned and I could feel the tension rise. Gajeel stepped forward as threw back his hood. "Well if it isn't beasts bane. How nice to see you." the emperor growled sickly. There were gasps and mummers at his new form.

"These people only wish to stop the blood shed. They want their children to grow up without a sword in their hands. And I know everyone here," he motioned to the sephrim in our group. "Wish to be more than weapons. They wish to have families of their own. That is their HOPE," he nearly shouted. "I have known many of you most of my life," he looked into the crowd of weapons, hoping to see humanity. "And
I know you hope the same. You hope that one day this will all end. The Warlord wants the peace just as much as we do. He wants us to live in harmony, though we know it won't be that simple."

He stepped forward, spreading his arms wide. "We have to take the first step into a new era father." Again gasps. He held out his hand. "Take my hand and walk down the path of light."

Gajeel P.O.V

"Take my hand and walk down the path of light." I said as I held out my hand. I was almost certain I would die again but I wouldn't back down. My eyes locked with his and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

And then he laughed.

It wasn't his normal humorless, blood thirsty laugh. It was the laugh of a person, the laugh of someone who hadn't laughed in decades. He suddenly grabbed my hand and smiled. "You are right soldier, no, son." If these people gasped any more I was sure they would pass out. "This age of blood has to come to an end. These hundreds of years of war are done. I don't even think we remember what we were fighting for in the first place." It was quiet for a moment before cheers erupted.

I grinned and shook his hand before turning to the peace crowd. I threw my fist into the air and cheered along with the others. A flash of blue and black flew to me and I caught her out of the air. She cried happily into my shoulder as I laughed.

That night we led the emperor to meet the warlord. Then all of Lorimendi celebrated. Fireworks and music and dancing. I took the small girl beside me and danced with her. "Can you believe, just a short three months ago, you were her in a ridiculous horse mask?" she asked with a giggle. I smiled. "Was it only three months lady bird?" She smiled as I spun her. "I told you hope can make miracles." She said. We danced for a long time before finally resting. Erza was sitting beside the kirin, Jellal, and I could see she was self conscious about her arms.

"Hey Levy?" she asked. "Hmm?" she sat beside her. Erza took a deep breath. "Can.... Can you change me? Give me a fresh start?" We blinked at her in surprise. "Are you sure? You can never go back." Erza nodded. "If your sure. How would you want to come back?" I saw her glance at Jellal and blush slightly. Levy nodded. "Alright. After the party then." she smiled at the scarlet haired woman. "Does it hurt?" she asked quietly. "Dying?" Levy smiled sweetly. "There is a tea you can drink. It's just like falling asleep." she nodded.

The next day, Erza was a kirin just like Jellal. Her long scarlet hair falling between her new leather bat wings. Her arms and hands were clean and smooth, she couldn't stop staring at them.

I sat beside Levy on the roof of one of the old barracks. High about the cage over the city was being taken down."Am I dreaming?" she whispered. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her. "No your not. It's really happening." She looked up at me and smiled. I pulled her close and kissed her deeply. The age of blood was over, and now the golden age of hope could begin.

{Should I do an epilogue?}

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