Death by Beans

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There really isn't a beginning so I guess I will start with a simple story.
It was during a science lab, and we all had been given a cup full of beans each. Someone had the bring idea to ask our science teacher if the beans were edible, because of course the first thing you do when given the supplies for a science lab is eat them right? Yeah, no. Well my teacher, not really listening to us (because he was irritated with the group of hyperactive teenagers like usual), responded "Yeah, I've eaten them before."
Now seeing that we are all nosy little buggers we decide okay lets try eating them right now since they're edible. A couple guys ate a few and were like "These taste familiar but I can't figure out what they taste like!" I then decide to join in on the debate (because I'm apparently a nitwit) and eat a few before coming to the apophonie that I knew what they tasted like... Sunflower seeds! I guess all that time spent at baseball games was helpful because I broke the code, discovered the missing flavor, answered the question to the meaning of life itself.
Alright it wasn't that big of a deal but now we had something to compare the beans to for the people who were afraid to try them at that point. Around fifteen more minutes had gone by and nearly everyone in the class had eaten some of the magical beans, not really paying attention to our labs but oh well. A few of the boys had eaten multiple handfuls of the beans at that point and one had eaten over a cup for sure.
That was when disaster struck. My teacher returned to the lab, having to leave to go get something, thinking he could trust a group of 'mature and responsable adults' to be alone for ten minutes. Looking around he sees how many beans had been eaten and decides to tell us a piece of vital information. It turns out that he had only had the beans cooked before and he really didn't know what effect they would have on someone uncooked. Silence. Silence reigned after that announcement before a voice rang out from the back of the room.
"Guys, I just googled the beans. Apparently eaten cooked they are quite good for you, raw not so much." This is where their quoting the internet began. "Eaten raw, the beans are somewhat poisonous, causing headaches, severe stomach sickness, diarrhea, and nausea." Well at this point you could hears pin drop, before the first comments broke out.
"Oh shit!"
"I'm gonna die."
"You didn't even eat half of what I ate so you're not going to die, I am going to die!"
On and on it went, and I being the good friend I am had burst into giggles, laughing at my friends panic and glad that I hadn't eaten many of the poisonous beans. My poor teacher at this point had sat down with his head in his hands mumbling to himself about "...idiots... going to get themselves killed... wouldn't be surprised... dumbasses..." and honestly it was a pretty good summary of the situation.
Luckily, out of 30 kids only one wasn't at school the next day, though a good three others were so miserable they practically slept the day away. By the next week everyone was good as new, but the event was never forgotten. Especially by my mother who, when I told her about it, started to laugh and still, to this day, makes fun of me about it and brings it up. You would think that we would have learned our lessons about eating food for the science labs right? Wrong. But that's a story for another time.
And so concludes the tale of the poisonous beans...

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