We Break a Greyhound

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Every now and then my class gets to go on a field experience (aka a field trip) and depending on where we're going we either take a cheese (the stereotypical yellow school bus) or we take a kushy bus (those nice greyhound busses and such). This trip happened to be to a place around two or two and a half hours from my school, so we got the luxury of a kushy bus. One must remember that we, as mature and responsible high schoolers, were expected to be on our best behavior at all times. This happens to become difficult though once you factor in the snacks.
As teenaged bottomless pits of hunger and sarcasm we tend to bring a plethora of sass and food everywhere we go. For field experiences this means at least one Walmart bag overflowing with candy, two bags of chips, probably sixty chocolate chip cookies, and two boxes worth of brownies. The inevitable sugar high becomes even worse when the car ride games are factored in. Heads up: song edition, telephone, multiple games revolving around violence and hitting people, and we have even played Cards Against Humanity on the bus a few times... well until it was put on the banned games list.
This trip though, we thought ahead. Made a plan. We, we're going to utilize the media system in the bus to watch a movie. With our movie picked out, two copies of it just in case one didn't work, and three back up movies we thought for sure that nothing could go wrong. We were wrong.
As our teacher stood, attempting to put the disk in the machine, we all waited in not so quiet anxiousness. Attempt numbers one through seven to get the movie to play seemed to fail before one of the boys grabbed the backup disk and walked it up to the teacher. Up because the teacher had banned us to the farthest back corner of the bus he could, putting as many rows in between himself and the class as possible. It was almost like he didn't want to be associated with us. Oh well.
The boy who walked up the disk started helping to get the movie to play and finally, after an agonizingly long wait, we see the little screens flicker to life, the opening warnings scrolling past. Sound echoing around us from the speakers. We had done it. The movie was going to play. Sighing in relief, or annoyance considering the next thing we would have tried would have been to try and play the first back up movie (aka the musical magical thing called The Princess Bride which was nearly unanimously voted as the best choice) we sit back to watch the movie.
Right as the opening scenes begin to play, we see a flash before all of the screens and the sound abruptly cut off. Confused, a few people make their way to the front of the bus to figure out what had happened. It turns out that something went wrong and somehow the disk managed to break the entire media system in the greyhound bus. We got to the field experience and back without any more catastrophes, which considering that I think our teacher was about to murder us at that point was a good thing. The whole story may be funny but I have yet to tell you my favorite parts.
1: The Princess Bride was fully supported by the male population of the class, the only dissenters being a few girls who weren't in the mood for that type of movie.
2: we actually managed to bring with us two copies of each movie, meaning that at least two people owned a physical copy of each of the movies.
And finally, my favorite...
3: The movie that we decided to spend our bus ride watching...
Te movie that we owned multiple copies of...
The movie that broke the media system of the greyhound bus...
The movie series that has now been banned by our teachers...

Was the one...

The only...

Yes, we managed to break a bus trying to watch Sharknado and it is something that we are oddly proud of. I mean who else can make that claim?

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