Part 2

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Sam and Dean struggle at the doors. "Damn! Their locked!" I stare at the water as it starts to rise, my tail senses the water, and it's begging to come out. "Break them!" They try and break the windows, but they wouldn't get it in time. The water was at my neck now. I put my head under water and my gills take over for my lungs.

I start to take my pants off, (No, stop it, don't think like that! Bad reader!) and the rest of my clothes. After a few moments, my legs start to grow together. I glance at Sam and Dean. The car was completely filled with water, and they continued to try and break the windows. I look down at my legs again, and find that they had turned into my tail. Sam and Dean were still, and unmoving.

I bite my lip and swing my tail in the small space of the backseat to hit the rear window. The glass cracks and I hit it again. Eventually it breaks. I turn and grab Sam and Dean, thankful that my brothers had no care for the seatbelt law. I pull them out of the car and swim to the small beach. I close my mouth and lay them on the beach.

I dive back into the water, to take a breath, then I go back up and pull myself out of the water just enough so that I can do the same for Sam and Dean. Once they were completely out, I push myself back into the water and swim down to the car. I open the trunk and pull out the soaked duffle that was filled with our supplies. I swim back up and throw it onto Dean. He grunts in pain and I smile. He's okay.

"The hell..." I go under for a moment to take a breath and watch as Dean shakes Sam awake. He sits up and looks around. "Where's Ava?" His voice was muffled. "Ava!" I bite my lip and surface. I splash to get their attention.

They both look at me. "Ava? What are you doing? How did we get out?" I stare at them for a moment. Well the fish is out of the net now. I lifted my tail out of the water, and even though it was dark, I knew they could see it.

"Ava, what..." I go underwater to take another breath. "Ava how do you have a tail?" I bite my lip. I look Sam in the eyes and touch my throat. He tilts his head. "Dean, I don't think she can speak." I nod. Dean stares at me. "Can't you just get out and change back?" I crease my eyebrows at him. This isn't H2O Dean. Dean pulls his head back. "Did you just-?"

I go under water again. Telepathy. Something I found out I could do a few months ago. It's hard and gives me a major headache. Sam kneels down at the water edge. "So you can't change back?" I shake my head. How was I supposed to explain?

Dean knees down too. "Okay... We'll carry you back to the hotel then. Give you a nice bubble bath." I glare at Dean. No way he could carry me. Not when I'm like this. I start to get light headed, and go back underwater, but this time I stay under, looking at my brothers. Sam stares at me for a long moment. "Ava, you can't breathe air, can you?" I shake my head and point to my gills. Sam sighs. "She can't breathe, Dean. If we carried her back she'd be dead before we'd even reach the street." I look down at the sand. This sucks.

"Ava," I look up at Sam. "We are going to go to the hotel and get clothes, and a car." I raise an eyebrow and point up to the street. Sam sighs. "Right. Can't take a car. We'll just repeat what just happened." I nod. There is a moment of silence, and then I come up with an idea. I point toward the direction of the hotel. "What? Go that way?" I nod. I point to myself and the water, then to them and the street. Sam's eyes widen. "Meet you that way?" I nod, but Dean shakes his head. "No, no way. I'm not leaving you." I raise an eyebrow at him. "Dean, if you stay here, you'll freeze to death." I nod at Sam as he voices my exact thoughts. Dean huffs in annoyance. Sam looks at me. "Ava, try and find the nearest dock. We'll meet you there." I nod, and wave to them before turning and swimming away.

This has been fun.


After a lot of swimming I find a dock. It was well weathered, but thankfully no one was around. The moon was at its peak, so I guessed it was pretty late. I grab a post and hide behind it, keeping my head out so I could look for Sam and Dean. A few minutes later a car arrives.

Two figures walk onto the dock. "Ava?" I swim out and look up at them. Dean spots me. "Sam." They leave the dock and make their way down to the water edge. "Okay Ava, the hotel isn't far, and we have a full bath waiting for you when we get there, but we gotta get you to the car first." I glance at the car and nod. I bring myself out of the water and onto the beach. Dean goes down to my tail. "I'll take the tail, you take the top." On the count of three, they heaved me up. "Jesus, you weigh a ton." I resisted the urge to hit Dean with my tail.

After several, painful, minutes we finally reached the car. Sam clambered into the back seat, pulling me with. Dean loses grip on my tail and drops it to the ground. I cry out in pain and give him a glare. "Sorry!" Dean shoves my tail into the car and shuts the door on my fin. I pale. "Sorry!" He moves my fin into the front seat and I look up at Sam.

He laughs at my current position. I hit him and Dean takes the front seat. He looks back at me and smiles. No. I know what he's about to say. "Hey Ava, you look like a fish out of water." I smack Dean with my tail. He laughs and drives off. I look up at Sam and he frowns. "Dean, she's turning blue."

Dean glances back at me and presses on the gas pedal. My vision starts to spin. "We're almost there Ava, just hang on." I nod. I'm so tired. "No, no, keep your eyes open Ava." I open my eyes. When had I closed them? My blurry eyes find my tail. The ends of each of my scales were turning white. My head pounds and my vision starts to turn black. I hear Sam saying something but it made no sense. I close my eyes and drift into nothingness.

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