Part 3

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I open my eyes and stare straight up. A bright light shines in my face. Is this... Is this heaven? "Ava?" What? Why does heaven sound like Dean? "Ava." I blink. "Ava if you keep staring at that light you'll go blind." Sam? He's here too? Yay! I can see them both here. "Ava get out of your head. We're right here." I turn my head. Sam and Dean. They smile at me. I looked at my tail which was sticking out of the bath. My scales were back to their normal color. I'm confused. I thought I was dead.

"You're not dead Ava." I look at Dean. I'm not? Sam shakes his head. "You're okay, Ava. You passed out, but we got you into the water in time." I nod, letting my head sink to the bottom of the bath. "Ava," I look at Sam. "How long does this last?" I open my mouth to reply, but- Oh, right. Can't talk.

"At least, I'm assuming this has happened before." I nod. Dean raises an eyebrow. "Bobby knew." I look at him. "Didn't he?" I bite my lip, and nod. Dean sighs. "Why didn't either of you tell us? We're your brothers." I make a face of guilt. God, I wish I would just explain. Sam looks at my tail. "Ava, how long does this last?" I chew my bottom lip. Maybe...? I lift my hands out of the water, and put one hand flat and use the other to make a writing motion. Sam's eyes widen and he nods leaving the room. "So, you're a mermaid, huh?" I look at Dean. "Got magical powers too?"

I glare at him, hitting his leg with my tail. Sam returns moments later with a hotel writing pad. I've never used one before. They were just something that was always in hotel rooms that I never paid any mind to.

I grabbed it and the paper wets under my touch. Thankfully I don't get pruny. That's the only good thing that comes from this fish curse. I write down on the paper. Sam takes it and reads it out loud. "I'll explain more later, but this usually lasts from when the moon goes up, to the next morning when the sun comes up." I nod. Dean looks at me. "How're you going to sleep?" I purse my lips and turn on my side.

Not very comfortable, but how comfortable could a hotel bathtub get when you have a 5 and a half foot tail? "Alright kid. Do you want one of us to stay in here with you?" I shake my head. It's bad enough as it is that they know. I didn't need them staring at me all night. "Goodnight Ava." The light goes out and I fall asleep.


"Hey kid." I open my eyes and look at Dean. He lifts up a bag. "I uh, got you food." Another curse. I can't eat normal food when I get like this, and I refuse to eat seafood. Nasty. "Or can you eat?" I shake my head. Dean nods. "Is there anything you need?" I purse my lips in thought, then shake my head. "Okay. Well me and Sam are going to head out to deal with Spookum McGookums." I smile. Dean always manages to make me feel better, whether it be his puns, or funny nicknames for things. "We'll be back later Ava." Dean leaves and I am left to sit in this very uncomfortable bathtub.


After what felt like forever, and that was long considering I am extremely patient (16 years of riding in a car across the country will do that to you) I had turned to counting my scales. I was currently at 2,896 and that was only for the top half of my tail.

I whimper in pain as my tail starts to sting. About time. "Ava, what's wrong?" My scales start to shift. I don't want them here for this. The change back is always the worst. I take my head above water. "'O." Dean raises an eyebrow. My 'Go' didn't exactly sound like anything, I admit. "G, 'o." Sam shifts his feet. He was starting to understand. That's my Sammy. "G, 'o, G-" I swallow hard and put my head underwater. "Dean, I think she wants us to leave." I grab my hands as the webbing between my fingers starts to shrink away. I have to get out of the water. "No way. I'm not leaving her." I give Sam a look of desperation. Please. Please just leave. I don't want you here for this. "Dean, c'mon." Dean fights it, but Sam eventually drags Dean out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I twist myself around and heave my body out of the bath. Here comes the hard part.


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