Chapter Nine

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Server > badoozled
Channel > #general

Orion: I'm nobody special. But you all... What an interesting group.

❤❤: I'm going to call the police if you don't stop right now

Xavier V.2: what's he talking about? Vic, what's going on?

Olix: @ Orion is just being a creep!

CORNered: it seems really weird that they knows this stuff about us though

🐢: Are you saying they're telling the truth about the whole "one of you is Satan!" thing??

Orion: I never said any of you was Satan.

Misty: damn well sounded like it, the way you listed things off like that.

CORNered: I'm just saying that I, well, am going to be in the Navy by the end of the summer.

Orion: One confession over with.

Misty: I thought you said you were going to college with me and @ Olix though!

CORNered: I had planned on it but I changed my mind and I didn't know how to tell you!

Xavier V.2: wait... If one of them is true, then what about the others?

(❤❤ is typing...)

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