Chapter Ten

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Server > badoozled
Channel > #no-orion

CORNered: so whos the owner?

🐢: Of what? (edited)

CORNered: the server

Olix: me, I set up two roles. Orion can't see this channel at all!

Xavier V.2: perfect. That was creeping me out. Who even invited them to the server??

❤❤: Who knows? They did say one of us is a traitor

Misty: they said a lot of stuff. Like, who out of us would murder someone?

🐢: Exactly. We can't trust anything they say...

CORNered: well they were right about the soldier thing

Olix: I'm still pissed about that. Like, really? You couldn't tell us?

Misty: I think we have bigger fish to fry.

Alezander: agreed.

Olix: we need to figure out who the traitor is. I don't feel comfortable with Orion knowing everything we're talking about.

❤❤: They're not on the channel

Misty: but someone could DM them screenshots of what we're saying as we type.

🐢: Good point...

Misty: so what do we even do to figure out who the traitor is?

Olix: easy, we just spill our deepest, darkest secrets.

Misty: wait one second...

Misty: [View Embed]

Olix: oh my God that wasn't what I meant

🐢: Sounds an awful lot like what Mr. Kidnapper said...

Olix: guys I swear to God I'm not some traitor

CORNered: look we can't be sure okay

Xavier V.2: it does seem kind of suspicious.

Misty: and we were best friends in second grade so you'd know me better than anyone else

CORNered: you also own the server...

Olix: guys what the hell is going on, this is a texting app

Olix: can we not freak out so fast? nothing real will come from this

❤❤: Do you not get it? Do you not understand that whoever is hiding behind the username of Orion is the person that took Jolie?

Olix: how do you even know??

❤❤: [View Embed]

Alezander: when did that happen? It says 2:41?

❤❤: It was about an hour ago

🐢: So Mr. Kidnapper thinks us guilty, and Jolie is the innocent one

CORNered: he listed seven people, a traitor, a murderer, a thief, a soldier, a liar, a cheater, and an innocent. that's not counting Jolie, right?

Olix: he also said one of us should watch our backs but he didn't assign them a role

🐢: So one of us is innocent?

Misty: that seems to be the case

❤❤: So who's the innocent one?

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