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Maisie's Point of View.
- August 08, 2020 -

"Now how in the hell does one even play this stupid game??" I groaned in frustration. "Yeah no. I'm done, I quit. That was so fucking stupid." I ran my hands through my hair.

Taking a deep breath, I went back to my just chatting screen and began reading the chat as I would usually do.

"Approaching hour 32 you guys." I laughed, looking at my timer. "Nah, I'm not tired." I shook my head as I read a question from chat in my head.

"Ahh!! Thank you for the 10 gifted subs .. Fiona?" I read the notification and smiled.


"Oh!" I looked at my screen. "Ahh! Sapnap, thank you for the raid!" I rubbed my eyes and smiled.

"Chat, I am not tired!" I said in defense as I took a sip from my Celsius. "Hm.. Should I play more Minecraft?" I asked, feeling indecisive,

"discord." Sapnap said in chat as I raised a brow.

"Discord?" I read out loud. "Okay.." I shrugged and opened up discord, going straight to one of our server chats, seeing him alone in a VC. "Oh!" I joined, grinning. "Hello?"

"Go to bed." He said calmly. "What? Why?" I whispered.

"Go to sleeeppp?" He said in a sing song voice. "Go to beddd?? Pleaseee?"

"I'm streaming though." I laughed calmly, fighting back a yawn. "Hey Sunny, how long have you been up?" He questioned.

"..Uhm.." I took time to think.. "Probably 45 hours." I said quietly ... "But I've been streaming for 32." I held a thumbs up, knowing my stream can see me.

"Hey Maisie... Hey Maisieee..." He mumbled.

"Yes?" I said through a tired laugh.

"Maisieee..." He continued. "Hello..." I mumbled back.

"Go to bed." I heard him laugh as I threw my head back and smiled.

"Dude, don't act like you don't stay up for this long." I crossed my arms as I rocked my spinning desk chair back and forth.

"Go to sleep." He paused. "Please?"

"But whyyyy?" I groaned, dragging the Y.

"You need it, you've been up too long." He explained. "Sunny, how about this, I'll entertain your chat, and you can go get ready for bed, and then you can get off." He suggested. "As your best friend, I cannot let you reach 50 hours."

Thinking about his suggestion, I sat in my chair in silence before I spoke up. "Hey... Psssttt." I whispered.

"What?" He said. "Fuck you." I quietly laughed.

"Maisie come in, go to bed." He begged. "Please? I don't wanna yell." He said calmly.

"Yell at me." I shrugged, staring blankly at my facecam.
"No. Mt mom will get angry." He paused. "It's 2am."

I looked over to my chat and noticed they were agreeing with him, spamming my chat with messages telling me to go to bed as well. I frowned and started to give in, letting out a long and breathy sigh.

"Alright. fine." I surrendered. "You entertain them, I will go get ready for bed." I told him "Sounds good to me." He agreed. "I'll tell them great things." He softly laughed.

"Like what?" I questioned. "Like how you snore." He snickered as I scoffed. "I do not snore."

"Yeah, you do." He reassured me.

"Oh, whatever." I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Well guys, I'll be right back!" I told the chat before taking off my headphones and getting up from my seat. I walked towards my drawers grabbing a pair of shorts and a random hoodie from my sweater rack.

I walked into my bathroom and quickly got in the shower where I quickly washed myself, scrubbing my scalp and skin evenly. After about 10 minutes, I got out of the shower, even though my usual showers are around 30 minutes to an hour, I did it fast for the sake of my stream.

I got out, drying my hair and body with a towel, putting on the clothes I picked earlier. I grabbed fluffy socks from my drawers, and my glasses from my nightstand and put them on after I took out my contacts, finally getting back to my stream.

"Chat, I'm back." I put on my headphones where I heard George and Dream singing with Pandas.

"Maisie! Hello!" Dream greeted. "Hi-" I adjusted my glasses and laughed. "MAISIE!" George yelled. "Hi George." I said happily.

"Yeaaahhh, it's night night time Maisie." Nick told me. "Mhm." I nodded. "Do you guys wanna say bye for me?" I questioned. "That shower really got me. I am exhausted."

"Told you so." I heard Sapnap say cockily as I shook my head.

"BYE STREAM!!" George immediately yelled. "BYEEEE!!" Dream exclaimed.

"I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Sapnap continue. "I LOVE YOU GUYS MORE!" George yelled. "NO I DO, I LOVE YOU GUYS MORE" Dream argued like it was a competition.

"BYE GUYS." I waved, trying to yell as loud as I could.
"Should I raid someone?" I questioned.

"Ohhhh!" Dream liked the sound of that idea. "You should raid a small streamer." Dream suggested. "Like someone with no viewers at all."

"Oh, For sure!" I nodded before I browsed through the Minecraft page, finding a stream with only 3 viewers.

"Okay guys?" I smiled. "Byeee!" I waved goodbye and raided the streamer.

Before going to bed, I decided to stay on VC with the guys to watch their reaction to my raid and after about two minutes she noticed and began losing her mind.

"MAISIE I LOVE YOU OH MY GOD?!" She cried through her noticeable Australian accent, trying to compose herself. "You're my biggest inspiration oh my god no way, you and the Dream Team." She wiped her face.

It warmed my whole heart so I decided to send a 100$ donation.

i love you! thank you for all the support, and have
an amazing stream!

"Oh my god." She saw the donation. "Maisie?!" She exclaimed into her palms. "PLEASE I CANT-" She covered her face.


"WAIT, DREAM IS HERE??" Her expression dropping.



"NO WAY." She sobbed into her hands once again. "This is genuinely attempted murder." She gasped for air as her complexion was red from crying.

I smiled and watched her stream for a little bit longer before I finally made the decision to log off, and head to sleep. I got up from my seat and walked towards my bed where Sapling was sound asleep, plopping down next to her, getting under the covers immediately.

And the second I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

authors note
i typed this while doing homework- but anyways, i hope you enjoyed and sorry for not updating for a bit

this was inspired by one of nikis streams
where wilbur begged her to sleep , YEAHH???

dec 27, 2023
ok tbh. i do love maisie and sapnap.

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