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Maisie's Point of View.
- October 09, 2020 -










"Is she alive?"
"What do you mean is she alive?"
"Well Nicholas, she isn't waking up."


"Hey Maisie..."


"For fucks sake, WHAT." I finally opened my eyes, shooting my head up, finding three idiots staring at me.

"Oh, she's alive!" George pointed out. "Unfortunately." I stared blankly at him. "Morning!" They all said nearly at the same time.

"Hi" I crossed my arms, my voice tired from just waking up. "We prepared breakfast!" George smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "You guys... cooked???" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Yes..." Dream nodded. "Mostly him though." He pointed at Sapnap. "He-" I paused to glimpse at Nick. "And my house is still somehow not up in flames??"

"Oh, you're so annoying." He took offense to what I said.

"Well, come on, let's go eat!" George motioned for us to follow him as he began walking away.

I sat in bed tired as balls, trying to get up but I simply couldn't. I was about to fall back into my blankets and pillows to go back to sleep, but Dream and Nick were about to walk out when they turned around.

Nick soon came to the side of my bed, grabbing my hand to yank me up and drag me downstairs.

"Ugh-" I gasped as he startled me, "Coke on, let's go. I know you're gonna like breakfast." He said with a smiles

"I'm so tired." I yawned. "Can you carry me?" I looked at Dream, asking as a joke. No." He shook his head.

"Asswipe" I crossed my arms.
"Come on" Nick insisted we leave the room.

"Can I just go back to sleep for one more-"

"Alright-" He cut me off before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "You're impossible." He mumbled as he carried me out of the room

"WAIT-" I panicked. "HAHAHAH" I just started laughing.

"You gave me no choice, Sunny." He laughed, walking towards the same with Dream trailing behind.

"This is kinda fun, is this what being tall feels like?" I asked. "Pssshh, tall my ass." Dream laughed. "Tall for me, Clay." I shot my head up and glared at him.

"Yeah, yeah." He shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket and shrugged.

While being thrown over Nick's shoulder, he held me in place securely with his right hand. The only thing in my view was his dumptruck so I really didn't know what the fuck was going on. But as we got downstairs, the scent of a traditional filipino breakfast filled my nose. My mouth nearly watering. It smelled just like my grandma's cooking.

We made it down to what looked like the bottom of the staircase and began walking to what felt like the direction toward the kitchen. The scent getting stronger.

"Dream, pick up the broken glass you broke." George scolded.

"Wait, WHAT-" I glared at the tall white boy.

"IT'S NOTHING-" Dream panicked.

"DREAMMMM?!" I groaned as Nick set me down.

"UH-" Ge slightly laughed. "It was an accident-" He defended himself. "Clean it up-" I crossed my arms.

"Yes ma'am!" He saluted before quickly tending to the glassy mess.

Looking over at the stove, I saw some traditional filipino breakfast sausages and over easy eggs. I looked at the kitchen island to see a bowl of what smelled and looked like garlic fried rice. It smelled heavenly. I quickly grabbed a coffee and some creamer laid out on the counter and continued to walk back toward the island, proceeding to sit down and quickly received a plate full of food.

"This looks and smells really good." I looked at Nick. "Where did you learn to make all this?" I questioned. "My step mom. I love helping her around the kitchen." He smiled.

"You are so..."

"Yeah, I'm amazing." He finished my sentence for me and grinned.

I looked down at the plate, admiring the food that brings me lots of happy memories, and immediately dug in. George set down a plate of two pancakes beside my main plate and I was in shock. This part wasn't filipino, but I did love me some pancakes.

"So you guys can cook and I had no idea?-" I looked at them in awe. "Me and George" Nick put his arm around the brit. "Dream can only break things and uses a microwave." He smiled.

"True." Dream nodded, as he ate a pancake in his hand.

Beginning to grab their own plate of food, they continued to sit with me on the kitchen island, practically having a family breakfast together as we began to eat.

I took a bite of the sausage and rice. It was so fucking good. Every bite just reminded me more and more of my grandma's cooking. I've missed it so much.

"Holy shit-" I swallowed my food, mesmerized by the taste. "This is so good." I laughed, covering my mouth. "It tastes just like my grandmas." I softly smiled.

"I'm an honorary filipino." Nick said cockily.

"Try the pancakes!" George said as he swallowed his food.

Taking my final bite of the filipino breakfast, I grabbed the plate of pancakes George served me, putting some syrup on. They looked really fluffy and I was so excited.

"George, this is really good." I whispered in awe. "Oh, wow." I smiled, continuing to cut another piece.

Taking my time, I finally finished eating as Dream and Nick were already done, with George finishing last. We continued to stay seated, talking about our plans for the day, trying to figure out what to do for my birthday when the doorbell rang.

"I got it." Nick stood up, "No, no let me." I insisted. "Nope." He excused himself from the table as I rolled my eyes.

I let him go ahead and answer it as I took a sip of my coffee, listening in from the kitchen before I decided to walk over and see who was at the front door.

"Does a Maisie ... uhm.. live here?" I heard a familiar voice come from the front of my house.

"Uhh yeah-" Nick awkwardly laughed. "I can go get her?" He pointed behind himself before turning to see me in surprise.

"Ethan?" I smiled, confused at who I was looking at.

"Maisie." He smiled, opening his arms.

Nick had a confused expression before he moved out of the way as I laughed and ran to the boy, giving him a hug.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE-" I laughed into the hug. "Oh my gosh!" I felt him lift me up off the ground and hug me tighter, it felt nice

"Well, it's your birthday isn't it?" He laughed, setting me down. "But?? you were deployed to Japan!" I said confused. "I just got back. Just in time for your birthday!" He smiled.

"Ahem..." I heard someone behind me clear their throat before I turned around to see Dream and George standing beside Nick

"Erm.. Who's this?.." Ethan whispered with a chuckle.

"Hello." George raised a hand and smiled
"Oh-" I mentally facepalmed.

"Ethan, this is George, Nick, and Dre-.. Clay?-" I pointed, also unsure of how Dream wanted me to introduce him.

"Guys, This is Ethan." I smiled. "My ex." I nodded.

"Oh!" Dream's eyes popped out of his head before letting out a small wheeze. "Inchresting...." George nervously laughed. "Sup." Nick waved.

"How'd you guys meet?" Ethan asked, as I briefly let him in. "Remember that friend I told you about.. the one I had from Minecraft... before I moved to California?" I explained. "This is him and our friends that I met through him. We reunited."

"Oh, no way!" He looked at all three of them. "Which one is he-" Ethan whispered. "Him-" I pointed at Nick.

"Sup, man." Ethan shot him a peace sign.
"Yeah, we're all just .. a friend group." I tried to give minimal detail and shrugged. This was kind of out of the blue and a shock to me.

"Sweet, it's nice to meet you guys." Ethan smiled.

"Yeah." Dream nodded. "Nice to meet you too."

"So, Maisie- do you have any plans today?" Ethan asked me as I looked over at the guys. "Uhh Im still not sure." I shrugged before looking back at Ethan.

"We have something planned for Maisie, um- tonight." Nick cleared his throat. "Oh, you do?-" I had a confused expression. "Y-yeah" George chimed in. "Big surprise, very important!" He added.

"Uhh..is it cool with you guys if I took Maisie out for the day then?" He looked at them, asking. "Uhh...sure?" Dream shrugged while looking at Nick. "But she's not an object, so ask her yourself?" He continued talking while being a smartass as I glared at him.

"Are you guys okay...?" I had a feeling.

"Yes!" George answered. "Amazing." He laughed, as it felt sarcastic. "Alright..." I said, still confused.

"Yeah, I guess you can take me out for the day." I shrugged, turning back to Ethan. "Perfect!" He smiled. "I'll see you then." He prepared himself to step out of my house.

"But before I go, can I say hi to your nana?" Ethan asked. "I've missed her and your aunt too."

"Oh- let's not." I said awkwardly as the guys behind me let out breaths of air.

"Oh-" He paused. "I-i'm so sorry." He backtracked. Picking up the tension that he just created.

"MHM, it's alright, minor mistake." I looked around, wanting the conversation topic to change.

"Um okay...." He slightly laughed it off. "Uh- look." He paused. "I'll head out now, but i'll be back at around 2 to come get you?" He questioned.

"Yeah, sounds good." I smiled and nodded.

"Great." He said before giving me another hug. "I've missed you." He mumbled. "I'll see you later." He let go before walking off.

Closing the door as I smiled, I turned around to see the three idiots still standing there still, stiff as a tree.

"Okay, what is your guys problems?" I stared at them, putting my hands on my hips.

"wHATD WE DO??" Dream got defensive.

"I don't know, stand there like he killed Karl, i DONT KNOW??" I shrugged.

"We didn't just stand there." George replied. "We made fun of his shirt." He laughed as Nick and Dream facepalmed.

"I GAVE HIM THAT SHIRT." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Before he left!"

"So- you're that close with your ex-" Dream questioned.

"Yes." I nodded. "We dated for two years back in highschool, and then we broke up?, he was enlisted for the military about two years ago to Japan." I explained.

"Ahhh." They all nodded. "Mhm.."

"Exes can still be friends." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, of course." They agreed.

"Okay..." I slowly nodded my head as it still felt awkward. "Alright.." I walked away.

authors note
lol k took a minor hiatus
to focus on the end of the semester, and
i finished it with a weighted 4.25 gpa <333 YEAHHH BITCH

update dec 28, 2023
that authors note made me smile. It only goes down from there pookie <3 And dear Past vera part 837372

u are bat shit insane for this plot line FUCK.

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