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Maisie's Point of View.
- October 09, 2020 -

As time went by, 2:00 was coming by quickly. I was watching TV with the guys for a bit before I decided to get up at 12:30 so I can get ready upstairs. I took a decently long shower, catering to my skin care and hair care.

The guys left the house because they "had stuff to do" and I was okay with it. I'm leaving anyways too.

After getting out of the shower, I of course dried myself and picked my outfit for the day. I grabbed a tight black mini skirt and black tights. I laid those out before I picked out a fitted red top and an oversized leather jacket.

Satisfied with the outfit I chose, I put the clothes on before walking over to my vanity, and beginning to do my usual makeup routine, also letting my natural curly waves be. After a bit of time and jamming out to music as I did my makeup like the girl I was, I finished off my eyeliner and applied tinted red lip gloss, before adjusting my hair strands and finally declaring i was done. I slipped on my white socks and Platform Doc Martens before admiring myself in the mirror.

I continued to walk over to my charging phone to see it was 2:06. Nearly on time, I heard a knock at the front door, assuming it was Ethan.

Grabbing my bag and keys, I walked down the stairs
as I was made my way to the front door. Feeling uneasy, I began to think to myself. I haven't even hung out with him in so long, and so much has changed, * really had no idea what was gonna happen today.

Opening the front door, I politely smiled at the sight of Ethan grinning with a single flower in his hands.

"Hey." I smiled before I sneezed. "Bless you." He laughed. "You look nice." He proceeded to compliment me. "Birthday girl gotta look good!" I joked. "But thank you."

I paused. "You look nice yourself too." I complimented back. "Oh, this is for you!" He smiled smiled and handed the flower to me "Oh, thank you." I said in surprise, taking it from his hands.

"Wait-" I stared at it intently.
"AH-" I panicked before throwing it to the ground. "ETHAN-" I started him. "That's a daffodil!"

"Yeah, your favorite?" He said confused.

"NOOOOOO-" I bursted into laughter. "I'm allergic to those-" I bit back more laughs. "Oh shit-" He paused. "OHHH SHIT." He facepalmed. "I got them mixed up." He scratched the back of his head. "I thought it was the sunflower you were allergic to." He apologized.

"It's okay, it was a mistake." I shook it off. "Promise you it's fine, it's been a couple years, I don't blame you."

"Yeah." He nodded. "Sorry again-" He chuckled. "That is so embarrassing." He whispered.

"It's okay.." I whispered back, trying to assure him that nearly killing me was okay....

"Alright. well.. Let's go?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I nodded and grinned before closing the door, walking with him toward his car. He opened the door for me as I rolled my eyes and laughed at how cheesy it was. He soon got in the drivers seat, before he quickly put the keys in ignition and driving off.

"So where to?-" I asked.

"That's a surprise." He said as he took my hand into his.

And the only thing that went through my mind was ?!?!!?HUH???WHATAREYOUDOINGHELLO

"You're not gonna kidnap and murder me, are you?" I questioned. Kind of feeling unsafe but still trying to trust him. "No no." He laughed. "Just trust me."

"I've missed you, Maisie." He continued a conversation and letting out a sigh. "A lot."

"I've missed you too." I nodded. "Life has been bland." I laughed. "Kinda." I mumbled, thinking about how much has changed in just a couple months.

"How's it been? Genuinely." He asked and let go of my hand to focus on driving which relived me as I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Well, I still work at red dragon, but on the side I'm making a lot of money from Twitch."

"Ohh, No way? Really?" He smiled, briefly looking over at me. "That was like your biggest dream back in high school." He laughed. "I knoww! It's crazy." I smiled,

"I got into university, been struggling a bit lately, but I'm still trying. Gotta get that degree, you know?" I shrugged. "Being a sociology major is alright."

"That's really good May, I'm happy for you." He said as I focused on the nickname he had for me from years ago.

"May?" I looked at him like he was a doofus, "I haven't heard that in so long." I paused. "Wow." He laughed at me.

"But, what about you?" I continued the conversation. "How has Japan and being deployed been?" I played with the rings on my fingers.

"Well, when my enlistment was over, I stayed in Japan for a bit.. it just felt like the right place to be, and I'm gonna move there soon." He said. "It's absolutely beautiful over there, like seriously.."

"Mhm." I nodded. "Have you met anyone?" I laughed, nudging his shoulder, interested in how his love life has been doing.

"Yeah, actually." He nodded his head. "This one girl." He paused. "We have a lot of memories together already and, I've taken her out a couple times. I think I'm gonna ask her soon.. I'm so in love with her." He looked at me. "You know what i mean?"

"OH SHIT!" I laughed. "No way." I continued with a smile. "That's so dope, I'm happy for her. You're a great guy!"

I wasnt jealous at all. My feelings for Ethan have passed over. He has changed throughout the span of the last couple years, and I clearly!have took. We arent the same people we were back in highschool, and I'm glad we agreed to stay close friends despite our history.

It all started in my AP chemistry class in Freshman year. Although he was a junior, we became good friends and once the end of my freshman year came around, we just labeled it as boyfriend and girlfriend after we confessed feelings. I know looking back at it, it was a bit odd, our maturity gap being a little bit wide and all.

As we continued talking, he pulled into a familiar parking spot and it all clicked instantly. It was the location of our first date.

"Penny's Diner?" I said in surprise. "I mean come in, we both loved it here." He looked at me with a wide smile.

"We just drove across the bay, and I didn't realize??" I laughed in confusion. "That was so fast." I said as we both got out.

"Time flies when you're having fun!" He said in a cringe manner. "Shut up." I laughed at him.

Back then, we usually just came here for a singular milkshake and went up to our hilltop spot that overlooked some of the bay area in California. We shared many memories on the bench that stood there. It was nice.

"Yeah, we're doing the usual." He smiled at me. "Oh, sweet. I was actually just thinking about that.." I said as he opened the door for me.

"Welcome to Penny's Diner!" A lady came up to us. "For how many? Two?" She asked.

"Oh we're just here to ask for a large milkshake to-go." Ethan explained. "Alrighty." She laughed. "What flavor will that milkshake be?" She smiled.

"Strawberry." Ethan and I said in unison.

"Alright lovebirds, good choice!" She smiled. "I'll get y'all that in a minute, wait here." She said before walking off.

"Lovebirds-" I mumbled and cringed.

As instructed, we stood there and talked for a bit, looking around at how this place hasn't aged a bit, it still looks the same from our previous and constant dates we've had here.

"Alright, one strawberry milkshake!" The same lady came back with a big plastic cup of strawberry contents with a big dollop of whipped cream and a cherry on top.

"That'll be 6.99." She smiled as Ethan handed her cash, allowing her to keep the change before we both walked out and made it back into his car.

He soon drove off and made it toward the next destination which is from what I remember, a 5 minute distance. We turned the radio on, and listened to whatever country music the radio was filled with and vibed around and after a couple of minutes, he pulled into a dirt pathway and the view was just as beautiful I remembered.

"Agh. * missed it here." I smiled, getting out of the car as he did the same with the milkshake in his hand.

We walked around and found that the bench we always sat on that overlooked everything was still there. We both smiled at each other before having the same idea and making our way over, to sit down. We continued to enjoy our time together as we both drank from the milkshake and talked for what felt like hours but it was just minutes.

"Remember when I snuck into your room that one night and was caught by your aunt?" He said aloud. "That was so fucking funny." He laughed.

"She really hit you with a broom." I laughed and drank from the milkshake. "It hurt SO bad-" He added on as he looked at me with a smile.

"So, Maisie.." He paused. "Yeah?" I looked him in the eyes. "I have a gift for you." He said.

"Oh?" I tilted my head as I sipped the shake before setting it down.

"So... " He trailed off. "These last two years in Japan have been amazing, you know, and it's really fun.. but" He paused. "I've been missing one thing.." He went for his jacket pocket.

"I don't have you there with me." He said.

"Huh-" I looked at him.

"Maisie, I'm still in love with you. Not once have you left my mind, and I know we still have that connection from years ago, I love you so much baby, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He got down on one knee and opened the box to reveal a diamond ring.

"wait- WHAT?!" I got up in pure confusion.

"Spend the rest of your life with me. Be my missing piece and live in Japan by my side. Be Mrs. Maisie Romero. May ..will you marry me?"

"Ethan no no no no no." I shook my head "NO-"

"What?" He looked at me confused.

"Ethan. Ethan- what?" I panicked. "You sound insane?!" I stood there in front of him. "I'm not gonna fucking MARRY you???? I'm still in school, I'm still- I haven't even thought about you romantically in years??"

As my words left my mouth, his eyes went dark and cold. Standing back up. "What do you mean you're not." He walked towards me as I backed away.

"These past two years- I haven't even TALKED to you- maybe once in awhile, and maybe I have missed you but I don't love you like I did in highschool?????" I paused "You sound absolutely RIDICULOUS."

"It's one of those guys isn't it?" He scoffed.

"Ethan, what are you TALKING ABOUT??" I raised my voice at him, tears forming in my eyes as I was getting frustrated.

"Which one of them are you in love with."Was all he said.

"It's not about who I love or don't love. It's about how fucking BAT SHIT CRAZY YOU SOUND." I ranted.

"You're in love with one of them, I know it." He completely disregarded what I had said. "ETHAN WHAT????" I ran my hands through my hair. "Where is this all COMING from!?" U said exasperated and stressed.

"It's Nick, isn't it?" He laughed.

"Ethan- you sound so fucking STUPID." I argued with him. "If you won't marry me.. then fine. Fuck you. Go fuck yourself." He teared up. "I really thought we still had something May, I thought we were gonna be forever. " He sounded upset. "I thought you would've waited for me." He said coldly before grabbing the strawberry shake on the bench and throwing it at me.

"OH MY GOD...." I yelled out of pure anger. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I scolded him as tears poured out of my eyes from anger and confusion.

"Find your own fucking way home." He laughed and continued to throw the tiny box at me, storming off to his car. "WAIT, WHAT???" I yelled and ran after him. "ETHAN, WAIT-" I grabbed his arm. "You're not gonna just leave me here.. an HOUR away from my house???" I yelled as he kept walking.

"ETHAN?" I said louder once more before he roughly shoved me off his arm, making me stumble with my platform shoes and rolling my ankle on a rock. I tripped onto the sandy rock path where there were even tinier shards of glass from all the litter around.

"OW- FUCK-" I winced in pain and felt my ankle hurting.

I looked at my hands as there were little cuts on it, and my clothes now sticky from the shake, as well as dusty and dirty from my fall in the dirt path. Ethan got into his car with no second thought before he immediately drove off, leaving me in a silent hilltop with barely any service.

I bursted into tears as the final events just hit me and I was beyond scared. What the fuck am I supposed to do.

The sun was nearly an hour away from setting and I had no clue how I was gonna get out of here.

I grabbed my phone and saw I had one bar and 16% left.

"I'm so stupid. Why don't I charge my shit." I grumbled to myself.

I attempted to get up as my ankle was in pain, and just dealt with it. I had to thug it out. I had the idea that if I can make the 15 minute walk down to the Diner at the bottom of the hilltop, I can call someone to come get me.

I silently cried as I walked on my hurt ankle, unaware of what was wrong with it. I hissed at the burning cuts on my hands filled with dirt and sand, just wishing I could be anywhere else but here. I cannot fucking believe what Ethan just did, and it just feels like an awful fever dream that I wish could end ASAP.

My ankle began to sting more and more as I walked down the slightly steep hill, finally having a view of the Penny's Diner sign from nearly a mile away.

I took a lot of breaks to ease out my pain before trying my hardest to make it back, because I cannot stand it here any longer.

Why is my life like this? ...

After 20 more minutes, I finally made it to the side road of the diner, and deciding to just sit on the bus stop bench due to how much pain I was in.

I quickly checked my phone to see I finally had full bars and began crying at how stupid I felt. Soon, I quickly went through my contacts, and dialed Nick before he picked up right away to only hear me crying.


authors note
long ass chapter- and his was an honest mess-
this story is lowkey going downhill and that's on me
idk- lol, but DRAMAMAAAAA and unrealistic scenarios i also wrote this during history class lol idfk

update: dec 28, 2023
what the fuck were you COOKING, past vera. LIKE WHAT IS THIS PLOT LINE. ENOUGGGHHH.

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