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Maisies Point of View.
- December 19, 2020 -

I woke up to a faint ray of light beaming through the blinds and tickling my eyelids. Fidgeting around in place, I tried to find my phone to check the time when I realized arms were wrapped tightly around me, making me smile.

"Goood morning." I mumbled, running a hand through his hair. "Good morning." He replied.

We both slightly sat up, still arm in arm, as I laughed and looked around the room. "How was sleeping on the floor?" He laughed at me as I rolled my eyes and yawned.

"We both knew you weren't gonna let me do that." I laughed. "Very true." He softly smiled.

"Was never opposed anyway, I like it here better." I laughed, wrapping my arms around him, pulling him back down into his bed. "I've missed you." I mumbled into his chest before lifting my head to give his cheek a kiss.

"I've missed you too." I felt his small giggles before he placed a kiss on my head.

"NICHOLAS- BREAKFAST!" One of his sisters called out but we both ignored just to cuddle a little longer.

"HELLO???" She called again. "WAKE UP-" She knocked.

"Come on." I mumbled with a morning voice. "Let's eat." I stretched. "Just a few more seconds." He mumbled into the crook of my neck. "Okay fine." I smiled before I began playing with his hair.

"MAISIE???-" She knocked again. "IM GONNA OPEN THE DOOR???"

"OKAY ERYN-" He quickly sat up.

We both laughed and got out of bed as I adjusted the leggings that rolled up on my legs during my slumber, throwing on one of my hoodies since it was kinda cold. I took my hair out of the low ponytail I had it on and brushed my hands through it casually.

I waited for Nick as he stretched and put on a hoodie aswell, adjusting his sweatpants and finally walking out of the room with me.

"What the hell were you guys doing??" His sister stood at the door.

"Sleeping." I sniffed, rubbing my nose and telling the truth.
"Uh-huh..." She stood there, crossing her arms "Okay." She shrugged and continued to go downstairs.

I turned and looked at him as he stood there with his hands in his pockets and laughed "slEEPiNg" He mocked me.

"It's the truth?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Sleeping, in my arms." He said in a cringy manner making me fake gag.

"I'm gonna push you down the fucking stairs-" I stared at him intently before continuing to go down to breakfast. We walked into the kitchen and saw that everyone had already ate, realizing that the leftovers were for us.

"Why are you guys dressed?.." Nick asked his parents.

"Oh- we're gonna go spend time with your grandparents after we pick them up from the airport." His stepdad replied.

"There won't be enough room in the car so will you guys be okay here?" His mom continued.

"Oh.. yeah." He nodded and peeled an orange.

"Maisie, eat!" His mom continued to encourage me by handing me a plate of pancakes. "Oh-" I smiled. "Thank you!" I took it from her hands.

"How'd you sleep Maisie?" His youngest sister Zoey smiled at me as I nearly choked on my food before swallowing it correctly and smiling back.

"I slept well." I nodded. "Very comfy."

"Interesting." She said as she smirked at her brother.

"Zoey, Eryn, go get ready." His dad looked at his sisters before they took their time and left the kitchen.

Me and Nick continued to talk as we ate breakfast, while his parents occasionally butted into the conversation.

"So Maisie, what brings you here during the holidays?" His stepdad asked me. "Oh." I paused, setting my fork down. "Uhm. I don't really have any family to spend it with, but he," I pointed at the boy next to me me. "He is is the next closest thing I have." I said truthfully.

"Oh, what happened to your parents?" His mom asked. "If you don't mind me asking..."

"They died in a car accident." I said without hesitation, using the most repetitive lie I say when the question comes up.

"Oh." She frowned. "Im sorry about that." She continued. "Well, you're welcome here anytime, we're family now." She tried to lighten the mood.

"Thank you." I smiled at her before glimpsing over at Nick.

"We're ready." His sisters walked into the kitchen, letting their mom and dad know. "Alright, we're gonna get going then." His mom paused and wiped her hands after washing dishes. "

"We'll be back tonight with grandma and grandpa." She looked at Nick. "I love you." She kissed his head. "And it was nice speaking with you, Maisie!" She acknowledged me once more before walking out with his dad.

Once we heard the front door close, I brought my legs up onto the kitchen chair to sat criss cross and more comfortably.

"Mamas boy." I laughed.
"and what about it?" He looked at me and sipper his water.
"It's cute!" I complimented him.

As we both finished our food, I helped him clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes before we decided to go back upstairs and chill in his room for the rest of the morning.

The day went by so fast, and the whole time we jumped between playing on my switch, messing around and wrestling, or ate food. It was now approaching 4:00 in the afternoon and we were just sat in his living room watching TV when he nudged my side.

"Yeah?" I turned to look at him.
"Are you still up for that date offer from.. Love or Host?" He quickly asked as I smiled and laughed at him.

"God, you are so awkward." I made fun of him as he rolled his eyes. "But, yes." I nodded. "I am."

"Okay!" He got up as he helped me up. "We leave in an hour." He smiled before walking to the staircase.

I grabbed my keys and went to my car to grab my duffle bag filled with a weeks worth of clothes before I went up to his room where he was sitting at his desk, scrolling on his phone... already ready in a grey sweatshirt with black pants.

He looked up at me, briefly smiling before allowing me to continue with what I was doing.

I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom of his hallway, putting on a white turtleneck shirt, overlaying a dark blue crewneck that said chicago, and continued to put on black baggy jeans, and white ruffled socks.

I brushed my hands through my hair and did minimal makeup like usual since I rarely wore much. I finally walked out and put my pajamas near my bag in his room, and we were both ready so we decided to leave.

He slipped on some black and white nike dunks as I put on my high cut black converse before we walked out the front door together. After we got into his car, we quickly buckled up before he drove off in no time, still unsure of what his plans were.

His phone connected to bluetooth and he chose a random song... being Eenie Meanie by Sean Kingston and Justin Bieber.

"OH-" I sat up in excitement as he laughed.
"This song is so fucking FIRE." I looked over at him.

We both sang along as he drove with one hand while the other was making gestures to emphasize his singing making me enjoy the car ride as we casually bonded over the song.

"You seem like the type... to love em and leave em... and disappear right after the song...

So give me the night.. to show you and hold you dont leave me out here dancing alone"

"CANT MAKE UP YOUR MIND MIND MIND MIND MIND!" We practically yelled the lyrics and looked at each other.

We both continued to sing along. The song was just such a serotonin booster. it was just... exhilarating.

As the song came to a close end, it didn't stop us to sing obnoxiously loud together and after a while of non stop upbeat songs followinf after, I came into a realization that a majority of this date was probably just a car ride which i absolutely adored.

We continued on and I noticed that the sun was setting and the view was extremely nice to look at. The windows were down and it was quite cold but the warmth of our sweaters kept the chilly air away along with the heater inside the car keeping us toasty.

After the slight pause of transition in songs, the familiar tune and beat came along which made my heart beat faster and my mind go blank up until the lyrics began

"Candy.... she's sweet like candy in my veins.."

I turned my head and looked at him smiling at the road, him knowing that this song is one of my favorites.

"Baby i'm dying for another taste, and every night my mind is running, around her.."

He pulled into a parking lot of what seemed to be an extremely nice sunset view with a playground in the distance. We stayed in the car to finish the song and he held my hand as the it played out loud.

"Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle, I cant let you go now that I got it....

... All I need is to be struck. by , you're electric lovee!"

He kissed my hand at the chorus which overwhelmed my fucking soul because of how much I like this colonizer.

I rolled my eyes and cupped his cheeks, placing a kiss on his lips out of no where while Electric Love continued to play. After I let go for a breath, he smiled at me and rested his head on my forehead, giving me another quick and sweet kiss.

We sat there in the car, the song still playing as we laughed at what just happened while the chorus dropped once again. The song was coming to an end and the second it stopped we both got out of the car and I quickly gave him a hug to show him how much I appreciated him.

He quickly wrapped his arms around me while we stood in the parking lot as it was just silent. and it just felt right.

Walking hand in hand on the sidewalk, we just admired the view and spoke to one another. It was sweet because no matter what, even if I've talked to him every second of every day for the last half a year, we seem to never run out of anything to talk about.

Smiling to myself, I grabbed him by his forearms before I dragged him to the playground up ahead and jumped onto the swings, laughing.

"Push me!" I said in a deep man voice throwing him off guard. "WOAH-" He lost it and began to laugh.

"Fine, fine. Just push me uwu!" I changed my voice to a discord kitten voice. "MAISIE??" He stopped in his tracks to laugh even harder. "WHY ARE TOU SO GOOD?"

"I KNOW, I LEARNED I COULD DO THAT THE OTHER DAY-" I began laughing as I sat on the swing.

After collecting ourselves from the laughter, I wiped a tear from my eye as he came behind, and began pushing me to go high on the swing set. I continued to get higher and higher before he disappeared from behind me, which caught me off guard but I continued on with swinging because it was fun.

After a couple of minutes, I decided to jump down and look for him when I realized he was no where to be seen in the dim light from the now barely visible sun.

"Nick?-" I called out as I looked around the playground.

"AAAAA-" I yelled as someone picked me up from behind and startled me- "FUCKING HELL-" I gasped in relief seeing it was him as he laughed.

"I GOT YOU!" He continued, setting me down and keeping his hands on my waist. "OH YEAH? BECAUSE KIDNAPPING IS SO FUNNY." I flicked his nose and laughed at his reaction.

"You are so lucky, I don't hate you." I looked him in the eye while he pulled me closer, and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Yeah, you love me, I know." I was able to feel his smile.

"Whatever." I scoffed at his cockiness.

As we continued to mess around, he began chasing me around the park, trying to throw me over his shoulder, but thankfully I was out running him. I eventually fell into the grass and lied there, trying to catch my breath as I pulled him down with me. Both of us now laying in the grass, admiring the dark colors of the sky.

Soon after, we both mutually agreed that we were hungry, and he suggested we go to a local family business that he knows of and get food there, which I cool with. We walked back to the car and quickly got back in as I checked and scrolled through Twitter for a bit while he drove.

He pulled into another parking lot and got out of the car with me as I looked up to see a storefront called "Frankie's Pizza!"

"My friend said this place was good." He told me. "I was actually craving pizza!" I smiled wide. "Good." He grabbed my hand and walked toward the entrance with me.

We stood in line and looked at the menu, deciding to get two slices each of their combo pizza for to go.

"Hello i'm Hanna, how can I get you two started tonight?" She smiled wide.

"Hi." I smiled back. "Could we get four slices of the combo pizza.." I ordered for us both. "Sure thing, four slices combo." She repeated my order as she wrote it down. "Any drinks?" She continued to ask.

"Cokes will be fine." I shrugged. "Alright, is that for here or to go?"

"To go." I smiled.

"Perfect, and that'll be 11.25!" She told us the price.

I handed her a ten and two one dollar bills, allowing her to keep the change and adding on 10 more dollars for her tip, as she smiled wide and thanked us.

We stood in the corner of the store and talked to each other as I took random videos of him, while he did adorable poses. Perhaps I was content farming for Twitter.

Realizing the pizza was ready for the both of us, I walked over to the pickup table and thanked the guy giving me the bag before exiting the store and joining Nick in the car.

He drove back to his place while the scent of the Pizza was spreading throughout the car "This smells so good-" He mumbled as I nodded in agreement.

Pulling into his driveway after what seemed to be the shortest drive ever, we continued to walk into his house, realizing his family still wasn't home. We went up to his room to eat while we watched a random show on his TV as
the pizza was overwhelmingly good. The two of us ate our slices so that it was kinda impressive...

The night went on and we eventually changed into pajama, proceeding to still stay in and cuddle while we watched a movie together when-

"NICKYYYY!" An unfamiliar voice was heard downstairs as I quickly glimpsed at him. "My grandma.." He sat up and stared at his closed door.

"Uh oh." I mumbled. "Well, time to meet them." He got out of bed and held his hand out for me to stand up.

"Shit-" I mumbled. "Don't be scared, come on." He proceeded to drag me out his room.

As we both walked down his stairs, I saw an older couple waiting with his family in the living room. "NICHOLAS!" The lady exclaimed and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he greeted her.

"Hi grammy." He hugged her, kissing her head in response.

Grammy, lol. How cute. He's so cute.

"Oh, you look so grown." She laughed, pinching his cheeks. "Look at you." She babied him before her gaze switched over at me.

"Hi grandpa!" He hugged the gentleman beside his grandma as the man laughed and rubbed Nick's back.

"And who is this?" His grandma smiled at me.

"This is Maisie." He held his hand out for me to join him.
"Hello!" I waved before she quickly brought me into a hug.

"PUMPKIN SHES BEAUTIFUL!" She squeezed me.

"Pumpkin?" I looked at him, mouthing the words that just escaped his grandma's mouth. "Shut up." He mouthed words back and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I am so glad you found someone." She held my hands. "Someone so BEAUTIFUL, might I add." She happily complimented me as I raised my eyebrows.

"OH-" I laughed. "WE ARENT-" I shook my head.

"Oh dear-" His grandma gasped. "I am so sorry" She squeezed my cheeks and apologized.

"We're just friends." He bit back a laugh and told his grandma. He knows damn well he doesn't wanna be just friends though.

"Oh." She said, sounding a bit lost.

"aHEM bullshit.. AHEM-" Eryn coughed as I darted my eyes at her, making her laugh.

"Hm.. Well Nicky do you like her?" She crossed her arms.
"Anddd we're done here." He paused. "Nice to see you grammy." He smiled. "Nice to see you grandpa." He laughed and waved off the two before dragging me off with him up the stairs.

"Well?" I looked at him as we entered his room. "What?" He turned to me as he began resuming the movie we were watching. "Do you like her, Nicky?" I repeated his grandmas words as I placed my hands on my hips before he threw a pillow at me.

"Why you little-"

authors note
i had no idea what i was gonna do with this chapter so i wrote more fluff- , and atp idfk what maisie and sapnap are so pls ignore, and i'm beginning to like...... idk- HELLLP


update: dec 30, 2023
wtf was i cooking pt 973732722 ??????/:?!:/$

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