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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Twenty Øne Pilots - Car Radio


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:30 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

I have these thoughts, so often I ought

To replace that slot with what I once bought

'Cause somebody stole my car radio

And now I just sit in silence


A/N: We're gonna get emotional at the end of the chapter. Sorry in advance.

''Sorry, guys, nothing,'' Jay said, taking off the Vermillion Helmet he was wearing.

''Darn, I was sure trying on the helmet was gonna help us figure out who those samurai snake guys were,'' Cole replied, disappointed.

''Me too. Jay, are you positive the helmet doesn't do anything?'' Katara 2.0 asked.

''Ha! Besides make me look cool?'' Jaybird questioned. ''What? I know how to accessorize.'' He replied after they gave him confused looks.

Flame Brain then snatched the helmet from Ginja's hand. ''Hm. Something about this is familiar, though. I just can't place it. Perhaps Master Wu knows.'' He said, staring at it.

The ninja went to Wu, who was resting in bed. ''Master Wu, this helmet. I feel like we've seen it before. Can you tell us anything?'' Kai asked, placing it on his Sensei's lap.

Wu sat up, and picked it up, examining it. ''Curious. Time...'' He said weakly.

''Time?'' Burnt Toast questioned.

''Time waits...'' Old Tea-Obsessed Man replied.

''Time waits...'' Nya spoke.

''Time waits for no...'' Wu said, but before he could finish the sentence he fell back asleep, dropping the helmet on the floor.

''Time waits for no one...'' Morro mumbled, looking at the Old Master.

''Uh, Master?'' Kai said.

''Did someone mention lunch?'' The Old Tea Obsessed Man questioned, waking up.

''No, Master, no one mentioned lunch,'' Lloyd answered, gently pushing him down.

''Then why did you wake me?'' Wu asked, before once again falling asleep.

''He isn't himself.'' Green Bean told the others as they turned and walked out of the room.

''Clearly. Lunch isn't for three more hours. Ahh, this is just perfect. Mysterious snake samurai, uh, things attacked Ninjago, Cyrus Borg is missing, and our team is down one master and one Ninja.'' Jay replied, looking at the nindroid who laid on a stretcher.

''We've got to get Zane back online. He was the last one to see Cyrus Borg.'' Lloyd told the others.

''Yeah, except Cyrus Borg is the only one who has the equipment to get him back online.'' Cake Devourer replied.

''I might be able to reboot Zane with the computer in the Samurai X Cave. Although I could use some help.'' Nya said.

''Well, I'm in,'' Cole replied.

''You know I am,'' Bluebell added.

''We'll come too.'' (Y/n) said with a smile, making Morro groan. Remo turned his gaze to him, looking as if he was thinking.

''I'll stay. One of us should keep an eye on Master Wu.'' Green Bean replied.

''I'll go to the museum and talk to Dr Saunders. He's an expert on all things Ninjago. Maybe he knows what Master Wu is too weak to tell us.'' Hot-Headed Burnt Toast said.

''Good thinking. Go and see what you can see.'' Lloyd replied, placing the Vermillion helmet on the Fire Ninja's head.


Nya plugged Zane to the computer. ''Okay, he's hooked up to the main computer. Keep your fingers crossed.''

''Come on, Zane...Nope. Still out.'' Jay said, disappointed.

''Hang on. There's something on the video feed.'' Cole said, walking over to it.

''Well, this is a surprise. I didn't expect to see you.'' Cyrus said on the video feed.

''Who did you—'' Zane spoke but was interrupted.

''Um, did I miss something?'' Bluebell questioned. ''One second Zane is talking then nothing.''

''Okay, let's try again, only slower,'' Nya replied, and slowed down the video, but it still wasn't clear as to who was the one that attacked.

''Oh, there you go. Zane was nailed by, uh, some mysterious blurry thing. Hehe.'' Cake Devourer said awkwardly.

''Oh, so all we need to do is round up all the blurs in Ninjago. This tells us nothing!'' Jay yelled in frustration.

''Maybe I can slow it down more,'' Nya replied and pressed some buttons. ''We lost the connection.''

''Aw, and Zane,'' Ginja said.

''Keep on trying, there must be a way.'' (Y/n) told the Water Ninja.


Kai arrived at the museum unaware of the danger.

''Hello? Dr Saunders? He's gotta be here somewhere. He's always here. The guy is practically an exhibit himself. If anyone can shed light on the origin of this helmet, it'll be him.'' Burnt Toast told himself, before stopping at the portrait of his parents. ''Mum. Dad. I wish I could ask you what this is. Actually, I wish I could ask you anything. It's been so long...''

The Fire Ninja then remembered the day he met Nya, who was a small baby at that time incapable of speech.

''Kai, say hello to your sister Nya.'' His mother told him, handing him a red bundle with Nya in it.

Burnt Toast held onto the future Water Ninja with care. ''Hello...'' With the voice echoing.

''Your kids miss you, you know,'' Kai said.

Two orange snakes watched from their place, observing the Fire Ninja. They looked at each other, before heading into the secret lair.

The Pile of Snake commanders had finished explaining the plan to the twins, who were listening carefully.

''Excellent. You may strike when ready.'' Older Boomer told them.

''My sentries say we have a visitor,'' Blunck informed.

''It's a museum. We have lots of visitors.'' Krux replied.

''This one's a Ninja,'' Raggmunk added.

''A Ninja? We need to see what he's up to. Oh, wait, I bet you never set up a security camera, Mr I-Hate-All-Technology-Even-Though-It's-Cool!'' Younger Boomer mocked.

''I have something better,'' Krux told his brother and showed him a spy scope.

''The Fire Ninja! He must be onto us! Perhaps he's more dangerous than I first thought. I'll neutralize him before he uncovers our plans.'' Acronix replied, about to grab the Forward Time Blade.

''No. That will draw too much attention to everything. I will take care of this. This changes nothing. Commence phase two.'' Older Boomer informed the Vermillion Warriors.


Nya inserted a device into the computer. ''Upgrade complete. Say hello to Super Slow Motion.'' She said, pausing the video as the green blur appeared.

It was Acronix, holding the Forward Time Blade. ''Acronix? I thought he got, you know, finished off at the monastery.'' Cake Devourer said to the others, confused.

''He did!'' Ginja replied.

''He didn't.'' (Y/n) spoke, making the others look at her. ''You can see right there,'' she added quickly, pointing to the paused video.

''And look, he's still got the Time Blade!'' Water Lily said and resumed the video, to see Younger Boomer kidnapping Borg.

''That's why Zane never saw him coming. Acronix fast-forwarded into a blur!'' Jay exclaimed.

''But wait. Cyrus Borg said he saw someone approaching before that. But who?'' Nya asked, and they played the video to see a familiar face. Dr Saunders.

''That's...Dr. Saunders.'' Jaybird said in confusion.

''Hold on. That means he and Acronix...'' Cole replied, thinking.

''Are working together!?'' Bluebell and Cake Devourer realised.

''And he's with those slithering Samurais too,'' Morro replied, not looking surprised at all.

''Oh, I always knew there was something snakey about that guy!'' Jay exclaimed.

''No, there wasn't. Dr Saunders is such a kind, old man. Remember all the school field trips to the museum?'' Nya asked the others.

''Exactly! And how boring were those?'' The Lightning Ninja questioned, yelling, making (Y/n) cover her ears.

''I kinda liked them,'' Cole replied.

''The point is, he's definitely gone full snake now,'' Jay replied.

The Water Ninja gasped. ''And Kai is headed right into that snake's nest!''


Krux disguised as Dr Saunders crept up to Kai and was about to attack him when the Fire Ninja turned around.

''Aah! Dr Saunders!'' Kai exclaimed in surprise. Krux quickly made it look like he wasn't about to attack him.

''In the very flesh-flesh. You were expecting different doctor?'' The Older Boomer asked, winking.

''No, you just startled me. But actually, I was looking for you.'' Burnt Toast answered.

''Were you now?'' Krux questioned.

''Do you recognize this?'' Kai asked, handing him the helmet.

''Hm. It slightly resembles a post-Serpentine War Samurai battle helmet but is probably just a knock-off. Cheapy-cheap-cheap. Perhaps costume from NinjagoCon?'' Krux questioned as he examined it, trying to throw him off the trail.

''Uh, I don't think so. We got it off a snakey Samurai Warrior we defeated.'' Hot-Headed Porcupine replied.

''Snake Warrior?'' The Older Boomer said.

''Actually, a bunch of snakes, all, like, twisted into one, attacked the Borg Store. It was on the news. Don't you watch TV?'' Kai asked.

''I despise TV,'' Krux said in his normal voice, before changing it back to his Dr Saunders voice. ''A vile, bilious contraption.'' He quickly fixed his voice. ''I-I-I mean, interesting. Heh! If you leave it with me, perhaps I can look into its origin. Heh! Goodbye.'' He said, walking away with the helmet.

''Master Wu always says "Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today." So I would like to look around now. Maybe I'll stumble on something useful. Is that okay?'' Master of Burnt Toast questioned.

''Of course. We are open to the public for seven days of the week. Late on Thursdays.'' Krux replied, his expression turning cold as he walked away.


The six went out of the cave. ''Hurry! We've got to get to Kai before that double-crossing Dr Saunders.'' Nya warned.

''What about Zane?'' Cole asked.

''He'll be fine. I've got him on a restore and reboot protocol.'' The Master of Water answered.

Meanwhile, Pixal was trying to wake the nindroid. ''Zane. Zane. Wake up. Wake up!'' She said, before sighing. ''Come on, snap out of it. He needs us! Ugh!''


While Kai looked around the museum, Krux had to try and keep his identity a secret. ''Master Wu taught us that any problem can be solved. It just takes thought and time.'' Burnt Toast informed him.

''I am quite very certain there is nothing to interest you here.'' Older Boomer replied.

''Hm, I don't know. I mean, what if this guy was related to the snakes we fought?'' Kai asked.

''Not likely. And really, I doubt you'll find anything. Our collection is mostly harmless artefacts.'' Krux told him, moving Borg's wheelchair behind the oblivious ninja.

''Hmm. Maybe. But you never know what might open the door to some secret information.'' Burnt Toast replied, and sat on a chair, which opened a door to the secret lair without his knowledge. ''Something I'm missing. Like, you know the expression, "one can't see the forest for the trees?" The Fire Ninja asked.

''You said you were taking care of this,'' Acronix whispered to his brother.

''Something that's right in front of me.''

''I am taking care of this.'' Older Boomer replied, glancing at Kai.

''No, I am!'' Younger Boomer told him and grabbed the Time Blade, but before he could get out, Kai stood up, closing the door on him.

''Now, really, I must insist you to go home. It is after closing time.'' Krux said, escorting him towards the entrance.

''Yeah, I guess you're right. It was a longshot, anyway. Wait a minute.'' Burnt Toast gasped as he realised. ''That's it! The helmet! It's just like the one they were wearing. But wait, Acronix is gone and Master Wu said Krux was lost in time forever. So that means Krux must still be around somewhere!''

''Don't be ridiculous. I have told you, they are myth.'' Dr Saunders said, walking towards the Fire Ninja, but got his fake moustache nailed by a fang of the snake statue, making it fall off.

The green face paint worn by both twins was almost immediately noticed by Kai, who glanced at the portrait of the Time Twins battle.

''What is the—Dr. Saunders! You. You're Krux! Which means Master Wu was wrong! You weren't lost in time!'' Johnny Ninja/Burnt Toast realised.

''No, no, no, no, no, no. That is positively...'' Krux said in his high-pitched voice. He then used his normal voice. ''..correct. I've been hiding here, right under his nose for decades.''

''I knew I'd seen that helmet before!'' Kai exclaimed.

''Well, aren't you clever? Such a smart little Ninja.'' Older Boomer said, revealing his armour beneath the disguise.


While on their way to the museum, most of the ninja team had sighted some Vermillion Warriors.

''Uh, guys, look who's back,'' Cole said.

''Oh, now what are they up to?'' Jay asked.

''They're either kidnapping more people or organizing a parade.'' Cake Devourer replied.

''Aw, I love a parade. Nya, keep going to the museum. We'll deal with these guys.'' Jaybird told the Master of Water.

''Ninja, go!'' The ninja exclaimed, and Morro, (Y/n), Jay and Cole used Airjitzu to fly off the vehicle, landing on the sidewalk.


''Ninja, go!'' Kai exclaimed, using Spinjitzu on the Older Boomer.

''I almost forgot that Wu taught you Spinjitzu,'' Krux said, glaring at the Fire Ninja.

''Yeah, but I came up with this one all on my own.'' Burnt Toast replied, delivering a roundhouse kick to Krux before kicking the snake statue Acronix was using for spying on.

''I knew I should have dealt with him when I had a chance,'' Acronix said, and once again tried to escape, but the sarcophagus got in the way, blocking the entrance to the secret lair, and opened to reveal Cyrus, who was bound and gagged.

''Cyrus Borg! So you kidnapped him!'' Kai said, looking at Krux.

''I prefer the term "acquired."'' Older Boomer replied as he got to his feet.

''That means you took out Zane too.'' Johnny Ninja realised.

''Nothing is getting by you. Today is your day. Too bad it's your last. You and I are nearly an equal match, but let's see how you do against both Hands of Time! Brother! Brother?'' Krux called out for his brother.

''Come on!'' Acronix yelled in outrage, hitting the sarcophagus.


The others were fighting off the Vermillion Warriors. ''Looks like somebody wants to play. Wish we had the rest of the team here to help.'' Jay said.

''Would've been nice too.'' (Y/n) added.

''Well, say hello to our newest members. Lefty and Righty.'' Cole said, and used his Earth Punch, resulting in the traffic light above fall to the ground. ''Oops. Wow, if I'm not more careful, I can take all of us out.''

''Lefty, Righty, nice to meet you. Also, do better!'' Jaybird yelled at Cole's orange glowing hands.

''Okay, okay.'' Cake Devourer replied, and used it again. He went flying past the group of Vermillion Warriors, landing on the back of a car. He got out, severing a pole as he did so, then going into a water hydrant and cracking a wall. Cole then flew like superman around the place, breaking more and more stuff.

He appeared at the top of a car pile, holding a car over his head, and threw it at the Vermillion, nearly crushing the others.

''Cole, seriously!? Watch where you're throwing those things!'' Jay shouted.

''I nearly got crushed here!'' Morro yelled.

''It's out of my hands! Aah!'' Cake Devourer replied.

''It is your hands!'' Bluebell told him.

''I'm still trying to get used to them,'' Cole said.

''Okay. How about getting used to them in their direction?'' Jay replied.

Cole then proceeded to walk towards a Vermillion, which he hit and subsequently making the Pile 'O Snakes hit (Y/n) and Jay, launching the two into a dumpster, the lid almost instantly shutting on them.

''Jay! (Y/n)!'' 99% Cake exclaimed, running towards them.

''Fools! Did you forget your mission? We need the people. Forget fighting the Ninja.'' Full-On Red Medusa said, stopping the Vermillion before they could walk any further.

''But Commander Machia, they are warriors. Fighting is what they do.'' Blunck argued.

''Which is why we need the people. There is much to follow phase two. Into the sewers.'' Machia commanded, making the people jump into the sewer hole.

''Hurry, Jay, (Y/n). Get out of there.'' Cole said, pulling out a few rubbish bags out of the bin.

''Just don't hurt me,'' Jay begged, and the two climbed out, to face the Vermillion, only to find them gone, making Morro facepalm.

''Uh, hey. What?'' Cake Devourer said in confusion.

''Where'd they go?'' Lightning Rod asked. Remo directed his gaze to the sewer hole but decided at the moment it would be too risky.


Nya arrived at the museum. ''Snakes. Why am I not surprised?'' She asked before they attacked her. ''Okay, that surprised me.'' Water Lily then used her power to push them outside. ''Stay! No more surprises.'' Nya said, and rushed off to find her brother.

''Is that all you've got? Your parents would be very disappointed!'' Krux told the Hot-Headed Porcupine, kicking him into the statue.

''Don't you ever mention my parents. Aah!'' Kai said, angry. The head of the snake statue fell off and rolled out of the room.

''Wu may have been a good teacher, but he's not here to help you now.'' Older Boomer replied, pushing Borg's Wheelchair towards the Fire Ninja.

Kai jumped onto the statue and then onto the wheelchair, glaring at Krux. ''Don't you mention Wu either.'' He warned.

''Oh, Ninja, such misplaced loyalty,'' Krux said. The Fire Ninja kicked off the statue, standing on the wheelchair as it went towards the Boomer, who kicked it sending Kai backwards. Burnt Toast jumped off the wheelchair before it hit the door, and stood near the portrait of his parents.

''My parents helped Wu and Garmadon defeat you once. And I will do it again.'' Kai told him.

Krux laughed. ''Is that what you think?'' He asked.

''That's what I know. Master Wu told me!'' Toasty Boy replied, and charged forward with his sword.

''But you were not there, young Ninja.'' The Older Boomer said, and turning and running to a weapon case. ''I was, your parents were, and Wu.'' He continued, opening it and grabbing the sword.

''He told you a lie. Your parents were not who you think they are.'' Krux told him, his blade flat against Kai's. They didn't fight against us. They fought with us.'' He said as he forced Kai away from him.

''What? It can't be. They were heroes!'' Burnt Toast insisted.

''True, they were heroes. But heroes for our side.'' Older Boomer replied.

''I don't believe you. Master Wu would never lie!'' Kai said.

''Surely you can see why he didn't want you to know the truth. Your parents were traitors!'' Krux shouted.

Kai shuddered as he thought of the portrait behind him. ''No!'' He yelled as he charged at the Older Time Twin, only to be tripped by his sword, landing on the ground.

''Oh, Kai, you've let your emotions get the best of you. The truth hurts, doesn't it?'' Krux asked as Burnt Toast turned to face him.

''Not as much as this will,'' Kai said, grabbing the sword and getting up. Suddenly, the Sarcophagus opened, forcing Cyrus out. Acronix appeared, holding the Forward Time Blade.

''Ugh. Sorry I'm late.'' Younger Boomer said, joining his brother.

''Acronix!'' Burnt Toast said, seeing the Younger Twin.

''Ah, yes. You've met my twin brother.'' Krux replied.

''You know, for twins, one of you looks much older,'' Kai told them.

''He was born three minutes earlier,'' Acronix replied.

''Time waits for no one, young Ninja.'' Older Boomer declared.

The two twins fought the Fire Ninja, who defended with his sword, before getting hit into a wall.

''But it's time out—'' Younger Boomer said, walking over to him and was about to raise the blade to strike him, but there was a blast of water, knocking him down.

''Aw, gee. What a mess. And to think we just cleaned up the museum.'' Nya said, looking at the twins.

''Nya!'' Kai exclaimed, and ran over to her. ''Good to see you, sis.''

''Back at you, bro. Now let's teach these two a lesson in sibling rivalry.'' She replied, and they continued their fighting.

''They are good,'' Acronix told his brother.

''Switch?'' Burnt Toast asked.

''He's all yours,'' Nya answered, and the siblings switched sides.

''But we are better, brother.'' Krux boasted.

''I could probably use a hand, brother.'' Water Lily said, on the floor.

''I'm here for you, sister.'' Hot-Headed Porcupine replied, helping her up, and the two stood back to back. Kai then launched his sister, who kicked Krux inside the sarcophagus. ''Hahaha. Looks like we have the upper hand.''

Acronix looked to his right, seeing Borg on the ground struggling as he tried to reach the Forward Time Blade.

''The Time Blade. Don't let him—'' Nya told her brother.

But Acronix was too quick, grabbing the Time Blade and Borg. ''Until next time.'' He said, and both of the Time Twins and Borg disappeared.

''No! We can't let him—use it.'' Kai said, seeing that they were already gone.

''Oh! Too late. They're gone. And so is Borg.'' Water Lily replied.

''Vanished. Before our eyes.'' Burnt Toaster said, and picked up the helmet.


Back in the cave, the ninja talked.

''So it looks like Acronix and Krux are working with those Samurai snakes,'' Nya said.

''Yeah, but why are they kidnapping all of Ninjago's builders?'' Jay asked.

''To build something?'' (Y/n) wondered.

''There is still way too much we don't know here,'' Cole replied.

''Like, was Krux lying, or are my parents really...traitors?'' Kai asked himself.

''You seem lost in another place...or time. What is it?'' Nya questioned.

''Uh, what if everything you believed in turned out to be a lie?'' Burnt Toast asked his sister.

''What?'' Nya said, confused.

''I—'' Kai said, about to say something when he was interrupted.

''Hey, he's rebooting!'' Cake Devourer announced.

''Four, seven, two, one...nine'' Zane said as he opened his eyes, before closing them again.

Everyone exchanged worried looks.


(Y/n) had gone to sleep early, due to the lack of energy she had left, leaving no time for head pats.

There was darkness, and not a sound, (Y/n) turned to see Morro, who towered over Vitamin C, his face filled with anger.

''Why? You need-'' (Y/n) heard her voice, sounding confused.

''No one!'' Morro yelled. ''Look, it's been some time since I was in your head. You changed. You became clingy, needy for attention, for someone to pat you on the ears.''

''Morro I-''

''Everything. Has. Changed.'' The Master of Wind spat and disappeared into the darkness.

Then, her father appeared, his golden-brown eyes shining amidst the pitch-black.

''After everything that happens, I am still your father.'' He told her, and the darkness seemed to swallow him whole, with his face being filled with fear before completely disappearing.

(Y/n) opened her eyes, sweat lightly covering her face. She lifted a hand to her face and found hot tears running down, and wiped them away.

Remo was there by her side, as he was always. ''A bad dream?'' He softly asked, appearing on her shoulders.

It was moments like these the two would have time together, amidst the chaos and the incoming dangers that would be faced by the team.

The pair were a team themselves, able to work efficiently, but the recent events had left them little to no quiet time to enjoy the presence of each other.

Like those days when there weren't ninja around them, it was peaceful, but sometimes it got a bit too lonely.

Lonely when there was too much silence when there was no sound to block out the thoughts one had when dwelling on the meaning of things.

Lonely when there was not a single conversation to be had.

And lonely when (Y/n) disappeared.

Remo had always thought of her as his mother figure, someone he went to for advice, comfort and most of all, ham sandwiches.

He had always feared to be alone, without someone to keep him safe, he felt vulnerable, like prey in the open with vultures circling, and the lions nearing.

Then there were those times, moments so precious and heartwarming he kept in his heart.

When he and (Y/n) were playing hide-n-seek from a time they were younger, Remo would turn partly invisible (as he had not learned how to turn completely invisible), making him look like a floating head amongst the leaves of autumn tones.

The sun shone gently on his face, partly hidden by the greyish clouds which made his scales glimmer.

(Y/n) laughed as she tossed some leaves, nose scrunched up as she tried to keep out the dirt that she flicked up accidentally.

A maple leaf fell on the little snake's head, giving him a sort of leaf hat, before it fell off his head, making him look down at the maple leaf with a frown.

(Y/n) scooped him up gently and held him close to her chest, making Remo smile with his eyes closed, happy.

While thinking of the past, the little snake was interrupted in his thoughts as he felt himself being picked up, and blinked, finding himself in her gentle arms.

''Little one, are you okay?'' (Y/n) asked, a nickname for the snake she said only when they were alone.

Remo blinked, bringing his thoughts to the present which had been in the past, before slowly nodding. ''Yeah- I'm okay,''

''I've noticed how Morro's becoming distant.'' He suddenly added, before wishing he hadn't said anything.

(Y/n) thought of her dream, how he had said those things before a tear began to fell, then another, and soon it was a waterfall, dripping onto the floor.

''Are you okay...?'' Asked a voice.

Vitamin C stared into the darkness, silent.

Remo felt one of her tails cover him, like a blanket, but warm and soft.

''Sticks and stones may break my bones but words they will never break me.'' (Y/n) stated. ''It's not true at all, to me at least.''

The little snake was too comfortable to get up and turn on the bedside lamp, already feeling himself drifting off to sleep. He yawned, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

(Y/n) carefully leaned over, and turned on the bedside lamp, which had a gentle light, not enough to wake the sleeping snake but was bright enough to light the room.

Nya stood, waiting at the door, looking concerned as she saw Vitamin C, who looked as if she was recently crying. The Water Ninja then decided it was so, and quietly walked in, sitting down on the bed beside (Y/n).

''What happened?'' Nya softly asked, looking into her eyes.

''I-I had a nightmare...''

Water Lily lifted her hands to the girl's face and gently wiped away her tears.

''It'll be alright.''

''Nya, I have something to tell you.'' (Y/n) spoke after a moment of silence. The ravenette's cheeks reddened, her heartbeat quickening as she thought of what the girl would confess.

''I feel fragile at times, like glass. I break so easily, and it feels like the others aren't as quick to break like me.''

The Water Ninja looked disappointed, before furrowing her eyebrows. ''Everyone is fragile, even if it doesn't seem so. We're all fragile, I guess, it's all part of living.''

While saying so, Nya stroked (Y/n)'s ears, making the girl close her eyes, enjoying it.

''You need to sleep, otherwise, you won't be able to get up tomorrow.'' The Water Ninja told her.

''I'll drink some coffee then, no big deal.'' (Y/n) replied dismissively.

''Don't think Morro would appreciate that,'' Nya said, chuckling a bit. ''He's like Cole, if you take something he loves, then you're in for it.''

Vitamin C sighed and rested her head on the pillow. ''Is Zane all right?''

''He's going to be back to normal in no time, I hope.''

''Well, good night.'' (Y/n) said as she yawned.

''Good night to you too.'' The Water Ninja said and before she closed the door as she left, she smiled at the girl, before shutting it and walking away.

(Y/n) turned off the light and closed her eyes.

So I had a blackout. Yay. There was a huge hailstorm, but I'm okay.

I'm not going to say anything but I may have something special in store for the future, ain't telling though, it's a surprise.

I was going to give Acronix Father Time as a nickname, but the dude doesn't have a long white beard so...

Once again, the word count is close to 5000 :o

Word Count: 4821 words

Alright ye endings, there's going to be multiple. You can only request one ending.

~Current List~

Lloyd, Kai, and Cole and Nya x reader

Morro x reader

Remo x ham sandwich x reader

Morro x reader x Kai

Cole x reader x Kai

Memes x reader

Harumi x reader

Ronin x reader

Nya x reader

Lloyd x reader

Zane x reader

Jay x reader

Cole x reader

Echo Zane x reader

Skylor x reader

Kai x reader

No one x reader #foreveralone

Ninja x reader

Zane x Reader x Skylor

Cole x reader x Jay

Lloyd x reader x Kai


Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story if you love it!

One helpful comment makes my day.

See ya, Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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