Just Your Average Day

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Imagine Dragons - I'm So Sorry


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:36 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

And I know, I know that I did you wrong

But will you trust me when I say that I'll

Make it up to you somehow, somehow


There was a scream heard from the Bounty as a certain porcupine woke up.

Remo slithered away, disappearing.

(Y/n) sat on her bed, reading, smirking as she heard Kai's scream. ''Oh, how I love the sweet sound of Kai's suffering in the morning.''


The Postman was riding his improvised flying bike, chasing after the Destiny's Bounty.

''Wait! Slow down! I have a package for Sensei Wu!'' He shouted.

The Ninja sat at the table, discussing how to defeat a snake.

''First, I'll stomp on his tail. Then when he turns, a thunderclap to his ears. Then when he's stunned, I'll disarm him!'' Lloyd said, looking determined.

''Too late, he's already hypnotised you and now you're under his control,'' Cole replied, leaning on the table.

''Or he's already put you in a squeeze,'' Zane added.

''Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff.'' Kai told Lloyd, shaking his head.

Lloyd groaned. ''Uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?'' He asked Wu. The old man placed a grey box on the table.

(Y/n) came in, crawling as she listened to Wu. She sat next to Lloyd and looked at the sensei.

''Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute you four carelessly lost,'' Wu replied.

''Hey, no, no, no, we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it.'' Jay said, waving his arms around.

''Whatever the case, without it I fear we have nothing to combat their powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger.'' Wu replied, pouring a cup of tea.

''Don't worry. I've almost reached my Full Potential, and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not gonna need any magic flute.'' Cole told Wu confidently.

''You're gonna be the Green Ninja? Hahaha, don't make me laugh.'' Kai replied, pointing his hand at Cole.

''Your hair is as big as your ego, Kai.'' (Y/n) said, smirking.

''I thought it was decided that I was destined to become the Green Ninja,'' Zane spoke, pointing to himself.

Jay put a hand on Zane's shoulder, looking at him. ''Oh! The only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird.'' He told Zane.

The boys began to argue, and Lloyd walked over to the box Sensei Wu had brought in. ''What's in the box?'' He asked.

''Your new uniforms,'' Wu announced, taking the lid off. Lloyd gasped, and the others stopped arguing.

'Now that's one way to stop boys arguing.' (Y/n) thought, still smirking.

They took their new uniforms out of the box, amazed.

''Whoa! They've got, like, armour.'' Jay said, excited.

''I love the gold highlights,'' Kai exclaimed.

''Battle claws!'' Cole said, looking at it with a smile.

''The material is really light and breathable,'' Zane said.

''Oh, nothing for me?'' Lloyd asked. (Y/n) looked at him, pitying him.

''Um, you get,'' Lloyd smiled. ''The box.'' And then his smile disappeared at the mention of this.

Alarms blared, making everyone look around in surprise. The boys ran to the control room, while (Y/n) crawled. 'Ugh, really wish someone would help me...'

''Amusement park? Can I go? Can I go with you, please? Let me make things up. I can help.'' Lloyd asked, desperate to help.

''I'm sorry, nephew. You will stay here, where it's safe.'' Wu told the young boy.

''Oh, Ninja get all the fun,'' Lloyd replied, slouching his shoulders. (Y/n) patted him reassuringly on the back, trying to comfort him.

''What do you say, guys? Time to try out the new merchandise?'' Jay asked the other ninja.


After failing to catch the Samurai, Kai dropped/abandoned Lloyd and (Y/n) at the Kiddie's Arcade, giving them some money and driving off, leaving them in the dust.

''Great, when will these boys ever learn abandoning me isn't a great idea?'' (Y/n) asked Lloyd, who shrugged.

Hearing voices from an alley, the two peeked their heads around the corner. Serpentine stood, talking to each other.

''Impossible. The Lost City does not exist.'' Fang-Suei claimed.

''Well, it isn't lost anymore. Haha. And I heard there's gonna be a fight.'' Skales replied.

Lloyd began to sneak around the corner and before he could go after them, (Y/n) pulled at his cape, tugging him back. He looked at her, a pleading look in his eyes.

''You can't go, Lloyd, it's too dangerous.'' She told him, concern in her (e/c) eyes.

''Please, just let me help this once,'' Lloyd begged.

(Y/n) put a hand on his shoulder. ''I don't want you to get hurt.''

The two heard the rumbling of the serpentine bus. Lloyd looked at the ground, thinking. Holding the money in his hand, he looked to see a shop beside the arcade, miraculously with a Hypnobrai disguise in the front window.

The Son of Garmadon ran into the shop, coming back out with the disguise. He gave it to (Y/n), before hugging her.

''I'll be safe.'' She promised.

Lloyd watched as she crawled to the bus, and was the last to get on before it drove off.


(Y/n) sat in her seat, looking out the window. The sky was dark, and the snake bus stopped in Ourobouros, where she went to a seat and sat down, looking towards Pythor and Skales.

''Cousin.'' Remo hissed as he appeared, looking at Pythor with hate. He then disappeared, confusing a few snakes who had seen him.

''I bring you together to the Lost City of Ouroboros, before the statue of our very own Great Devourer, to speak of unity,'' Pythor announced to the cheering serpentine.

''Where are the fights?'' A Constrictai asked.

''Where is the big show?'' A Venomari asked.

The Serpentine began chanting: ''Slither pit!''

''Argh! You want a show? You want to see a fight? I ask for your allegiance but you will not give it. So I will take it.'' Pythor shouted to the crowd.

(Y/n) watched as Pythor fought the Serpentine Generals, ending with him using the Sacred Flute.

''Bow to your master. Bow to your master, Serpentine!'' Pythor announced, and Skales gave him his staff. The Serpentine bowed, with (Y/n) quickly doing the same as to not be the odd one out.

The maracas in her hands fell out of her grasp, making the serpentine look at the intruder. The Hypnobrai disguise fell off her, revealing her identity.

'' Where do you think you're going?'' A hypnobrai asked.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Remo appeared, slapping the hypnobrai in the face holding (Y/n) with his tail.

Pythor narrowed his eyes, seeing the little snake.

The Serpentine ran at Remo, trying to get at him. He disappeared once more, before tripping some over with a rock he'd found.

''Go, Remo!'' (Y/n) cheered for him, determined.

All the fighting was stopped when the little snake was held up, struggling but unable to get out of Pythor's grip.

The Anacondrai looked at Remo before turning his gaze to (Y/n). ''And what do you think you're doing here?'' He asked.


The next day, the ninja sat at the table, talking about the Samurai.

''Trying to find out the Samurai's identity is more of a nuisance than the snakes. Any luck with you?'' Cole asked the others.

''The guy's elusive. He's like a ghost. One moment he's there, the next he's gone.'' Jay replied, looking at Cole.

''I am starting to believe we might never catch him,'' Zane spoke.

''I think it's safe to say, none of us are closer to proving we're the Green Ninja,'' Kai told the others.

Wu walked in, looking at the ninja. ''Looks like iron is sharpening iron. I feel you are getting closer to your True Potential.'' He said, walking over to Cole, lightly squeezing his shoulder.

''Ow!'' Cole exclaimed, pulling his arm away from Wu. He looked at Wu, cranky.

''Where is my nephew? And (Y/n)? I thought you were looking after them.'' Wu asked.

''I thought Cole was gonna pick them up,'' Kai answered, looking at Cole.

''I went to the arcade, but (Y/n) wasn't there. Lloyd's probably downstairs. Jay was-'' The Master of Earth was interrupted by The Master of Lightning.

''Don't bring me into this. I babysat yesterday.'' Jay interrupted, pointing at Cole.

''Sensei, we have not seen her,'' Zane said to Wu.

''We must find her,'' Wu replied.


After discovering what happened, the boys went to find (Y/n), with Lloyd too. The Son of Garmadon was relentless in his begging, as he blamed himself for letting her go instead of him.

''It appears Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes,'' Zane said as they neared the arena.

''I know we ruined their last get-together, but that's no reason to not get an invitation. My feelings are hurt.'' Cole replied, looking around.

''There's (Y/n),'' Kai said, pointing over to a cage, which held (Y/n).

The girl herself looked at the ground, holding the bars of the cage. She looked up, seeing the ninja.

Cole put his finger to his lips, signalling her to be quiet. She nodded.

The ninja ran out to rescue her, before getting trapped in a cage. (Y/n) sighed, annoyed. ''They needed a better plan...'' She mumbled.

The Serpentine surrounded the boys, holding weapons as they were made to walk into the arena.

Chains rattled as the Samurai came out, and the Serpentine took off the chains before running away.

Realising their efforts weren't enough, the ninja formed the Tornado of Creation, sucking in everything like a black hole.

A snake lost their lollipop, and they called out for it, surprised.

The Samurai lost their sword, and the ninja appeared, behind a giant slingshot.

Lloyd, grateful for the distraction, ran over (Y/n)'s cage and freed her, earning a hug from her.

Looking over at the boys, they used the slingshot to fire a huge metal spiked ball, knocking the Samurai suit near Pythor and Skales. The ninja ran at the two Serpentine, and Pythor pulled a lever, making spikes appear, stopping them.

''Argh! Why can't anyone play fair?'' Jay exclaimed in frustration. Pythor pulled the lever once more, tilting the arena.

The ninja held onto the spikes for fear into dropping into the abyss that lay below them. Nya spoke, in her disguised voice. The ninja leapt onto her suit, holding on. The boosters fired, making it fly, but then spluttered as it struggled to fly.

Nya leapt out, and landed on the front of the stands, hitting two Serpentine in the face. She then ran towards Pythor and Skales, and the Anacondrai grabbed Lloyd, while (Y/n) watched, unable to do anything.

''Get him!'' Pythor ordered, not knowing the Samurai was a girl.

Snakes surrounded her, and she activated the device on her wrist. ''Activate magnetizer''. The Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu came towards her, and she took the weapons and left.

(Y/n) was left to fend for herself, and as she looked at the snakes with a sense of dread, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, she felt a tingle in her fingertips. Lightning sparked between her fingers. She looked at the snakes, who towered over her.

Focusing her anger, she felt an explosion of electricity burst from her, knocking the snakes to the ground.

She tried to raise her head, but she became too tired from releasing the thunder.

Before she passed out, she saw someone in black appear.


Cole sat beside her bed, anxious. Looking at the floor, he began humming, waiting for her to wake up.

(Y/n)'s eyes slowly opened. Blinking as she turned her gaze to Cole, she looked confused.

''First things first. I want to say I'm sorry.'' Cole spoke, looking at her.

''For what?'' She asked, tilting her head slightly.

''When I first met you, I shouldn't have acted that way.'' He answered. ''My dreams got in my way, and when we were at the Monastery-'' Cole stopped, biting his lip. ''It felt awkward to be around a girl, especially one I didn't know.''

(Y/n) hesitantly reached out, putting her hand on his. She looked at him with a smile. ''Glad you apologised. It took you some time.''

The Master of Earth gave her a small smile. ''I guess that's all?'' He asked. (Y/n) nodded. He stood, and walked out the door, slowly closing it behind him. Cole went to the shared bedroom and was met with the sight of Jay kissing his pillow.

All was silent on the Destiny's Bounty, but, if you looked up to the sky, a star, brighter than the rest, seemed to wave at you.

Sorry, it took me so long :P

I was interrupted in my writing when I had to go to bed.

It's morning now, so yeah.

Hope you enjoyed :D

As always, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story if you love it!

One nice comment can make my day. <3

See ya, Bookworms!

WriterAgreste, over & out! 

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