Power Thief

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: 5SOS - If Walls Could Talk


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:02 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

If these walls could talk, I'd hope they wouldn't say anything

Because they've seen way too many things

'Cause we'd fall from grace, we're falling


The Anacondrai Cultists chanted, some banging their drums with some who bowed.

''Bring in the prisoners,'' Clouse ordered. The cultists brought in the captive group of Elemental Masters.

''So the Ninja were right. This was never about any of us winning the tournament. This was always about something sinister.'' Griffin said, looking over at Shade.

''What gave that away? Was it his cult following, or the giant snakehead?'' The Master of Shadow asked, sarcasm dripping from his tongue like venom.

''We've been fighting each other for so long, it took us all losing to finally pull us together,'' Neuro said as Jay started humming. ''Too bad it's too late.''

''Why are you humming? You do know they're about to take our powers?'' Kai asked the Lightning Ninja who had a smug look on his face as he hummed.

''Since these cursed shackles have blocked our powers, I choose to use the power of positive thinking. Lloyd will come save us. You just wait.'' Jay told him.

The Master of Amber turned her gaze away from Kai's. ''Go ahead and look away, but you know as well as I do after he takes our powers, he's still gonna need yours.'' The Fire Ninja told her.

''You don't understand. My father gets everything he wants. I had no choice.'' Skylor replied.

''Just tell me one thing. Was it his idea to make me fall for you, or yours?'' Kai asked. ''Because it worked.''

''Lock 'em down.'' A cultist ordered, making them kneel. ''All rise for Master Chen!''

Chen's Noodle Cultists beat their drums, as fire burst out of holes in the floor, The Noodle Man himself appeared on his throne, flying above the others.

''Look at me. I'm floating.'' Chen said, almost making (Y/n) laugh if it wasn't such a serious situation. His chair fell, making his cultists gasp. ''I got it, I got it. I just got distracted by how awesome this place looks. Well done, Clouse. You've really set the mood. And look at this. Soon, I'll have more power. It's good to be me.'' The Noodle Man said, landing the chair.

''You may have us, but you still don't have the Green Ninja,'' Jay told him.

''Ah, yes. I bet right now he'll swoop down to save you in the very last moment and teach me a valuable lesson. Well, I'll wait. I love lessons.'' Chen replied.

''Any minute now.'' The Lightning Ninja said, looking around.

''That's enough. I'm bored. But here's a lesson: don't be a sore loser. Only one can remain!'' The Noodle Master told them, tilting his staff and stealing their powers. ''The power is mine. All mine!''

''Dang, that hurt.'' (Y/n) mumbled, sighing.

'Think about how I feel.' Morro replied.

''He never came,'' Jay said in despair.

''Take them to the factory,'' Chen commanded.

''Father, please, spare Kai. I've seen inside his head. He's different. He can help you.'' Skylor pleaded.

''You like the boy, don't you? If it will make you happy. Leave the red one.'' Her father replied.


The now powerless Elemental Masters were brought into the factory.

''Work.'' A cultist commanded Jay.

''No, no. It's not working if you love what you do. The power of positive thinking.'' Jay replied. (Y/n) nodded in agreement.

''Psst.'' Cole whispered, trying to catch their attention.

''Cole? Zane? Is that you?'' Jay asked. ''Oh, you look amazing!''

''Zane!'' (Y/n) whispered, jumping over the conveyor belt to hug the nindroid. The Ice Ninja was caught by surprise by the sudden soft attack before hugging her back. ''It's so good to see you.''

''Let me get in on that,'' Cole said, hugging (Y/n) as well.

''It's good to see you too.'' Zane agreed, pulling out of the hug and looking at her with a smile. Cole did the same and looked over at Jay.

''Not so loud. They think we've escaped and don't know we're here.'' Cole told Jay.

''Why would you come back?'' Lightning Mouth asked.

''Because we're breaking everyone out.'' Cake Devourer answered with a confident smile.

''Correction. We're building our way out.'' Zane replied, pointing to the Roto Jet covered with a cloth.

''They think we're fixing the noodle machine, but we're fixing a Roto Jet,'' Cole added.

''A Roto Jet? But aren't we underground?'' The Lightning Ninja questioned, confused.

''That's what I've been saying!'' Cole exclaimed.

''What happened to positive thinking?'' Karloff asked.

''No talking! And hurry up with that noodle machine.'' Ordered a cultist.

''Okay, okay. It will be ready soon. When ready, noodle will fly out of here.'' The Master of Metal replied.

''Hey, do you know where Kai is?'' Cole asked the two.

''Last I heard, he's getting the "special" treatment,'' Jay answered, and (Y/n) sighed.


Chen showed the Fire Ninja his relic collection.

''A scale from the Great Devourer, Captain Soto's peg leg, a cog from the Celestial Clock, Zane's pink gi, and this.'' The Noodle Man said, swinging a Anacondrai Blade.

''Whoa,'' Kai said as he dodged Chen's swing.

''An Anacondrai sword. They are the sharpest blade in existence, fit for the greatest warrior to ever do battle in Ninjago.'' Chen continued, not taking note of Kai's disinterest. He then put the blade back.

''Why are you showing me all this? You do realize if you weren't holding that staff right now, I'd strike you down right here.'' Kai told him.

''Skylor was right. Even without your power, the fire burns bright in you.'' Chen replied. ''Unlike you and my dear Skylor, who inherited her powers from her mother, I was never born with natural abilities.''

The Fire Ninja yawned, still uninterested. ''I was told I would amount to nothing. But I will show them they are all wrong! Look.'' Chen said, pointing to a painting.

''I call it The Charge of the Dark Brigade. It's beautiful, isn't it? The reds, the purples, the super dark purples.'' The Noodle Man said, looking at the painting of Anacondrai.

''After I defeat your little green friend and take his powers, I will have all the Elements I need to conjure a spell that will transform me and my worshippers into Anacondrai.'' He continued.

''With you and your friends gone, nothing will stop me. But I've seen inside your head. I know you're still jealous Lloyd was chosen to be the Green Ninja. It could've been you. Have you ever wondered what it felt like to have so much power pulsing through your veins? Yes, you have. There is so much potential in you, Kai. I want to give you the chance to find it.'' Chen said, looking at him as he turned away.

''Oh, and don't forget, you're jealous of (Y/n) giving all her attention to the other ninja, don't try to lie to me, because I've seen your thoughts on the matter,'' Chen added.

''I will never turn on my friends,'' Kai replied, not wanting to play the Noodle Man's sick game.

''Of course. But what if I also told you there were secrets about your parents that your Senseis never told you? Dark secrets.'' The Noodle Man tempted.

''My parents? What secrets?'' Kai asked.

''So many questions that can so easily be answered,'' Chen replied.

''Master, it is nightfall. The Green Ninja will be making his move shortly.'' The Noodle Man's Right-Hand Man told him.

''Think about it,'' Chen said, and he and Clouse left Kai to think.


Karloff signalled to the others to cover the Roto Jet after seeing a Cultist approach the group.

''Uh, please, almost done. Soon, noodle machine will be firing on all cylinders.'' The Master of Metal told him, stalling the cultist.

''No, make now.'' The Cultist commanded. ''Master Chen wants noodles for the big ceremony.''

''What ceremony?'' Griffin asked.

''Chen defeated the Green Ninja. Now no one in Ninjago can stop us.'' The Cultist answered, laughing. ''Look at the bright side. At least all your jobs just became permanent.''

''Uh, there's a few minor kinks,'' Karloff told him, trying to keep him away from the Roto Jet.

The Cultist laughed and pushed Karloff away. ''Give me that sheet. Huh? That's not a noodle machine!''

''Uh, that's the kink. Now!'' Karloff shouted as Cole jumped into the jet.

''Cole? He's here!'' The cultist exclaimed.

''I'd get out of the way if I were you,'' Zane advised. The Earth Ninja started firing the jet, almost hitting Jay who ducked for cover.

''Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, tiger!'' The Lightning Ninja warned. Then, the Roto Jet stopped firing.

''Whoa! Hehe.'' Cole said as the Anacondrai Cultists peeked out from behind their hiding spots.

''Over there!'' Griffin shouted. The Roto Jet started firing at the new arrivals, making them run away.

''When will it fly?'' Cole asked.

''It fly when it fly. No sooner.'' Karloff answered, starting to fix the Roto Jet.

''On the other side!'' Jay shouted, and they turned the Jet to face the cultists, and Cole fired at them, making them run away.

''We'll run outta bolts trying to fend 'em off. Make her fly, Karlof, or get us out of here.'' Cole told the Master of Metal.

''No problem. Push red button.'' Karloff replied, and Cole pressed it, making missiles fly out and break down the door, and they helped push it.

''This is why you don't make jets underground, Karlof.'' The Master of Earth told the Master of Metal.

''The power of positive thinking,'' Jay said with a smile.

''Behind you!'' Karloff told Cole, and the Elemental Masters turned the Roto Jet for Cole to fire at the cultists, who ducked for cover.


Nya struggled in her bonds, unable to break free. ''Some help you are, Kai.'' She said.

''Nya, it's karma. After personally destroying the biggest snake Ninjago has ever seen, it's only reasonable the second biggest would exact its revenge on me.'' Garmadon told Nya, before the wall behind them exploded, a chunk of rubble knocking Garmadon's chain's off his pole.

Cole in the Rotor Jet appeared, firing at the giant purple serpent which was then crushed by the falling pieces of rubble.

''Whoo-hoo! We did it!'' The Earth Ninja cheered.

''Well hello, Master of Earth,'' Garmadon said as Cole helped him up.

''Uh-uh. Don't forget Master of Lightning.'' Jay said before seeing Nya run his and Cole's way. She then went past him, going to hug Zane and (Y/n) instead. ''Hey.''

''Zane, you're back!'' Nya said, happy.

''What? What is on my back?'' Zane asked, turning his head around to look at his back.

(Y/n) snorted, and stole Nya from Zane's arms, hugging her. ''I missed you too.''

The Samurai Girl nodded, a slight blush dusting her cheeks.

''Karloff, why isn't this thing off the ground yet?'' Cole asked.

''Two hands can only work so fast.'' The Master of Metal answered.

''Well, you're gonna fix it, Karlof, because you know why?'' The Master of Earth questioned.

''Sure,'' Karloff replied.

''Positive thinking!'' Everyone exclaimed.

There was a clunk as a skull was pushed, making it roll down the bone pile. Remo appeared, the real necklace in his possession.

(Y/n) smiled at the sight of the small snake and picked him up, and gently took the necklace, taking the one she had on off to put the real one on.

She threw the fake necklace to the ground and crushed it with her foot as if there was something evil in it she wanted to get rid of.

Levitating herself, she found she wasn't as powerful as she was with her full power.

''Alright, let's do this.'' (Y/n) said, and the others cheered.


''Hey, Chen!'' Kai said, making the Noodle Man turn to face him. ''You forgot one Element. The Element of Surprise!'' Skylor then kicked the staff out of her father's hand, and Kai kicked a cultist away.

''You betray me!?'' Chen asked, enraged.

''Runs in the family,'' Skylor replied, kicking him while Kai grabbed the staff.

''Get him!'' The Noodle Man ordered, and Kai used lightning on the cultists and freed Lloyd.

''That was all an act?'' Lloyd asked.

''Don't worry. I had it all under control. Well, almost.'' Kai reassured him. Clouse then pulled a lever, making venom drop from the fangs of the stone snake statue above the Green Ninja. Kai then used the staff to fire Energy at Lloyd, protecting him from the venom.

''Ice!'' The Fire Ninja shouted, freezing Clouse as the Master of Dark Arts tried to attack.

Skylor pulled a lever, making a trapdoor open beneath a cultist.

''Hurry, Kai. You must destroy the staff.'' Lloyd told him.

''Chen was right. This thing's awesome.'' The Fire Ninja said, using it against more cultists, his eyes turning crimson.

''Kai, it holds too much power! Destroy it! The power is corrupting him. If we don't get that staff out of his hands—'' Lloyd shouted, trying to get Kai to listen to him.

''No one is taking my staff! You had all that power. Now it's my turn!'' Kai screamed, facing Lloyd. His red eyes turned back to normal ''Ah, what am I saying?'' He asked himself before his eyes again turned crimson. ''Nothing I don't already feel!''

''Yes, yes. Embrace the power.'' Chen egged Kai on.

''I can't...I can't control it. I don't want to control it! I should've been the Green Ninja.'' Kai shouted, using the staff to start summoning Energy.

The head of the snake statue exploded, and the other elemental masters appeared, with Cole in the Rotor Jet.

''Did anyone order some kung pao?'' The Earth Ninja asked.

(Y/n) flew above Kai, noticing his crimson eyes. The others looked up at her, surprised before she let herself fall onto a group of Cultists. ''Geronimo!''

Zane spun a cultist around before throwing the cultist into a group of cultists like he was playing bowling.

''Zane! Good to see you again, buddy.'' Lloyd said as Zane stopped his spinning head.

''And it's good to be back,'' Zane replied.

Chen and Kai raced for the staff, and the Fire Ninja grabbed it, and brought it down, returning everyone's elemental powers.

''Now bad guys in big trouble!'' Karloff said, turning his whole body into metal.

''Ninja, go!'' The boys shouted, doing spinjitzu.

''It always brings tears to my eyes when I see the old gang back together,'' Nya said as she watched the boys fight the cultists using spinjitzu.

Garmadon noticed Clouse and Chen had escaped.

''Ugh, they have all the power!'' The Noodle Man said, frustrated.

''For now, Master. But not for long.'' The Noodle Man's Right-Hand Man replied.

The Elemental Master had trapped the cultists and led them outside.

''No sign of Chen. And no sign of Skylor either.'' Garmadone told Kai.

''If it weren't for her help, we wouldn't have control of the island. We'll find her, brother.'' Nya reassured her brother.

''It's funny. I came here to find an old friend...'' Kai told the others.

Zane turned on his funny switch, making everyone laugh. ''Hello, my baby. Hello, my honey. Hello, my ragtime gal. Send me a kiss by the wire.''

''...I just never thought we'd make new ones.'' The Fire Ninja said.

''We'll find her, Kai. And we'll find Chen.'' Garmadon told him.

''Send me a kiss by the wire,'' Zane said, dancing with (Y/n) joining in.

We're getting closer to Possession...

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Have a great day, or night, wherever you are!

See ya Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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