Stop, Wait A Minute

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Bronze Radio Return - Everything moves


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:24 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Even though I don't know quite what to do

The time will show what we know is hardly ever true

I'd rather have then never had the spinning room

The feeling that I moved

No more standing still at your will

but you can try until you see the motion's moving you


Disclaimer: The picture at the top is not mine, it belongs to


Lloyd laid out a map on the ground of the sewer. Zane, Jay, Cole, Morro and Remo surrounded him, looking at it.

''And if we do this right, we can find Master Wu, save Cyrus Borg and (Y/n), rescue everyone who was kidnapped, and stop Krux and Acronix. But it'll take stealth, concentration, and precise execution.'' Green Bean informed the others.

''And where does the slug fit in?'' Ginja asked, looking over at Cole's shoulder, where a dark brown slug was crawling up his back.

''What slug?'' Lloyd questioned, confused.

''Aah! That one!'' Cake Devourer exclaimed, noticing it. He then tried to get the slug off his shoulder while Lightning Bug and Greenie laughed. He then flicked it off his shoulder, where it landed on the ground. ''Ew! Ew! Ew! It's so big! So gross!''

''Hey, guys. What'd we miss?'' Katara 2.0 asked, appearing with Zuko 2.0.

''Hahaha! Cole freaking out over a slug.'' Jay answered with a smile.

''And Lloyd laying out the plan of attack.'' Frost the Ice Ninja added.

''Hehe. But mostly Cole freaking out.'' The Lightning Ninja replied. Morro laughed a bit, trying to dispel the thoughts lingering in his mind.

''As I was saying, Zane will use his sensors to locate Cyrus Borg while Jay and Cole rescue the workers from the warehouse. Remo, Morro and I will get Master Wu, who's probably in the holding cell. Kai and Nya, you have the toughest job: locating Krux and Acronix. So you take the map.''

''We can do that. Right, Kai?'' Tall Glass O' Water questioned her brother.

''Barracks, holding cell...'' Kai said, rubbing the side of his head as he stared at the map.

''Ahem. Kai?'' Nya asked, trying to gain his attention.

''That's the mess hall and...what's this—''

''Kai!'' His sister said, lightly punching his shoulder to gain his attention.

''What? Yeah, yeah, we got it. Let's go.'' Porcupine replied, looking up from the map at the others.

''Remember, stealth is key. Everyone knows what they're doing?'' Lloyd questioned.

''On it.''




''Of course.''

''Oh, yeah. I know exactly what I'm doing.'' Kai said.

''Good luck. No pressure, but all of Ninjago is depending on us.'' Green Machine told the assembled team.


The Old Tea-Obsessed Man fought a Vermillion, using his stick to hit them in where the stomach would be.

''Your numbers are great, but they won't be enough. The Time Punch has reversed. My strength has returned. I will save Ninjago.'' Wu declared, looking at his reflection in the swamp water, before beating up some more Vermillion.

Misako emerged from an egg wearing the Vermillion armour. ''Misako?'' The Old Man asked, confused as he saw her appear. She walked like a zombie, her legs stiff and her arms held out in front of her, with her head slightly tilted to the side.

''Wu, why did you fail me?'' The old woman asked.

''I-I made a mistake. An error of judgment. I should have told you I loved you before you went to—'' Wu told her before more familiar faces rose from the Vermillion Eggs.

''You've made many mistakes, Master.''

''Many mistakes,'' Acronix spoke as the old man turned to face the twins. (Y/n) walked with them, silent. ''I'm but the latest. The monastery. You never should have come by yourself, old man.''

''We could have helped, Master,'' Lloyd said as his floating head appeared. Wu's other ninja floating heads also appeared, surrounding him.

''You didn't have to face him alone,'' Kai added.

''You didn't have to be alone.'' The ninja said in unison.

''Your arrogance has left you—''

''All alone. I'm all alone.'' Wu mumbled, before revealing it was a hallucination. Blunck paced outside his cell, his hands folded behind his back as he did so.

''Ha! What a joke. We are commanders. Guarding this guy is totally beneath us. How could Acronix and Krux put Machia in charge? They ignored our courage! Our dedication! Our singular focus.'' Blunck told himself, walking other to Raggmunk.

''I'm starving.'' The second commander replied. ''What? I missed breakfast.''

''Machia told us never to let the prisoner out of our sight. You're just going to have to go hungry.'' Blunck informed him.

''Unless...'' Raggmunk trailed off.


Zane walked through the Vermillion Swamp. ''Pixal, scan for Borg's biometric signature. Pixal? C'mon, Zane. She's still offline. Deal with it. Do your own scanning. Target acquired. Locking in.'' The nindroid said as an outline of the inventor appeared.


The Bruise Boys hid behind a rock, looking at the place where the civilians were kept.

''Hm, I don't think we can go in the front door,'' Cole told the Lightning Ninja.

''Well, you know, we can, but I doubt fighting half the Vermillion Warriors is good for Lloyd's stealth plan,'' Jay replied.

They then climbed up a grappling hook, with Cole going up first, but it came loose as soon as the Cake Devourer went on the roof. ''Not good, not good, not good, not good,'' Jaybird muttered, though Cole grabbed it before it could fall and foil their stealth mission.

''Ugh! Gotta love skylights. Nobody ever thinks to guard them.'' 99% Cake told Motor Mouth, before removing a glass panel.

''Whoa,'' Jay said, looking down at the workers in the place/factory making weapons and armour. The two then went in, with the Lightning Ninja using a rope to get down safely. ''Shh! We're here to rescue—'' Ginja was then interrupted as Metal Man on Steroids tackled him in a hug.

''Ninja! We are rescued!'' The Master of Metal exclaimed excitedly, his metal mittens covering Jay's face.

''What are you doing here?'' Cole questioned, getting straight to the point.

''Snake warriors kidnap Karlof!'' Karloff answered.

''Can't...breathe...'' Jay spoke, sounding a bit strangled as he wriggled in Karloff's steel grip.

''Krux and Acronix are rounding up the Elemental Masters?'' Cake Devourer asked.

''Retired Elemental Master. Until snakes grab Karlof, cuff him in Vengestone to control his power—''Metal Man on Steroids told him.

''Ugh, come on!'' Ginja said, still struggling.

''—and make him forge.'' Karloff continued, finally letting go of Jay.

Jay gasped for breath. ''Oh, man. You're strong.''

''They force us to build armour, vehicles, weapons. All in Ninjago who know how to build, they take.'' The Master of Metal informed.

''Now I get why they Vermillion grabbed all that metal.'' The Lightning Ninja replied.

''And why they took who they took.'' The Earth Ninja added.

''Carpenters, construction workers, tailors, Master of Metal, and—''

''Revenge will be mine.'' Lou cut in as he sang.

''Dad? But you guys are just called the Royal Blacksmiths. You're not, you know, actual blacksmiths.'' Cole told his dad, looking at the Royal Blacksmiths as they sang. When they were finished, the crowd cheered loudly and proudly.

''Shh, the guards. We gotta be stealthy.'' Cake Devourer warned.

''How do we get 'em outta here?'' Jay questioned.

''By leaving the same way we came in,'' Cole replied, looking up at the skylights where they came in from.

''Oh sure. Great idea. Everyone can just fly up there, except—Oh, wait! They can't fly!'' Jaybird reminded him.

''No, but we can.'' Cake Devourer said, making Ginja gasp.

''Airjitzu!'' The two spoke at the same time, bumping fists.


''Time grows short and I grow impatient. Are you finished yet?'' Krux asked the inventor impatiently, crossing his arms.

''Yes. I'm finished. It will supply all the power you need.'' Cyrus answered, putting the screwdriver on the table.

''Magnificent. Your effort is appreciated, Cyrus Borg.'' The Older Seaweed-faced Boomer told him.

''Hmm. Like I had a choice.'' The Inventor grumbled.

''Hmm. Impressive craftsmanship. All the more so when one takes into account your inferior modern training. Time for a demonstration.'' Krux said, and inserted the Slow-Mo Time Blade. But nothing happened. ''Argh! It doesn't work! I withdraw my compliment.''

''I told you. The apparatus won't activate unless all four Time Blades are in it.'' Cyrus reminded him.

''Speaking of which, the third is arriving any minute now, brother,'' Acronix spoke, walking into the room with Machia and (Y/n), who was eating some (f/f) that Riské provided.

''And my ship awaits,'' Machia told him.

''Ugh! I've waited decades. I suppose I can wait a little longer.'' The Older Seaweed-faced bro replied, grabbing the Time Blade and walking away with his brother, while (Y/n) finished eating and followed, giving Borg a glance before she disappeared from view.

''Attempting sabotage?'' Machia questioned, appearing behind the inventor who was about to attempt to ruin the Twin's plans.

''Uh, no. no, no, no. Of course not.''

''Wise decision. But just to be safe, you're coming with us.'' Red Medusa told him, putting her scaly hand on his shoulder. ''Take the apparatus to the Iron Doom. Krux and Acronix want it ready to connect when the time comes.''

She then took the handlebars of Borg's wheelchair and wheeled the inventor out of the room, while a few Vermillion went in to carry the apparatus.


Zane was ninja-ing through some mangrove trees, the white outline of Cyrus Borg clear as day before it flickered and disappeared.

''I-I've lost the signal.'' The nindroid realised. ''No (Y/n). No Cyrus Borg. No Pixal. No good.'' He said as he lowered his head from the shame he felt, bringing himself to his knees.


Lloyd and Morro barged into the cell where Wu used to be kept.

''Empty? Where's Master Wu?'' The Green Bean asked, confused.

''He was out to lunch,'' Raggmunk answered, appearing with Wu restrained in a wheelchair along with Blunck.

''Kind of still is. Had to watch him, but wanted to eat. Thanks to me, we did both.'' Blunck added, holding a tray of food lined with kebabs as the two commanders walked towards the trio.

''If you hurt him...'' Lloyd started, bringing out a sword while Morro readied his fists, looking as if he was ready to blast the two away with his wind powers. Remo was on Weather Boy's shoulders, watching the scene unfold.

''Him? I'd be worried about you.'' Raggmunk told the two ninja, bringing out a Vermillion Sword.

''Yeah,'' Blunk said, taking a bite from his kebab. ''You and your Ninja buddies are gonna pay for getting us stuck on this lame babysitting detail.'' Morro then created a blast of wind directed at him, making the Pile of Snakes drop his food. ''Ugh! Now you're really in trouble.''

''Didn't your mother teach you not to fight with your mouth full?'' Green Bean asked.

''Stop them! I'll watch the geezer.'' Raggmunk told his fellow commander, taking Wu in a Wheelchair out of the room.

''Hey! How come you get to—Whoa!''

The two then ran after Raggmunk, ready to save their master.


Back with Jay and Cole, the two were in the process of saving the builders.

''Okay, you first, Karlof,'' Jaybird said, grunting from the Metal Man's weight as Karlof jumped into his arms.

''Why does Dirt Ninja smile?'' The Master of Metal questioned, looking over at Cake Devourer.

''Oh, just getting déjà vu saving you for a second time. Go, Jay.'' Cole told Karlof.

''You got extra metal in your pockets or something?'' Jay asked.

''Oh, Karlof almost forget. Hehe. Car keys.'' Metal Man On Steroids answered, taking the keys out and setting them aside on a nearby table. But he was still too heavy.

''No. This isn't gonna work. And unless the new Samurai X does his thing and shows up out of the blue again, we gotta come up with something else. Fast!'' Sonic the Lightning Ninja told Cake Devourer, setting Karlof down.

''Hmm. Wait! We have builders and we have scrap metal! So...'' Cole realised.

''Right! Anyone here know how to design, construct, and independently power a 200-foot industrial-grade cargo elevator in three minutes?'' Jay asked the crowd of people eagerly. No one answered. ''No?''

''I was thinking ladder.'' Cake Devourer replied.

''Right. Ladder. Haha. Good call. Anyone?''

The gathered builders began to build a ladder out of scrap metal.

''Good thinking, boys.'' Lou congratulated the pair with a smile.

''Thanks, Dad. Hey, I've got a question. All the armour and stuff you forged. Where did all the designs come from?'' The Master of Earth questioned, walking over to a bunch of scattered blueprints on a table.

''I overheard one of the generals say they came from a master blacksmith.'' His dad answered.

''Master blacksmith...'' Jay mused, putting his hand under his chin in thought.


''Kai, I don't see anything. Give me the map. Hm. What even makes you think Acronix and Krux are around here?'' Nya asked, taking the map from her pineapple-headed brother.

''I honestly don't care if they are,'' Kai answered, walking away from his sister.

As Nya studied the map, the Fire Ninja ran away for some reason. ''Let's see, we came across from the east...which means we're here, in this clearing. Down this path is a—''

Katara 2.0 gasped as she realised. ''The blacksmith shop! Our parents! Wait! Kai!'' the Water Ninja called out after her brother as he charged towards a small wooden house that had the same symbol the helmet had.

The Fire Ninja opened the door, glaring at the person inside, his eyes filled with anger. ''I knew it!''

''Who are you? What do you want?'' A dude with black hair dressed in blacksmith clothes demanded.

''I want justice!'' Kai roared, bringing out the Dragon Blade. The two duelled, with the blacksmithing dude (Burnt Toaster) wielding a mallet while Kai had the Dragon blade.

''You're red like a Vermillion Warrior. But you're no snake!'' Burnt Toaster realised.

''No, but you are. Traitor!''

The two fought each other their prowess matched until Ray knocked Kai onto the ground.

''You've messed with the wrong blacksmith, my friend.''

''I'm not your friend!'' Porcupine told him, his fist lighting on fire.

''Firepower?'' Ray asked, confused before Burnt Toast threw a fireball at him. The Blacksmith dodged, looking at the intruder deep in thought. ''No, you're certainly not a guard. You' son. Kai? You've inherited my Elemental Power.''

''And that's the only thing I will ever inherit from you!'' The Fire Ninja fumed, once again lighting his fist on fire whilst glaring at his father.

''Kai, no!'' Nya shouted, trying to stop her brother.

''He's a traitor!'' Porcupine told her.

''Traitor?'' Ray questioned, once again confused.

''He's still our father!'' Tall Glass O' Water reminded him.

''Nya? Son, whatever it is you think, I can explain.'' Burnt Toaster told his son, trying to calm him down.

''Yeah. I bet you can.'' Kai said, the flames on his hand burning brightly. As he was about to attack, Nya blasted water at him, extinguishing his fire.

''Kai, let him speak. There's no harm in hearing him out.'' His sister reasoned.


After the scrap metal ladder was finished, Jay looked at it with a satisfied smile. ''Nice. And those Vermillion never knew what we were doing. Look at this bad boy. Solid.'' He said, grabbing the side of the ladder.

''No, wait, ladder is not done!'' Karlof exclaimed, his cry useless as the ladder fell apart, creating a loud noise.

''Oops,'' Ginja said, looking at the heap of scrap metal.

''Oh! So much for stealth.'' Cole replied.

''Well, maybe they didn't hear it,'' Jay told the coal-haired Cake Devourer. Then the Buffmillion appeared, opening the doors while the Vermillion Warriors ran past them, charging at the two intruders. ''No. They did.''

''Showtime!''Cole exclaimed, grabbing a curved pipe to use as a weapon while Jay brought out his nunchucks.


Near the peak of a snow-capped mountain were the twins, Cyrus, Machia and (Y/n).

The Inventor was shivering violently from the cold, his turtleneck sweater providing not much protection from the cold. (Y/n) seemed to be doing fine, her fluffy tails wrapped around herself to keep warm.

''It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small.'' (Y/n) mused quietly, gazing at the surrounding snowcapped mountains, though none were as towering as the one they were on.

Vitamin C glanced to her right to notice Cyrus shivering from the cold, with Machia guarding the wheelchair as if someone were to fly above them and swoop in to retrieve the inventor.

(Y/n) went a bit closer to him so she could talk to him, but still gave him some space to respect his personal bubble. [it's all about social distancing guys].

''So, how are you doing?'' She asked, a bit awkward as she glanced at Red Medusa, who was glaring at her like 'if my glare could turn people to stone you'd be a statue.'

Cyrus took a moment to answer, watching as the snowflakes drifted from the clouds deep in thought, forgetting about the cold for a moment.

''It's a bit cold, but I'm fine.''

(Y/n) chuckled a bit. ''Really? I saw you shivering like there was no tomorrow. That turtleneck sweater ain't doing enough to keep you warm. Maybe I could fly down the mountain to get you something warm.''

Cyrus's cheeks flushed a deep red, muttering something under his breath something (Y/n) didn't try to listen to. The inventor seemed to stop shivering, at least.

''You said Borg's temporal scanner would pinpoint the exact location of the Blade's arrival,'' Krux said to his brother. Hearing a sound from above, (Y/n) looked up to see The Temporal Vortex open.

''Oh, it should be here in a...moment,'' Acronix replied, as the Pause Time Blade landed, causing everyone to freeze for a moment. ''There we go. The BorgWatch works perfectly.'' Krux then picked up the red coloured Pause Blade, looking down at it.

''Of course, it did. Everything I make works perfectly.'' Cyrus replied, before lowering his voice to a whisper. ''Sometimes it's a curse.''

''You see? Easiest one to obtain yet. Now, will you admit that not all modern technology is bad?'' The Younger Seaweed-faced bro asked.

''Not until we find the final Blade. A task for which that little trinket has been utterly useless.'' His brother answered, turning away from Acronix and began walking down the stone steps leading down the mountain.

''Mother always said he was stubborn,'' Acronix muttered.

''Tell me about it.'' (Y/n) replied, slightly shaking her head.


''Ugh! Did you feel that for a moment ago? That was weird.'' Jay said as he fought the Vermillion with Cole.

''It was like time stood still. Well, they're not standing still.'' Cake Devourer replied, dropping the curved pipe he was holding. His arms glowed orange before he Earth Punched the Vermillion, forcing them out the door. ''Now they're standing still.'' They then caught sight of more Vermillion Warriors marching towards them.

''Uh-oh. Tunnels, everyone. Now!'' Ginja told the crowd of people, and they followed as the Bruise Boys ran off in the direction of the tunnels.


''It ends here. Now!'' Kai told his father, gripping his collar tightly.

''Kai, you don't know what you're doing.''

''I do, Nya. I absolutely—'' Burnt Toast told who he thought was Nya.

''I'm not your sister, son.''

''Huh? Mum? I-I don't believe it.'' Kai said, turning to look at his mother.

''That makes two of us. Nya, my baby girl, how you've grown.'' His mother (Maya) told his sister, smiling proudly at her daughter.

''I've—I-I missed you.'' Tall Glass O' Water replied, taking off her mask, and the two hugged each other.

Kai took off his mask as well, before hugging his mother too. He then pulled himself out of the hug, pushing away his mother a bit. ''Why? She's just as guilty as he is. They've been helping Acronix and Krux for years! They're the enemy!''

''Is that what you think?'' Maya questioned. ''We are not the enemy.''

''Then how do you explain this?'' Porcupine asked, anger evident in his voice. He then held up the helmet. ''Dad's blacksmith stamp on every piece of Vermillion armour.''

''They forced us to work for them. Part of their revenge.'' His mother informed him.

''For what?''

''For creating the Time Blades. It goes back to when Acronix and Krux were Elemental Masters.'' His father answered.

''I have an idea. And it requires your skills. Masters of Fire and Water, come.'' Past Wu told the two blacksmiths, before leading them to somewhere.

''We forged four Time Blades from Chronosteel to absorb the powers of the Hands of Time. Chronosteel is incredibly strong. We were physically and mentally drained.''

After creating the Time Blades, Past Maya sighed, exhausted. The two looked up to see Past Wu approach them.

''Thank you. My brother and I will deal with Krux and Acronix.'' Past Tea Obsessed Man told them, gathering the blades into a bag. The two then collapsed to the floor, exhausted from working.

''The Time Blades stripped Krux and Acronix of their powers. Then Wu and Garmadon created a Temporal Vortex to lose the Blades forever. When Krux and Acronix foolishly went after the Blades, it appeared they too would be lost to time.''

''Later, we learned that before Acronix disappeared, there was a sign that foretold the exact time of his return. Forty years in the future. Wu saw it.''

''So that must be how Master Wu knew when Acronix was gonna return to the Monastery. He saw the blimp.'' Kai spoke, glancing at his sister.

''And so did Krux,'' Maya added.

''What Wu did not know was that not only did Krux see the blimp, but he wasn't sent forward with his brother. Now he knew he had decades to plan.''

''He assumed a false identity and decided to use eggs from the Great Devourer to create a great legion of warriors. His warriors would need armour, weapons, vehicles. And he knew just who could design them.''

''Pretending to be kindly Dr Sander Saunders, Krux took his time and earned our trust. We thought he was our friend.''

Past Dr Saunders/Krux laughed along with the two blacksmiths, holding a cup of tea in his hand.

''Until Saunders betrayed us. Told us how he had a plan for his brother's eventual return. Forced us to work for him, or else.''

Past Krux then knocked the tray of tea out of Past Maya's hand, while also doing the same to Past Ray's cup of tea. He then ripped off his moustache and glasses, revealing his true identity. Past Krux then pulled out a sword, pointing it at the pair threateningly.

''Or else what?'' Kai asked.

''Or else he would go after you two. It was his ultimate revenge.''

As Past Ray and Past Maya were forced out of the shop, nearby were Past Nya and Past Kai, who were watching a yellow butterfly. As their mother went to go other to them, Past Krux used his sword to block her path, preventing her from doing so.

''Okay, but that still doesn't explain the stamp.'' Burnt Toast told his father.

''It was a message. I stamped all my work, hoping one day someone would figure out where we were. So that together we could stop Krux and Acronix's plan.'' Burnt Toaster replied.

''What is their plan?'' Katara 2.0 asked, sounding a bit fearful of the answer.

Their father sighed. ''To control all of time.''

The siblings exchanged worried looks.


The Time Twins arrived back at the swamp. Machia then noticed tracks in the dirt and began to follow them.

(Y/n)'s ears twitched, and she closed her eyes to listen to her surroundings.

''I've got a read on Borg again,'' Zane spoke, opening his eyes as the outline of the inventor reappeared. He then ran off in the direction Borg was.


The two commanders returned Wu to his cell, closing the door behind them.

''Safe. Thanks for leaving me to fight those two kids all by myself,'' Blunck spoke to Raggmunk.

''Someone had to look after sleeping beauty here. Think of how much trouble we'd be in if Krux and Acronix knew you lost him.'' Raggmunk replied.

''Me? You're the one who—'' Blunck said, offended.

''Fools!'' Red Medusa yelled, bursting into the room.

''Supreme Commander! Hey, uh, how's it going? Um, we've been here the whole time.'' Blunck told her nervously.

''I know you disobeyed me. I know you lost the prisoner. I know all of it. Even the sliders.'' Machia replied, slowly walking toward the pair.

''What? How could you possibly know—'' Ragmunk said, interrupted as Red Medusa's eyes glowed. ''Right. Stupid hive mind.''

''Clearly, I cannot trust you nitwits to do even the simplest things,'' Machia told them, taking the handlebars of the wheelchair and wheeling the old man out of the room.


Frosty the Ice Ninja stopped, sensing something. Morro and Lloyd stepped out of the bushes, with Remo on Weather Boy's shoulders, and a small green praying mantis stood still on the little snek's head.

''Lloyd, Morro and Remo?'' Zane asked, confused.

''Don't forget Dave!'' Ham Sandwich Devourer said, lifting his head slightly so the nindroid could get a good look at the praying mantis on his head.

''Zane? Have you seen Wu?'' The Green Ninja questioned Frosty the Ice Ninja.

''No. I was tracking Borg, but I lost the signal. Then it reappeared.'' The nindroid answered.

''Unh! We had Wu but lost him...again.'' Lloyd told him, as Morro looked at the ground, clenching his fists.

''I sense Jay and Cole are nearby,'' Zane informed.

''Yeah? You sure?'' Morro questioned.

''Bring it on, you Vermillion doofs!'' Ginja yelled in the distance.

''Yup. Pretty sure.'' Frosty the Ice Ninja answered. The trio then went off in the direction the yell came from, stopping as they saw Cole and Jay surrounded by Vermillion Warriors.

''Oh! Haha! Hey, guys! I know it looks like we are totally outnumbered, but that's only because we are. Haha!'' Ginja laughed, whacking a few with his nunchucks.

''Our friends need our help.'' Green Bean told the other two, bringing out his sword.

''But what about Cyrus Borg, (Y/n) and Master Wu?'' Zane asked.

''I'm afraid they have to wait. As Master Wu says, "Never put off until tomorrow what must be done today.''

''True. Let's just hope we are not putting off the wrong thing.'' The nindroid replied, and the trio went off to save to Bruise Boys.


''You built a time machine?'' Kai asked his father.

''Just the shell. Time machines are a little outside my skill set.'' Ray answered.

''But Cyrus Borg was forced to design a power source to power the Iron Doom. It draws temporal energy from the Time Blades.'' Maya explained, laying out another blueprint.

''Oh, no! I just realized...that pause we felt earlier? It must have been the third Time Blade!'' Nya realised.

''If Krux and Acronix found it, then there'd be only one left. And if they get that, their time travelling mega armour would be fully operational.'' Burnt Toast said. Maya and Ray smiled at each other. ''Sorry, fully operational is good news?''

''Heh. They'll never get it. Master Wu found it shortly after Acronix disappeared. Turns out it has the power to reverse time. Wu knew it was too dangerous to keep. Under his orders, we hid it. Buried deep in a location that only the combined Elemental Powers of Fire and Water can reach.'' Ray told his kids.

''And since you inherited our powers...'' Maya said, before gasping as she realised. ''You must leave. Now.''

''She's right. If the Hands of Time knew all this, they could—''

''Could force you to retrieve it for us? Excellent suggestion.'' Krux interrupted as he and Acronix opened the door, blocking their way.

''No way. We will never do your bidding.'' Kai told them, drawing the Dragon Blade.

''You tell 'em, brother!'' Nya encouraged.

''You will, or your parents will face the very fate from which they tried to protect you.'' Krux threatened.

''Never! We're done serving you, Krux. Bring your worst.'' Ray told him.

''With pleasure,'' Krux replied.

Acronix then took the blade from his brother, a smirk on his face. As the Blacksmith charged at him the Younger Seaweed Faced Bro paused Ray midair, yelling as he did so:


Krux then hit Ray, pushing him back to the others.

''Dad!'' Nya and Kai exclaimed, looking at their dad who was still.

''Look who I found.'' Red Medusa said, bringing in Wu who was still tied down to the wheelchair.

''Master!'' The siblings cried out.

''Wu!'' Maya exclaimed, pushing between the two to look at the old master.

''Uh, technically, she didn't find him. We had him the whole time.'' Raggmunk claimed.

''Yeah. We didn't lose him because we took a lunch break or anything.'' Blunck added.

''We still do have one last surprise,'' Krux told them, grinning. The twins parted to reveal (Y/n), who was looking at the ground, before raising her head to meet their gaze.

''What are you doing in my swamp?'' (Y/n) asked, trying to look intimidating. Nya, Maya and Kai's eyes widened in shock upon seeing the girl.

''You know, it occurs to me that the Reversal Blade is the only way to undo the effects of the Time Punch,'' Acronix told them, standing next to the Tea Obsessed Man. Ray was then freed from the effects of the Pause Blade.

''I'm-I'm afraid that's true,'' Ray told the others.

''If you want to save your Master, you will retrieve the fourth Blade. And I'll take that.'' Krux replied, and snatched Kai's Dragon Blade.


Standing at the entrance to the tower, the other ninja had finished off the Vermillion.

''Yeah! Haha!'' Cole cheered.

''Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! That's what I'm talking about. Vermillion done. Workers saved. Ninja in the swamp!'' Jay replied, high fiving Cake Devourer.

''Now we can return to search for Borg and Wu,'' Lloyd told the others.

''I'm afraid I found them,'' Zane informed the others, pointing with his shurikens to the flying hunk of metal that was called a ship.

''Okay. So lets Airjitzu after them.'' 99% Cake replied.

Suddenly, more of the Vermillion eggs hatched, giving rise to more Vermillion Warriors. ''No, Ninja, you will stay. I'm afraid we've reached...the end.''

''That's not good...'' Morro mumbled, concerned.


Back on the flying hunk of metal that was called a ship, (Y/n) watched the other ninja from afar.

Nearby, were Kai and Nya, along with their parents.

Vitamin C was angry at herself, for choosing the worst choice possible. It would not be worth all the trouble just because she made the stupidest decision. Moreso at Riské, who would certainly be laughing at the girl while enjoying a warm cup of tea.

Perhaps it would be better if she left for a while after this was all over.

[Placeholder text]

Message me the translation (don't comment it, we don't want possible spoilers now do we?)

Alright ye endings, there's going to be multiple.

~Current List~

Lloyd, Kai, and Cole and Nya x reader

Nya x reader x Morro

Morro x reader

Remo x ham sandwich x reader

Morro x reader x Kai

Cole x reader x Kai

Memes x reader

Harumi x reader

Ronin x reader

Nya x reader

Cyrus x reader

Lloyd x reader

Zane x reader

Jay x reader

Morro, Kai and Jay x Reader

Cole x reader

Echo Zane x reader

Skylor x reader

Kai x reader

No one x reader #foreveralone

Ninja x reader

Zane x Reader x Skylor

Cole x reader x Jay

Lloyd x reader x Kai


Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share this story if you love it!

One helpful comment makes my day.

See ya, Bookworms.

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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