aah,,, aaaaah,,,, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

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I'm fresh to death, I'm in the zone, I checked my head, but no one's home...

Tom tapped his fingers against his open laptop, nodding his head to the beat. The clock read 09.13.

The mood is right, the party's on, looks like tonight, I'll be drinking alone...

With headphones on, he typed at his laptop, working on a new chapter. He had been up for fucking hours, as his sleep meds had worn off faster than he would've liked. Well... it's more like a gamble with those fucking pills, man. Without them, he woke up at random times during the night. With them, he woke up super fucking early, such as five in the fucking morning.

Uh-oh, author vent.

Fuck everyone else, I'mma party by myself, do this shit all night, I don't need nobody else...


Fuck everyone else, I'mma party by myself, higher than a kite with nobody but myself...


One more shot, then it's time to roll, smoke these pots, and I'm out the door...


Chug some rock, but I sip Patron, hit that spot till you lose control—


Said boy jumped, hard, his headphones being tugged off his head as he yelped. He whipped his head around to the culprit of the very loud noise.

"Tord!" he whined, cringing as his headphones blasted out more of the song. He scrambled to pause it, cheeks heating up.

"Edd and Matt are about to leave, min elskede. They wanted to say goodbye."

His eyes widened and he stood, panicking. "I forgot about that!" Bolting out his bedroom, he rushed down the hall. Edd and Matt were conversing by the hallway to the garage door. "Shit, sorry! I've been writing!" he breathed out, skidding to a stop right in front of them.

"No worries, Tom." Edd wrapped his arms around Tom, forcing him into a hug. "Don't get into any fights with Tord, okay? Last time I left you both alone for more than a day, you broke something, and now we're leaving for a week... oh, I'm gonna miss you!" He squeezed Tom harder, causing the boy to wheeze.

Matt's arms wrapped around him, too, squeezing. "Bye, Tim! We'll miss you so much!"

"I can't breathe!" Tom wheezed out, his chest tight. Finally, everyone released him, so he inhaled deeply. "Sweet, sweet air. How I longed for you." He placed his hands over his heart. A hand appeared in his hair, ruffling it and ruining the dramatic moment.

"Seriously, Tom, please don't die while we're gone."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, mom, get out of here. You need to catch your flight."

Edd nodded and turned to walk out, carrying two suitcases behind him.

"Bye, Tim!" Matt called, waving as he rushed out after Edd. The slam of the door made Tom flinch, but he sighed in relief.

He liked being home alone. Well. Except for Tord.

Ugh. Fuck him.

Would it be that bad, though? Surely they could—

Two arms wrapped around his waist, causing him to squeak as he flinched.

"Jesus, Thomas, calm down." Tord pressed his lips against Tom's neck as Tom's hands grabbed his own.

"You scared me." He pouted, tilting his head so Tord could cuddle into it.

"Not my fault you're so damn flinchy." Tord blinked. "Don't you have a list of people who thought you were being physically abused at home?"

A snicker left Tom's lips. "I do, yes."

"Both Edd and I thought you were being abused."

"So did half my teachers." Tom turned in Tord's grip so he faced the Norwegian, wrapping his arms loosely around his neck. "It's because I showed up to school with a new bruise every fucking day. I'm pretty sure someone was beating my ass when I was asleep." He gave Tord a lopsided grin, not wanting to mention the real reason why he had so many bruises (though, he still wasn't being hit at home).

Tord snorted before placing a soft kiss on Tom's lips. His hands trailed down Tom's waist until they were gripping his ass. Tom shuffled uncomfortably as lips found his neck, trailing his skin.

"Are you okay?" Tord asked abruptly, leaning back to get a good stare at Tom. Raised eyebrows, a frown? Yeah, Tord didn't like that.



"Can we do it later?" he blurted, face flushed with humiliation. "Just... not right now." He looked away.

"Sure," Tord said without hesitation, hands going back up to his waist. "Wanna watch a movie, then?"


A blink. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Tord repeated, eyebrows raising. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just... you're not, like... mad... at me?" Tom looked down, gritting his teeth. His fingers found each other, fiddling with them behind Tord's neck.

"Why would I be?" Tord blinked, only to narrow his eyes. His grip tightened around Tom, pulling him closer. "Did she—"


The voice made Tord flinch, eyes widening. It had been awhile since Tom took that tone with him, and it usually meant that Tord needed to back off. Last time he didn't?

Well, maybe that's for another day.

A sigh escaped his lips as he picked Tom up. "What movie do you wanna watch? Or maybe I can make you watch one of my shows?" He looked down at the boy.

"A hentai?"

"Not all anime is hentai, Thomas, min elskede."

Tom sighed. "What show do you want?"

"Well, it's not exactly a starter anime, but I think you'd like Kakegurui. I'd sell my soul for the art they have on this shit." Tord set him down and reached for the remote, planning to go to Netflix (they have a smart T.V.). "It's about a gambling academy, and it's pretty fucking wild. The main girl, Yumiko, is a compulsive gambler. Shit gets wild."

With a roll of his eyes, Tom climbed into Tord's lap, settling. "It better be good." He pouted.

"You fucking cutie." Tord shifted into a more comfortable position, Tom's back pressed against his chest as he rested his head on Tom's shoulder.


Tom yawned, stretching. Tord let out a soft hum as he gripped Tom's hips. "What's wrong, kitten?"

"I dunno. I'm just... bored." Tom turned around in Tord's lap so he faced Tord, tilting his head.

"What? Is the show that bad?"

"No, it's just borderline hentai. I'm surprised you haven't gotten a boner yet."

"It's gotten close."

Tom couldn't help but giggle, pressing a quick kiss against Tord's nose. "Really, though. We should do something."

Eyes flickering to the clock, Tord smiled. "You know, there's a new nightclub that opened up. We should go."

A frown appeared on his face. "If it's new, won't it be busy?" Tom started to rub his arm.

"Yeah, but no one will nobody gonna see us because of that. So..." Tord trailed a hand up Tom until it cupped his cheek.

"You filthy perv." Tom leaned in and kissed Tord, smiling. Tord smiled back, pulling Tom closer.

He pulled back. "Maybe so, but you love me, don't you?"



You'll never meet my mom,

Tom stepped to the beat, gently nodding his head. He would've gone for a drink like Smirnoff,  but he didn't want to be drunk when Tord decided he felt horny.

Strings will never be attached,

Speaking of Tord, the communist had a hand on Tom's shoulder, fingers trailing against Tom's neck. "You like it?" Tord called over the loud music as he danced to the rhythm.

We'll always get along,

"Meh." Tom smiled as Tord moved behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Somebody pushed past them. Bodies flooded the dance floor, pretty much hiding the two.

Cuz it doesn't have to last

A snicker escaped Tom's lips as he grabbed Tord's hands, looking up at Tord with a small smile. Tord gently kissed his nose.

And anytime I call you, you don't have to call me back

The sudden grinding against his ass made his eyes widen and a squeak to escape his mouth. A blush spread across his face as Tord's hands moved to his hips, gripping them.

I'm never gonna fall, but I'm never hard to catch

You know what? Fuck it. No one was watching them. It seemed like they were the only two in the dance floor, the music just for them.

She said she's cool with it, she's down with it,

Tom reached up and placed his hands behind Tord's neck, interlocking his fingers. Tord raised an eyebrow as he pushed his body against Tom's.

There's nothing wrong with it cuz it's easier this way

Kissed were laid on Tom's neck, causing him to shiver. Tord let out a gruff groan in his ear, biting the tip of it.

She's so cool with it, she's down with it,

"Thomas," he groaned, hands slipping under Tom's sweatshirt to dig his nails into the skin. Some girl pushed past Tom, almost making him stumble, but Tord kept him skill.

There's nothing wrong with it cuz it's easier this way

Tom began to hum the song playing overhead as Tord nibbled at his skin, hands sliding and rubbing against Tom's waist.

It's just your typical, hardcore, casual sex

"You're excited," Tom muttered, rolling his eyes as he suddenly started grinding back against Tord. Immediately, a groan fanned his neck, causing Tom to shiver.

We're single, but we're lovers, crazy for each other

Tord suddenly tugged at him, stopping his grinding. Tom slowly unraveled himself as Tord grabbed his hand. "Come," he ordered, pulling Tom with him as he weaved through the sea of bodies.

It's just your typical, hardcore, casual sex

A blush spread across his cheeks as he tried to shove his sweatshirt over his bulge, whining as Tord shoved his way to the front.

We're wild under the covers, crazy for each other

Tord managed to pull him out of the crowded building as Tom squeezed his hand. A couple of pants escaped him as he rushed to Tord's car.

The music played in the distant, the lyrics indistinguishable from the parking lot.

Man. That place got fucking—

Tord slammed him against the car, causing him to squeak. Hands cupped his cheeks and lips  pressed against his own. Tord pulled back by just a centimeter.

"I know it might be uncomfortable, Tom, but we should fuck in the car. But only if you're okay with that. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Tord trailed kisses from the corner of his lips to the crook of his jaw.

A sigh escaped his lips. "Go ahead, Tord."

Tord pulled Tom back and opened the car door, shoving him onto his back. Tord climbed over him and somehow closed the door—don't ask Tom. Lips were immediately at his neck, teeth digging in. He let out a gasp, back arching as he dug his nails into Tord's back.

"T-Tord—" he whined, a tongue lapping up the blood that spilled from the wound. "Shit..." He tried to squirm to get more comfortable as Tord left hickeys around his neck. The car seat left no room for him to do anything but lean off the edge.

Jesus. His shoulder was gonna ache like a bitch by the end of this.

Tord unzipped Tom's jeans, tugging them down and bending the boy awkwardly so he could pull them off. They disappeared somewhere, not that Tom really cared.

A squeak escaped his lips as Tord kissed him, pretty much folding Tom in half. Thank god he was naturally a bit flexible, otherwise that would've been painful.

"God, you're so beautiful," Tord whispered into his lips before pulling back. He pulled Tom's gray briefs off and tossed them, not really caring. He leaned back and moved to grab something from the front seat. He reached and grabbed a bottle before from the department.

"You brought lube?" Tom couldn't help but snicker despite his obvious erection. Tord brought himself back to the back seat and squirted some on his hand.

"How else would I get to fuck you?"

With a roll of his eyes, Tom scoffed. However, he watched Tord intently as the Norse slowly wrapped a hand around his cock. Tom's eyes went half lidded and he bit his lip.

Fuck off. He's just really horny.

"Alright, baby. You ready?"

Tom nodded shakily, which resulted in Tord fucking bending him so his knees nearly touched his chest. His calves rested against Tord's shoulder as the Norse gave him a smug grin.A squeak escaped his lips at the stretch and pressure against his hole. Tord pushed inside of him and Tom let out a whine, placing his arms above his head.

"Good boy," Tord mumbled, starting off with a slow pace. Hands slipped under Tom's sweatshirt, thumbing and pulling at his piercings. He tilted his thrusts until he hit right against Tom's sweet spot, causing the boy to gasp. He whined and exposed his neck. With a smirk, Tord leaned down (ignoring the squeal Tom made from the stretch) and began to suck on his skin, determined to leave hickeys.

A moan dribbled from Tom's lips as he wrapped his arms around Tord's neck. "Tord," he whimpered as the Norse sped up his thrusts. The friction caused Tom's sweatshirt to pull up, the leather rubbing against his back. "F-Fuck, Tord, please," he whined, pulling his hand back so he could grip Tord's chin. He brought their lips together to Tord's surprise.

Tom wasn't really one to initiate things; Tord would have to take control, so Tom didn't usually kiss him during such an intimate moment.

Not that he minded.

Tord nibbled on Tom's bottom lip, who obediently opened his mouth. He slipped his tongue inside, Tom moaning through the kiss.

Damnit. Tom was so damn gorgeous. Tord wished he noticed sooner.

Tom deserved everything Tord could give him and more.

He tore away from Tord, desperate to catch his breath. Pants escaped his mouth before he moaned, clutching Tord's shoulders.

"Tord, please," he whined, looking up at Tord with half-lidded eyes.

"Please what, kjærlighet?" Tord teased, smirking at the way Tom's pink cherry lips parted desperately.

"Please, I need to come." His grip tightened, pulling at Tord's sweatshirt as he rolled his shoulder.

Tord chuckled through his own panting. "Good boy." He reaches for Tom's cock, wrapping his hand around it despite the uncomfortable position. Tom reached immediately: his cock twitched and he jolted, tilting his head back and moaning loudly. Tord started to drill into him, desperate for his own release.

"T-Tord!" he cried, gasping as he came over Tord's hand. Tord let out a groan as Tom clenched around him, tears escaping the Brit. He finished, filling Tom up and rolling his hips.

"Good boy," he purred, staying in that position for a bit, letting Tom catch his breath.

Once Tom could breathe like a normal human being, he looked up at Tord with half-lidded eyes. "I'm sorry, but can we please move? This position really hurts my shoulder." Tom had a whiny hint to his voice, but Tord couldn't find himself to care. He pulled out of Tom before picking him up bridal style.

"Du er så nydelig," Tord cooed, pressing a soft kiss against Tom's nose. He sighed before managing to put Tom in the passenger seat, only to tuck his dick back into his jeans and zip them up. He grabbed and extra tissue and wiped Tom's come off his hand.

God. How was he this lucky?

He opened the side door and got into the driver's side, looking over at Tom.

"You feeling okay?" Tord reached over and buckled Tom's seatbelt for him before doing the same for himself.

"Mmh... tired," Tom mumbled, eyes nearly closing.

"Take a nap. I'll wake you up when we get home."


Tord parked inside the garage, the loud door shutting behind it. Tom lifted his head up at the noise, whining softly.

"What time is it?" he asked, unbuckling.

"It's about four in the morning, baby," Tord murmured, shutting the car off before moving to Tom's side. He opened the door and grabbed Tom, carrying him.

"I can walk myself...!" Tom protested, squirming in Tord's grasp.

A huff of disbelief escaped Tord's lips as Tord pushed the door open and walked inside, using his foot to close it behind them.

"What about my pants...?" Tom said, staring at the door longingly.

"We can get it tomorrow, Tom. For now, you need to sleep." He dropped Tom on his bed, the red covers bouncing from his weight.

"Wait, what about... mm... I still have your come inside of me. What if it gets on the bed?" Tom frowned up at him.

With a roll of his eyes, Tord reached for his nightstand.

Seriously. Tord just wanted to sleep. If he had to shower, he might pass out in it.

He pulled out a fucking anal plug. It wasn't the cat one, but it sure as hell would stop come from coming out.

Kinky. Bastard.

He moved Tom over a bit and pushed it inside, the boy squeaking at the feeling.

"There. Will you stop whining?" Tord asked tiredly, collapsing down on the bed.

"...Can I have your sweatshirt?"

God damnit. Tord couldn't even be mad at the adorable asshole.

He pulled his sweatshirt off and tossed it at Tom, stretching on the bed. Tom turned away from Tord, sitting up as he pulled off his sweatshirt and shirt. He slipped Tord's on before turning to Tord with a soft frown.

"What's wrong, baby?" Tord tilted his head slightly.

"Can... can we... cuddle?" Tom mumbled, causing Tord to scoff. The noise made Tom flinch and look away, only for two defined arms wrapped around him.

"Of course, kjærlighet." Tord smiled gently and pulled Tom down, the poor boy collapsing against his chest. Tom dug his face into the crook of Tord's neck, wrapping his arms around Tord's chest.

"Thank you, Tord," he murmured, eyes closing.

Tord just hummed before biting his lip.

He should just say it. He's almost said it a lot.

His lips parted to speak.

Tom wouldn't even understand what he said.

Why was he freaking out about it so much?

Because saying it would make it real, his mind whispered.

Tord frowned.

"Jeg elsker deg."

two songs used: Party By Myself (Hollywood Undead) and Casual Sex (My Darkest Days)

guys I'm just,,, so happy I got this chapter out? jejeidjwikskwiwbs

Also like,,, here's a thing I should say. There's like. Three major plot holes that I've referenced and never did anything to. One of them is going to be shown very soon I promise, but the other two,,, uhm,,,
One of them is the one line in this chapter where I inferred that Tom got his ass beat. Yes. This chapter. I want to keep that line in but,,, there's a chance. I might've forgotten where I was going with that. Same thing with the other plot hole. Y'all know the punishment chapter where Tord was an ass??? Yeah that was. That was on purpose. I was going to go somewhere with that. Then I got a shit ton of negative feedback, freaked out, and promptly forgot what I was going to do.
Y'all I'm fucking stupid wiwiamiwowieu
Anyway!!! Good thing!! Y'all know how I mentioned I got into an auditioned choir a few chaps back??? Yeah, well,,, my fucking idol is in that choir. I sit right next to her. I don't think y'all can understand how happy I am about this,,,

Ugh I had like five things I was going to say in this a/n but I've completely forgotten,,, Well I was going to ramble about how pedophilia is bad (hey guys just a newsflash. thinking your partner is hot bc they act like a child is not normal or okay. it's pedophilia.) but I figured no one was gonna wanna hear me ramble so ¯\_()_/¯

Anyway!!! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter???? Please leave a comment bc I read every single one and I literally thrive solely off of positive attention so!!

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