so no head?

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"Mister Stark, I don't feel so good..."

Tord let out an angered sigh as his sixth fucking clone turned to dust. Every single one of them, before they died, said that.

Yes. He's working on making clones for... reasons...

And he succeeded! Kind of. They kept turning to dust, the clone equivalent of dying. He kept tweaking things in the code, trying to fix it. Slowly, they were lasting longer and longer—this one even survived for half an hour!

He sighed, knowing he would have to clean up all of this excess dust.

Maybe he could take a break? Tom had been fast asleep when he came down here, an empty coffee mug strewn... somewhere.

No. One more try, Tord, then you'll go cuddle Tom, he assured himself.

He sent Tom a quick text, just to see if the boy woke up.

A sigh escaped his lips as he walked back over to his machine. It already had his DNA. He just needed to... adjust some settings.

After about five minutes, he sighed and clicked the button. The machine's doors closed as Tord watched them with bored eyes. He had given up hope for today. The chances of him actually succeeding in making a clone that could succeed him when he died was... very low.

A small beep pulled him from his thoughts. He glanced up at the machine's screen:


What? Tord's eyes widened with panic as he raced to type, trying to figure out what had caused its malfunction. Perhaps the nuclear mixture? No, nothing wrong with that. The human body had a certain make-up, one that Tord made sure to get right. Did he fuck up the XY protocol? He checked; that looked good.


One... three... six... eight!? Eight XY chromosomes? What the hell?

The machine started crackling with electricity; what had he done to it? He might have to get a fucking blueprint from Lenker, who had already created a cloning machine. However, he really didn't want to admit defeat.

Doors opening slowly, white mist poured onto the ground. Tord gave a cough when it invaded his lungs.

"Man, it was real fucking crowded in there..." One.

"I could feel my brain forming! Didn't know we had one!" Two.

"Of course we have one, idiot. We're smarter than everyone we've met." Three.

"That is statistically unlikely. We have met hundreds of people during our sessions." Four.

Four clones.

Tord—the real one—let out a long groan. "How did I fuck up this bad? Why are there four of you?"

"Five of us," said one of the clones, the one that made the statistic comment.

"Come on, leave him alone! He looks, ah... "

"...kinda hot..."

"What?" the other four said in unison, looking at the one clone.

He didn't respond.

"I... need to get all of you clothes so you're not parading around the fucking lab naked. But Tom might be in my room..."

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

In text, of course.

Tom: just woke up and im making breakfast. where'd u go?

Tord: Just stay out of my room for awhile, please. I'll talk to you in a bit.

Tom: sounds good

Tord smiled gently at the texts, causing a coo from one of the clones.

"Are you texting Tom?" he asked, chuckling as the original turned and started walking out, everyone tailing behind him.

"Of course he's texting Tom," one said listlessly. "If he was texting Pau or Pat, he'd be annoyed. The only one who makes him smile is Tom."

Tord pressed a button as he ignored them, and the wall that led to his room silently opened up, allowing himself to stretch out his arms.

"Alright, who wants to wear what?" Tord asked tiredly, opening his closet for the masses.

The one clone who had only spoken once or twice chose a pair of ripped jeans and a tight, white shirt, his shoulders covered by a leather jacket. He had a scowl on his face the whole time, glowering at everyone's choices.

Tord's black sweatshirt and sweatpants were stolen by the one that called him hot. He still didn't know how to respond. Nobody did, really. He kept creepily watching everyone, occasionally licking his lips.

The overly happy one wore an oversized, gray sweater that Tord stole from Edd. His smile never left his face as he surveyed everyone, nodding at everyone's choice.

The smart one chose a simple, white button up shirt that got tucked into his blue jeans. He watched everyone with a neutral expression, carefully examining the people around him.

Tord—the original one—refused to change, his exhaustion wearing him down. He just threw his lab coat off, sticking with his black shirt and blue jeans. Tom still had his red sweatshirt, so...

Did the author over explain them? Probably, but she really likes the idea, so leave her alone.

"So... what do I call all of you? Like, nicknames or something? I mean, we can't all be Tord, can we?"

"But we're all Tords!" the happy one protested, causing the smart one to sigh.

"More like different branches. While four clones—us—were created, Tord's personality traits seem to have shifted between all of us. For example, you seem to be the more cheery side of Tord. I'm the more logical." The clone shrugged.

"Okay. You, mister logical, are dubbed commie, because only the smart side of me could be a communist," Tord joked lightly before looking at the cheery one. "I'm calling you Tordy." Tordy was an old nickname from primary school (is that right for you Brits?). He glanced at the asshole. "You can be called Red." He turned to the clone that couldn't seem to make eye contact, sweating slightly as he looked down. "You're perv."

Perv's eyes widened, his mouth opening to protest, but he just closed it.

"So... what now?" Tordy blinked.

"...Where's Tom?" Perv asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced around.

A sigh escaped Tord's lips. "I don't think we should bring Tom into this," he said with a shake of his head, lips tugging down into a frown.

The commie nodded. "He would most likely freak out. I am afraid of how he would react to finding out there are... five of us."

"Who knows! He might enjoy spending time with more than one Tord. He definitely likes us!"

Red snorted. "Are you joking? He's such a brat around us, I doubt that he sees us as anything other than trash."

"Maybe we should fuck him," pervy Tord said out of nowhere, causing Tord to choke and Tordy start to laugh his ass off.

"Okay, as much as I love that idea, I highly doubt Tom would let us all fuck him." Tord sighed.

"Actually, I think we should see what he says," Commie said, glancing around at everyone. "I mean, it's obvious Tom enjoys having sex with us, so I think he might agree to it."

Placing his head into his hands, he sighed deeply. "If I get hurt because of this, all of you will be hurt. Immensely."

He turned on his heel and walked out of the room, knowing the clones wouldn't follow him. He would have to coax Tom into his room before giving him the choice.

"Tom?" he called out, glancing around.

"Kitchen!" Tom called back. Tord let out another hefty sigh as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, walking into the kitchen.

"How has your morning been?" he asked politely, watching Tom with a tilted head. The boy was on his phone, still dressed in Tord's sweatshirt and nothing else.

"Oh, it was just fantastic. I woke up fucking cold because you left me to do whatever, then I realized I still had your come inside of me and I had a fucking anal plug in!" Tom let out an angry huff, glaring at Tord as he placed his phone down.

"Hey, baby, I'm sorry for doing that. I should've told you where I was going." Tord wrapped his arms around Tom's waist, pulling the boy closer so he could lean down and kiss those beautiful, cherry lips.

Tom pulled away after a moment, sighing gently. "You better make it up to me."


"Oh, god. What?"

"I think I have a thing for you, but I'd like you to see it before you accept or decline. And, Tom, if you're not comfortable with doing it, just tell me." He grabbed Tom's hand and started pulling him to his room. "I never, ever want to force you into doing something you don't want. Do you understand?"

Tom let out a loose laugh. "I understand, Tord."

They stopped in front of Tord's door, the Norse letting out a tired sigh. He grabbed the knob and turned the door.

Tom stopped, immediately seeing the four clones.

"...Tord, what the fuck."

"The cloning machine malfunctioned. I wanted to create one. I created four." Tord leaned up to guiltily scratch his neck. "They, uh. They were the ones who told me to do this."

"We'll give you a fun time, Tommy!"

"Don't worry. We know what we're doing."

"Not that we won't be rough."

"Oh, my god, he's so fuckable."

Tom's cheeks burst into flames at the last comment. "Why were you even making clones?!" he squeaked out.

"Objection. Irrelevant."

"Commie, shut up," Red huffed.

Fuck Tord's life.

"So, whaddya say, Tommy? A fun time with us?" Tordy winked.

A sigh escaped Tom's lips as he buried his head in his hands. Tord let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his neck. Muffled, Tom said, "Why did you think I'd agree to this?"

"Because you like having sex with me. Us?" Tordy said, tapping his cheek.

"Like I said, Thomas, you really don't have to do this. I don't want to make you uncomfortable," Tord assured hurriedly, causing the boy to look up tiredly, glancing at everyone.

Another sigh left him, louder than before. "I'm going to hate myself for this, but... fine."

"Safeword, then?" Commie asked as Tord wrapped his arms around Tom, the Brit's back pressed against Tord's stomach.

"Brownie, like we usually have, idiot," Red said, shooting a glare at Commie.

Tord pressed a kiss against Tom's neck before sighing into his ear. "Thank you for doing this. I don't know how I would've kept them in check."

A soft giggle escaped Tom's lips as the clones bickered, causing Tord's heart to flutter. "You're welcome, Tord. Just make sure they don't hurt me, please."

He softened. "Of course, Tom. I would never let you get hurt."

"Tord!" Red snapped, getting his attention. "What position do we want him in?"

"If he's willing to have two dicks at once," Perv added, licking his lips.

Tom's face brightened as Tord gently laughed. "Well? Are you okay with that, Thomas?" he asked softly, leaning in and gently nibbling his ear.

"I-I mean, I guess?" Tom stuttered, eyes wide. "But I've never, like, done that... before...?" he admitted, looking down.

"Then we probably want him between two of us, on our laps. As much as we all enjoy fucking Tom hard, I'd rather not giv—"

"Don't you dare scare him, Commie," Red snarled, glaring.

He rolled his eyes. "I want Commie and Tordy to be in him. I don't trust you two to be in that situation." He glared at Red, who grunted, while the perv just laughed nervously.

"...You nicknamed your clones?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced up at Tord.

"Shut up."


Tom whimpered uncomfortably as Commie held him up. Tordy's chest pushed against Tom's back, his cock suitably lubed up.

His cock slid in easily, causing a whine to leave Tom's throat. His briefs had been discarded somewhere, but Tord's sweatshirt stayed on his body. All the clones knew he'd be too uncomfortable without it.

Suddenly, a finger slipped inside of him, next to the cock. "W-Wh—"

"Shh, Thomas," Perv cooed as he worked at Tom's hole, gently pulling at the rim. Tordy let out a soft grunt at the friction.

"Damn, you're gonna be even tighter," Tordy breathed on his ear, causing him to shiver. He turned his head to look at Tord, eyebrows creased.

Tord leaned over from his place on the bed (everyone's eyes were on him). "You're doing so good, Tom, so good," he murmured in reassurance, pressing a soft kiss against Tom's lips. "I'm right here to stop them."

Tom relaxed, turning his head back as his eyes drooped. Commie's lips were at his neck as he bit down, causing Tom to gasp. Then another finger slipped inside of him, a whimper escaping his lips at the stretch. The fingers started to scissor him apart as he gripped the commie's shoulders.

While they all looked the same, they didn't have the same cocky grin or chiseled chin. They didn't have his perfect muscles that Tom could stare at all day, fingers tracing the dips.

They weren't his Tord. Just a copy.

His thoughts were broken when a third finger slipped inside him, causing him to gasp. He started rocking his hips, earning a chorus of, "Good boy." He shivered at the in unison praise, a whimper escaping his lips.

"Alright, commie. He should be all prepped for you," the perv said, slipping his fingers out from Tom. A whine left him at the loss, trying to get more friction.

"Be gentle," Tord ordered, eyes narrowing as he surveyed the situation. At even a hint of pain, he'd get them to stop. He cared more about Tom than he did their pleasure.

Commie nodded, shifting and gently letting Tom down on his cock. Tom gasped as he slowly pushed inside, his nails digging into the poor guy's shoulders. "Oh... oh my god," he whimpered, eyes wide at the stretch.

"You're doing so good, Tom, so good," Tordy whispered in his ear before biting down on Tom's neck, causing him to squeak.

"Are we supposed to just sit around and watch him get fucked?" Red snapped, turning to glare at Tord. "I'm taking his mouth."

"No," Tord hissed right back. "Not without his permission." He glanced at Tom.

"It's fine, Tord. I think I'll try to get this over with as soon as possible." A chuckle escaped his lips as he turned to look at Tord.

Red unzipped his jeans, pulling out his cock, not bothering to take anything off. He gripped Tom's hair as he got on his knees, pulling Tom's head back.

"Tom, if it gets too much, just get my attention," he said as the boy nodded.

Then, Red fed his cock into Tom's mouth, pushing his cock inside. Tom let out a soft whimper before he started to gag, throat clenching around it. Tord bit his lip at the sigh.

Tom's the sexiest thing he has ever laid his eyes on.

As if through telepathic communication, the clones started at the same time. Tordy's hands slid up his sweatshirt to pinch and pull at his nipples while Commie started to force Tom up and down. Red just started fucking his throat, his whimpers and moans just spurring him further.

Tord's cock twitched with interest at the scene. Without any form of shame, he unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them just far enough so he could get his cock off. He lazily stroked it, glancing at the perv; he had done the same thing.

Hmm. They really did share personality traits.

When one of the clones slammed against his prostate, Tom tensed up and moaned, clutching the commie. Tordy still worked at covering his necks with hickeys as they pounded into him, tears pricking at his eyes. He gagged once more, spit dripping from his chin.

Tom didn't want to admit how much he enjoyed this; he didn't want to admit he liked how Red made him gag, how the other two stretched him just a bit too much.

He rocked his hips, trying to get more friction from the other two as Red used his throat. He whined as Tordy's thrusts started to get erratic. He reached down to touch his own cock, but someone's hand slapped it away—he couldn't tell who at this point.

Suddenly, Red pulled out of him and decided to come all over his face. Tom yelped as he closed his eyes—it landed all over his cheek and on one of his eyelids.

Fucking... any form of Tord is an asshole, really.

"Can I have his mouth now?" Perv asked, looking over at Tord. The Norse nodded, smearing precome on the head of his cock. Perv positioned himself in front of Tom's mouth. "Come on, Thomas. You know what to do."

Tom leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the perv's cock. He moaned around the head as Tordy pinched Tom's nipple, rolling it.

God damnit. How did he even get into this situation?

Perv pushed his cock farther into Tom's throat, causing him to whine. Perv started to thrust, just like Red did, but he seemed to be enjoying Tom's reaction more than anything. Tom's cock twitched in interest.


Everyone did as Tord told them, Perv pulling out of his throat. The Norwegian leaned over and grabbed Tom's cock, giving it a couple pumps.

"P-Please, Tord, I need to come," Tom gasped, cock twitching in Tord's grip.

Then he let go at just the wrong moment, a whine escaping his lips. Come dripped from his cock, but...

It didn't feel good.

"T-Tord?" Tom managed, whining. His cock still strained.

Didn't he just come?

"Continue," Tord said with a nod, and everyone started back up. Perv shoved his cock down Tom's throat as Tordy and the commie pounded inside of him.

Damnit! Why did Tord have to ruin that?

"Fuck... I'm close," Tordy groaned into his ear, causing Tom to whine. "You're such a good boy," he purred as he stilled, filling Tom up. A moan escaped Tom's lips, but he squeaked when the commie decided to do the same as Tordy, this time without warning.

As if they planned it, Perv decided it would be a great idea to come in his throat, forcing him to swallow the thick come. He coughed once Perv pulled out, panting desperately.

"Tord... Tord... please, I need to come, please," Tom begged as the commie and Tordy pulled out of him, lifting him up then setting him back down on the bed, moving away from him.

Tom laid back on his back and spread his legs, rolling his hips in an attempt to get friction.

With a breathy sigh, Tord quickly pumped lube onto his hand before slathering it on his cock.

"I'll make you feel real good," he purred, pulling Tom into a kiss as he positioned himself against Tom's hole. He pushed inside, cringing at the feeling of warm come.

Tom broke the kiss off, panting as he wrapped his arms around Tord. "Please, I need you," he whined, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"Shh, shh, baby, it's okay," he cooed, lifting Tom's hips up so he could get a better angle.

Then he started pounding into the boy, causing Tom to gasp and tip his head back. Tord took that as an opportunity to lean down and attacking Tom's neck, practically bending the boy in two.

"Tord!" Tom cried desperately as the Norse gripped Tom's cock, pumping it up and down.

"Bra gutt, Tom. Du føler deg så bra. jeg elsker deg så mye," he whispered, kissing Tom's neck. "So, so good." He pulled back a bit so he could see Tom's adorably lewd face.

Red cheeks with half-lidded eyes, lips parted as he desperately took in breaths. Tears occasionally fell from his eyes as sweat rolled down his forehead.

He's so gorgeous.

"Oh, god, Tord, I'm gonna come," he whined, rocking his hips. "Please, let me come." His bottom lip puckered, trembling delicately.

"You're so good," Tord murmured as he used his extra hand to slide under the red sweatshirt and pull at Tom's piercings. "Come for me, kattunge."

Tom came when Tord told him to, acting like a good boy as his eyes closed. "Come inside of me, Tord, please. I need you," he begged, gasping for breath.

After a few more thrusts, Tord came inside of Tom, chest heaving. He slowly pulled out from Tom and collapsed down next to him.

"...What're you gonna do about the clones?" Tom mumbled as he moved to Tord, cuddling him.

"They'll turn into dust." If they don't, I'll kill them.

"Spider-Man style?" Tom asked, eyes drooping as he tried to stay awake.

"Mh-hm. Spider-Man style." Tord chuckled, glancing down at Tom. The poor boy had passed out.


tbh i've fallen in love with red, tordy, commie, and perv. i think there's something wrong with me lmao

anyway! requests are officially closed. i've got 34 chapters in total, so about fourteen more to write. this might change if i get an idea that makes me excited but it prolly won't happen lmao

anyway, i wrote all of this past midnight, and i hope everyone enjoys!!!

one last thing!!! I seriously suggest checking out  GooglyEyedRainbow
That's the fourth fucking time I've written that it better stay

they're a fantastic writer and we became really quick friends!!! she sent me a picture of derek morgan on insta (speaking of which, follow my insta for some sneak peaks at future characters [that's a lie i've only drawn one of the like five/six characters lmao],it's bunshin_shi). and tbh that's also like. my dm's are always open, i will most likely respond to you, it's literally just a matter of time before the person goes "hmm. i don't like her." so ;) don't worry about me not liking you, it's more likely that the opposite will happen lmao

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