an avocado??? thaaaaaaaaaaaanks

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"Have fun shopping~" Tord cooed as Edd shot a glare at him.

Tom sighed, leaning back into the couch. Tord sat across from him. They were sticking rather far from each other. Well, sort of. They were on the opposite sides of the couch. Despite that, Tord had swung his feet on top of cushions, feet uncomfortably close to Tom's legs.Well, to Tom, at least.

"I physically do not understand why you two aren't coming with us. It's less fun with the two of us!" Matt pouted, crossing his arms. He leaned against Edd's shoulder as they awaited in the hallway. They were acting as though they were expecting one of the two to change their minds.

"Hey, I've been working more often." Tom threw his hands up in surrender, rolling his eyes. "You can't blame me for that."

"Okay, that's actually fair, considering the fact that you're poor."


"But what's Tord's reason?"

"Tom leaves me alone and hides out in his room, so I basically get the house to myself." Tord shrugged, grabbing the remote from the coffee table and changing the channel.

"You mean you watch Cold War and communist documentaries the whole time?" Tom asked snarkily, not even bothering to look up from his phone as he pulled it out of his sweatshirt pocket.

"Alright, bitch. Just because I have the brains to try and expand my knowledge doesn't mean you need to mock me," Tord hissed right back. He kicked Tom's leg, though it wasn't that hard of a kick.

"If you touch me again, Tord, I will fucking cut you," Tom growled out in warning, eyes flicking up to the Norse's smug face. "And don't make that facial expression. You look like an idiot. Well, then again, you always do."

"Alright, I'm gonna break this fight up before it gets too serious. If I come back with something broken, both of you are gonna be in trouble. Got it?" Edd warned, a single hand on his hip as Matt nodded, the action vigorous.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Tom grumbled to himself. Tord saluted Edd like an idiot as the brunet turned, giving them a slight wave.

"Have fun," he remarked, Matt following right behind him.

"Have fun!" Matt repeated, not understanding Edd's salty tone.

"We won't," Tord called as the garage door slammed shut. Tom didn't bother to say anything, typing on his phone, fingers moving fast. His eyes flickered up to Tord the moment the outside garage door opened and closed.

Tord's eyes were trained on him, a single eyebrow raised.

"What?" Tom spat, moving his phone out of the way, his back pressed against the arm of the couch.

Tord shifted, moving closer until his shadow fell on top of Tom, towering over the poor boy.

"What?" Tom repeated, eyes narrowing as he brought his already tucked in legs closer to him. Tord licked his thumb, causing Tom to immediately hiss, "If you touch me with that, I swear to god--"

Of course, his words stopped tumbling from his mouth when he wiped it on Tom's neck, smearing his makeup.

Okay, that didn't happen to be the complete truth. Tom used very little; the marks had almost completely faded away. They were an ugly yellow on his skin instead of the usual purple.

"You need to wash this off," Tord said with a hum, looking down at his thumb. "You'd look prettier, showing off all your marks." He moved his hand out of the way, looking down at Tom with a smug smirk.

Tom snorted, hands on Tord's chest as he pushed the Norwegian away. "Yeah, and you'd be prettier if you didn't talk." He glared up at Tord, a frown covering his adorable little face. Of course, Tord wouldn't mind if Tom wore nothing but a frown.

"So you admit I'm attractive?" Tord purred, placing a hand on each sides of Tom's shoulders, trapping the poor boy.

"You'd be attractive if I was into bestiality," Tom hissed, glaring at Tord with as much intensity as he could muster. His cheeks already were beginning to warm up as Tord leaned in a bit closer.

"I see only one bitch here," Tord purred, not bothering to be offended from their banter. He gave Tom a gentle kiss. Tord couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when Tom sat up, sending the Norwegian up as well. Tom pressed his lips right back into Tord's, wrapping his hands around Tord's neck. He broke the kiss as he climbed on top of Tord's lap, smiling. Tord looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, interested in Tom's rapid change in behavior.

"Can we... try something different today?" Tom requested sweetly, head tilted as he looked down at Tord with the cutest expression.

Tord raised his eyebrows at Tom's sudden change of attitude, wrapping his arms around Tom's waist. "Depends on what 'something different' is," he said with a shrug. "And what I get out of it, of course." He began to trail kisses around Tom's jawbone, listening. He didn't have anything else to say.

"I want to try and... ride you," Tom said, voice growing quiet as he realized how embarrassing the request happened to be. He didn't want to show his embarrassment to somebody like Tord, so he dug his face into the crook of Tord's neck. The action interrupted the Norwegian's kisses.

Tord let out a snicker, shifting around so he could stand up whilst holding Tom. The poor boy let out a quiet protest, wrapping his legs around Tord's waist. "You're so cute," he purred into Tom's ear before pressing kisses against Tom's neck. Sliding his hands down to Tom's ass, he finally let himself hold most of Tom's weight. Of course, the action made Tom flinch from its suggested sexualness.

"I'm not cute, you're just a dick," Tom snarled a moment later, finally finding his voice. He squirmed, removing his face from Tord's neck to watch where the Norwegian's steps were leading him.

Of course, they were heading toward Tord's room. No surprise there if he were to be honest.

"You're as cute as a kitten, my little spitfire." He let out a chuckle, reaching the door. Tom moved his hand from Tord's neck to open the door, pushing it open for the two of them.

"That makes me wonder if you want to dress me up as a cat girl," Tom grumbled, turning back to Tord so he could glare.

Tord set Tom on the bed before giving the boy a kiss on the nose. "If I was to be honest with you, you could probably get out of anything by saying 'nya'." Tord laughed at the thought,

Tom laughed himself, rubbing his cheek, full of nervousness. "You're such a weeb."

Tord grinned at him as he moved over to his nightstand, shaking his head. "I'm just saying, I would die from how cute it would be." He opened the drawer.

"Well then, I guess I know what my secret weapon is." He let out a gentle laugh once more as Tord pulled out the bottle of lube.

The sight made his heart skip a beat. He had almost forgotten why he came into Tord's room. Of course, staring at the bottle made everything come back to him.


Tord tossed him the bottle before moving to close his door. "So, why'd you want to ride me?" he inquired as he turned back around and walked toward the bed.

Tom shrugged. "I don't know. Something different, I guess." He watched as Tord settled back into the bed. Tom moved as well, pulling Tord's legs apart so he could rest in between them.

Tord didn't respond. Instead, he reached down and almost began to undo his jeans.

Tom could feel his eyes widen. He shot toward Tord, hands on the Norwegian's wrists to stop him. He pressed his lips against Tord's, relaxing when Tord gave up. His hands slid away from his jeans, so Tom loosened his grip. The Norwegian slid his hands up Tom's arms, a bit confused.

Tom pulled away after a moment, biting his lip.

"What was that for?" Tord asked teasingly, rubbing Tom's arm up and down.

"Just— let me do it, okay?" Tom said, barely keeping his voice steady. Tord raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless.

Tom couldn't help the little sigh of relief that escaped his lips. He gave Tord a quick kiss on the lips before moving back, watching Tord for a couple moments. Then, he unbuttoned Tord's jeans and unzipped them, holding his breath. He glanced up at Tord.

The Norwegian was watching him with a smug grin.

Tom couldn't help but narrow his eyes as he pulled down Tord's jeans. He began to massage Tord's cock through his boxers, eyes still latched onto him. Tord bit at his lip, watching Tom with an intense expression. He slowly pulled down Tord's boxers, sighing.

Okay, he was taking his sweet time with this.

He placed his hand on Tord's cock, rubbing it. His stomach dropped when Tord let out a grunt of pleasure. The noise only spurred him on further, kissing the top of Tord's cock. He wrapped his mouth around the tip, swirling his tongue around the top. Tord groaned lowly as Tom let his cock slide down his throat, taking it inch by inch.

"Fuck, kitten, you've gotten so much better," he praised. Tom would've smiled if he didn't have a cock in his mouth, but whatever. He responded by pulling off of Tord's cock, smiling.

"Thank you," he purred, giving it another kiss before going right back down on it.

Tord threw his head back and moaned, bucking his hips. Tom almost choked at the action, so he placed his forearms on Tord's hips, keeping them down. Of course, Tord didn't seem to notice as he murmured, "Just like that, kitten." The praise made him flush as he pushed the cock down as far as it could go. Tord let out another choked off moan. "You look so pretty, mouth stuffed with a thick cock."

Tom let Tord's cock slide out with a pop, smiling proudly. His usually pretty pink lips were now red. "Mmh... I'm gonna move on to something better." He gave it a kiss on the tip, the precome following as he pulled away. Of course, that only made it that much hotter when he licked his lips.

He unbuttoned his own jeans and pull them, along with his briefs, off. He glanced up at Tord. The Norwegian's eyes were latched onto him, watching. Tom almost laughed as he kicked off the clothing, but he managed to keep it from escaping.

He reached over for the lube, squirting some on his hand. Then, he moved back to Tord's cock, wrapping his hand around it and applying the lube. His lips pulled up in disgust for a moment at his saliva, but he did his best to ignore it. The Norwegian's eyes were still on him as he reached behind him and wiped any excess lube on himself.

His cheeks were red as he climbed back on top of Tord. The Norwegian always kept his eyes on Tom. As Tom began to sink down on Tord's cock, the Norwegian closed his eyes and let out a low moan. Tom huffed, biting his lip. The stretch wasn't any different than usual, but he wasn't used to this position. At all.

Tord's hands began to make their way to Tom's waist, but he caught them in his own before Tord could do anything. Tord opened a single eye to watch Tom with a raised eyebrow. "Hand holding?" he asked mockingly as Tom released his hands. The Brit sniffed indignantly, hands finding the edge of Tord's shirt.

He shifted uncomfortably. Contrary to popular belief, having a cock inside of you that wasn't moving wasn't exactly pleasant. Then, he began to slowly move his hips up and down.

Simultaneously, they both let out a noise of pleasure. Tom's breath caught in his throat as he leaned down, one hand on the Norwegian's chest, the other on his neck. Their lips met as Tom sped up his pace. Tord let out a groan into Tom's lips, causing the boy to smile.

Tom pulled back a moment later, hands finding Tord's. He pulled them up roughly above Tord's head, lips trailing against Tord's neck.

The Norwegian immediately stiffened, letting out a noise between a growl and a moan. "Thomas," he warned, causing Tom to let out a short laugh.

Then, as he began to bounce up and down on Tord's cock at an even quicker pace, he gave Tord a light hickey. Of course, his ears strained for a 'no' or 'stop'— just in case.

As expected, Tord did not seem pleased with the action.

He let out a huff, jutting his hips up in time with Tom's. Tom let out a gasp, grinding down out of reflex.

Shit, this was sloppy as hell.

Tom resumed his pace a moment later, recollecting himself. He captured Tord's lips on his own. The Norwegian's tongue slid across his own as he moaned, clutching Tord's hands rather tight.

He could tell that the only thing Tord wanted to do was keep his dominance and make Tom whine.

However, Tom wasn't in the mood for that.

He gently bit at Tord's lip— not enough for it to bleed, but enough for it to sting. The Norski responded with a groan, squeezing Tom's hands.

Tom lifted himself back up, heaving for breath at every thrust. His body trembled as he began to lead Tord's hand toward his cock, which bounced between their stomachs with every move he made. He wrapped Tord's hand around it, letting out an 'oh, fuck' as he sped up his pace.

He could feel himself squeeze around Tord's cock. The action made Tord come, Tom letting out a choked-off moan as the Norwegian finished. He continued to ride him, searching for his own release as he forced Tord's hand up and down.

He came a moment later, gasping at the jolt of pleasure washing through him. He released Tord's hands, looking down at him with a smug smile.

The Norwegian looked pissed. His eyes were narrowed, cheeks flushed red. He slipped his hands under Tom's sweatshirt, placing them on the boy's waist. "I hope you enjoyed that," he growled lowly, rubbing circles on the skin.

Tom couldn't help but giggle, pulling himself off of Tord's cock. The Norwegian helped him through the process, as Tom's legs were a bit shaky. He sat himself down on the bed, knees under him. "Oh, trust me, I had a lot of fun." He grinned as Tord sat up, covered in sweat.

Tord snorted as Tom reached over for his jeans. "You're in a lot of trouble, you know."

Tom responded with a wink, standing up and shoving his sweatshirt over himself. "Have fun coming up with my punishment~" he said teasingly, legs a bit shaky as he began to leave the room.

"Oh, I will," Tord growled under his breath as Tom left the room, disappearing out the door.

Admittedly, that felt nice. It had been a long time since Tom took control, even with his ex-girlfriend.

The thought made his cheeks heat up. Okay, if he were to be honest, his old girlfriend had been really, really kinky. Her occupation in the relationship happened to be a dominatrix.

Tom remembered how much he enjoyed it. After all, Tord must be pretty lucky that Tom didn't mind being submissive— all thanks to her.

Well, and because he's kinky, too.


okay, so, honestly, this has to be the worst chapter i've written and it's not even 3,000 words,,, i'm really sorry,,,

i, uh, i've learned that i absolutely s u c k at writing power bottoms. like idek if this counts as tom being a power bottom. i tried my best though,,, i'm,,, really sorry,,, also, i'm sorry i didn't get this out yesterday,,, this chapter was, honest to god, hell to write. jesus.

i did edit this chapter tho! usually i finish it and post it without looking back at it, so, yeah,,,,

but i also wrote half this chapter with a fever (don't worry, i'm okay now!) and when i was editing it i found something that made me lmao

"he finally let himself hold most of Tom's weight. because he's a waste of space. i'm so tired." then i continued to write w/o even noticing it,, w h o o p s

i have a punishment chapter up next, so get ready for some hella kinky stuff!!! and i also!! have a question *nervous laughter*

i was wondering if you guys would be okay with some chapters that aren't? smut? like if i ever did that i'd post a second chapter with the smut in it right after, but i still want to ask you guys,,,

i hope you enjoyed this trash!

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