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hello folks, just an fyi,,,yes, tord is an absolute dick and sexist prick in this chapter. yes, this was intentional. it was supposed to go somewhere. however, due to negative comments, i freaked the fuck out and tried to backpedal. i never continued this subplot of tord's sexism because of it, lmao,, i'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable


So, admittedly, Tom had been avoiding Tord all week. Like, yeah, he had been confident when he was teasing Tord after their fuck, but now the Norwegian just seemed... pissed. Like, hella pissed. Sometime after they finished fucking, Tord left the house and came back the next morning. Edd teased him about the hickey Tom gave him, but the Norse quickly brushed it off as a one-night stand.

Naturally, since Tord was such a lady's man, Edd didn't question it.

Still, even after that, Tord was acting like a damn bitch. He kept throwing numerous insults at Tom at the breakfast table every day. Not to mention, if Tom ever tried to pass Tord, the asshole would bump Tom's shoulder rather harshly.


In fear of it getting worse, Tom kept himself secluded in his room. It wasn't that big of a deal—Edd and Matt brushed it off as one of Tom's 'episodes'.

Rude, but fair.

Now, however, he was lying in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with absolute dread for the next couple of hours. Sadly, the day happened to be Sunday, so he would be getting his weekly fix.

Well, more like his weekly fix on steroids.

His thoughts were interrupted when that stupid Norse's voice came through the door. "Open up, Jeho. Edd wants everyone to come to breakfast, which you haven't been doing. 'pparently, he's got an announcement."

Tom groaned, rolling off of his bed. His hickeys had completely faded, so he no longer had to spend ten, maybe twenty minutes covering them up. He shook himself, calling out, "Be there in a minute." He ran his fingers through his bed head as he grabbed his sweatshirt off his bed (he always kept it there). He slipped that and a random pair of skinny jeans on. Next, he reached for his hairbrush and tried to tame the kinks.

It didn't take much effort, so hooray, I guess.

Finally, feeling like a kid who didn't want to go to school, Tom trudged over to the door and opened it.

For some reason, Tord hadn't left his doorway. Nope; he stood there with a smug look on his face.

Oh, no.

He grabbed Tom's sweatshirt and began to tug him toward the red clad male's room, forcing a little squeak out of Tom. Tord pulled the poor boy in front of them as they reached the Norse's room and pushed him inside. Tord closed the door behind them before advancing Tom, hands on the Brit's shoulders. Tom's back pressed against the bed and his hands found Tord's chest, glaring up at the Norwegian.

Tord stared down at Tom with a surprising amount of intensity. They had what seemed like a staring contest, glaring at each other for a solid ten seconds. Then, Tom looked away, the side of his face pressing against the bed.

Seemed like Tord won.

"Good boy," the Norse purred, hands trailing down from Tom's shoulder to the Brit's pants, backing up slightly.

"Wait, already?" Tom rushed out quickly, watching as Tord's hands stopped. "But... Edd and Matt haven't left yet." He blinked up at Tord with confusion.

"It's part of your punishment, min kjaere," he explained simply, tugging down Tom's jeans and briefs. He reached over to his nightstand, on which sat lube and...

Oh, shit.

Tord poured some lube on the egg-shaped vibrator before lifting Tom's legs. Tom shifted, trying to watch what the hell Tord was doing.

Then, the toy slipped inside of him, causing him to let out a small gasp. Tord pinned the string to Tom's thigh before pulling Tom's briefs and jeans up.

Tom kinda just laid there for a moment, trying to comprehend what the hell was happening. Of course, because of his dazed state, he didn't realize Tord grabbed something from the box.

However, he did realize when the vibrator inside of him started buzzing. He snapped upward, letting out a gasp as his face burst into flames. He whipped his head to the side and glared at Tord, eyes narrowing.

Tord perked an eyebrow and chuckled, but turned it off. Tom let out a sigh of relief, eyes closing.

"You're an asshole," he muttered, shaking his head.

Tord walked forward, reaching up and petting Tom's hair. "I know." He couldn't help but smile at his adorableness. "But, hey, you remember the safeword, yeah?" he asked softly, massaging the boy's scalp.

Tom opened his eyes just a bit, head tilting. "...Brownie, right?" He blinked.

God, he was so fucking cute.

"Yep. Brownies work, too. If it gets to much, maybe ask for brownie mix or something." Tord shrugged and gave Tom's forehead a little kiss. "Even if this is punishment, I'll respect the safeword, Tom."

Tom nodded. "You better," he said saltily, scrunching up his nose. He stood, forcing Tord's hand out of his hair. "Are we going out into the kitchen or what?" He gave Tord a glare.

Chuckling, Tord practically danced with joy to the door, opening it for Tom. The Brit walked out begrudgingly, arms crossed.

They made it to the kitchen with Tord trailing behind Tom. Tom sat down on the kitchen chair, Tord settling next to him. Edd's head was stuck in the fridge for, most likely, a cola, while Matt sat on the counter with his ankles crossed.

"So? The announcement?" Tom said after a moment of silence.

Edd, with wide eyes, popped out of the fridge with a can of cola. He had a grin on his face as he moved to the counter, placing his forearms on the table.

"Do you want to tell them, Matt, or me?" he asked, eyes shining with delight. He looked at the ginger, tapping his fingers against the cool marble.

"We're dating!" Matt blurted out, eyes wide as he practically bounced up and down on the table.

Tom's eyes widened, sitting straight up but otherwise stilling.

"I saw it coming," Tord said gruffly. "Though, would it have killed you to wait for another year?" He crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair with a huff.

"Another year? Why?" Edd asked, gaze sliding over the two boys as his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because Tord owes me twenty bucks!" Tom butted in excitedly, whipping his head around to grin at Tord. "I told you they'd be dating by the end of the year!" He laughed, still excited about the free money.

"Hey, it's not my fault these two can't hide anything." Tord sniffed indignantly, pulling out his wallet from his jeans.

"You... bet on how long it'd take us to get together?" Edd raised an eyebrow, watching as Tord handed Tom a twenty dollar bill.

Tom nodded. "Well, to be fair, you guys have always acted like you like each other." He stuffed the bill into his sweatshirt pocket. "Not to mention, it's only fair since Tord's a com—"

The toy inside of him started vibrating, causing him to flinch. He quickly covered it with a cough, shifting uncomfortably.

"S...Sorry. He's a communist bastard." Tom smiled weakly, lowkey glaring at Tord. The Norse's hand was in his pocket and a smug grin landed on his face.

"Watch your tongue," Tord warned, lifting his chin. Of course, that stupid, cocky grin stayed on his face. Tom did nothing but look away, huffing.

Edd glanced at the two with a raised eyebrow. Tom wasn't one for backing down like that, let alone smiling meekly. Nonetheless, he continued. "Well, since we have finally come out, we decided to, you know... go on a date." Edd shrugged before glancing at Matt, smiling softly.

"What?" Tom hissed, eyes widening as he whipped his head to glare at Edd. "How long is that going to take?" he asked, wildly looking at the three of them.

"I dunno, maybe until midnight tonight." He glanced at the clock. "We're still gonna get groceries, though."

"Bu— aa—" Tom quickly hid the moan with another cough as the vibrator upped a level or two. He placed a hand over his mouth after the coughing fit. His skin felt warm as fuck and the vibrations nestled right against his prostate were really, really, really not helping.

"Uh... Tim, are you okay? Are you sick?" Matt furrowed his eyebrows in concern, leaning closer. He placed his forearm against Tom's forehead, chewing his lip. "Your face is really warm. Do you have a fever?"

"I'm sure it'll pass by tomorrow," Tord interrupted, covering for Tom. "I'll take care of him. You two go on your date."

Tom nodded before placing his arms on the table, stuffing his face into his arms. He had to hide his flustered face and, potentially, muffle any moans from the overwhelming, annoying vibrating.

Honestly? Tord's a little bitch.

"Alright, but please don't poison Tom and blame it on the fever," Edd said as Matt slipped off the counter, landing on the floor with a loud noise.

"No promises," Tord replied, watching as Edd pulled the car keys out of his pocket.

"I'll call the police!" Edd threatened with a grin, leaving the kitchen. He missed Tord flipping him off as both him and Matt slipped into the hallway.

Tord and Tom sat in silence as they waited for the now-dating two to get out of the house, Tom still hiding his face.

Once the garage door slammed shut, Tord turned the dial on the controller as far as it could go. Tom shot up, letting out an embarrassing moan, almost falling off the chair. Luckily, Tord pressed a hand against his back before he could crack his head open.

"You're cute," he flirted as he turned the vibrator off. Tom mumbled something that sounded like a mix between a curse and an insult. Tord chuckled before standing, walking behind Tom as he wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. "How are you feeling about your upcoming punishment?" He pressed a kiss against Tom's neck.

"I'm not excited, I'll tell you that," Tom said with a huff, spinning the chair around so he could face his tormentor. "Quite the opposite, really." He tilted his head as he stared at Tord with unblinking eyes.

Tord chuckled, picking Tom up as the Brit wrapped his legs around Tord's waist.

Damn; seemed like boy used to be picked up often.

"Good," he purred lowly as he carried Tom to his room. "I'm excited."

"Understandable, since you're a pervert." Tom huffed slightly as Tord placed him on the bed, the Norwegian walking over to his dresser.

Interesting. Tord's little box was in the drawer of his nightstand.

Tord began to hum a tune as he pulled out a leash and a collar—the same one he used when Tom had been a little bitch that one time. Next, he pulled out a pair of black stockings, white lace panties (hey, Tord, what the fuck), and a black, see-through skirt. Originally, he had an excessively embarrassing crop top he had been planning to force Tom to wear, but the Brit seemed so sensitive about his body, especially his upper-half. For now, he'd let Tom wear his sweatshirt.

He turned back to Tom, grinning like an idiot as he closed the drawer with his foot. He walked back to the salty looking Brit, placing the items on the bed. "Now, don't struggle, or you'll just make a fool out of yourself." His hands found Tom's jeans before he cringed. "That... sounded really rape-y, but you get me."

Tom immediately started laughing as Tord unbuttoned his jeans. "You fucking dweeb!" Tom giggled, lifting his legs a bit so Tord could slide them off of him without any complications. "You... are an idiot." He laughed some more before going quiet, Tord huffing as he pulled Tom's briefs off.

"You know, making fun of me is going to make me even angrier." He pouted as he grabbed the panties from the pile, slipping them on Tom.

Tom rolled his eyes, lifting himself up once more so the damned thing could actually get on him. "Come on, Tord. We both know you're too cool-headed for that."

"You're right." Tord smiled, hands sliding up Tom's thighs. One hand pulled the panties down just a bit, the other giving Tom's already hard cock a rather painful squeeze.

Tom let out a soft whimper, closing his legs as his cheeks reddened. Well, there goes the bantering.

"What? Did it hurt?" Tord purred as he removed his hands from Tom, going for the skirt.

"Yes, you asshole," he hissed back as the black skirt fit onto his hips. The part that wasn't hugging his skin were lace, allowing a perfect view of the panties underneath.

"Well, that was the intention, so..." Tord shrugged before trailing off. Next, the Norse grabbed a stocking and pulled it up his leg.


"Oh, my fucking god, can you not spend a minute per stocking?" he snapped as Tord let the stocking hug Tom's thigh.

"I'm not taking 'a minute per stocking', min kattunge," Tord replied with a huff of laughter, pulling the next one up as well.

"You know, this doesn't really seem like a punishment." Tom tilted his head as Tord finished the next stocking. The Norse looked up with narrowed eyes.

"It will in a bit, baby. Don't be so impatient," Tord teased, pushing Tom flat against the bed. He wrapped the collar he had picked up a moment before placing it around Tom's neck, clicking it together. He attached the leash to the back as well. "You look real pretty, all dressed up for me," he purred sweetly, leaning down to kiss Tom's neck. "You aren't wearing makeup anymore. Guess I'll just have to re-mark you." With that, he sunk his teeth into the skin before sucking on it, listening to Tom's quiet gasp.

"You dick," Tom snarled, tilting his head for Tord. "That shit takes, like, fifteen minutes to cover up." He shook his head the moment Tord's teeth left him.

The Norwegian watched Tom for a couple of moments before sliding his hands down to the edge of Tom's sweatshirt, his mind moving slowly with an idea. As he gently pulled it up, Tom immediately resisted.

"No," he said quickly, eyes widening as he shook his head rapidly.

Once again—Tom's sore spot.

"Hey, it's okay," Tord soothed, pressing a kiss against Tom's forehead. "I just want you to wear my sweatshirt for a change. It'll be a bit big, but it'll cover you up," he assured, watching Tom with soft eyes and a tilted head. "Is that okay?"

Tom stayed still for a couple moments before nodding slowly. He lifted his arms up as Tord tugged the blue sweatshirt off, the Norwegian tossing it to the side. Tord's sweatshirt was off him in an instant, finding home on Tom's smaller body.

Hey, man. Tord stood at a mighty 6'1 (185cm), two inches taller than Matt (180cm), two inches shorter than Edd (191cm), and five inches taller than Tom (170cm).


"Alright, kattunge, stand up," Tord ordered, looking rather good in his black, short sleeved shirt. Those damn large hands grabbed Tom and lifted the poor boy up, stumbling over his feet before balancing.

"What now?" Tom asked saltily, tugging his hand away from Tord's so he could cross his arms. Tord merely responded by placing his hands on Tom's shoulders, pulling the Brit in front of him and pushing him out the door.

"Well, if you're going to act and dress like a girl, you're going to be treated like one. Not to mention, you might as well look the part." Tord shrugged like it wasn't a big deal as he shoved Tom into the bathroom.

"Wait, what? What the hell are you going to do to me?" Tom asked, struggling in Tord's grip as the Norwegian just casually lifted him onto the bathroom counter.

Seriously, how the fuck does he do that? Tom is heavy.

"What you're asking for." Tord hastily pulled one of the stockings down, humming a random tune as he turned on the sink.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. Which is what, exactly?" Tom snarled. Tord didn't respond, rubbing the water into Tom's leg. He opened one of the drawers, pulling out a shaving razor.

Next thing you know, Tord's got shaving cream in his hand.

"You're not going to shave my fucking legs," Tom snarled out, attempting to tug his leg back.

It didn't work.

Tord gripped Tom's ankle, causing the Brit to wince as he harshly pulled Tom closer.

"Shut up, whore."

Tom's face reddened as Tord began to rub the shaving cream onto Tom's leg, other hand still holding onto the Brit's ankle with a death grip. He placed the razor on Tom's hairy leg, cutting away the hairs.

Okay, what the fuck. Tom was expecting some sexual shit, not—not this. Tom's fucking male, contrary to popular belief, and shaving legs was a girl thing, not a guy thing. Not to mention, what the hell was with the whole 'act like a girl' bullshit? Tom doesn't act like a girl. Tom's not fucking feminine.

This was a dick move on Tord's part.

As the fucking asshole finished one leg, he washed the razor and got more shaving cream on his hand. Of course, Tom hurriedly interrupted him.

"Wait, Tord, what if someone, like, sees my legs?" he rushed out quickly. "They're gonna say somethi—"

"I'm sorry, are you deaf? I told you to stay quiet." Tord looked up at him with a glare. "You've lost your privileged use of my name. For now on 'till the end of your punishment, you refer to me as 'sir'. Is that understood?" Tord looked Tom straight in the eyes, refusing to move.

Damn alpha male.

"Yes, sir," Tom mumbled out, looking away.

He didn't like this. He didn't like this at all. It was so damn humiliating; his cheeks were flaming up, and he swore to Jehovah that he wasn't a girl.

Tord began to work on his other leg, eyes narrowed. "You are not to speak unless spoken to or given permission. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"You will not question what I say or order. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"You will use the safeword if you need to, because I will only stop if you use it. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good." Tord licked his lips as he finished up Tom's other leg, washing the razor and the leg before turning the water off. His hands found Tom's waist, pulling the Brit down. "Off," he ordered.

Tom slid off the counter, mouth opening to make a snarky comment. He quickly stopped himself, however, not really wanting to put Tord in an even worse mood.

"Now, Tom. You can either do the dishes with the vibrator on, or you could do it with the figging plug." Tord walked out of the bathroom and toward the kitchen, Tom following close behind.

"What's... what's a figging plug?" Tom asked quietly, head tilting in confusion.

Tord snorted as they arrived into a kitchen. "It's a self-made anal plug that makes your pretty little hole burn. It's not too bad—well, really, it depends on the person. It could be just a pleasing tingling... or it could be an unbearable burn." Tord shrugged. "You never know."

Tom looked away when Tord took a glance at him, the poor boy gripping his elbow. Tom knew he hated the vibrator, so he definitely didn't want that. Not to mention, Tord said that it could just be a 'pleasing tingling'. If Tom got lucky, that is.

Well, hey. Tom had always liked to explore.

"The plug, uhm, sir," Tom mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

Tord nodded, patting the counter he stood next to. "Sit," he ordered. Tom rushed over, Tord's hands finding his waist and helping him on top of the counter. Next thing he knows, Tord's got some weird ass plug in his hands, and oh, boy, that's the vibrator slipping out of him.

Slowly pushing the plug inside, Tord's eyes flickered up to Tom's red face. The poor boy was leaning a bit to try and watch what Tord was doing.

How cute.

"Off." Tord backed away, Tom sliding off the counter at his command.

Alright, so the plug wasn't too bad. It was just some tingling--

Tom squeaked when Tord suddenly slapped his ass.

Oh, Jesus fuck.

That definitely wasn't tingling anymore. His hole felt like it was on fire. He almost sunk to his knees, but Tord gripped his chin, forcing him to look the Norwegian straight in the eye.

"The dishes, Tom," he reminded before letting the poor boy go. He took a step back, taking in Tom's flustered state.

His cheeks might as well have matched the sweatshirt that draped over his overweight body, hiding the extra bit of stomach he had (Tom may not be obese, but he's not skinny). Folds and creases took over most of the sweatshirt, as Tom had one hand on the back of his neck and the other gripping the opposite hip. The white lace panties were just oh, so beautiful underneath the black skirt, not to mention the pretty little stockings hugging his thighs.

Adorable. Tord would have plenty of fun destroying his dignity.

Tom rushed over to the sink, hands reaching for the soap and the scrub. Tord began to hum a little tune as he approached Tom, flushing their backs together. His hands slipped under the red sweatshirt and up Tom's skin, finding the irritated nipples and their piercings.

Freezing under the touch, Tom's breath hitched. Tord pinched a nipple and tugged at the other's piercing.

"Did I tell you to stop?" he growled lowly, nibbling on Tom's ear.

"No, sir," Tom squeaked out, hurriedly returning to his task. It couldn't be easy; his hands were quivering and the dishes seemed to be shaking in his hands.

Tord couldn't help but sigh at the boy, getting to work with marking him. Every bite, lick, and suck only seemed to make Tom more antsy, biting at his lip as he rushed through the dishes.

Soon, the dishes were all neatly placed in a pile, none left to clean. Naturally, Tord rewarded (not really) Tom with a bite into his neck, sinking his teeth in. Blood swelled up from the wound, earning a choked off gasp from the Brit as Tord licked it up.


"Good boy," he purred sweetly, hands slipping underneath the red sweatshirt, digging his nails into Tom's waist. "Tell me why I'm punishing you." He pulled Tom closer until the boy had his chin lifted and resting on Tord's shoulder.

"Because I... I took control of the situation," he mumbled, eyes half-lidded.

Tord closed his eyes in irritation before quickly recovering. "Without what?"

"...Without your permission?"

"Correct." Tord let his hands slide up and down Tom's hips and waist, nails trailing them as a form of warning. "What else?"

"What... else?" Tom repeated, growing quiet. "I don't... I don't know," he admitted, bracing himself.

Just as he expected, Tord dug his nails into Tom's skin and dragged down, earning a pained gasp from the boy. "You never listen to me, Thomas, and it's getting on my nerves." Tord tore away from Tom, opting to grab at the sweatshirt instead. "When you're getting fucked—"

Tord's wording made Tom cringe. Like, just... a less embarrassing way to say it would've been nice.

"—you're going to listen to me. Is that understood?" Tord began to tug Tom out of the kitchen, Tom's movements stiff because of the stupid fucking plug that was making his hole burn fucking hurt, contrary to popular belief.

Tom chewed his lip for a moment before mumbling, "Yes, sir."

"I don't think I heard you."

"Yes, sir."

"Good boy."

Tom couldn't help but shiver at those words (why did he have to have a praise kink—) as Tord pulled him into the Norwegian's room.

Ugh, he hated this place.

"Get on the bed, on all fours," Tord ordered simply, crossing his arms as he watched Tom.

Oh, boy.

Tom did as he was told, burning with shame. He wasn't going to like the next event. Tord pushed on his back, forcing his chest to be pressed against the bed with his ass in the air.

Oh, boy.

Tord moved behind Tom, standing on his knees as he let his hands roam under Tom's skirt. "What's the safeword?" he asked while giving Tom's ass a quick squeeze.

"Brownie," he said loud and clear. Standard procedure, making sure the sub remembered the safeword before the hard part.

"Good." Tord nodded, pushing up Tom's skirt and letting it fall onto the Brit's back. "I assume you know what's coming?"

"Yes, sir." Tom squirmed a bit, looking behind him so he could watch Tord.

"Count them for me, okay? If you don't, I might, oh, I don't know... lose count?"


Before Tom could respond, Tord's hand met his skin, the loud slap echoing through the air. Tom yelped at the sting, his hands clutching the blanket under him.

"One," he said after he got through the initial surprise, digging his head into the bed.

Tord's hand slid from his ass to the top of his thigh, rubbing gently before bringing his hand back. Once again, Tom yelped, overpowering the noise of skin on skin. His knuckles turned white as he let out a hiss of pain.


That earned him another slap, Tom's teeth gritting as he refused to make a noise. Perhaps the worst part wasn't even the hitting—rather, every slap made his hole hurt worse because of that stupid fucking plug.


Tom couldn't hold back the whimper of pain this time. His poor cheeks were flushed red as he clawed at the bed underneath him.


Jesus Christ, Tord was a hard hitter.

"F...fuck... five."

A whimper escaped his throat. He turned his head to watch Tord. The Norse panted with his hand high in the air, palm red. He had a smile on his lips, other hand gripping Tom's hip. Then, his hand went straight back down, causing Tom to yelp out in pain. Tears pricked his eyes as Tord caught his gaze, the Norse's smile turning into a grin.

"Six," Tom spat with his eyes narrowed, refusing to give Tord what he wanted.

Tord sneered for a split second, slapping Tom's ass with far more force than usual. Tom couldn't help the cry of pain, inhaling sharply as a couple of tears slid down his cheeks.

"Seven," he croaked out, turning his head back.

Tord narrowed his eyes. "Look at me," he rumbled, tilting his head aside. Hesitantly, Tom did as Tord told him, cheeks flushed red as tears continued to run down them. Tord smacked him again, Tom letting out another cry. A sob clawed at his lungs, but he held it down.


Tom pressed his cheek against the bed as Tord spanked him once more. He finally let that stupid sob of pain escape his throat, tangling his hands with the blanket. Tears streamed down his poor cheeks.

"N-Nine," he choked out, whimpering.

Another slap. Tom sobbed once more, his legs trembling underneath him. They threatened to collapse, dragging him down just a bit.


Tord's hands grabbed at his hips, pulling them upward. One hand released and slammed into him, a cry tearing out of his throat. Had it not been for Tord's hand keeping him steady, he would've just collapsed in the bed by now.

"E...eleven?" he guessed, to which Tord nodded. Tom couldn't help it; his mind kept getting fuzzier and fuzzier.

He earned another spank as he sobbed, clawing desperately at the sheets. Still, he refused to use the safeword. Sure, it hurt like a bitch, but he could handle it. He's had worse.


He panted desperately, whining to try and release the lump in his throat. He froze and let out another sob as Tord hit him again, eyes squeezing shut. His backside began to feel numb, but he could feel every stupid fucking hit anyway.

"T-Thirteen," he managed to whimper out.

Once more, Tord hit him, forcing Tom to grit his teeth. He slowly opened his eyes, watching the power hungry look on Tord's face.

"Fourteen," he hissed, eyes narrowed into a glare.

Harder than usual, Tord slapped him again. This time, it hurt so fucking bad that Tom's eyes widened and he yelped, the noise quickly followed by another sob.

"F... fifteen..." he croaked, tears streaming down his cheeks at a steady pace. Tord released Tom's hip, watching as the poor boy all but collapsed on top of the bed. Tord climbed next to him, hand reaching for Tom's hair. He kept massaging his scalp until he stopped crying, which took a couple minutes at most.

Once he stopped, Tord lifted Tom's head up using his hair, earning a strangled gasp. "We're not done yet, mitt lille leketøy," he cooed sweetly, watching as Tom's face scrunched up. Slowly, the boy sat up, Tord's hand slipping away.

"Uh... what... what next, uhm, sir?"

Tord grinned, shifting so he sat down on the bed, facing the door. "On your knees, Tom. In front of me."

Tom scowled but slid off the bed nonetheless. He had to remain what little bit of dignity he had left. He positioned himself in front of Tord, trying to ignore the pain in his backside.

"Come on, my little spitfire. Make me feel good," he purred sweetly, hand grabbing at Tom's hair and pushing the boy closer to his clothed cock. Tord couldn't deny it; Tom's sobs and cries of pain had made him hard.

Tom sneered, but he began to palm Tord through his jeans, licking at it. Tord seemed pleased by the action, loosening his grip on Tom's hair. He unbuttoned Tord's jeans, pulling away so he could pull them down. He fished out Tord's cock, tilting his head as he watched it, just soaking in all the details.

"Open your mouth, Thomas," Tord ordered, tugging at Tom's hair once again. "And, if you need me to stop, just tap me."

"Yes, sir," Tom mumbled, deciding not to dwell on the words. He opened his mouth, letting Tord lead his mouth to the large cock. He had expected Tord to take it slow, perhaps let Tom just take his whole length in after a minute.


Tord shoved Tom's head down, forcing a gag. Tom's eyes widened and his hands found Tord's thighs as he attempted to pull back, but Tord only pushed him farther. Saliva began to drip down his chin as he struggled.

"Stop," Tord snarled. Tom immediately froze, focusing on breathing through his nose. "Now, even if I pull out, you keep your mouth open," he ordered, taking a deep breath.

Then, he began to pull Tom's head up and down, his other hand reaching for Tom's neck. He pressed his fingers against Tom's throat, grinning. His cock dug deep into Tom's throat, groaning at the feeling of the poor boy's saliva and the way his throat contracted as he choked. Tom dug his nails into Tord's clothed thigh, whimpering.

"You fucking tease... do you know how much I've wanted to facefuck you like this all week? Hvor mye har jeg ønsket å straffe deg? I knew how cute you'd look with your lips wrapped around my cock, du jævla kuk slutten."

Tom had to admit, hearing Tord speak his native language was not doing favors to Tom's already straining cock. Not to mention, tears had begun to stream down his cheeks once more.

"What a little bitch... taking my cock down your throat. You look so good, dressed like this after getting spanked like the girl you are."

Immediately, Tom's humiliation flared up and he tried to pull away as his cheeks burned even brighter. More saliva dripped from his chin as he gagged.

"What, embarrassed? Humiliated? Shameful? You should be. A man like you, acting like a little girl all the time? Embarrassing. Begging to be fucked all the time... just like a girl. Is that what you are?"

Tom tried to pull back once more, face scrunching up as he tried to shake his head. Tord's hand kept him still, though, as he thrusted into Tom's throat with no shame.

"Don't deny it. No guy like you would be taking a cock down his throat like this. It just proves what a little slut you are."

Lips curling into a sneer, he scratched at Tord's skin, but that only resulted with Tord burying his cock deeper. He gave Tom's neck a gentle squeeze. A warning, really.

"Jævla ludder. Du tror du kan være uhøflig når jeg har min kuk nede i halsen din? Du lille jente. Ikke vær så naiv. Jeg eier deg!" Tord spat, suddenly pulling his cock out of Tom's mouth.

Promptly, he came on Tom's face, some of it landing on Tom's tongue.

Tord had a grin on his face as he massaged Tom's scalp, other hand moving so he could lean back on his palm. "Lick it up, Thomas. We wouldn't want a mess now, would we?" he purred.

Tom sneered, but he lifted his hand to wipe off the come on his face. Slowly, with Tord watching him intently, he licked it off his fingers, nose scrunching up.

"My cock, too. I know you won't be full without that little extra." His grin widened as Tom begrudgingly lapped at Tord's limping cock, lips glistening with saliva and come. He pulled back, glaring up at Tord. He grabbed Tom's underarms, pulling the trembling boy onto his lap. He quickly pulled the plug out of Tom, tossing it to the side. His hand reached for the lube (which had managed to stay on the bed after Tord put the vibrator inside of him). He gave it a single pump before moving to Tom's hole, pushing inside with no hesitation. Immediately, Tom let out a whimper, digging his face into the crook of Tord's neck. Tord's other hand found Tom's untouched cock, the poor boy moaning in pleasure.

"Sir..." he whimpered out, his voice raspy from being throatfucked, Tord's gut churning in response.

"Moan my name, min lille spyttebrann. It's okay," he assured, trailing kisses up and down Tom's neck. He lazily stroked Tom's prostate, trying to milk any noises from the poor boy.

Tom let his hands slip under Tord's shirt, nails digging into Tord's skin as he mewled out the Norwegian's name, panting sharply. He quickly came in Tord's hand, letting out a long whine. Tord's heart fluttered at the pretty noise, venting a breath through his nose.

"I'll be right back, baby," he promised, settling Tom down onto the bed. He quickly stuffed his cock back into his jeans and buttoned them up.

He quickly rushed out his door and into the bathroom, sneering at the come on his hand. He turned on the sink, washing his hands. Next, he turned on the shower, sighing. He turned back and rushed to the room.

Tom was curled up on the bed, eyes closed and chest moving steadily. Tord's gaze softened as he picked Tom up bridal style, the Brit opening his eyes a bit. He walked to the bathroom, rubbing circles onto Tom's skin. He set Tom down on the counter before closing the door. He sighed.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, moving back over to Tom.

Tom only responded with a lazy nod, eyes half-lidded. Tord began to tug off his own clothes before turning to Tom. He worked his way up; from Tom's stockings to his skirt, panties, and then...

Tom lazily swatted Tord's hands away as he tried to take off the red sweatshirt. He scowled at Tord, glaring.

"Tom... please, you can't shower in my sweatshirt." He shook his head, but couldn't help the smile that found home on his lips. Tom just shook his head, pushing his face into a sleeve. Tord sighed once more. "You can put it back on after we shower, okay?" he offered, watching Tom as he titled his head.

Begrudgingly, Tom lifted his arms so Tord could take it off of him. The sweatshirt and his ASDF shirt were tossed to the side, followed by the collar. Tord took Tom's hands in his own, leading him off the counter and into the shower. He didn't bother to close the curtain, just pulled Tom close to him.

"What have you learned today, my little spitfire?" he asked, keeping his voice gentle. He reached for Tom's shampoo.

"Not... not to take control... without your permission," Tom said, voice scratchy and rough as Tord massaged the shampoo into Tom's scalp.


"When we're having sex... I need to listen to you."

Tord nodded. "Good boy," he murmured. "Min dyrebare leketøy. Jeg elsker ... Jeg elsker måten du handler på, min kjære faen leketøy." He cringed at his mistake, cheeks pinking, but he had to remind himself that Tom didn't know his mother tongue. He quickly changed the subject. "Tom... I hope I didn't shame you too much. I was only saying that stuff because—"

Tom cut him off with a kiss and a flick to the forehead. When he pulled away, he looked at Tord with a tilted head and soft eyes. "Just shut up already."

Tord's eyes widened for a moment, eyebrows perking before he smirked. "Alright, whatever you say, my little spit fire."


After Tord cleaned the both of them (Tom could barely stand, let alone clean himself), he tossed Tom his sweatshirt. The boy hurriedly slipped it on, making sure it covered all of him, before Tord grabbed the rest of their clothes and picked Tom up. He brought them back to his room, setting Tom down on the bed as he went toward his dressers.

"Do you want something else to wear, or are you fine with just wearing my sweatshirt?" he asked as he fished out a pair of sleep pants, slipping them off.

"Fine," Tom mumbled. Tord rolled his eyes but climbed in bed next to Tom nonetheless.

"You did good today," he murmured into Tom's ear, pulling the Brit closer so his back flushed against Tord's chest. Tom merely hummed in response, eyes closing. Tord chuckled gently. "Good night, min kjærlighet."


y'all,,, it's edgy a/n time!!

okay, so, i seriously apologize for not getting this out sooner. at first, i was super focused on exams, b/c i didn't really feel like failing them. that went fine, whatever, didn't really care. i passed the classes, so i started working on the chapter, blah blah blah. of course, almost exactly last month, i had a not-so-pleasant thing happen. right now, being in the EW fandom hurts, but i'll get over it.

anyway, on a different topic from teenage angst, y'all ready to hear... a rANT!?

i McFucking™ hate thicc tom. like. guys. i can fucking survive 5'2 tom (@ my idols morpheel and moho, i love u guys but c'mon) but... thicc tom is something i cannot. physically handle. like, do you know why girls have bigger hips??? bECAUSE IT'S FOR GIVING BIRTH. do u know why they're fucking curvy? gosh diddily darn hecking children. guys. please. all these body types your giving these 'thicc' male characters are just. over done. like feel free to give them a big ass b/c thats a thing that happens but just... everything else... no thanks

(also, a lot of thicc character fanart gives them tits. its uncomfortable tbh).

anyway, yeah, i had to yell at that. 


I got into an auditioned choir at my school uwu

oh one more thing!!!

I'm really sorry i keep adding bj's to my stories??? i prefer it over regular sex, and sometimes i forget that other people don't think like that (being ace is fun. I hate sex but i write smut all the time. it's great).

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