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hey just a warning that might totally be unfounded, but i feel like... tord's personality may or may not have done a one eighty on this??? ugh i hate it but i dunno how to change it

"Good morning!" Matt said, settled on top of the kitchen counter as always.

Tom sighed, digging his face into his arms. "Matt, please, it's too early. Lower your voice." He let his eyes close.

"It's, like, eleven. Besides, we all made plans today—"

"Unwillingly," Tom butted in.

"—to go to the beach," Edd finished. "It's August, one of the only warm months in Britain. We need to capitalize on it." He leaned on the fridge, eyebrows perked.

"...Does this story have consistent dates?"

"Probably not, probably never will."

"Anyway," Edd interrupted, huffing. "We're gonna be leaving as soon as possible, just so we can soak up some of the heat."

"I'm all ready." Tom used one hand to motion to his towel and sunscreen. He already had his swim shorts on, but he had also slipped on his sweatshirt over himself. If it got too hot, he'd take it off and wear the shirt underneath. But, no matter what, he refused to go shirtless.

"Same." Swinging his legs up, Matt gestured at his purple swim shorts.

"Same two-point-oh," Edd added, crouching a bit to bring attention to his swimwear.

"Fuck, okay, I just need to grab my towel." Tord slipped off the chair, passing by Tom as he began to head toward his room. "I hope your makeup is waterproof, Jeho," he purred quietly as he walked by.

Tom's cheeks went pink and he whipped his head around to glare at Tord. "Fuck off, commie!" he called angrily, flipping off the retreating male.

"What'd he say?" Matt asked cluelessly as Tom's phone buzzed.

Shenna: Did you remember to use the setting spray?

"He was just being a dick." Tom quickly began to type back.

Tom: yeah. thanks for letting me use it; you're a goddess

Shenna: :D

Tord reappeared with his red towel. "Alright, let's go."


Edd set up the white umbrella as Matt laid out a sheet, both humming an intense duet. Tom just stood with arms crossed while Tord kept his shirt on. The sun beat down on them, but Tom wasn't going to give up his sweatshirt yet.

"It's so nice!" Matt cooed as he moved to the edge of the sheet, out of the umbrella's shade. The ginger wanted to tan. Of course, the poor guy only burned, so good luck with that.

"Don't forget to put on sunscreen, Matt," Edd warned, tossing the sunscreen his way. Matt let out a girly shriek as the bottle hit his stomach, lurching upward.

"You'll need it or else you'll get burned," Tord reminded as he tossed his towel on the sand.

"I don't get burned!" Matt protested, opening the bottle and pouring some onto his hand. "I am perfect." He pouted as he slathered it onto his skin.

"I know you're perfect, babe, but—"


Tom's heart dropped, and he whipped his head around, eyes widening.

"Hey, pretty boy!" Danny—his ex-girlfriend—cooed, a sweet smile on her tan skin. Her other two friends were there, too.

Eden, a short and chubby white girl with hair blonder than the girl in Legally Blonde. Tom didn't like her. At all.

DeNetria, a tall and skinny black girl. Basically the opposite of Eden, including her personality traits.

Of course, Danny, his ex. She's what the internet memes label as 'thicc', with big hips and a big chest, but a skinny waist that must've been achieved by really lucky genetics or using a corset.

"...Danny." Tom kept his voice cold and bored as Edd 'ooo'd behind him.

"Who's this, 'pretty boy'?" Edd teased as Matt sat up.

"Tom hasn't told you about me?" Danny asked, placing a hand over her heart. She used her other one to push back her dark, curly hair.

"No, but I can't see why. I'm sure we would've all loved to meet you." Tord elbowed Tom's waist, but the Brit didn't react.

She giggled, placing a hand on her hip. "I'm Danny. One on my left is DeNetria, and the other one is Eden." The two girls waved, smiles on their faces. "I'm Tom's old girlfriend, and they—"

"Danny," he warned, Tord's head snapping up.

Oh, the Norwegian could feel the drama.

"Seriously, doll, we haven't seen you in so long! You don't come around the bar anymore." Eden pouted, arms outstretched for a hug.

"Hey, I'm happy we got to see Tom again, but maybe we should leave him be with his friends," DeNetria interrupted, glancing at her friends with worried eyes.

"Oh, nonsense, DeNene!" Danny interrupted, a blush spreading across DeNetria's face.

Ah, yes, the lesbian that was nice to him.

"You had just as mu—"

"If we're going to talk," Tom interrupted quietly, "we're going to talk away from the people I actually like."

Eden giggled. "Tom, you're as salty as ever. That's what made you so fun." She winked at him and she began to back up.

"Oh, you know you love me, baby," Danny said with a wink, turning around and walking away, her entourage following.

"Don't follow me," Tom muttered off-handedly, rushing to catch up with the three girls, hands curled up into fists.

Once they were out of sight, Edd let out a whistle. "I didn't know Tom had such a hot ex. Or was it a poly relationship? Cuz damn, those girls looked nice." Edd crossed his arms as Matt chuckled.

"Don't you dare go cheating on me," Matt warned, waving his hand as he laid back down.

"Hey, I was just looking!" Edd threw his hands up in surrender.

Tord cleared his throat, catching the others' attention. "I'm gonna go follow them."

"Didn't Tom say specifically not to do—"

"Since when have I ever listened to Tom?" He flashed Edd a grin. "I'll be back." He dashed off to the direction Tom and the girls went off to.

He turned a corner, actions much slower. When he saw them, he quickly ducked back, planning to eavesdrop. Slowly, he looked back at them. Luckily, they hadn't noticed.

Tom sat on a bench with DeNetria beside him. She lowkey had a hand on his back while he bit at his index finger. Eden and Danny stood in front of them, both smiling.

"You know, Tom, you should really get out of that habit. It's not good for your pretty little fingers," Eden purred, taking a step forward and tugging his arm away.

"You know, Eden, you should really learn how to mind your own damn business," he spat, ripping his arm out of her grasp.

"Woah, Tom, it's time to calm down. You don't want to be tied up again, do you?" Danny placed a hand on her cheek and tilted her head.

"I'm done with your shit, Danny. You know this." He chewed at the inside of his cheek. The words were meant to be malicious, but they just sounded meek.

"Man, I missed it when you used to call me mistress." Danny took a couple steps forward. "You always looked so cute, naked and on your knees."


"What! You did. God, I'm so happy I convinced you to get your nipples pierced." She grabbed his chin, forcing it upward. "So submissive."


"Though, I can tell you haven't been eating good, and you haven't been exercising." Her nose crinkled in disgust. "Never really did like that stomach of yours."

Tom didn't answer this time. He just bristled and looked away, pulling out of her grasp.

"And your arms. They're so flabby. Remember how I used to train them up? They used to look so much better. And your thighs—baby, you need to lose some weight. You're just making yourself look even worse."

Tom gritted his teeth and pushed his nails into his palm. Tears pricked at his the corner of his eyes.

"Oh, please, don't tell me you're going to cry. Even if you do look cute as a blubbering mess, you're just too sensitive to be a real man." She gave his shoulders a shove. "If you can't listen to facts without crying like a little bitch, I don't think you should be considered a guy," she snarled.

Tord could feel his blood boil at that.

"Hey, Danny, how about you fuck off?" Tord stepped out into view, walking toward Tom.

"Oh, you're one of Tom's friends!" Eden cooed excitedly, eyes widening. "I didn't catch your name, though."

"It's Tord," he said simply, grabbing Tom's underarm and heaving him upward, the Brit letting out a little squeak.

"Oh, Tord, why don't you stay awhile? It'd be nice to talk to a real man," Danny teased, placing a hand on Tord's chiseled but clothed chest.

Remember? He's in the army.

"Ya know, I never really liked talking to bitches. Back off, Danny," he hissed out as Tom opted to hide behind him.

No matter how feisty someone is, something can always happen to make them act meek. Tord just had to figure out why Tom suddenly changed like that and how to get the hell out of this situation.

Danny's eyes narrowed, eyes sliding across the two of them.

Then, her mouth formed an 'o'.

"Tom... Tom, is this your new dom?" she asked, bursting into giggles. "I thought you were straight, baby! I remember everything that you told me. So, why the hell are you—"

When Tom decided to dig his nails into Tord's arm, he realized she was probably about to reveal something Tom didn't want anyone to know.

"—with a guy after everything that they said?"

"Tom, I think it's time to go," Tord interrupted, twisting to grab Tom by the arm and pull him out of there.

"Aww, bye, baby!" Eden called as they escaped, DeNetria muttering something to the two.

"Here's a tip, Tord! He likes to be choked!" Danny called after them. Tord pulled them aside and down on a bench outside the beach's ice cream shop.

"Tom?" he asked quietly, hand finding Tom's back and rubbing up and down.

"What?" Tom spat without hesitation, nails digging into his upper arm.

Ah. Tord had always wondered what those red marks were.

"Hey, it's okay, Tom," he murmured, watching as Tom just gritted his teeth. "Danny... what was her deal back there?"

Tom sucked in a breath. "It just wasn't a healthy relationship, Tord." He shrugged.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not particularly."

Tord sighed before glancing at the building behind them. "What's your favorite icecream flavor?"

Tom's eyebrows furrowed for a split second before they raised. "Chocolate... why, exactly?" He tilted his head.

"Stay," he ordered, springing up and heading to the front of the shop.

The fact that Tom had a dominatrix made a lot of sense, now that he thinks about it. Tom had admitted to being tied up before, so there's one question answered.

The hell did she mean by 'everything they said'? Did Tom have to deal with some homophobia in his life or something?

Actually, considering he was a Jehovah's Witness, that made sense, too.

Tord bit his lip as he remembered Danny's words. Was that bitch the reason Tom hated his body? The thought made Tord's blood boil.

Well, on a less irritating note, there's also the fact that Tom's been in a dom-sub relationship before.

That... that kind of made Tord's 'training' useless. Tom was just a bratty sub—guess that's the guy's personality.

Tord sighed, grabbing the two chocolate cones he had ordered when he had been in deep thought. He returned back to Tom, handing the Brit the cone.

"It's an apology. For always being an ass."

Tom raised his eyebrows as he tasted it. "If you're gonna apologize for that, you might have to do something more than getting me ice cream." Despite the rude words, Tom had a timid smile and pink cheeks as he licked at the ice cream.

Tord's heart fluttered at Tom's adorable reaction. "Probably, but for now, this is all I can do." He chuckled and leaned back against the brick wall.

Damn. He still wanted to know more about Tom's relationship with Danny.

"Did... did she ever get physical with you?" he asked without really thinking, turning his head to look at Tom.

Tom shook his head. "No. She kinda just... well... I don't..." He looked down at his lap, eyebrows raised. "Threats were made, but she never went through on them." He shrugged. "She follows her impulses, and she's constantly angry when I do something even slightly wrong."

Oh, boy. Now Tom was talking in present tense. That worried Tord.

"She doesn't like me talking to other people. The only ones that are allowed are Eden and DeNetria, but that's because Eden's a third wheel and DeNetria's gay. She gets really pissed at me for not always being at her side." Tom bit his lip, but Tord stayed silent, trying to get Tom to talk more. "When she's not screaming or throwing insults at me, she blames it on her abusive household. Her dad was pretty bad, so I just kept forgiving her and forgiving her and..." Tom placed a hand over his mouth and sighed, eyes closing. "Are we done with the fucking therapy session?" he suddenly hissed, causing Tord to lean back.

Tord stayed silent for a moment. Then, he sighed, reaching a hand up to massage Tom's scalp. "When we get home, I'm pampering the fuck out of you."

When Tom's lips upturned into a smile, Tord couldn't help but sigh in relief. "How the hell do you plan to do that?" He tilted his head and took a glance at Tord.

"Chocolate," he blurted without thinking. "And my best blanket. Maybe a movie. Just cuddling. I could bring in some popcorn, too."

Tom didn't answer and Tord started to panic—was it too fluffy? Did he freak Tom out? Did he go too far?

"Yeah. I'd really like that." Tom gave Tord another smile and holy shit, did his heart go all Haikyuu there with the 'gwaaah' shit he felt.

Tom's just really cute, okay?

"Good." Tord let out a chuckle, throwing the last bit of his ice cream cone in his mouth. He glanced at Tom's ice cream, noticing that Tom only got down to the cone. Before he could say anything, the Brit threw it in the trash can with surprising accuracy.

"We should get going, yeah?" Tom stood, tilting his head.

"Yeah, probably. Edd and Matt are be suspicious, but whatever." Tord stood and planted a quick kiss on Tom's cheek before running ahead, not missing the yell of disapproval.

In no time, the two of them were already back with the dating duo. Edd had a can of cola pressed against his lips as Matt just bathed in the sun.

"Imma go for a swim," Tom said as he shed his sweatshirt.

How the hell did he even manage to keep that thing on? It was hot as fuck.

"Alright," Edd said as Tom walked closer to the water, rushing in with no hesitation.

Once Tom seemed distracted enough, Tord looked at the two below him and lowered his voice. "Guys... be nice to Tom today, okay?"

Edd blinked up at him and Matt opened his eyes to stare. "What's this? Are you caring about Tom?"

Tord scoffed, but his cheeks tinted pink. "Seriously. His ex is kinda a fucking bitch. Had to pull off a rescue mission." Before they could ask anything more, he continued. "I'm joining Tom."

With that, Tord bolted toward the water.

Tom seemed to love the water, even from back where Tord was. He had his eyes closed and kept training his fingers across the surface. Tord rolled his eyes, but swam over to him anyway.

Once he got closer, he realized that Tom was in pretty deep. He only had his head sticking out.

"Boo," Tord said as he got within a few feet of Tom.

The Brit cracked open an eye. "Why are you here?"

Tord grinned. "So I can do this." He reached over and grabbed Tom by the waist, lifting him up. Tom squealed as Tord brought him deeper, the poor boy reaching down to grip Tord's shoulders.

By the time they were deep enough that Tord had to stand on the tip of his toes, Tom kept looking around.

Finally, he breathed out, "Tord, if you drop me, I'm going to fucking kill you."

Tord snickered. "Can't you swim?" he asked quietly with a tilted head.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you can't potentially drown me!" Tom said as he glared down at Tord.

"Here. Swim for a moment." He lowered Tom into the water. "Climb on my shoulders." Tord ducked his head underwater and Tom was on top of him in a moment. Tord resurfaced with an unmistakable grin. "Better?" he asked as Tom massaged his scalp.

"Dude... I'm so tall!" he whispered excitedly as Tord pressed the side of his head against Tom's soft thigh.

"You're already tall without me. You're like, what? 5'7? That's only one inch below the average, right?" He looked up at Tom as the Brit met his gaze.

"Yeah, I'm average. My little sis has a guy friend who's the same height, and she's 5'2," he said with a chuckle.

"You have a sister?"

"Adopted." He shrugged. "Anyway, take me back to where I can stand."

Alright, guess we're moving off that subject.

"But you're so cute when you're on my shoulders." He chuckled as Tom flicked his forehead.

"Speaking of, how fucking strong are you? I'm pretty heavy." Tom leaned down a bit.

"Wait, how much do you weigh?" Tord asked, looking up at Tom.

The silence he earned made Tord cringe.

"Sorry, you don't have to answer that." He bit his lip.

"...It's fine," Tom said offhandedly, looking back up. Tord took that as a sign that he had crossed the line. He walked back to a more shallow part and promptly dunked his head underwater, bringing Tom with him.

The Brit hurriedly escaped from Tord before they both came up, Tord laughing as Tom practically tackled Tord.

"Oh my god, Tom—" Tom forced Tord underwater as he giggled proudly.

"Aye, lovebirds!" Edd called, interrupting their playful banter. Both of them looked up, a pretty pink covering their cheeks. Seemed like Edd and Matt had decided to join them.

"You guys actually look like a couple," Matt said as Tom moved away from Tord.

"We do not!" he protested, cheeks puffing as he sunk a bit lower into the water.

"Why did you have Tom on your shoulders?" Edd asked, ignoring Tom as he turned his attention to Tord.

Tord shrugged. "Tom's short and I thought he'd like to go farther into the wat—" Tord cut himself off as Tom splashed him with water.

"I'm not short!"

"Tom, you're the shortest one here."

"You're not even average height."

"Seriously, you're freaking tiny."

"Okay, just because you're all literal giants doesn't mean I'm small." He crossed his arms and pouted.

"Uh-huh. Whatever you say."


"Edd, I'm actually going to pass out. I'm so tired." Matt placed his head against the dashboard.

"If you pass out in the car, I'm not bringing you inside," Edd replied nonchalantly, focused on the road.

"Are we there yet?" Tord whined like a child, earning a slap to his arm from Tom.

Tom gave him a quick glare as Edd responded, "We're, like, thirty seconds from the driveway."

Tord groaned and let his head fall back. "But that's so long!"

"Tord, we're literally in the garage now."

Tord groaned once more as everyone unbuckled, Edd shutting off the car. They piled out and slugged toward the door.

Night had already taken over as they parted ways.

Well, except for Tom and Tord.

Once Edd and Matt disappeared, Tord reached into the pantry for popcorn. "Any specific movie you wanna watch?" he asked as he shoved it in the microwave.

"How about we watch Insidious?" Tom tilted his head as Tord started the microwave.

"...I thought you didn't like scary movies?" Tord took a glance at Tom with a raised eyebrow. He reached into the pantry and grabbed chocolate.

Tom didn't even realize they had chocolate?

"I mean, you always leave when we start watching scary movies." Tord took out two mugs and two packets.

"I really like horror movies, actually. You guys just turn the volume so far up that my ears bleed." Tom didn't move as he spoke.

Tord blinked. "Oh. Why didn't you tell us sooner?" He started making the hot chocolate.

"I didn't wanna ruin your guys' time." Tom shrugged.

Tord frowned but didn't say anything. The microwave started beeping, interrupting their conversation. "Come help me carry everything. I don't have enough hands."

Tom chuckled, slipping off his chair as Tord took the popcorn out and reached for the chocolate. Tom grabbed the two mugs, and they began to head towards Tord's room.

"You know... you should take your shirt off more often." Tord took a glance at Tom as he kneed his door open.

Tom raised an eyebrow. "That was creepy." He placed the mugs on the nightstand and climbed into bed.

"No!" Tord's cheeks heated up. "That is not what I meant. It's just... you're so pretty, and I don't like that you're self-conscious." He reached for his laptop.

"I've only seen you without a shirt once or twice," Tom shot back saltily, settling down on the bed.

"For a specific reason that's none of your business," Tord snapped, causing Tom to flinch. "Sorry. That was... just don't talk about it." Tord waved his hand dismissively and sat on the bed.

After a few minutes of silence and setting everything up, Tord started playing the movie. He gave Tom's shirt a tug.


"Cuddle with me."

Tom snickered, scooting towards Tord and wrapping an arm around his neck. "Are you scared?" he teased as Tord scoffed.

"I wanted to kiss you," Tord replied, nuzzling into Tom's neck. He trailed soft kisses up the skin as Tom's eyes half-lidded.

"What's with this fluffy mood?" he mumbled as Tord wrapped his arms around the Brit's waist, pulling him closer.

"Want you to know that I—that I like being around you." Tord sighed, resting his head against Tom as he decided to quickly change the subject before his slip-up could be noticed. "What're some kinks you have? Like, stuff you enjoy over everything." He blinked up at Tom, face innocent.

Surprisingly, Tom didn't seem too flustered. "I dunno... I've never really thought about it." He shrugged. "I like it when you, uh... when you... compliment me?"

"Praise kink."


"Anything else?"

"The closer you are, the better," Tom blurted out. "And biting is nice, too. That's... that's all I can think of." His cheeks heated up slightly as he grabbed a piece of popcorn, popping it into his mouth.

"You're cute, you know. Some point... you need to go walking around the house with my sweatshirt on and stockings, briefs—or even panties—optional. It's not like I'd be able to tell." Tord chuckled, smiling when Tom's face burned brighter.

"What's your obsession with seeing me in that kind of clothing?"

"Baby, I'll explain it all tomorrow morning," he purred, returning to Tom's neck, slathering it with kisses.

"Hm...?" Tom glanced down at Tord, a bit confused.

Oh. Right. Tomorrow's Sunday.

"I actually hope you die." Tom scoffed, turning his head away. Tord snickered and pressed a kiss against Tom's ear.

"You know you love me," he purred, nuzzling into Tom's neck.

Tom's cheeks heated up, and he silently cursed to himself. "I'm pretty sure the only person capable of loving you is yourself." He looked away as a jump scare happened on the screen.

"Rude!" Tord said, cuddling against Tom's neck. "And cute. You're not as scary as you think you are."

"Shut up and watch the movie, dickwad."

Tord snickered.

ok ok time to get off y ass and eplain the offensive part of last chapterif you weren't offended i'd suggest just skipping this a/n and going to the next chapter, yayok so this is just a theory bc i'm dumb but the two things i think pissed people off:the leg shaving, which i only added to humiliate tom. mainly done bc i have only ever met one guy who has ever shaved his legs and he was openly gay and fuckign chill with his sexuality. tom is not so chill; plus he's pretty sensitive, as seen by last chapter, about his masculinty b/c i thought it'd be fun to... uh... man i'mma come off as a terrible person but i fuckign love mentally hurting tom, it's so funannnddd then we have the, uh. the dish washing.imma be 100% honest.i might be a little fucking stupid.i had that part decided before i even found out what the fuck sissification was (thanks to one of my ao3 commenters bc i didn't know it had a name), let alone purposely done it to be sexist. on the website i was using to research, one of the top things was something like "clean in suggestive clothing. so. yeah. kinda didn't realize that was making people uncomfortable/angry until someone specifically pointed it out to meso yeah im kinda fuckign dumb and i think that has been successfully shown

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