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Tord woke up with something settled on his chest and legs curled around his own, arms wrapped tightly around his chest. He blearily opened his eyes, looking down. Despite being covered by a fluffy blanket, Tord could see...

Ah. Tom.

He didn't dare move as he glanced at the clock.


That made Tord furrow his eyebrows and glance at his laptop, which had been abandoned when Tom fell asleep. He grabbed his phone next, eyes squinting, being careful not to move too much.


I think Tom went out last night and you're still fast asleep, so Matt and I are going to breakfast and then shopping. Don't miss us

Tord sighed, placing his phone back down. He glanced at Tom, letting his lips curl into a quick smile.


Before Tord could do anything, Tom stirred in his grasp. He stiffened, watching as the boy slowly opened his eyes. Tord's cheeks pinked, and he just about melted as Tom reached up to rub his eyes. One side of his face had become red from being rested on Tord's chest.

"God morgen, min kattunge. Er du helt våken?" he cooed in his mother tongue, pressing a kiss against Tom's forehead.

Tom huffed before mumbling out a salty, "Vous connaissez peut-être le norvégien et l'anglais, mais connaissez-vous le français?" He shuffled, slowly removing himself from Tord.

"...What?" Tord asked after a moment of staring down at Tom with confused eyes.

"You may know Norwegian and English, but do you know French?" Tom repeated, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes. "You're not the only one who's bilingual, asshole."

Tord went blank. "I... okay."

Tom snickered, bringing his hands up for a stretch. "Where's Edd and Matt?" he asked, cracking his back.

"They abandoned us. They think you went out." He shrugged, pushing Tom down. He climbed on top of the boy, watching as Tom scoffed.

"If we're gonna have sex, can you at least give me a minute to wake up?" he grumbled, hands finding Tord's muscled arms. He blinked up at Tord, cheeks pink.

Tord snickered. "Why do you always choose the softer term? Like, I never hear you use 'fuck' unless you're begging... I think." Tord shrugged.

"Maybe that's because I have some dignity, asshole!" Tom spat, face flushing as he flicked Tord's nose. The Norse rolled his eyes with a smile, leaning down and pressing his lips against Tom's.

Slowly relaxing, Tom let his hands drag from Tord's arms to his chest, wrapping his arms around it. He pulled Tord closer, the latter not bothering to fight back.

He pulled away after a moment. "Still upset?" he cooed sweetly, one hand cupping Tom's cheek.

"I hope you burn." Tom glared up at Tord, tilting his head into the touch.

Tord grinned down at him. "Cute," he said to himself before leaning down and letting his mouth find an open area on Tom's neck. He just kissed it due to the makeup; he'd rather leave Tom unmarked than get a mouthful of chemicals. His hands shifted down Tom, slowly trailing down to his shirt. Fingers trailed Tom's sides, kisses still fluttering against his neck.

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm not cute."

"Uh-huh." Tord took his head out of Tom's neck. "And what makes you say that?" he teased, fingers brushing across Tom's nipples.

Face slowly worsening, Tom huffed. "Literally nothing about me is cute."

Tord grinned, sitting back and removing his hands from Tom's skin. He gripped Tom's hand, pulling it into view. "Your hands are small compared to mine." Tilting his head, he pressed their palms together. "I think that's pretty cute." He cupped Tom's cheek with his other hand as he intertwined their fingers. "Your cheeks are soft." He let his thumb trail across Tom's lips. "So are your lips." The thumb met no resistance as it slipped into his mouth. Tom flushed as it slowly massaged his tongue. "So obedient."

He slipped the thumb out of Tom's mouth, reaching under the gray shirt and tugging the nipple piercing Tom had. "I'm not cute," Tom muttered with a pout.

"Most people prefer sharper jawlines on guys, but not me... I've always liked your soft face," he purred sweetly, pressing a soft kiss against Tom's forehead. "And your smaller nose. It's so... ugh, you're the cutest fucking thing on this planet." He gave Tom's hand a quick squeeze. "Those eyes of yours... good Lord, do I love them."

Tom furrowed his eyebrows, sitting up. He pressed his face into the crook of Tord's neck, teeth trailing the skin. Then, he let out a muffled, "Can I?"

Normally, Tord would've pushed Tom back down and started marking the hell out of him just for asking, but... "Ask nicely," he teased, face going pink from cute Tom was.

"Can I please mark you?" Tom pleaded, hands slipping behind Tord's back.

"I don't know, Tom..." He pinched Tom's nipple, enjoying the noise it earned him. "Should your master let you?"

Tom let out an unintentional whine. "Please, sir, can I? Please, Master?"

A chuckle escaped his lips. "If it means that much to you, kitten," he purred, his other hand slipping under Tom's shirt to rub his sides. Tom's teeth sunk into his neck, luckily not breaking the skin. Tord dug his nails into Tom's side as he winced, Tom sucking on it to create a hickey. He pulled back after a moment.

"Thank you, sir," he mumbled, his thumb finding the new mark, watching it like he was fascinated.

"Kitten..." Tord tilted his head. He climbed off of Tom but quickly grabbed on to the boy. A squeak filled the air as Tord lifted him, carrying him bridal style. "I can't do the same to you with all that makeup. So I want it off."

Tom narrowed his eyes out of habit. "You distracted me from taking it off last night, so it's your fault." He huffed, taking a rapid personality change.

Well, he had gotten what he wanted.

Rolling his eyes, Tord set Tom on the bathroom counter. "Take it off, please," he mumbled, index finger trailing his neck. Tom pushed Tord back a bit and reached down to a drawer. He opened it and revealed a bottle, which he shook. Tord watched in practical awe as Tom worked on getting the makeup off.

Tom noticed the look after a moment. He smiled. "Impressed?" he teased, turning on the water to wipe away everything else.

"Who taught you?" Tord asked in bewilderment.


"...The girl who bullied you in middle school?"

"Keyword: middle school. We've grown a lot." He blinked. "This backstory conversation is a serious boner killer." He wiped his neck off, finally finishing.

Tord huffed out a laugh. "Sorry. I'll get you hard again in no time," he teased, lifting Tom up as the Brit wrapped his legs around Tord's waist. He quickly nipped at a spot and sucked at it as he walked back to his room. "Do you want me to compliment you more? Maybe call you a good boy?" he purred as he pushed the door and walked into the room.

Tom sniffed, eyes narrowed as he thought to himself. Finally, he said, "I don't know, but I'm sure you'd like it if I called you 'sir', wouldn't you?"

"Damn straight." He collapsed onto the bed, connecting their lips as he did so. Tom gasped out in surprise, allowing Tord to slip his tongue inside. Tom let out a whimper. Tord's eyes flickered down to Tom's lips then back at his eyes. He smiled into the French kiss as Tom flushed, hands moving up to Tom's nipples. One pinched while the other rubbed, enjoying the moan that escaped Tom.

He pulled back with a grin, taking in the view of Tom.

"Hard?" he teased, slowly running a hand down to between Tom's thighs. He squeezed the clothed cock, Tom practically seizing up at the touch. His nails dug into Tord's shoulders.

"G-God, could you shut up for once?" he hissed, glaring up at Tord. "Just hurry up!"

Tord chuckled. "This is your day, kitten," he purred, tugging off Tom's jeans and briefs. He tossed them to the side before reaching toward his drawer.

"If this is my day..." Tom's cheeks flushed a bit. Tord looked back at him with a raised eyebrow as he pulled out his bottle of lube. "Do you think you could be, uhm..."

Tord positioned himself over Tom, watching him with a tilted head. "Be what?" he asked cluelessly, massaging Tom's thigh with one hand.

"Gentle," Tom blurted out, face going completely red. "I'm..." He let out an embarrassed hum. "Can I choose the position, too?"

Tord's eyebrows arched with pleasant surprise. "Of course, kitten." He took his hands off of Tom.

The boy quickly turned himself around. He dug his face into the pillow, hands gripping the sheets. Tord couldn't help but smile at the adorable act as Tom used his knees to give Tord just the perfect view of his hole.

"You're adorable," he purred, pulling off his jeans and boxers. He tossed them to about the same area he tossed Tom's. Squirting some lube on his fingers, he quickly gave his cock a couple of pumps. He positioned himself in front of Tom's hole before a small memory crossed his mind.

"The closer you are, the better," Tom blurted out.

Tord flushed his stomach and chest against Tom's back, positioning his chin on Tom's clothed shoulder. "Ready, baby?" he asked, pressing a soft kiss on Tom's ear.

Tom whimpered, shuffling a bit to get comfortable. "Ready," he mumbled after a moment, voice muffled by the pillow,

Heart fluttering, Tord slowly pushed inside of Tom, smiling when the boy whined. He gave Tom a few moments to adjust (since he didn't bother to stretch Tom), pressing gentle kisses all over Tom's neck.

God, Tom was just wonderful. He loved the noises that dripped out of Tom's mouth, and how he would scratch at Tord's back. He loved when Tom opened up to him, when he talked...

"Move," Tom hissed after a moment, breaking Tord out of his thoughts. He smirked but began to move, arms wrapping around Tom's chest,

"Good boy," he purred, thrusting right into the spot that made Tom arch his back and moan. "So pretty. So cute... so good." He let out a grunt into Tom's ear, not missing the moan his words earned.

Tom let out a little gasp, eyes squeezing shut. "More... talk more," he demanded, desperately rocking back into Tord.

Tord grinned. "I love the sounds you make." He slipped his hands up Tom's skin to rub and gently pinch at Tom's nipples. "You're such a good little slut, aren't you?" He nibbles at Tom's ear, holding back a chuckle when Tom moaned loudly at the dirty name.

"N...Not fair," Tom mumbled, only to let out a whimper as the sheets crumpled in his hands.

"What's not fair, kitten?" he purred, quickening his thrusts just a bit.

Tom swallowed. "Do... do I make you feel good?" he managed, face burning with shame at the lewd question.

Eyes wide, Tord couldn't help but stop. "...Can I turn you around?" he asked, lifting up from Tom. The lack of an answer made Tom cringe, but he nodded nonetheless. Tord gripped his hips and turned him around, smirking when Tom shuddered from pleasure. He quickly brought Tom into an embrace, flushing their bodies

together. "God, Tom you make me feel so good. Nobody can make me feel as good as you do. You're my precious little kitten... min dyrebare lille kattunge... gud, jeg vil gjøre mer enn å knulle deg."

Tom cried out in pleasure as Tord started up again, one hand snaking down and wrapping around Tom's cock. He forced their lips together for a kiss, warmth licking at his stomach. Tom's hands slipped under his shirt and dug his nails into the skin, scratching at it. Yet, Tord didn't seem to mind as he let out a groan of pleasure into Tom's mouth. He shoved himself deep inside the boy, filling him up. Tom let out a muffled, high-pitched moan.

Tord gave a few more lazy thrusts as he came down from his high. His hand moved away from Tom's cock, the boy's come covering it. He pulled away from the kiss but didn't pull out.

"Feel good?" he asked with a grin.

Tom looked up at him with tired eyes, though he quickly narrowed them. "Fuck off."

Tord snickered and brought the come-covered hand up to Tom's slips. "Do me a favor and clean this up, would you?" he requested sweetly.

"Fuck you," he hissed but opened his mouth obediently. Tord slipped three of his fingers inside, Tom massaging them with his tongue. Once they were clean, he went for the thumb, then his palm.

"Good boy," he purred, pulling his hand away. He watched Tom for s few more moments before he collapsed on top of Tom, slathering the boy's neck with kisses. "Was that good? Was I gentle?"

Tom nodded. "Yeah. Uhm... thank you."

Tord chuckled. "Of course, baby. I had fun." He tilted his head. "Let's go shower, hmm?" he said, finally pulling out of Tom and standing. His hands found Tom's knees and underarms, quickly hooking them so he could lift the boy up. "I'm glad you enjoyed that," he murmured.

"I'm glad you did, too." He licked his lips as Tord pushed open the door and sat him on the counter. "When we get out..." Tom's cheeks went pink. "When we get out, can I wear your sweatshirt again?"

Tord looked back at him with raised eyebrows as he turned the water on. "Of course you can. You look pretty damn cute when you're wearing it, too."


A grin appeared on his face. "Baby, as long as I'm with you, I can't suffer." Tom reaches over and swatted af him, causing Tord to yelp, quickly followed by a chuckle.


Tord rolled his eyes, gently pulling Tom off the counter. They climbed into the shower, Tord closing the curtain.



"I... thank you. For always helping me shower afterwards, or just cuddling with me." Tom's cheeks went pink.

Tord's heart fluttered and he gave Tom a quick kiss on the nose. "You're welcome, pretty kitty."

"Oh, my god, I hope you burn."

yA YEETanyway, this is the last week of school for me, but it's all playing a board game, so that's gonna be super fun. i hope y'all enjoyed??? gah i'm so happy i finished this hecking chapter eywsijokeriohewihALSO ART BUT ON MY DEVIANTART: https://www.deviantart.com/shisucksatdrawing/art/My-Girls-800181330i hope you guys enjoy the drawings!!! i spent way too much time on them, but i tried my best,

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