road work ahead? uh, YEAH, i sure HOPE it does?

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Uh. petplay warning bc it's kinky.

"You all know that one vine, where the small dog just runs into the couch because it miscalculated the jump? Yeah, that feels like my life. A lot."

Edd let out a wheeze, leaning against the back of the counter. "Tom, I'm sorry, but you're a big mood." He took a glance at Matt, who had his head in his hands.

"Fuck, what would the rest of us be?" Tord looked around at the three, grinning as he tapped his fingers against the counter.

"Tord, you'd probably be that, uh... that one vine, where the kid goes, 'y-y-y-you're disrespecting a future US army soldier," Tom said, giggling to himself. Tord let out a scoff, flipping the boy off.

"What about me? I'd probably be the most iconic vine, wouldn't I?" Matt asked with a tilt of his head.

"Narcissistic bastard," Tom mumbled before leaning back in his chair. Then, in a mocking tone, he said, "Who want lasagna?"

Edd let out yet another wheeze, slamming his hand against the closed drawer next to him. "Why does that fit him? Why does that fit him?" The green clad male might as well have fallen to the ground now as he clutched his stomach.

"Edd... buddy, my man, my thinly sliced bread pal, it really wasn't that funny," Tord interrupted, staring with confused eyes.

Tom's eyebrows twitched. "...Thinly sliced bread?"

"Thinly sliced bread pal."

"Right, right, my mistake."

"Okay... what about me?" Edd tilted his head after he stopped giggling. "What's my vine?"

"I wanna be a cowboy, baby!" Tom rushed out with no hesitation, eyes wide as though he had just found the secret to immediate death. (Not immortality, because, let's be real, who wants to be alive?)

Immediately, the rest of them echoed, "Hell yeah!"

Tom began to giggle as he face planted against the counter, hands covering the back of his head.

"Gen Z, fuckers." Tord gave Tom's back a small pat.

"We're millennials, technically."

"Shhh, the author hasn't given us a canon age yet."

"We... we'd have to be millennials because we live in a house without adults?"

"Anyway, Matt and I have some news." Edd shot Matt and Tord a glare, silencing them. "Next week, we're kinda, maybe off. On a trip, I mean."

"...For how fucking long?" Tom asked with his eyebrows raised, looking up.

"A week?"


"We're leaving next Monday, coming back early morning Sunday."


Suddenly, "Barbie Girl" by Aqua interrupted the conversation. Edd cringed, taking out his phone.

"It's Shenna." He answered the call and placed the phone on the counter. "You're on speaker, baby girl. Hope you don't mind."

"Who the hell are you, Derek Morgan?" Shenna snorted through the phone. "Nah, I was calling to say that I'm pretty sure I might be ace."

"Like... the ace of spades?" Tord said, blinking in confusion.

"Because I'm a deck of cards—no, I mean asexual, you fucking loser."

"Oh shit, welcome to the LGBTQ group!"

"Still into guys, or do you think you're aromantic, too?" Tom asked, picking himself up from the counter.

"Still into guys. I just thought sexual attraction was a myth for a couple of years."

"Big mood, Shenna," Edd said, stifling a chuckle. His eyes suddenly widened, and he slammed his hand against the counter. "Guys! Our queer group is growing!"

"Wait, how many of you guys are queer?" Shenna asked, causing Tom to wince. Tord shot him a worried glance as the boy stood.

"I'll be right back," he mumbled before walking off.

Paying no mind, Edd said, "I'm demisexual-biromantic, because my friends are hot, though I can still appreciate aesthetic beauty. Matt... Matt, you said you were pansexual, right?"

"Yep." Matt nodded, flashing a peace sign despite Shenna being unable to see it.

"And I'm bisexual." Tord titled his head as he slid his eyes across the other two.

"Is Tom queer, too?" Shenna asked curiously.

"No, he's—"

"Guys," Tord interrupted suddenly, causing the rest to go quiet. "We really should stop talking about sexuality in front of Tom."

"Is he that homophobic?"

"No!" Tord sputtered out, causing him to let out a gentle laugh. "No, no, it's just... from what he's... told me, and from what I've overheard, he's really confused about his sexuality at the moment. I'm pretty sure meeting Danny at the beach didn't help." He shook his head.

Immediately, all three of them began to pour out questions, mainly about Danny and how Tord knew all of this.

"One at a time, please."

"Right, right. Who the fuck is Danny?"

"Tom's abusive ex-girlfriend."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Abusive?" Edd parroted, raising an eyebrow. "You said that she was a bitch, not abusive. Because there's a line between being a bitch and being abusive." He tilted his head.

"Yeah, abusive. Not physical, mind you, so don't worry about that."

"Okay, but why would that make him even more confused? Meeting with her, I mean?" Matt asked, leaning forward to get the tea.

"Well, she, uh... kinda mentioned previous homophobic stuff with Tom. She didn't say any details about it, but I'm assuming that really didn't help." He shrugged, tapping his fingers against the table.

"Okay, fair, but how do you know this? You mentioned that he told you some of this?" Edd asked with a tilt of his head.

"Tom is an alcoholic."

"Ahh, gotcha."

"Alrighty, fuckers, I'm off. Thanks for spilling Tom's tea, Tord, and thanks for the welcoming." The call ended, causing Edd to stuff his phone into his pocket.

"That's our cue, too. Matt and I are probably stopping by the carnival, so... have a fun day with our drunk Tom. Make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

"No promises."

Edd rolled his eyes but grabbed Matt by the hand, pulling him towards the hallway. Matt called out a desperate, "See you when we get home!" as they disappeared. Soon, the garage door opened and shut, liberating Tord.

He stood from the island chair, moving to the living room to glance around.

No Tom.

He moved to the boy's own room next, knocking on the door.

No answer.

A bit confused now, he carried himself to the bathroom, knocking once more.

Still no answer.

"Did he go out through the back door?" Tord mumbled to himself, eyebrows furrowed. Did Tom leave for alcohol, maybe?

He shook his head, venting a sigh through his nose. His feet hit the carpet as he walked toward his own room. Once he reached the dark oak wood door, he definitely didn't expect it to open for him.

"Oh, fuck, hi," Tom sputtered out, face going red as he scrunched up his shoulders.

"You..." Tord looked Tom up and down, an eyebrow raising. The flustered boy had taken off his jeans so he just stood in his briefs, replacing his sweatshirt for Tord's. "You snuck into my room... just to steal my sweatshirt?"

Tom covered his mouth with the sweatshirt sleeves before letting out a muffled, "No."

The response earned a raised eyebrow. "Uh-huh. Then why else were you in here?"

Tom let out an embarrassed hum, ignoring Tord's question as the Norse put his hands on Tom's shoulders. He forced the poor boy back until shoving him against the bed, climbing on top of Tom, straddling him. Tom glared up at Tord before asking, "Are Edd and Matt gone?"

"Yep." Tord placed a quick peck on Tom's lips as he cocked his head to the side. "Anyway, I've been wondering if you wanted to... try something new today."

Tom raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"Pet play."

"Oh, fucking hell."


"Can you tell me the rules again before you dress me and shit?" Tom asked, anxiously tapping his fingers against his leg as he sat on the bed.

Tord ran his fingers through Tom's hair, massaging his scalp. "Don't be so nervous, kjærlighet. You're gonna do great." He smiled at the poor boy. "Rule number one: no swearing. You're going to be a good kitten for your Master and keep your mouth clean. Number two: make sure to mind your manners. I want to hear a 'please' and 'thank you'. Number three: you're not allowed on the furniture, kitten, not unless you're on my lap. Number four: you cannot touch yourself without my permission."

Tom couldn't help but shiver.

"Does that sound fair?" Tord asked with a hum, cocking his head as he stared down at Tom.

"Yes, Master." Tom nodded meekly, eyes half lidded.

The answer earned Tom a grin as Tord unbuttoned Tom's jeans. He tugged them and the briefs off, Tom quickly pushing the sweatshirt over himself. "You're gonna look so fucking adorable," he cooed, mostly to himself.

"Fu—" Tom cut himself with wide eyes. "Oh, Jehovah, this is going to be hard."

A snort escaped Tord, followed by full blown laughter. "Just... try your best. I'll give you a break here and there since you seriously struggle with not swearing."

"Thank fucking Jehovah. Wait—I mean—shit—no!"

Tord's laughter grew as he placed his head in his hands. "Holy shit, Tom, you suck."

"I know I do." Tom sighed. "Can we just... continue? Let's pretend that never happened."

Venting a quick breath, Tord nodded. "Good idea," he said with a nod, moving over to his drawer. He opened it and pulled out some rather embarrassing panties, a different collar than usual, and a pair of cat stockings. "Do me a favor and put these on, okay, kitten? I've got to find a couple of other things." He tossed the garments toward Tom, the boy scrambling to catch them.

Tom furrowed his eyebrows, taking the panties first. He slowly slid them up his legs, sneering at the word 'Kitten' that had been sewn into the clothing. Shuffling uncomfortably, he pulled at the open part of them, which would allow Tord to... fuck him... without taking them off. He let out a sigh, pulling the stockings up his legs. Bows sat at the top with cat paws on the back of his feet.

Mmh. This was embarrassing.

He pulled the collar around his neck, trying to clasp it together. Did Tord do this to him just to humiliate him? Because no fucking way he could get this damn thing on without help, the bell on the collar ringing uselessly.

"Uhm... Tor... Master, I can't... get the collar on." He shuffled once more, still trying to get it together.

Tord glanced back at him before his eyes widened, and he let out a chuckle. "Ah, sorry, kitten, that's my fault." He placed whatever items he had been searching for on the dresser, walking over to Tom to pull the collar together. He finished in a matter of moments, patting his jeans.

With a sigh, Tom mumbled, "Thank you, Master." He rubbed at the collar.

"You're welcome, kitten." A quick kiss to Tom's forehead, followed by a chuckle. "Get on all fours, please," Tord murmured, turning back to the dresser.

Tom couldn't help the scoff that escaped his lips as he turned around, hiding his face in the sheets due to the embarrassment.

Rummaging through the dresser could be heard, followed by a deep and, frankly, scary chuckle. A pause, then something really damn cold pressed against his hole, making him squeeze the sheets and squeak. Tord pushed it inside of him, Tom inhaling sharply.

Other than being cold, it seemed fine. Smaller than what Tord usually put inside of him, but whatever. However, the weirdest part had to be the extra weight.

"What'd you put in me...?" Tom muttered, looking back at Tord with a glare.

"A cat anal plug," Tord said innocently, reaching over and clipping a leash on the side of the collar.

"Master... are you a fucking furry?"

Tord opened his mouth to warn Tom about his language, but he couldn't help but start laughing. Tom joined in, too, so they both sat there, giggling like a bunch of idiots.

Good times.

"Okay... for one, language. Two, I am not a furry. Three, put this on." Tord handed him a pair of cat ears, causing Tom to turn himself around and sit up.

He cringed. "Ugh... this feels weird." He squirmed a bit, much to Tord's delight, but put the pair of cat ears over his head. "There. Is that good, Master?"

Tord grinned, pressing a quick kiss against Tom's forehead. "It's perfect," he purred, hand wrapping around the leash and tugging rather suddenly.

Tom let out a surprised gasp, squeaking at the sudden pressure. "Why?" he hissed, glaring at the hand.

"Because you're cute." Tord chuckled. He tugged again, though softly. "Alright, come on. We're going to the living room."

A sigh escaped Tom's lips as he slid off the bed, standing. However, a sudden pull made him nearly fall, stumbling to catch himself.

"You're a pet, kitten. Crawl."

Tom's face flamed red as he glared at Tord. "There is no way I'm crawling, Master." He crossed his arms like a child.


"Bug off, Master. I said I'm not crawling."

With an annoyed sigh, Tord walked over to him. An arm wrapped around his waist, and then Tord lifted him up, causing a squeak.

"Oh, good lord, if you're going to carry me, can't you at least do it comfortably, Master?" Tom squirmed in the grip as Tord carried him out to the living room.

"Shut up, pet." Tord's arm tightened around Tom, making him yelp. His cheeks burned with embarrassment as he tried to squirm in Tord's grip. Soon enough, his knees found the carpet as Tord set him down, reaching for the remote. "Stay quiet, okay, kitten? A new documentary is on." The television flickered to life as Tom vented a sigh through his nose, crawling a bit closer to Tord so he could rest his head on his Master's leg. A soft chuckle could be heard as Tord ran his fingers through Tom's hair, gently petting him.

Ugh. Tom craved positive attention so much, he couldn't even complain. Tord's fingers soothed his beating hard as Tom cuddled into his leg.

They stayed like that for awhile, even if they were supposed to be doing a sexual roleplay. Both of them enjoyed the quiet.

Of course, Tom had to ruin it.

"Mmh... Master, could I sit on your lap? The ground's uncomfortable." He shuffled, turning to face Tord with a cute pout.

Tord couldn't deny that face. He leaned down and grabbed Tom's waist, lifting him up rather easily. He set the cute boy down on his lap, careful not to mess with the tail inside of him.

"You know... Edd and Matt are leaving for a trip next Monday. Which basically means we get a week to ourselves."

Tom blinked, tilting his head back so he could watch Tord stare down at him. "That'll be fun, but you do know you'll have to give me a break one of those days, right, Master?"

A scoff. "Kitten, of course I know. Your health is above my sexual needs." He rolled his eyes, leaning back into the couch.

That earned silence, which made Tord furrow his eyebrows in concern. Though, he found that feeling happened to be unfounded, as Tom shuffled around in his lap to face him. His cheeks were pink, and he seemed surprisingly happy.

Well, of course that made him happy. Tom never thought Tord could be so caring, and it made his heart flutter with...

His heart fluttered with something. Don't ask what that something is, because he doesn't know.

"Thank you for caring about me, Master," he purred cutely before pressing their lips together.

Alright, Tord can't take this anymore. He pulled Tom's head back using his hair, the poor boy squeaking in surprise. "Stay," he ordered gruffly, pushing Tom off of him and silently cursing how damn stupid it had been to leave the lube in the bedroom.

Tom's just too damn cute for his own good. Those flustered cheeks with his cherry pink lips curled up into a soft smile... Tord just can't handle it.

He returned to the couch, settling down without a glance to Tom.

"Master...? Did I do something wrong?" Tom's eyebrows furrowed in concern, but he didn't move from his spot.

"No, no, kitten, I just forgot the lube in the bedroom."

A snort escaped his lips. "Smooth, Master."

Tord chuckled and rolled his eyes, tossing Tom the bottle. "Shut up and get me ready, okay? I wanna finish this documentary before I fuck you."


A glare.

"Fine, Master."

Tom crawled over on all fours, well aware of Tord's eyes following his every move. He slowly unbuttoned Tord's jeans, the front half of his body nearly pressed against the couch. The other half swayed in the air, in perfect view for Tord as Tom unzipped the annoying barrier. He tugged down Tord's clothing, pulling out Tord's cock. He reached for the lube, pumping a bit out onto his hand.

Lazily, he slathered the lube onto Tord's cock, pumping up and down. Tord tilted his head back and let out a low groan, eyes shutting as Tom gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You know what a guy likes, kitten." Tord grinned down at him.

"I hate to break it to you, Master, but that's probably because I'm a guy."

"...Tom... shut the fuck up."

Tom broke down into a fit of laughter, placing his head down on Tord's thigh. "Yes, Master." He shook his head before looking back up. "That should be good, right?" He sat up, wiping the lube off on his thigh.

"Mm. Turn around, kitten."

With a raised eyebrow, Tom did as Tord told him. A soft tug on the tail made him gasp, squeezing his thighs together.

Okay. Getting it out felt much weirder than getting it in.

His hand squeezed the couch under him as he whined, the toy pulling out of him at an agonizingly slow pace.

Fucking... asshole.

The plug popped out of him, making him gasp in release.

"Ugh... that was weird as... yeah." Tom caught himself before he could swear, pushing his face into the couch.

Suddenly, a finger poked at the inside of him, making him yelp. "You're pretty wide now. I don't think you'll have any trouble getting my cock in." A pause. "Alright, kitten. Get on my lap."

With a sigh and an uncomfortably hard cock, Tom turned back around and sat down on Tord's thighs. The Norwegian gave him a grin, eyes half lidded with lust as he slowly pulled the panties down. Tom shifted uncomfortably as his erection sprung out, cute with a pink head.

"You're so adorable, min kattunge." Tord lifted Tom's hips and placed the boy just over his cock head. "Ready?"

"Ready, er... Master."

With that, Tord let him sink down on his cock. Tom let out a whine as he dug his face into the crook of Tord's neck. It took a moment, but finally, Tord's whole cock sat inside of him. Tom shuffled uncomfortably, gently rolling his hips.

"Hva en god kattunge. Så pen. En slik god liten slus," Tord purred gently into his ear, hands squeezing his love handles. After a moment of silence, he began to lead Tom's hips up and down, causing the boy to whine.

"Hah... fuck," Tom whimpered, hands clutching the back of Tord's. His mind spun with pleasure, when—

Tord slammed inside of him, the action rough as Tom yelped. "Watch your language, ludder," he growled as he rocked his hips up in time with Tom. Gasps of pleasure escaped the boy as he clawed at Tord's back, whimpering and whining at the stretch.

Then, Tord tilted his thrusts, hitting Tom's sweet spot. The boy yelped and tightened around him, eyes watering.

He had only ever ridden Tord once, and as he said before, the stretch felt weird compared to other positions.


"R-Right there, sir!" he cried out, tears dripping down his cheeks.

Tord slowed, causing Tom to whimper in distress. "Pardon, kitten, where are your manners?"

A few gasping breaths escaped him before he realized what this asshole wanted. "Please, sir, don't stop," he whined, biting his lip. "I need you to... mh... fuck me, please." He rolled his hips desperately, but he couldn't quite get the pleasure he needed.

"Good kitty."

Tom's stomach churned at that.

Tord slammed his hips back up against Tom's, the poor boy tilting his head back and exposing his neck as he moaned. Tord rolled his eyes but kept his fast pace, leaning to bite at Tom's shoulder. The boy yelped as Tord's damn sharp canines dug into his skin, drawing blood.

Seriously. Is Tord a fucking vampire?

He released Tom's poor neck before lapping at the blood that spilled out of the small around. He sucked around it to bruise it, causing it to go red.

"Such a good kitten," Tord purred, one hand slipping down to Tom's thigh so he could dig his blunt nails into the plump skin. "Så bra... så lett å knulle... for en god kattunge."

Tom panted desperately as he glanced down at Tord's lips, eyes half lidded. Tord took notice and smirked, leaning forward and pressing their lips together. A whine escaped Tom's lips, allowing Tord to slip his tongue inside. A sweet taste of cherry fell on Tord's tongue, most likely from the chapstick he saw Tom using earlier.

How cute.

Clinging onto Tord desperately, Tom let out a whimper through the kiss. He pulled back, his hips moving much more shallow than before. "Fuck, mm, Master, could you... help?" Tom managed to stutter out. Something guiding his hips up and down would be a big help at the moment.

With a roll of his eyes, Tord gripped Tom's hips and forced him to bounce up and down, the boy letting out a fervent noise of appreciation. Tord smirked. "Maybe I should've bought you bunny ears instead," he purred, sweat dripping down his skin. His eyes flickered up to Tom's lewd face then back down to his cute cock.

Tom let out a whimper, eyes narrowing. "Maybe I should've bought you a body pillow," he snarked despite how his erection twitched as Tord edged him closer to finishing.

"Shut it, kitten." Tord pressed kisses up Tom's jawlines, the boy squirming with delight. "For en slik tisse, gjør du en bedårende kattunge," he purred into Tom's ear, nails digging deep into Tom's skin.

"M... Master, I'm close," Tom whimpered out, eyes nearly closed as his bottom lip quivered.

Tord grinned. "Come for me," he ordered, reaching one hand down to stroke Tom's neglected cock. "Come, my little spitfire."

With a loud, high-pitched moaned, Tom did as he was told. Come spilled onto Tord's hand as he roughly pounded into Tom, trying to get his own pleasure.

Soon enough, Tord came, filling Tom up. "You're so beautiful," he whispered as his thrusts became shallow, coming down from his high. "Så vakker," he repeated, holding Tom close.

They basked in silence for awhile, Tom resting his head against Tord's shoulder. It felt nice to sit there after such a wild time.

It felt nice to just relax due to their panting.

It felt nice to be alone together.

Just the two of them.

Of course, Tord had to ruin it.

"Come on, kitten, let's go shower, okay?" Tord lifted Tom off of him, setting him down on the couch. He pulled up his jeans and boxers before grabbing the plug because, ya know, that'd be awkward to leave out.

Tom hummed angrily. "Do we have to? Can't we just sleep?"

Rolling his eyes, Tord sighed. "Yes, kitten. You can sleep after, but we need to clean up. You know how uncomfortable it is to keep my come inside of you for a long time."

"Fuck off." Tom shook his head, but stood up nonetheless. He wobbled a bit, but Tord wrapped an arm around him to keep him steady.

"You're cute," Tord said with a chuckle, leading them to the bathroom.

"You're an asshole."

"So I've been told."

Tom couldn't help but laugh at that as Tord set him down on the counter. "You're such a dweeb," he said, watching as Tord peeled the stockings down.

"You're a dork," he shot back as Tom lifted his hips so he could get the panties off the poor boy.

A smile appeared on his face as Tord turned on the water before shedding his clothes. It took a few moments, but soon both of them were in the shower, cuddling against each other. It was a mutual thing; this way, they couldn't see what they hated most about themselves.

Poor boys. (Except you, Tord. Fuck you.)

"Okay, before I forget to ask." Tom looked up at Tord with a tilted head. "How, uhm... how... big... are you?"

Tord snickered. "A solid eight inches."

Tom sputtered, choking on thin air. "Eight?! I thought you were fucking seven, max!"

"You were wrong, Thomas."

"Oh, fuck off."

y'all, im sorry this chap was humiliating to write, not gonna lie,so. a few things!!! I got some new girls (rats)!!! you can check them out on my insta (bunshin_shi). Their names are Lux and Mimi, both named after pokemon (luxray and mimikyu). They're so pretty??? i love them so much?????

also, this is completely off topic, but I need to talk about this

okay so I meant some people on kongregate and lemme tell you. this was fucking WILD. my favorite?some guy tried flirting with me; didn't go well

Everyone was talking about hentai (don't ask) and I dunno they asked me what I was into and I was like "oh I'm kinda into sub guys. I'm a pretty big sadist" (ngl i was thinking about my unhealthy obsession with tom), and I had mentioned that I write and that im ace/aro so I kinda just. assumed they'd think I was talking about writing. One guy did not. he was like "lol you'd dom a baby boy? What'd you do?" Or something. so, my dumbass said,"Oh! I usually just torture him. Sometimes I kill him off."

He thinks I'm a serial killer lolbut there's also some pretty good high lights

me: wtf ban how do you not remember me?? im betrayed and upset

ban: you're just another face in my harem


there was also this one guy who... well he was really fucked up, he belongs on r/niceguys, r/iamverysmart, and r/incelssome 

quotes from him

"women don't deserve to vote"

"everyone who isn't rich is too stupid to live"

some things we said to him:

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should have basic human empathy"

"apparently i'm a SJW because i'm against child porn"

"you're just mad because you have a phd but work at burger king"

yeah he was a fucking joy to talk to, and unbelievably stupid at the same time. ban, zodiac, and i had fun messing with him tbh

also,,, sorry that i talk a lot in my a/n's?? as edgy as it sounds, i don't. really have any friends to talk to (ya YEET) so i just ramble a lot,,,

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