please god just let me have ONE good day

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"Merry Christmas!"

"Eat my fucking ass."

Matt pouted in the distance, offended by Tom's reaction. On the other hand, Tord let out a laugh, wrapping his arm around Tom's neck. "C'mon, Jeho! Aren't you excited?" he teased, earning red cheeks and an angry huff.

"No. Why would I be excited?" Tom crossed his arms defiantly as Edd watched on with amusement.

"This is the first time we've all gone ice skating together!" Matt butted in, causing the duo to look up. "Let's just have fun. Forget Christmas."

Tord grinned and whispered into Tom's ear, "For now." A laugh escaped his lips as Tom huffed, sitting down to get his ice skates on.

"I'll kick you in your tiny dick," Tom spat vehemently, sitting down as well. Edd and Matt already had their skates on, so they were just waiting for the two fucking losers.

Tord stood up first, awkwardly standing on the skates. He couldn't wait to get out on the ice, glancing down at Tom.

"I hate my life," said boy muttered, eyebrows narrowed as he finished tying the laces, standing up. He immediately almost tripped, squeaking in surprise as his feet wobbled.

He's an idiot.

Tord quickly caught him, grabbing his arm and pulling him up. "Jesus, Jeho. Get your life together."

"I have no life!" Tom spat immediately as Edd and Matt shared an amused glance.

"Alright. You guys ready to go out on the ice?" Edd asked, attempting to hype the gang up. Tom just huffed.

"Can't I just watch?" Tom asked, only for his eyes to widen and a yelp to escape his lips as Tord tugged him closer to the ice. "You fucking dick!"

"Tord's right," Edd mused as Tord pulled Tom into the ice. The boy's face whitened as he immediately gripped Tord's sleeve. "And you're both slow, so bye."

Tord grinned at Tom's action, perking an eyebrow. Edd and Matt already ditched the two of them, somewhere in the distance, so Tord decided to experiment.

He let go of Tom.

The poor boy stood as still as he could, wobbling as he glared at Tord. "You fucking cunt!" Tom hissed immediately, looking for a railing.

"Can you not skate?" Tord asked, feigning curiosity to hide his amusement.

Now flustered, Tom didn't answer. He tried to push himself closer to the railing.

He immediately slipped. Pushing is bad in ice skating, fun fact.

Tom squeaked as he casually fell on his ass, letting out an awkward huff. He pouted as Tord skated closer, crouching down and grinning. "You need any help, kitten?"

He glared, but accepted the hand that Tord outstretched. The man pulled him to his feet, causing him to awkwardly wobble. "Thanks," he muttered, scowling at the floor.

"Do you really not know how to skate?" Tord asked as some random person flew by them.

"I've never gone ice skating before! Or even regular skating." Tom glared at him, but Tord just laughed.

"Well, don't fucking push your feet. Just... slide." Tord shrugged, unsure how to explain it as he slowly pulled Tom forward. Tom squeaked and started gripping Tord's hand tight, earning a laugh. "Like... move your feet like a skinny zero. Don't go out too far."

Tom huffed angrily, but he followed Tord's directions, the man pulling him along.

"Fucking—" Tom let out a curse as he almost tripped once more. Luckily, Tord pulled him back up before he could actually fall on his already bruised ass.

"You're too rigid," Tord explained gently, gripping Tom's hand tight. "Smooth. You gotta be smooth and let your feet take you."

Tom huffed as they started slowly skating again. His grip slowly loosened on Tord's hand.

Speaking of hands...

"Do you want my gloves?" Tord asked, head tilting. He could feel the coldness of Tom's skin through said gloves.

Tom casually pulled his winter coat closer to his skin. "No, thanks. Edd and Matt will go fucking crazy."

A huff of laughter escaped Tord's lips. "We're holding hands. They're probably currently going crazy."

"Or fucking in the bathroom."

Both of them let out a laugh, Tord shaking his head. "Knowing Edd? Maybe, but you know how Matt is with 'ruining his perfect face' in public." He rolled his eyes at the thought.

"You're probably right," Tom mused with a soft smile on his face, slowly leaning into Tord.

Then the man, a true asshole, started to speed up, earning a squeak from Tom as the boy got forced into speeding up as well.

"Dick!" Tom spat out, eyes narrowed as he focused on not falling on his ass. His grip around Tord's hand tightened once more.

"Du er så søt," Tord mumbled, eyes shining with pure adoration.

"Stop speaking little bitch." Tom huffed as he got back into his rhythm once more, calming down a bit.

"Stop being a little bitch," Tord shot back with a grin, suddenly letting go of Tom's hand and pulling ahead. He casually turned around until he faced Tom, hands outstretched.

"Ah, no! Don't leave me!" Tom said immediately, panicking as he held out his hands to balance, slowing down.

Tord just responded with a wink. "Come catch me, Jeho," he said, eyebrow perking.

Tom huffed out in annoyance, reaching for Tord's hands, but the man backed away just in time. "Oh, you absolute cunt," he hissed, speeding up to try and get Tord's hands.

This continued for a few minutes, Tord spitting out mocks and flirts, which just made Tom flustered and angry.

Poor babe.

Finally, Tom caught Tord's hands, gripping them tightly so Tord couldn't move away. "I fucking got you, you—"

Tom let out a squeak as he suddenly tripped, pushing his skate back like a dumbass. He crashed against Tord, forcing both of them sprawling on the floor.

Casually between Tord's legs and on top of Tord's chest, Tom flushed bright red.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he rushed out, sitting up and off of Tord. The man pushed himself up with his elbows before bursting out into laughter.

"You absolute idiot!" Tord managed out, laughing his ass off as Tom's blush worsened. He scrunched up his shoulders and glared.

"I didn't mean to!" he protested, eyes narrowed.

Then Edd and Matt skated up beside them, both of their eyebrows raised in a look of amusement. "Do you guys need help getting up?" Edd asked, grinning at the two idiots.

"No, no, I'm fine," Tord said as he gripped the railing, pulling himself up. Tom followed suit, still flustered as Tord laughed at him.

"What happened?" Matt asked cheerily as they all got back to skating, going slow.

"I was trying to teach Jeho how to skate, and he fell on top of me."

Tom smacked Tord's arms as he scowled. "That's not right! He was being a fucking dick and told me to catch him—"

"In an attempt to help you learn how to skate—"

"—and I slipped when I finally caught him." Tom shot a glare at Tord, their hands casually brushing together.

Edd snickered mischievously, eyebrow raising. "Is that why you guys were holding hands?"

Tom's face went bright red. "We weren't holding hands—"

"We kinda were."

"We weren't! You were just... helping me out!" Tom protested, shaking his head rapidly. Tord just snickered as Tom huffed. "Can we please get some food? I wanna take a break." He pouted.

Edd nodded as Matt hummed. "Do you think they have strawberry ice cream?" the ginger wondered out loud as they all moved to the exit.

"Fuck that. I just want fries," Tom said, laughing as they wobbled to the benches. "And why would they sell ice cream at an ice skating rink?"

Matt let out an offended gasp. "Because ice cream is delicious! They should serve it everywhere," he said defiantly, letting out a 'hmph.' Tom took a glance at Edd, who looked absolutely smitten at his lover.

Fucking idiot.

Tom untied his laces, shoving the skates off and flexin' his toes. I'm sorry. He put on his slip-on sneakers, stretching his legs. "Ah, freedom," he said casually, only to smile and laugh.

"Freedom," Tord echoed as he tossed his skates off. "C'mon. Let's go get some food." He stood up, and the rest of the gang followed suit.

"Are you guys excited for presents?" Edd asked suddenly, glancing over at them as they casually walked toward the food stand. "Assuming you guys remembered."

"Of course I remembered!" Matt said as Tord hummed in agreement.

"I may or may not have spoiled you guys this year." Tord winked as he laughed. "What about you, Jeho?"

"I remembered. Everyone's getting a present this year. Even you, you absolute cunt." Tom huffed as he glared at Tord.

Edd rolled his eyes, the conversation ending as he approached the food stand. Everyone glanced up, looking at the menu on the wall.

"See! I told you they'd have ice cream!" Matt said triumphantly, hands flying upwards as Tom rolled his eyes. Matt quickly bounded up, ordering as the others slowly followed suit.

After they ate, they skated for about another hour, having fun with each other, despite it being Christmas.

Poor Tom.

Once they got home, Matt practically squealed as he ran into the house. "Is it time for presents?" he asked, racing into the living room so he could get to the tree. Tom just let out a long sigh.

"If you're really that excited, Matt," Edd said with a soft laugh, eyes twinkling with love. Tom rolled his eyes at the sight.

Who is lame enough to fall in love?

Tom shrugged off his winter coat, tossing it on the sofa. The tree stood tall behind the sofa, just making Tom huff. He'd take care of it later.

"I gotta go get the presents from my room," Tord said before jogging to his room, leaving Tom behind with Edd and Matt.

He hated being the third wheel.

The two of them chatted happily as they sat down on the floor, right next to the tree. Tom sighed, placing his arms on the ridge of the sofa and his chin on his arms, watching down at the two of them.

Hopefully everyone would like their gifts. Especially Tord.

Tord finally returned, holding three boxes. He sat down next to Edd and Matt, leaving Tom to sit alone on the couch.

"Who wants to have their presents opened first?" Tord asked, looking around.

"Oh! Oh! Open mine!" Matt said, grabbing his presents. He tossed one to Tord, then Edd, then Tom, grinning excitedly. "Edd! Open yours first!"

Edd smiled and laughed, holding his out as he tore open the small, wrapped box. He tossed the wrapping to the side, revealing a small box. He opened it up, letting out a small gasp.

A gorgeous bracelet sat inside of a box. He quickly clasped it around his wrist before showing it off, earning 'ooo's from the gang. God bless.

He quickly reached over and gave Matt a hug and a kiss. "Thank you!" he said, chuckling as Matt blushed.

"You're welcome." Matt grinned as Edd pulled back, nodding to Tord.

Said man tore open his wrapping, tossing it into the pile Edd made. He opened the medium sized box, gasping. "Oh fuck yeah!" he said, pulling out a bag of candy. "I haven't had Norwegian candy in so long. Ah, my homeland." He dug through the box, checking all the candies inside of it.

"Edd helped me think of it," Matt admitted, laughing as he scratched at the back of his neck. "Alright, your turn, Tom!"

Tom took his box, squinting. He could squeeze it and push down the wrapping.


He tore it open, revealing a dark blue blanket. He blinked, titling his head. "It's heavy," he said, only to immediately wrap it around himself. Ah, warmth.

"It's a weighted blanket!" Matt explained cheerily, grinning up at Tom. "You mentioned having a hard time sleeping, so I thought you'd like it."

Tom softened as he smiled, reaching his hand out. Matt reached up, and they touched fingertips for a couple seconds.

Is this some weird-ass ritual? Edd and Tord shared a confused look.

"It's awesome, Matt. Thank you." Tom smiled as he pulled his hand back, pushing himself under the blanket.

What the hell.

"Who's next?" Matt asked, looking around.

"I'll go," Edd said, getting his presents out from under the Christmas tree. He slid Tord one, Matt one, and handed Tom his, as the boy still sat on the couch.

Matt immediately opened his, to nobody's surprise. He opened a small box, gasping. "It's Lush!" he said excitedly, looking through the box. A couple bath bombs stood out, but Tom could also see some body wash and scrub. God bless Edd. "Thank you!" Matt laughed, bouncing up and down.

Tom rolled his eyes and opened his own. It was shaped like a bottle, so...

"Fuck yeah, Smirnoff," Tom said under his breath, slowly pushing it under his blanket. Tord rolled his eyes.

Tord casually opened his present, opening the box once he tossed the wrapping away. "Oh, fucking mint!" he said immediately, pulling out an obviously fake gun and those foam bullets. "This is perfect."

"You're a fucking maniac, Tord," Tom said, perking his eyebrow. He rolled his eyes. "My presents are the one wrapped in pitch black."

"I know, Tom. They are every year." Edd rolled his eyes as he pulled the presents from under the tree. He slid them to everyone, looking at the names on the box to tell who's whose.

"Me first!" Matt immediately said, ripping his open. Tom smiled, awaiting the man's reaction. Matt immediately gasped, pulling out a white sweater that said 'Most Beautiful Man In The Room!' "It's awesome," he cooed, hugging it before putting it to the side. "I'm wearing it tomorrow," he said, determined.

Fucking idiot.

"Tom, are you flirting with my boyfriend?" Edd joked in mock jealousy, only to laugh when Tom winked. He started opening his own present, which was rather big. He tossed the wrapping to the side, opening the box.

That's a lot of fucking cola.

"Tom! What the fuck!" he said out of pure excitement, getting one of the liter bottle. He opened it, grinning at the hiss of the carbonation. He started chugging it, drinking some before pulling away. "Are you God?" he asked, putting the cap back on.

Tom just winked once more.

Tord rolled his eyes as he opened his much smaller present. He opened the small box, toxing it to the side.

A mug that said 'I <3 Communism.'

Tord gave him a bored look. "Thanks."

"There's something inside," Tom mumbled quietly, holding back his blush as he dug his face into his arms. Tord perked an eyebrow, pulling out a small piece of paper. He smirked just a bit as he started reading it.

'idk what youre getting for me for christmas (the worst holiday possible), but i still wanna outdo u. so tonight? in my room? like at seven maybe? idk man'

Tord looked up at Tom, who quickly averted his gaze, blushing awkwardly.

"What does it say?" Edd asked, so Tord quickly crumbled it up.


Edd gasped and cooed, immediately trying to take it out of Tord's hand.

So Tord casually plopped it in his mouth.

Tom snorted, leaning back and laughing as Tord ate the fucking piece of paper. He swallowed and grinned. "What note?" he asked innocently.

Edd just looked at him and sighed, eyes closing with disappointment. "Can we just open your presents now?" he asked, shaking his head.

Tord grinned, passing the presents out. "Go ahead."

Once again, Matt opened his first. It seemed pretty small as he tore the wrapping off, tossing it to the side. He opened it and started gaping.

"What? What is it?" Edd asked, leaning over to look at it.

"It's a phone?" Matt said in pure shock as he pulled it out. Tom's eyes widened.

"Tord, what the fuck?" Tom managed out, shook.

"I told you." He grinned at them. "I'm spoiling you guys this year. Edd, you next."

Edd slowly unwrapped his box, a suspicious look on his face. He opened the box, pulling out a very expensive looking tablet. Tord's grin widened.

"I also got you a yearly subscription to Photoshop. Which I will pay for."

"Why?" Edd asked in pure amazement, looking over his tablet, absolutely shook.

"Because I fucking love you dorks, and I wanted to make you fuckers super happy. Tom, you next."

Tom did not need this anxiety. He slowly opened his, tossing the paper. He opened the box.

"Is... what?" Tom's eyes widened as he inspected the brand new Macbook. "This is fucking awesome, Tord," he said, a small grin taking over his face.

"You always complain about your computer being slow. Also you have a Windows computer, so..." Tord grinned at him.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Tord." He giggled, cheeks pink with happiness.

Edd sighed as he checked his watch. "It's time for me to head back into my room. It's six."

"Oh shit, really?" Tom asked, blinking in surprise. He and Tord shared a look.

Tom had to start getting ready.

He jumped up. "Thank you guys for the gifts!" he said as he rushed away, earning a confused glance between Edd and Matt. Oh, but Tord knew.

He smirked.

Tom barged into his room, placing his bottle of Smirnoff on his nightstand and his new computer in a drawer. Honestly, he fucking loved Tord.



Brushing the thought off as quickly as he could, he placed the blanket on his bed. He quickly rummaged through his closet.

After about thirty minutes, Tom glanced around. His room had absolutely nothing on the floor, freshly vacuumed, and dusted. He had also wiped the makeup off his neck, revealing all his hickeys.

Now Tord couldn't judge him.

He glanced down at his current outfit choice and let out a long, self-hateful sigh. He collapsed down onto bed, waiting for Tord.

Suddenly, his phone dinged with a notification.

Tord: am i okay to come in rn?

Tom: sure

Tom hurriedly sat up, heart beating quick in his chest. He sat on his knees, hands between them, shoulders scrunched a bit as he awaited for the Norse.

Said Norse walked in, quickly closing and locking the door behind him. He looked over at Tom, eyes widening and mouth opening.

"M...Merry Christmas," Tom stammered awkwardly, looking away as he awkwardly tugged at his stockings.

Yeah, stockings.

He currently wore some pastel pink thigh-highs, and a pair of matching panties. He also wore the collar that he had accidentally stolen from Tord and not given back. Of course, he still had his loose t-shirt on.

"This is a wonderful present," Tord breathed out as he approached Tom like a damn wild animal.

Fucking idiot.

Tord got on the bed, cupping Tom's cheek and pressing a soft kiss against Tom's lips. He slowly pushed the boy down against the bed, towering over him as he pulled away.

"You're gonna have to be quiet," Tord murmured slowly as he slowly traced the edge of Tom's panties, causing the man to shiver.

"I know," Tom whispered back, pulling Tord back down for another kiss. Tord grinned into the kiss, biting Tom's lip as he slid his hand under Tom's loose shirt. The hand slowly slid up his skin before gently tracing his nipple, only to give it a sudden squeeze. Tom bit back a squeak, making Tord let out a low laugh.

"You're so damn cute," he mumbled, pressing a soft kiss against Tom's jaw. The poor immediately shuddered, a small breath leaving him as his head tilted back. Tord let his slow kisses lead down Tom's neck, the pecks soft. He didn't breathe between the kisses, caressing Tom's side with one hand and playing with Tom's nipple with his other. He bit down, breaking skin as Tom arched his back, holding back a soft moan.

"Fuck, Tord..." he whimpered quietly, making Tord grin.

"Shh, kitten. They're gonna hear your pretty noises," Tord mumbled into Tom's ear before gently biting the top of it. Tom shuddered, biting his lip to prevent another noise.

God, Tord would die for this man.

"You belong to me, kitten." Tord quickly bit down on Tom's skin, causing the boy to dig his nails into the back of Tord's neck, but Tord found it hard to complain. He enjoyed making Tom cry and whimper, his back arching at the soft touches Tord made on his skin.

He let out a soft breath.

"Jeg elsker deg," he mumbled slowly, watching as Tom clenched his teeth to try and prevent his pretty noises. "You're such a good kitten. So obedient," he purred lovingly, pressing his soft kisses all over Tom's pale skin, surprisingly gentle after his bites.

Tom let out a soft sigh, head tilting to give Tord more access to his skin. "Can't you hurry up?" he asked softly, thighs squeezing as Tord ran his thumb over Tom's nipple.

"I thought this was my Christmas present, kitten." Tord chuckled as Tom let out an irritated whine, though he didn't respond any further.

Tord slowly trailed his kissed down Tom's skin, skipping passed his shirt so he could mess with Tom's thighs. He pressed a soft kiss on Tom's thigh, earning a shuddering breath from his kitten.

Then he bit down, feeling his teeth sink into the sensitive skin. Immediately, the taste of iron flooded his tongue as Tom let out a desperate gasp. His eyes flickered up to Tom's expression, a soft smirk perking his lips. Tom reached up and started biting his finger to prevent any noises, cheeks flushed red and tears starting to pool at his eyes. His eyes glazed over, trembling under Tord's grasps and bites.

Finally, he released the bite, sucking down on Tom's skin, bruising it as much as he could. He always liked seeing Tom awkwardly flinch whenever he walked in jeans due to Tord's aggressive bites.

He's a bit of a sadist.

"Good boy," he purred, chuckling at the soft whimper that escaped Tom's throat. "You're such a good kitten." He pressed a few more kisses on Tom's skin before sitting up, suddenly gripping Tom's thighs and pulling him close. Tom squeaked at the action, eyes widening. "Don't have anything to say?"

Tom pulled his finger away. "Fuck off," he hissed, cheeks burning. Tord rolled his eyes, starting to grind down on Tom, but the boy quickly put his hands to Tord's chest. "Edd and Matt are gonna hear the bed creak," he blurted out, making Tord raise an eyebrow.

He casually snorted as he picked Tom up, the boy wrapping his arms and legs around the Norse. "Can you not be this cute for five minutes?" he asked in absolute adoration, pressing a soft kiss against Tom's forehead.

He loved Tom so fucking much. His heart couldn't take it.

"Do you have lube in here?" Tord asked, nuzzling into Tom's neck and kissing his soft skin.

Tom nodded, whimpering softly as he tried to grind against Tord's crotch. "I put it on the nightstand," he whispered, watching as Tord pulled back from Tom's neck. Still carrying Tom, he rushed to the nightstand, desperate to hear more of Tom's adorable noises.

He grabbed the black bottle on the nightstand before getting down on his knees, laying Tom down in front of him. The Brit scowled at the action, though obediently opened his legs.

"Are we really gonna do this on the floor?" he asked with a roll of his eyes, looking away as Tord chuckled.

"If you hate it that much, I'll pick you up again. Just let me tease you a little more, 'kay?" Tord grinned, squirting some lube onto his hand. Pulling Tom's panties off, he tossed them to the side as he grinned at Tom's adorable cock. He gripped Tom's knee, pulling Tom closer to him, placing the Brit's leg up on his shoulder.

"That burns, you dick," Tom snarled, only to squeak and arch his back when Tord pressed two of his fingers inside of Tom. The boy quickly reached up and bit down on his finger to prevent noises from escaping his mouth, making Tord sigh.

"Damn. I wish Edd and Matt weren't here. Then I'd be able to hear you moan out my name," he teased, adding in another finger as Tom squirmed under him, making his cock twitch in interest. "You're such a good little slut," he purred, leaning down and pressing kisses down Tom's thigh. Tom shivered under the kisses, trying to bite back his moans.

Poor boy.

Finally, Tord pulled his fingers out, wiping the excess lube on his jeans. He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, tugging them down just enough for his cock to pop out. Grabbing the lube once more, he squirted more onto his hand before wrapping said hand around his cock, giving it a few pumps.

He picked Tom back up, the boy wrapping his legs around Tord's waist once more, clutching on for dear life.

If Tord dropped him, there'd be hell to pay.

"Good boy," Tord couldn't help but say, adjusting their position so he could temporarily grab his cock. He slowly pushed it inside of Tom, earning a soft whine from the boy.

"I... I hate you," Tom managed out, digging his face into the crook of Tord's neck. He bit down on the red sweatshirt, muffling any noises that would escape his mouth.

Tord gripped Tom's thighs tightly, fingers brushing against fabric as he slowly started to move Tom. He thrusted up, earning a soft squeak from Tom. "Shh, shh, kitten," Tord purred softly, his thrusts soft as he warmed the boy up. "You don't wanna be found out, do you?" he asked, rubbing his thumb on Tom's thigh.

He pushed Tom against the wall, allowing him to start ramming into the poor boy. Tom let out a loud squeak, releasing Tord's sweatshirt with a gasp.

Tord rolled his eyes at Tom's inability to keep quiet. He pressed his lips against Tom, sliding his tongue against the boy's bottom lip. Tom obediently opened his mouth, which Tord immediately took advantage of. Their tongues clashed together, soft noises escaping their lips as Tom fought back, trying not to lose all of his dignity.

It started to get hot. Like, way too hot. Tom broke the kiss with a gasp, squirming desperately as Tord slammed into him, giving no sign of exhaustion.

Fucking prick.

"Tord, c-can I take off the stockings?" he breathed out, biting his lip.

Tord perked an eyebrow, tilting his head. "Why?" he asked in pure bewilderment, wincing when Tom dug his nails into his neck.

"H-Hot," Tom stammered out, panting as he tilted his head back, Adam's apple bobbing.

"Deal with it," Tord grunted out in response, pulling Tom back into a kiss, the poor boy whimpering. Tord is an absolute cunt.

Tord bit down on Tom's neck once more, forcing a squeal as the boy clenched down. Tom bit his lip even harder, drawing blood.

Edd and Matt would fucking smite them if they found them like this.

Sweat rolled down Tom's skin as he whimpered, rocking his hips into Tord's thrusts. "P-Please, Tord, it's hot," Tom repeated, voice barely carrying itself to Tord. The man let out an annoyed grunt.

"Take off your damn shirt, then," he hissed out, breaths quick and short as he squeezed his eyes shut.

Tom cringed but shut his mouth. He didn't really feel up to arguing during sex any longer.

A soft whine escaped Tom's lips as he gently grabbed at the hair on the nape of Tord's neck, gasping desperately. Heat coiled in his stomach, his cock twitching interest.

"Oh, fuck," he whimpered, digging his head into the crook of Tord's neck once more. "Please, Tord, I'm close." Tears started to drip down his cheeks, spilling onto Tord's hoodie as he whined desperately.

Tord huffed, reaching down and gripping Tom's cock. He pumped it up and down, earning a relieved moan from Tom. He forced the boy out of his neck, grinning.

"Shut up," he reminded, pressing his lips against Tom's.

He kinda liked the feeling of Tom's lips on his own.

Tom let out a muffled whine, mouth opening as Tord pushed his tongue down Tom's throat.

Disgusting fuck.

Unable to help it any longer, Tom came into Tord's hand, eyes squeezing shut. He spaced out in pleasure and overstimulation as Tord continued thrusting, needing to finish himself.

"Such a good slut," Tord managed, panting. After a few more thrusts, Tord came with a grunt, riding out his orgasm. He slowly pulled Tom away from the wall, gripping his thighs once more. He slowly brought Tom to the bed, dropping the boy on it before grabbing a tissue to wipe his hand off.

Tom quickly tugged the thigh-highs off of him, throwing them into the corner of his room. He turned to his side, blinking when he saw Tord staring at him.

"...What?" he whispered after a moment, blinking.

Tord smiled and moved closer to Tom. He ran his hand through the boy's hair, watching as his eyes fluttered closed. "Sorry for being a dick," he murmured, eyes shining.

"It's fine. I should've just shut up." Tom wrapped his arm around his pillow.

He shook his head. "I still shouldn't have been a dick. Accept my apology, hoe."

Tom smiled and giggled. "Whatever you say, Tord." He took a deep breath before going silent, and all Tord could do was watch.

He would miss Tom, even if he'd only be gone for six days. He really just wanted everything to stay the same, but he knew he'd have to leave.

Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Tom, laying down as he sighed.

He'd have to leave, he knew. For now, though, he just wanted his precious little spitfire in his arms.

Once it got late, he would have to leave Tom and shower. Then he'd have to get on an airplane and leave.

He kinda didn't want to, but he knew how much fun he'd have seeing his dads.

A sigh escaped his lips.

He'd just have to text Tom. Though, he didn't really like the change.

God, he really did love Tom.

what the fuck! this is 5,000 words and it's only been five/four days since my last update!!!
i'm so fucking hyped to finish this fic but at the same time i am Not bc i'm gonna be honest guys, i literally have no fucking idea what to do with my fucking life after this. literally none. like this has been my main goal for almost two years and now that i'm actually close to achieving it, it's freaking me the fuck out,,,, like What The Fuck???

so,,, does anyone have any ideas for a new book???? i don't fucking know!!! AaaAaaaAaAAAaaaAAAAAa

also just a warning: the fucking moment it turns into april i'm prolly gonna fucking crash bc april has a history of being one of my Worst Fucking Months of the year,,, ;)

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