this house is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE!

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Tom woke up, eyes squeezing.

For a moment, he assumed he had Tord in his arms, still pulled close after a slightly intense round of sex.

Alas, when he opened his eyes, the day dream disappeared. A pillow sat tightly between his arms, and Tom scrunched his face up in disgust. He pushed it away, watching it fall off the bed.

Fuck his life.

He sat up, thighs pressed together since he still had no clothes waist-down. He made sure the weighted blanket covered most of his body, sighing. He reached over and grabbed his phone from the nightstand.

Tom: did u have a safe trip?

Another sigh escaped his lips as he got up, figuring he should probably get some pants on so he could go shower.

He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and briefs from his dresser, quickly pulling them up his legs. Phone gripped tightly between his fingers, he let out a soft sigh. Despite Tord only being gone for a few hours, Tom already missed him.


Tom grabbed his towel and walked out of his room. The house made no noise; Edd and Matt must've still been asleep. His steps were quiet, the floor gently creaking beneath him.

Suddenly, his phone dinged, and he almost dropped his phone as he scrambled to check the text message.

Tord: Luckily, yes

Tord: Did I wake you up at all?

Tom couldn't help but smile at Tord's concern, his cheeks flushing pink with happiness. His steps had slowed down as he headed to the bathroom.

Tom: would u feel guilty if i said yes?

Tord: Of course I would

A giggle escaped Tom's lips as he slipped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Tom: wow, how dreamy

Tom: no, u didn't

Tord: Good

Tom grinned, rolling his eyes as he turned on the shower.

Tom: kay, i gotta shower

Tom: ttyl

Tord: Can I see?

He rolled his eyes as he pulled off his shirt.

Tom: youre gonna have to earn it

Tord: </3

With that, Tom shut his phone off, officially cheered up.

They continued to talk via texting through most of the day. Sometimes, they'd flirt, but for the most part, they just talked. Tom didn't want to admit it, but he kinda liked the change. Tord's conversation skills were... surprisingly good.

Don't let Tord know that he said that.

Finally, when night came, Tom cuddled into bed, gripping a pillow with his blanket over his shoulders. He had grown so used to being in bed with Tord, it made his skin crawl to be without the extra heat source.

He gripped his phone tightly as three bubbles moved on his screen, awaiting for Tord's text.

Tord: Have a good night, kitten

Tom: you too, Tord

Tom let out a soft, sad sigh. He really didn't want to sleep without Tord in his bed. Still, he let his eyes flutter closed.

The next few days continued just like that. Tom would wake up way too early, no matter how late he fell asleep, and shower before eating breakfast with the gang. He and Tord would say good morning to each other before Tord left to spend time with his dads. They'd have a conversation after lunch, then they'd say good night to each other, and Tom would fall asleep with a crippling sense of abandonment.


Now, Edd and Matt stood in front of him as he picked at his food. He hated being the third wheel. He missed Tord.

"Are we still going to go out tonight?" Matt asked happily, making Tom perk up.

"Yeah. I have it booked and everything." Edd gave Matt a grin as he tapped his fingers against the table, watching Matt with pure love.

Tom wanted to say something. They never told him they were going out.


He let out a soft sigh and pulled out his phone as the two talked about their plans. He went to Tord's contact, fingers hovering over the keyboard.

Did he really want to ruin Tord's vacation right now? Surely the man just wanted a break from him.

He sighed.

Tom: how was your breakfast?

He started biting his nail as he waited for Tord's reply. God, he's so annoying. How did Tord not hate him?

Tord: It was good

Tord: How was yours, kitten?

Tom relaxed at the response, relaxing a bit.

Tom: boring, lol

Tom: edd and matt made plans apprently

Tom: apparently*

Tord: "Apparently?"

Uh-oh. Tom revealed too much already. Oh, fuck, he's fucking stupid.

Tom: haha yeah

Tom: p sure they forgot to tell me

They also forgot he existed.

Tord: That's stupid

Tom couldn't answer.

Tord: How about you and I do something tonight?

Tord: I can probably retire early, around seven

Tord: Does that sound good?

Tom let out a soft sigh before smiling. He really, really liked Tord.

Tom: yeah

Tom: thank you, Tord

Tord: Of course, kitten

Tom could finally find himself smiling despite the conversation happening in front of him. He let out a dreamy sigh.


The day went by way too slow. Edd and Matt left around one, not even telling him that they were going. Tom then spent most of his watching movies in the living room, writing on his brand new macbook.

God, he fucking really liked Tord. He's already said that, hasn't he?

He let his head tilt back.

It had been so damn long since they started this... weird relationship thing. Tom hadn't been keeping track. It just started as the occasional fuck, but now it's...


How gross.

Tom let out a soft sigh, pushing his laptop to the side before digging his face into his hands. What kind of fucking straight man actively has sex with a guy? Seems kinda suspicious.

What? You didn't think he was that oblivious, did you?

His fingers flexed. If Tord had stayed home, he wouldn't be having his existential crisis right now. He pouted; why did Tord have to leave?

He then internally berated himself for being so selfish. Tord actually had a life outside of him, and he couldn't forget that.

A loud groan escaped his lips. Could he be alone for over an hour without freaking out? Jesus Christ.

He glanced at the time. Still two hours until seven.

Fuck his life.

A sigh escaped his lips as he grabbed his laptop once more, going back to typing.

This time, the two hours went by without Tom realizing it. Thank fucking god; he could not go any longer without talking to Tord. His phone buzzed with a text message, making him shoot up, barely catching his laptop before it slid off his lap. He scrambled to grab his phone, opening the text.

Tord: Are Edd and Matt still there?

Tom: no they left a while ago

Tom: i think they're fucking at a hotel ngl

Tord took a minute to respond, making Tom bounce his leg. Ugh, he's really clingy.

Tord: You wanna call, then?

Tom: sure

Tom's heart started beating just a bit harder as he stared at his phone. It started ringing, and he scrambled to accept the call.

"Hey," Tord said immediately, and Tom practically melted at the sound. He shut his laptop and placed it on the coffee table.

"Hey," Tom replied with a soft giggle, laying down on the couch. God, how could he be this hyped for a phone call? "How has your vacation been?"

"Pretty damn good," Tord said with the chuckle that always made Tom's stomach coil. "We've already done a shit ton of stuff, like going to the mall. My favorite candy store is still open."

Another giggle escaped his throat. "I'm pretty sure you just would've paid them to re-open it."

"You're probably right." Tord chuckled again.

For a few moments, they were silent, but it made Tom's body go warm and fuzzy. Ew, what the hell is happening to him?

Tord decided to speak again. "How have you been the past few days?" he asked gently.

"Lame," Tom said immediately, stretching. "I don't like being the third wheel, and I miss you."

No response.

Tom's face immediately burst into flames. He wasn't thinking when he said that, how stupid could be be? Why the hell would he say that?

"I miss you too, kitten," Tord murmured on the other side, letting Tom relax a bit. "What have you missed about me?"

Ugh, Tord really liked embarrassing him, huh? He let out a soft sigh. "I... missed your voice, and your laugh." His cheeks started heating up as Tord didn't respond. "And I miss falling asleep next to you. I miss holding hands, and I miss..."

Tom's face went bright red. He almost got sexual there.

"Ah... sorry," he mumbled, shrinking down in his seat.

"Don't be, kitten. That was adorable," Tord teased, letting out that stupid fucking chuckle again. God, what an annoying prick. "I've been pent up without you," Tord admitted, letting out a soft sigh.

Tom inhaled softly, thighs squeezing. "Me too." He awkwardly rubbed his thighs together. "I really missed your voice." And your accent, and your chuckle, and you.

"I miss staring at your ass," Tord joked, making Tom snort.

"Want a picture?"

"I mean, kinda."

Tom started giggling, head tilting back at Tord's stupidity. "Dweeb."


With a roll of his eyes, Tom let out a yawn. "I can't wait until you come home."

"Neither can I, kitten," Tord assured quietly. "I miss touching you."

Tom's breath stuttered. "Yeah?"

A smug chuckle escaped Tord's lip at Tom's suddenly breathy tone.

Could they go a week without having sex? Jesus Christ.

"Yeah," Tord said with a soft hum. "Your skin is so soft. When I get home, I'm gonna run my hands all over you." Tom whimpered softly, simply spurring Tord on further. "I've been thinking about caressing your skin all week. I can't wait to squeeze your cute little nipples."

Tom slowly slipped his hand under his sweatpants, wrapping it around his cock. "Y-Yeah?" he whimpered, silently begging Tord to continue.

"I'd love to grip your hair and pull it, leaving hickeys down your neck. I know you love the pain, du ludder."

A moan escaped Tom's lips, making him slap a hand over them. Uh-oh.

Tord let out a sultry chuckle, making him rub his thighs together. "Are you touching yourself, kitten?"

"Yeah..." he admitted, whimpering softly. Apparently, he didn't know any other word.

"Go to my room, kitten," Tord ordered, making Tom whine as he slipped his hand out of his briefs. He stood up, gripping his phone tightly as he rushed into the hallway. Tord stayed quiet outside of his gentle breathing, Tom's face burning.

He slipped inside of Tord's room, flipping on the dim lights. "Okay, uh, what now?" he asked awkwardly, closing the door.

"In my nightstand, there's the toy box. Get it for me, kitten."

Tom hurried to the nightstand, opening the same drawer he had seen so many times. He took out that stupid red box and Tord's bottle of lube, his thighs squeezing together. "Now?" he whimpered in anticipation.

A soft chuckle escaped Tord's lips. "Set up your camera, please. I'd like to see you."

Ugh, Tom's so... ugh. Emotions are weird. Tom didn't like them.

Despite that, Tom glanced around the room before settling on Tord's lamp. He propped the phone against it before turning on the camera.

"There you are," Tord teased as Tom let out a huff. "Why don't you choose your own toy, hmm?"

Face burning, Tom opened the box.

Oh, god, Tord's kinkiness got out of hand.

Seriously. Who just kept a bunch of vibrators, butt plugs, handcuffs, blindfolds, and more in their fucking room? What the actual fuck?

A sigh escaped Tom's lips, looking through the items. He couldn't help the adorable pout that appeared on his lips, eyebrows furrowing with frustration.

"What's wrong, kitten?"

Tom looked up, and his face burned even brighter for multiple reasons.

One, Tord had turned his camera on, and Tom just about lost it. The Norse had a tight shirt on that made his lean figure obvious, his silver eyes watching with slight worry. Tom's thighs squeezed before he could help it. The phone light illuminated Tord's gorgeous figure, everything else engulfed in darkness. Tom leaned forward as if that would give him a better look of Tord's chiseled chin and thin lips. Oops, he's kinda... ugh.

Two, he didn't want to admit the reason why he made that face.

"Kitten?" Tord's voice became stern, making Tom look down.

"They're small..." he whispered in complete humiliation, making Tord perk an eyebrow.

"What was that, kitten?" Tord teased, a soft smirk on his face. Ah, what a dick.

A groan escaped Tom's mouth as his eyes squeezed shut. "They're all smaller than you are!" he hissed out, reaching one hand up to rub at his burning cheek. "They're not gonna be... enough..." he trailed off awkwardly, a soft whine escaping his throat.

Tord let out a low chuckle, eyes twinkling with amusement. "Alright, kitten. There's some in my closet, in a box. They should be big enough for you," he mocked, making Tom scoff.

Deciding to just ignore Tord, he got up and headed to the man's closet. Why the hell did Tord even have so many dildos? Did he have someone other than Tom to use them on?

That made his heart stop.

Did Tord have any other fuck buddies? He couldn't, could he? But what if he did?

Tom groaned. Now wasn't the time for another breakdown..

He opened the closet, eyes scanning the ground before he crouched down. He pulled out a much bigger box, thighs pressing together.

"Why the hell do you have so many dildos?" Tom said loud enough for Tord to hear, and he couldn't help but smile when Tord laughed.

"They're all for you to try one day, kitten."

Tom let out a weirdly pleased giggle, unable to help himself. Ugh.

Inevitably, Tom chose a didlo that he knew would be a... new experience for him. He pulled it out of the box, squeezing it gently. It had a softer texture, yet it had bumpy ridges on the side that made him shiver. No light bounced off of the object, completely pitch black.

Oops. Maybe Tord's kinkiness rubbed off on him.

Gripping it tightly, he stood back up and climbed back into bed, Tord perking an eyebrow once he saw the dildo that Tom chose.

"You really do miss me, don't you?" he teased lightly as Tom let out an embarrassed huff.

"Is it okay?" he asked in embarrassment, grabbing the lube but waiting for Tord's permission.

A soft chuckle escaped Tord's lips. "Yes, kitten. It's perfect for you." He let out a hum of excitement, a single hand snaking down to unzip his jeans.

Tom seemingly followed suit, hurriedly ditching his sweatpants, placing them neatly to the side. He pumped lube onto his hand before wrapping it around the dildo, pumping it up and down. The ridges pressed against his palm, and he couldn't help the breathy sigh that escaped him.

"Slowly," Tord murmured, eyes half-lidded as Tom lifted himself up. "Spread your legs further, kitten. Let me see you," he purred as Tom let out a soft whine.

The boy gripped the dildo with one hand, slowly pushing himself down on the dildo. His legs spread just a bit wider, biting his lips as his thighs trembled. The farther he got down on it, the more it stretched out his hole. "I-Is this good?" he stammered, face flushed red.

His face went even more red once he saw Tord holding his cock, gripping it tightly as he grinned at Tom. "It's perfect, kitten," he murmured, silver eyes glinting in the phone light.

A whimper escaped Tom's lips as he slowly pulled back up, the bumps rubbing against the rim of his hole. He dropped sharply down, a shaky breath escaping him. He quickly bit down on his lip, making Tord grunt.

"Come on, kitten, moan. No one but me will hear you," he ordered, making Tom whimper. "Even wider, kitten. I want to see all of you."

Tom did his best to spread his legs wider, forcing an ache through his inflexible body.

He didn't really mind it, though.

"Play with your nipples, kitten," Tord breathed out, making Tom shiver. The boy slipped his hand under his shirt, a high moan escaping his lips as he pulled at one of his nipple piercings.

"L-Like that? Is that good?" Tom whimpered out, desperate to please Tord.

The Norse nodded, letting out a grunt as he started roughly fucking his hand. "Just a little faster, kitten," he ordered, a groan escaping his lips. "You're being such a good boy, Thomas. Such a good slut."

A loud moan escaped Tom at the degrading name, thighs squeezing. "Y-Yeah?" he whimpered, speeding up his pace as he slammed the dildo inside of him. Sweat dripped down his forehead as his cherry pink lips parted for quick breaths. Surprisingly, Tom got a workout from this.

"God, I can't wait to get home and fuck you," Tord growled out, earning a high whine. "I'll give you so many damn hickeys, you'll never forget that you're mine."

Tom moaned, head tilting back as he squeezed down on the dildo. "Tord," he whined out, gasping for air. "I want your cock so bad. I want you so bad," he whimpered, tears collecting at the corner of his eyes.

"I know, kitten, I know," Tord grunted out, a low groan escaping him. "I'll pound you into the fucking mattress when I get home, you fucking slut."

A whine escaped Tom's lips, stomach churning with pleasure. "Fuck, Tord, I'm close," Tom whined out, thighs squeezing. "Ah, fuck, please," he begged, cheeks flushed.

"Go ahead, kitten. Come for me," Tord murmured, watching Tom as he grew close himself.

Tom came with a loud moan, riding out his orgasm as he bounced on the dildo. His thighs ached, trembling as he whined one last time. Finally, he pulled himself off the dildo, collapsing down next to it.

Tord came soon after, a low grunt escaping him as come spilled over his hand. He panted for breath, looking at Tom as he came down from his high.

"Jeg elsker deg," he whispered, too quiet for Tom to hear him.

After a minute or two of just sitting there and panting, Tom finally decided to speak. "I really do miss you," he murmured, making Tord blink.

"I miss you too, kitten," he promised, making Tom smile. "Are you going to be doing anything for New Years, or are you gonna stay with us?"

"I gotta go to my parent's house for dinner, but I'll be back before the countdown. You'll be back before five, right?" Tom asked, blinking with worry.

Tord chuckled. "Yes, kitten, don't worry." The man let out a yawn, and Tom couldn't help but yawn too.

"Are you tired?" Tom sat up, looking at the camera.

"Meh. I'm fine." Tord proceeded to yawn again, making Tom roll his eyes.

"Good night, Tord," he teased as he grabbed his phone.

Tord rolled his eyes. "Good night, kitten."

With that, Tom ended the call, staring at his phone.


Maybe being bisexual wasn't that bad.


okay so i know everyone follows this because it's,,, well it's fucking porn,,, but the next three chapters are gonna be plot and i apologize,,, but at the same time, kiss my ass if you're gonna complain,, but yeah five more chapters left, folks,,, y'all ready?? ;)anyway i'm gonna do a short vent here bc i am extremely tired,,, yo girl is losing weight again (which is not good for me, i'm 100lbs),,, and i can't exactly see a doctor rn, it's fucking mint,,, also i'm getting rlly violent again, and it's just,,, not good folks!! already goin downhill and it's march,,, april is gonna hit me like a fuckin train folks!!! we out here livin the good life!!!lol god has cursed me. have a good day folks

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