stop kink shaming me! kink shaming IS my kink! AAAAAAAAA-

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"Baby, come on, we have to shower." Tord grinned as his eyes flickered to the clock. Tom had been sleeping for hours, and Tord has plans for him.

Tom whined as his arms dangled from the bed. "No, leave me alone." He dug his face into his pillow, trying to ignore Tord.

A huff escaped Tord's throat as he leaned over and shook Tom. "Come on, kitten. I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Tom rolled over, tugging at his red sweatshirt. Well, it's technically Tord's, but Tom has stolen it for the time being.

"Yes, a surprise." Tord chuckled as he leaned down and picked Tom up bridal style, causing the boy to squeak.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?" he asked as he shuffled, trying to lift himself up.


"Is it sex?"


Tom started giggling, shaking just head as Tord walked into the bathroom. "When is it not sex?" he asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Hey!" Tord protested, setting Tom down on the counter. "I'll take you on a real date someday. Someplace fancy. Or maybe Wendy's. I know it's your favorite."

A smile appeared on Tom's face as he slid off the counter. "Stalker," he teased as he turned around, back to Tord. He started stripping as Tord laughed.

"Excuse me? You always ask Edd for Wendy's when it's a fast food night." Tord rolled his eyes, taking his clothes off as well.

"Ya got me there." Tom shrugged, stepping into the shower. Tord followed after him, shutting the shower curtain before wrapping his arms around Tom's waist. He pulled the boy closer so his back pressed against Tord's chiseled chest. Eyes shut, Tord dug his face into the crook of Tom's neck.

A silent agreement hung in the air, a promise shared with no words. Both men had insecurities that they didn't want the other to see, so closed eyes and shifted vision sat as the only other alternative.

"Jeg elsker deg," Tord murmured softly, making Tom sigh.

"You know I don't understand you, right?" Tom smiled lightly, tilting his head as Tord pressed a soft kiss on Tom's skin.

Breath lightly ghosted against Tom's skin. "I know. That's the point."

Tom smiled and rolled his eyes. "Fair enough."

Tord gently rubbed Tom's skin as they basked in the sound of falling water. Peace grew with every drop.

After a minute of silence between the two, Tord decided to open his dumbass mouth.

"Have you ever used sex toys before?" he asked shamelessly, eyes still closed as he rested on Tom.

A blush spread across Tom's face. "...Besides being with you? No." He let out a slightly nervous laugh.

"Would you use more intense ones with me?" He pressed a kiss against Tom's skin.

Tom nodded slowly, too embarrassed to say anything verbally.

"Good boy," Tord murmured quietly before reaching over the boy and turning off the water. "Would you mind wearing something for me, too?"

Tom perked his eyebrow as they stepped out of the shower. "Sure. Go and get it so I can get changed." He stretched as Tord let out a laugh.

"Alright, kitten." He pressed a soft kiss against the back of Tom's neck before leaving.

Now Tom stood alone, letting him bask in the current situation.

Damn. Why did Tord have to be so kinky? What did he plan to do to Tom? How much kinkier would it be compared to usual?

Well. Guess he'll die.

He sighed as he placed his forehead on the sink counter, waiting for Tord.

Finally, the man returned, knocking before he entered. He had his head turned so he wouldn't see Tom as he tossed the clothes on the counter, spooking Tom. "Enjoy, kitten," he teased. "I'll be waiting for you in the living room."

With that, he left Tom in silence, sharing at the clothing in hand.

Tom couldn't tell exactly what it was. A frill, black and white dress, by the looks of it, but nothing else. He looked to see if Tord had tossed anything else.

Some black, tight black thigh highs. Man, Tord seemed to like his black by the looks of it.

He sighed as he first pulled the thigh highs on, not even flustered even more. He felt like he should be used to it by now. It hugged his thighs, maybe a bit too tight. There were no panties, so it seemed he was going commando.


Then he awkwardly slid on the dress, which squeezed his waist, making him sigh. Of course Tord would make him wear this shit.

Then he looked at the mirror, face bursting into flames.

The black dress pushed up so the skirt part of it bounced upward, white frills under it. The skirt part of it had white lining. Then, a white patch sat over his crotch area, which led to a corset-like lace up. It had thin straps with bows on them.

A maid dress.

Tord put him in a god damn maid dress.

Tom didn't know whether to be disappointed or embarrassed.

Face burning, he tugged it down and left the bathroom. His hand burned to give Tord a harsh slap for this. Fucking Norwegian.

He walked into the living room, eyes narrowed. "Tord, what the h..." He trailed off as he saw Tord's clothing.

A skin tight short sleeve shirt that showed off his muscles, making Tom's breath stutter. Skin tight jeans made Tom's fingers itch to unbutton them himself.

Oh, god.

"Come here, kitten." Tord gave Tom a charming grin, making Tom shiver.

Eyes wide, Tom walked until he stood in front of Tord, hands clutched together.

"Can you be a good boy and get the toy box from my room?" He cocked his head to the side, a smug grin on his face.

Tom gave a shaky nod and turned, leaving immediately as he freaked the fuck out.

Tord looked hot. Like, really hot. He bit his lip as he slipped into Tord's room, taking a deep breath to calm down.

Jesus Christ.

Feet carrying themselves, he walked over to the nightstand, opening the drawer where Tord kept the box. Jesus, why did he know that? Something's wrong with him.

Tom carried it out to the living room, still blushing like an idiot. Tord gave him a smile and pat his lap.

Fucking perv.

With a sigh, he turned around and sat down on Tord's lap. Tord grabbed the box from Tom, humming a casual tune as he opened it.

"I upgraded your collar from last time," Tord said casually because the author has no idea what the fuck she tried to write.

He pulled the tight pink collar around Tom's neck, clicking it closed. He moved to gently ring the bell on the front of it, which gently tapped against the tag that had his symbol on it.

God, he wished Tom was his.

"Jeg elsker deg, min kattunge," he purred quietly, digging his face into the crook of Tom's neck.

His precious kitten.

Then he sighed as he pulled back and gripped the hem of the dress, pulling it up to reveal Tom's flaccid cock.

I'm just as uncomfortable as you guys.

He started humming as he rummaged through his little box as Tom squirmed uncomfortably. He pulled out a barred, metal thing in the shape of a cock. He put it next to Tom's, humming in thought as he silently measured it.

Gonna be honest, guys. Usually I refuse to do something like this. But the only description you're getting is that he put it on Tom, and it took a bit over a minute. I tried to watch a video on how to do it and started crying. I'm so sorry but I literally can't.

So, he put it on Tom's cock, and it took a bit over a minute. He let out a soft hum as he adjusted it. "Does that feel okay, kitten? Is it cutting of your circulation?" he asked casually as if he hadn't done something absolutely humiliating.

Tom gave a shaky nod. "It's okay," he murmured awkwardly, shifting in embarrassment.

Fucking Tord.

"Okay, so I know it's a cock cage, but what does it do exactly?" Tom asked nervously, shuffling even more.

A soft chuckle left Tord's lips, ghosting over Tom's ear. "It prevents you from getting full erections or using your dick for sex. You know, like orgasm denial." He ran his hand up and down Tom's thighs.

"O...Oh..." Tom mumbled awkwardly as Tord let out a hum.

"On your knees, kitten," Tord said lightly, removing his hands from Tom.

With a shaky breath, Tom slid off of Tord, turning before getting on his knees. Tord has his legs spread, making Tom's eyes flicker to the bulge in his jeans.

"Well, kitten, you know what to do," Tord said with a hum, leaning back as he watched Tom with a grin.

Immediately, Tom lurched forward and unbuttoned Tord's jeans, unable to help his excitement. He unzipped it before tugging that and Tord's boxers down, just enough for Tord's cock to spring out. Tom's thighs squeezed as he gripped the base of it, moving to place his mouth around the head—

A tug on his hair made him gasp, jolting away. Since when did Tord even has his hand on Tom's hair?

"Ah-ah-ah, kitten. Did I give you permission?" Tord tilted his head, smug.

For a moment, Tom blanked. "B-But you said—"

"No, kitten. I don't want your throat, I want your pretty hole." He pushed the lube closer to Tom, and the boy blinked. He hadn't noticed it.

Flustered, Tom gave the tip of Tord's cock a kiss before pumping lube on the palm of his hand. God, why did Tord always have to say the most humiliating things? He wrapped his hand around Tord's heavy cock and started pumping, slathering lube on it. Tord started to massage Tom's hair, as if for a praise.

"You look so pretty when you're on your knees, Tom," Tord murmured, letting out a soft grunt. Tom chewed his bottom lip. He really, really wanted Tord inside of him.

Tom ended up adding more lube to it, glancing up at Tord's face. The man had his eyes closed, head tilted back, the occasional grunt escape his lips.

Tom would have to ask for this, wouldn't he?

"Tord, please..." he said softly, flushing red. Begging humiliated him.

Tord cracked open an eye, grinning. "Please what, kitten?" he purred, making Tom whine in embarrassment. Tord would make him beg, wouldn't he?

"I... I want... your cock..." Tom trailed off, hips wiggling without his permission. He started kissing at Tord's cock, hoping that would help convince the man.

But Tord just cocked his head, grinning. Fucking asshole.

"I... need your thick cock inside of me." He swallowed tightly as Tord perked an eyebrow.


"I need you to..." Tom's face flushed hard; he hated saying this. "...fuck me... until I'm raw. I feel so hot. Only... only your cock can satisfy me." He looked down, brimming with humiliation.

Poor Tom.

Tord gave a soft chuckle, smug as hell. He grabbed Tom's waist and pulled the boy up, making Tom squeak. "Turn around, kitten," he murmured, head tilting. Tom quickly did, Tord's hand grasping his hips.

Suddenly, Tord pulled him down until Tord's cock pressed against his hole, making him gasp. With Tord's help, he slowly pressed down until all of the man's length sat inside of him.

Tom let out a soft moan and started to shift his hips, but Tord quickly held him still.

"Not yet, kitten," Tord purred as he reached for something Tom couldn't see.

For a moment, the boy panicked. Another god damn sex toy?

Then the television turned on.

Oh, no.

"This is one of my favorite movies, Indiana Blues: Eight Feelings. I bought it before you woke up so I could watch it with you." He gave a smile and pressed play.


To Tom, the movie did nothing but frustrate him. Though, Tord's occasional thrust throughout it made Tom squeak and whine. Whenever Tom's boredom seemed to creep, he'd squeeze around Tord's cock. Tord would respond by giving him a harsh bite, but Tom honestly didn't care.

Then a sex scene came.

"Oh my god," Tom muttered out with a roll of his eyes. Then Tord gripped Tom's thighs, making the boy squeak.

"C'mon, baby, move," he ordered, making Tom whine.

Of course Tord only wanted to fuck only when the fucking sex scene came on.

But Tom wouldn't complain about this chance.

So, he raised his hips and dropped them, a quiet moan of Tord's name escaping his lips.

"Just like that, kitten," Tord grunted out, leading Tom's hips back up. "Moan my name, you slut."

A whimper escaped Tom's lips as his thighs rubbed against Tord's jeans. He silently let out a curse at the fucking cock cage. His abdomen ached for relief, insides burning with need, but his cock wouldn't even twitch.

Every time Tord's full length pushed inside of him, he let out a moan of Tord's name, as he knew the man liked it. His thighs twitched with ache.

Then Tord dug his nails into one of Tom's thighs and suddenly pulled Tom's leg up. Tom squeaked, the leg immediately aching as Tord forced it up into the air. He wasn't flexible enough for this.

"You like that, you filthy slut?" Tord growled into Tom's ear, making the boy let out a whine. He started thrusting up to meet Tom, the boy letting out a cry of pleasure. "You like bouncing on my cock?"

Tom, glazed over with pleasure, moaned. "Yes, yes, God, yes! I love your thick cock, Tord, please," he whined out, hips shifting for more pleasure.

He may or may not have some experience with dirty talk.

Tord let out a chuckle as he forced his cock inside of Tom. "You desperate whore, you like that, don't you? Thank me. Thank me for it," he ordered, grunting with pleasure.

"Yes, thank you," Tom whined out. "Oh, god, Tord please—"

"I'm gonna come, kitten," Tord grunted, cutting Tom off.

Tears started to fall from Tom's cheeks as he whined. "Tord, please—"

"Where do you want me to come, kitten?" he purred out, not letting Tom speak. His thrusts started to grow sloppy.

A desperate whine escaped Tom's lips. "Inside. Tord, please, I—" He cut himself off with a cry of pleasure as Tord dug his cock inside of Tom, releasing into the boy.

They sat there together, the only noise being Tom's quiet whines and moans, plus Tord's heavy breathing. After a few moments, Tord decided to speak. "What's the safeword, kitten?" he purred soothingly, letting Tom's leg down. The movie played in the background.

"Wh...What?" Tom mumbled, trying to shift his hips, but Tord's grip kept him still.

"Did you think we were done?" Tord let out a husky laugh into Tom's ear, making the boy shiver. "We're going to continue, and I need to make sure you know the safeword. What is it?"

"Oh, uh..." Tom squeezed his eyes shut. "Brownie. Brownie's the safe word."

Tord smiled. "That's a good boy," he purred as he slowly pulled Tom off of him. He set the boy down on the couch, Tom immediately laying back and squirming. The dress matted to his skin from the sweat, cheeks stained with tears. "You stay here, kitten, and you keep your hands off yourself." He pressed a kiss against Tom's lips before standing and leaving.

And so, Tom laid there alone, panting desperately. He needed to get off so bad, and frustration kept creeping into his veins. He let out an irritated whine, shuffling and rubbing his thighs together. He ended up clenching his fists together as he rolled his hips into midair.

Poor boy, edged so much, only to be left alone without permission to touch himself.

Finally, Tord returned with a box. A box bigger than usual.

"Alright, kitten," he purred, sitting down. Tom immediately responded by pulling his legs up and spreading them, giving Tord a perfect view of his leaking hole. "I know that you like it when I fill you up, kitten." He opened the box, tossing the lid away. "So I want to see just how much you can handle."

Then he pulled out a dildo.

A really big fucking dildo.

Tom's heart skipped a beat out of fear as Tord started humming, pulling out some weird lube.

"Uh, Tord, how... how big is that?" he asked shakily as Tord dipped the tip of the dildo into the lube.

A grin spread across Tord's face. "It's twelve inches, kitten." He squeezed on a pouch.

Tom paled. Twelve inches? Seriously? That's big. That's really fucking big.

Tord pulled the dildo away and put the leftover lube on the table. He got some on his hand, slathering it to the dildo before looking up at Tom.

Immediately, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Kitten? Are you okay?" he asked quietly as Tom quickly looked away. "Hey, baby, it's okay. You can take it."

Tom took a deep breath. "I know, I know. Can we just... try it? If I don't like it..."

"If you don't like it, we don't use it," Tord confirmed. He pressed a soft kiss against Tom's leg before positioning the dildo against Tom's hole. "Are you ready, pretty kitty?" he purred softly.

Tom gave him a soft nod, and Tord started pushing in, gently rubbing his thigh to soothe the boy. Tom's eyes fluttered closed as he focused on the pleasure he felt from being stretched.

Then it pushed in farther than usual, making him tense.

"Holy shit," he mumbled as Tord shushed him, kissing his thigh. He kept pushing it inside the boy, watching as his fists clenched and his mouth opened for a moan.

Tord smirked as the base of the dildo pressed against Tom's hole. "There you go, kitten. I told you you could take it," he purred, gently pulling it out just a bit before pushing back in. Tom immediately let out a cry of pleasure. "Alright, kitten. Are you ready to be filled?"

"H-Huh?" Tom looked at Tord in confusion, eyes blurry with tears. "What do you m—oh!"

Tom let out a cry as Tord gave a tight squeeze of the pouch, forcing come-like lube to shoot out of the dildo. Tord started pumping the dildo in and out, occasionally softly pressing on the pouch so it'd just drip out. "You like that, kitten? I know how you always beg me to fill you up." He grinned as he gave it another squeeze, watching as Tom's eyes shot open as he gave a jolt.

"T-Tord!" he cried out in pleasure as Tord squeezed it, earning a soft cry.

"You're such a good kitten," he cooed softly as he squeezed it gently, but this time, he didn't let go. "You're doing so good, taking this."

Tom let out a string of curse words as Tord pressed harder, thighs shaking. "Oh, god, oh, fuck, Tord!" he whimpered as Tord sped up the thrusts of the dildos. Tears started streaming down his face as he squirmed, whimpering and moaning.

Tord just watched him with a grin, enjoying the sight of his little kitten squirming.

Then he gave it a tight squeeze.

Tom jolted way too hard, back arching as he let out a cry. "Tord! Brownie, brownie, it's too much," he whined, causing Tord to curse.

He quickly let go of the pouch and slid the dildo out of Tom, carelessly tossing it into the box. He quickly pulled Tom up and into his arms, ready to soothe the boy, when—

"Tord, take it off," he whined, squirming desperately in Tord's lap. Tord did as Tom told him, getting it off the boy. "Oh, god, Tord, please, I need to come," he begged desperately.

Tord quickly nodded, setting Tom back down.

Might as well suck the boy off.

He slid off the couch and got on his knees, quite different from the usual situation. The boy sniffled as Tord gripped his thighs and pulled him closer.

Quickly, he wrapped his lips around the head of Tom's cock, relishing in the boy's cute moan of pleasure. Though he loved pushing Tom to his limits, he also loved pleasing Tom.

His precious kitten.

He casually deepthroated Tom's cock, causing the boy to squeak and grip Tord's hair, giving it a soft tug. Tord started humming, making Tom jolt in pleasure.

"Oh, god," Tom whimpered quietly as Tord moved, focused on pleasuring his kitten.

Tom, fairly fucking sensitive after fucking tord, came quickly. Tord had no problem swallowing it, pulling back with a soft smile. "Is that better, baby? Come on, let's get you back in the shower." He stood up and grabbed Tom as the boy panted.

Eyes closing, Tom rested his head on Tord's chest, trying to relax. Everything ached at the moment.

Glazed over, Tom barely paid attention as Tord helped him get washed, ignoring his praises and soft words, only responding when Tord asked him for questions or consent.

Tord can be okay sometimes.

After awhile, Tord got Tom dressed in some pajama shorts and Tord's sweatshirt. He bundled Tom up in the biggest, fluffiest blanket he could find.

"Are you okay, kitten?" he asked softly as he set Tom down on the couch. Everything had already been taken care of and put away, so Tord just joined Tom on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just tired." Tom gave Tord a weary smile as the man pulled Tom to his chest. "...Can we drink?"

Tord let out a snort and sighed, face palming. "You seriously want to get drunk, Tom?"

The boy let out a whine. "Please, Tord? I haven't gotten drunk once this week, and it's Friday!" He pouted like an idiot, causing Tord to sigh.

"Fine, kitten. I'll be right back." He pressed a soft kiss against Tom's cheek before standing, leaving for the kitchen.

Tom internally cheered. He had been craving a drink, but Tord's company had been keeping him sober.

He was kind of okay with that.

Tord returned with a bottle of Smirnoff and two shot glasses. Immediately, Tom reaches for a glass, and Tord poured him a shot.

After about an hour of drinking, Tord let out a drunken laugh.


The boy let out a drunken hum.

"If you could have... choose one place to have sex other than the bedroom, where would it be?" He pulled Tom into his lap, laughing once more.

And poor, poor Tom. Embarrassment didn't exist to him when he got this drunk. "Oh, definitely the kitchen. It's hot as hell." He giggled, turning to face Tord. "What about you?" He tilted his head.

"Probably right here, on the couch." He grinned at Tom. "I think it's hot as hell." He laughed, peppering kisses around Tom's neck.

Tom giggled right back, squirming. "That's fair. Alright, alright, alright, it's my turn to ask a question. What's one thing you've never done that you want to—"

"I want my partner to wake me up with a blowjob," Tord blurted out immediately before letting out an idiotic laugh. "Like, you know, a blowie while I'm asleep that wakes me up—"

"Yes, Tord, I think I get it." He started giggling, leaning back. He probably would've fallen if it weren't for Tord's hands on his waist.

"Okay, kitten. What about you?" He pressed a kiss against Tom's forehead.

Tom pursed his lips for a moment before grabbing Tord's hand. He pulled it away from his waist and put it to his cheek, head tilting. "I always wondered what it'd be like to be slapped."

Tord snorted before laughing more. "That's cute, kitten."

Tom gently flicked Tord's nose before leaning into Tord's chest. "I'm tired."


A giggle escaped Tom's lips. "So, let's go to bed, you big goof." He laughed some more as Tord pushed Tom off of him and stood up. Tom stood as well, swaying on his feet.

Trying to keep each other steady (which really didn't work, considering they couldn't keep themselves steady), they managed to get into Tord's room. Tom immediately collapsed on Tord's bed while the Norwegian struggled to take his jeans off.


After he threw it somewhere in his room, he jumped on the bed, making Tom squeak. He wrapped his arms around Tom and pulled the boy close.

"Good night, kitten," he slurred.

Tom mumbled something in response, but Tord didn't hear it.

If only he could.

I have like. no notes. Usually I ramble like crazy but I guess just,,, have a wonderful day!!!! I hope y'all survive for a bit longer and enjoy whatever you can, even if it's just this dumbass porn book!!

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