I'm Jared, I'm nineteen, and I never fuckign learned how to read

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"T-Tord! Oh, god!"

Tord reached over to pull at Tom's hair as he pushed Tom against the shower wall. The man leaned and pressed his stomach against Tom's back.

"Good boy," Tord murmured into Tom's ear, nibbling on it. Hot water fell onto their skin, washing away any sweat from their bodies. "You're such a good boy, Tom. Jeg elsker deg så mye." He slid his hand up to tug at Tom's nipple piercing, trailing kisses against Tom's neck.

A moan of Tord's name escaped Tom's mouth as Tord thrusted into him. Nails dug into his hips.

Tord mumbled more praises into his ear before grinning. "You're such a good kitten, Thomas," he purred lightly, reaching down and gripping Tom's cock, his thumb over the slit. "How much do you want it?"

"Oh, fuck," Tom whined out, gasping for air. "I want it so bad, Tord, please! I need it, Tord. I need you," he cried out, desperate for release.

A smile graced Tord's lips. "Then tell me what you feel for me, kitten, and don't you dare lie."

"T-Tord, I love y—"

Tom woke with a gasp, eyes wide as he panted.

Oh, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck!

His eyes flickered over to Tord. After a short day of playing video games and watching movies together, Tord carried Tom to bed like a gentleman (after being slapped [albeit lightly]). Tord snored gently, allowing Tom to take a deep breath. He hadn't woken up. Then his eyes flickered to the clock.


Tom let out a soft groan before glancing down at his crotch.

Yeah, that wasn't going away anytime soon.

Slowly, he laid back down, looking at Tord once more. He slowly pushed his hand under his pajamas and to his cock.

Seriously? He was this fucking horny? They just fucked yesterday morning, and Tom wakes up in the middle of the night after a sex dream.

Fucking hell.

He shifted so his side practically pressed against the bed. It made his arm cramp up a bit, but Tom not being found out by Tord mattered more than his arm cramping.


The heat of the blanket suffocated him as he let his thumb slide across his slit. Shuddering, he let out a soft moan.

He could only hope that Tord wouldn't wake up.

He pulled his other hand to his face and bit his finger to silence himself. Tord would definitely judge him. It would humiliate him.

Why the hell did that make his cock twitch in interest?

Slowly, he rubbed himself, whining. He rocked his hips into the touch, a muffled moan escaping him.

Fuck. Why couldn't he just stay quiet? Just this once? Quiet enough so Tord wouldn't hear him?

Another muffled moan left his lips as he bit down harder.

Then he heard shuffling.

Freezing, he squeezed his eyes shut.

Nothing but the fan made noise, but still, Tom didn't move.

More silence.

Finally, he continued his slow jacking off, albeit hesitantly. He started to rock his hips once more, whimpering.

An arm wrapped around his waist, pushing his arm to his waist. He yelped, biting down on his finger way too hard, making him curse and pull it away.

"Why are you up so early, kitten?" Tord murmured into his ear, making Tom shiver and barrow his eyes. Tord knew exactly why.

Maybe he'd play along.

"A dream," he mumbled back, cheeks burning bright red. Tord let out a low chuckle and pulled Tom closer.

"Yeah?" he purred, loosening his grip on Tom. His hand slid up Tom's shirt, slowly rubbing the man's stomach. "What was it about?"

Tom nodded slowly. "You," he admitted, starting to gently rock his hips right against Tord's crotch, earning a soft growl.

"Do you normally have dreams about me?" Tord teased, slowly shifting his hand down, sliding under Tom's briefs.

A soft, excited breath left Tom's lips. "...Maybe," he mumbled as Tord's hand wrapped around his cock.

A wet dream about Tord started it all.

God. They've been fucking for a long time.

Tord started jacking him off as he trailed soft kisses on Tom's neck. Then he bit down, causing Tom to gasp and arch his back. He sucked on the skin.

Tom needed more hickeys. He looked cute with them.

"T...Tord..." he moaned out, whining when Tord popped off his neck. Sweat dripped from his skin as Tord let out a husky chuckle.

"Yes, Thomas?" Tord littered more kisses on Tom's skin, his free hand sliding under Tom's chin. Hot breath tickled Tom's skin as Tord lifted his head up.

"You're gonna fuck me, right?" He rocked his hips as Tord gave a low chuckle.

Fingers peeked at the edge of Tom's lips. "Depends, kitten. How much do you want it?" He nibbled on the tip of Tom's ear.

Tom froze, getting hit with a PTSD flashback to his dream. If he could scream without being judged at the moment, he probably would've.

Fuck his life.

"Kitten?" Tord sat up a little bit at Tom's silence. "What's wrong?" His hand went from under his shirt to his hair, gently massaging Tom's scalp.

Tom laughed awkwardly as his internal screaming grew louder. "Nothing, Tord, I'm just tired," he lied awkwardly, despite being wide awake.

With a perk of his eyebrow, Tord reached over the Brit and opened the nightstand drawer. "Since you're so 'tired,' kitten, I won't make you beg," he murmured into Tom's ear as he casually pulled out the lube. Tom's eyebrow twitched.

Tord needed to just keep the lube out in the open.

Pushing Tom into an awkward position, Tord pulled back. He pumped the lube onto his fingertips before tossing it to the side. He pulled Tom closer before slipping his fingers inside the boy, causing Tom to arch his back. Tord technically didn't need to do this; Tom's hole spread easily around his fingers, which slipped in and out without much resistance. He could easily take Tord's cock. Yet, Tord liked watching Tom writhe and whine because of his nimble fingers.

He just liked Tom in general.

"T-Tord...!" Tom whined out, rocking his hips back into Tord's touch. His cherry pink lips parted as he dug his face into the pillow.

"Yes, kitten?" Tord teased as he pulled out his fingers. He pushed himself back before gripping the lube. He pumped it on his hand before wrapping it around his cock, giving it a few pumps.

He glanced at Tom's hidden face and smiled. Tom looked adorable like this.

Holding Tom's hip, he pushed himself inside. A high-pitched moan escaped Tom as Tord wrapped his arms around the boy. He held Tom close as he started to thrust, grunting.

He ended up kicking the blankets off them as Tom clutched the sheets. A moan dribbled from Tom's lips as Tord dug his nails into his hips. Heat gripped onto them both as well. Tord pushed Tom farther into the bed as his thrusts sped up.

"Oh, fuck me..." Tom murdered as his back arched, trying to get more of Tord's cock inside him. "Harder," he whined out, and how could Tord deny such a heartfelt request? He rammed into Tom, grinning when the boy let out a cry of pleasure.

"Mmh... you like that?" Tord grunted into his ear, grinning at the moan it earned. He forgot how much Tom liked dirty talk. "You've got the perfect little hole, Tom." He nibbles on the tip of Tom's ear. "Tell me who owns it, din jævla ludder," he growled lowly, moving down to bite down on Tom's neck.

Tom stayed quiet for a moment, only to yelp when Tord moved his hand down and dug his nails into Tom's ass. "You!" he cried out, head tilting back as Tord let out a low chuckle. "You own it, fuck..." Tom had so many things he wanted to say at the moment, but his shyness held him back.

You know what? Fuck it. It's three in the fucking morning, and he's tired.

"I love your cock, Tord, shit!" he cried out, rolling his hips into Tord.

Tord found himself licking his lips at Tom's delicious noises, smirking. He loved it when Tom opened up like this. He loved it when Tom moaned his name and begged for more.

He loved Tom.

"I love it when you moan like that," he murmured into Tom's ear, hooking a leg over Tom's. "When you moan like a slut."

Tom stiffened as another moan escaped him. The degrading name just made him harder. "Fuck, Tord, I'm close... fuck, please," he whined out, bottom lip puckering out. Sweat rolled off his skin as he dug his face into the bed, trying to hide his flushed face from Tord.

"Good boy," Tord murmured, making Tom whine once more. The hand gripping Tom's ass moved to Tom's cock, squeezing it before slowly pumping it. "You're such a good boy. A good cock slut," he mumbled, losing focus as his thrusts grew frantic. The knot in his stomach grew tighter every second. "Come for me, Thomas," he ordered.

Tom's back arched as he came all over Tord's hand. He squeezed around Tord tight, making the man groan. He came inside of Tom without a second thought, riding out his orgasm as he dug his nails into Tom's hip. When he finished, he brought his fingers up to Tom's lips. The boy obediently licked up his own come, making Tord grin and murmur something about Tom being a good boy.

They just laid there for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of a wonderful orgasm. Tom's panting finally slowed down, his tense fingers loosening.

"I'm... sorry..." Tom mumbled, making Tord hum and pull Tom closer.

"Why are you sorry, elskede?" he asked gently, rubbing Tom's hip.

Tom dug his face into the pillow once more. He spoke again, voice muffled. "I woke us up at three in the fucking morning to have sex."

A chuckle escaped Tord's lips. "Yes, yes you did."

"...Isn't that annoying?" he asked lightly, eyebrows creasing.

"No, baby. If it was annoying, I would've just let you jack off and pretend to be asleep. You seemed like you needed this." He shuffled once more, which made Tom shuffle too, as his cock was still buried deep inside Tom.

Tord's gross.

"You don't need to worry about annoying me, Tom. I promise." He leaned down and kissed Tom's cheek, making the boy smile.


Tord chuckled. "I promise. Now sleep, baby." He pulled Tom closer, spooning him.

Tom let his eyes close, but he couldn't relax.

He wasn't gay, right? He liked women. He found them pretty, and he's had girlfriends before.

But he's had a boyfriend, too.

Sure, they were fifteen and experimenting, but that guy turned out to be gay. But Tom wasn't gay.

He isn't gay.

God, he's so fucking confused.

He remembered why he broke up with the guy. It wasn't even because he realized he wasn't gay.

Gently, he reached up and traced the small scar under his left eye.

He could still hear the yelling and screaming. Matt found him on the ground, and the ginger always tended to scream at the sight of blood. It didn't help that the blood covered the face of one of his best friends.

A smile graced his lips at that. At least he knew Matt cared about him. Matt brought him home that night, but he never told the ginger why someone had beaten his ass. He never told his parents, either. He didn't want his dad to hit him too.

He had to cover his mouth to prevent a snort.

Did he really just think that? As if his dad would hit him. His dad never hit anyone. Not to mention, he worked as a pastor.

Why would Tom even think something like that?

Suddenly, a soft breath fanned his neck, making him shiver. He forgot about Tord.

Tom should probably head to sleep. He sighed and pushed back into Tord, focusing on the man's soft breathing.

He fell asleep in minutes.

okay so,,, if this chap is a lil bit messy, I apologize bc I somehow??? managed to break my computer screen??? so my computer itself is fine I just need to replace the screen, but bc of that I'm updating via my phone. But yeah!! Other than that, I've been doing okay. It's going to be ruined tomorrow bc my parents are getting on my ass to clean my room and lord knows that's gonna put my in a shitty mood (lol I sound like I'm 13), but like,,, it's aight. It's Christmas break and I'm doing okay, I don't have any homework so imma be chill. I feel okay, let's just hope I stay that way lmao

Oh yeah fucking photo of my computer time:

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