hi my name is trey, i have basketball game tomorrow, i'm a point guard

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Tom's phone started ringing.

What the fuck and why the fuck.

With an irritated sigh escaping him, he reached for his phone on the bedside table. How dare this caller wake him up? What the fuck!

Tord huffed into Tom's ear, yawning. He didn't put his phone on silent. Absolute bullshit. His phone read '09.13.' What the fuck.

A groan escaped him as he answered the call. Normally, he would've just let it ring, but now he wanted to give the caller a piece of his mind.

"Hello?" he grumbled as Tord pulled him closer. They had fallen asleep in a spooning position.

"Tom! Good to hear from you!" the woman on the other side of the speaker said, her voice cheery.

His eyebrows perked. "Mary? You do know it's nine in the morning for me, right?"

"Oh, yes, I am well aware. I am in your time zone."

Tom blinked. "...You live in Finland." Tord pulled himself upward, staring down at Tom with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, yes. I just got off a plane."

A sigh escaped his lips. "You're in London?"

Mary paused, and Tom couldn't help but assume she shook her head. "Not yet. I have a long drive."

"How long?" Tom sat up as swung his legs off the bed, feet resting against Tord's carpet.

"Uhm... thirty minutes?" Mary chuckled.

"Are you...?"

"If that's fine with you? The person I'm staying with needs some more time."

"Fuck... okay. It's just me and Tord, though. Edd and Matt are off on a trip, the gay fucks. We stan."

It was early, okay?

"Ohh, the hot one?"

Tom snorted. "He's right next to me. I'm pretty sure he heard that."

"I did," Tord piped up, grinning lazily and placing his chin on Tom's shoulder.

Mary proceeded to end the call.

A giggle escaped Tom's lips as he stood, stretching. Tord couldn't help but ask, "So... who the fuck was that?"

Tom rolled his eyes. "That was my sister, Mary. She's the 5'2 sister I told you about. My other sis is..." His eyes closed, and he let out hate-filled sigh. "She's my height."

Oh, this poor thing.

"Please get dressed. I don't want her to..." His eyes flickered over Tord's shirtless figure. "See that."

"Puh-lease, I have the best body you've ever seen." Tord winked at him.

Tom huffed. "Whatever, ner—"

Fingers trailing across his neck cut him off, shivering unintentionally. "You might want to hide these."

It took Tom a moment to process what Tord meant.

He let out an irritated sigh, eyes closing.

"Fuck my life."

Tom sat in the living room, Tord beside him. He spent half of his time covering his neck up—Tord's obnoxious marks just didn't want to go away. That made sense, of course; he swore he could still feel Tord's weirdly sharp teeth digging into his skin and drawing blood.

The doorbell rang, causing Tom to jump up from his seat. He hadn't seen Mary for almost a year; she comes down every year for New Years. He called her at least once a month, as Mary was pretty much his best friend.

She's a true queen.

He opened the door and grinned at Mary.

"Tom!" Mary just about tackled Tom into a hug, causing a huff to leave him.

"Woah, calm it," he said with a chuckle as Mary pulled back. "It's good to see you, but you never told me why you're here." He tilted his head. "Not that I'm unhappy about it."

Mary waved her hand dismissively and stepped inside before pulling the door behind her closed. "I'm here visiting a... friend. I'm staying at her place until New Years." She awkwardly brushed her plaid skirt, which reached down to her knees.

"Awesome! Who's your friend?" Tom asked as he led her to the living room. Tord had disappeared.

"Her name's Delu. She came from Africa to work on some solar energy stuff at a college, so she's apparently staying here for awhile." Mary shrugged as she sat in front of the couch, on her knees.

"Ohhh. Tell her I said hi and thank you for taking care of my dumbass sister." Tom sat behind her and pulled the maroon scrunchie out of her platinum hair.

Mary snorted as Tom started to comb through it with his fingers, being surprisingly careful. "Thanks, veli. I'll be sure to tell her about you and that one time at the auction party when y—"

"Shhh!" Tom started French braiding her hair as he snickered. "Don't bring that up, sœur." He rolled his eyes.

See, they always did this, whenever Mary came along. She'd get down in front of him, and he'd braid her hair. They used to do it whenever one of them needed to vent. So, as stated previously, they were pretty much best friends.

He treated his other siblings like regular siblings, though.

They sat in silence for awhile, the hum of the heater swallowing the room. Cold had settled in the outside air—winter's coming.

Tom hated winter. Fuck Christmas.

"Tom?" Mary said, breaking the silence. Tom let out a hum, tilting his head as he braided the other side of her hair.


Tom opened his mouth to speak, but—

"I'm thinking about coming out to mum and dad."

He stopped.

"At the New Year's dinner, when Aahna and Xavier are there."

Tom's breath caught in his throat. "...Are you bi or a lesbian? Or something else?" He went back to braiding her hair, hands a bit shaky.

A nervous smile perked at Mary's lips. "I'm a lesbian. The girl I mentioned—Delu?"


"We're getting married in the summer."

Tom sucked in a breath. "Mary, I—" He swallowed. "I'm so happy for you!" A laugh escaped him. His sister? Getting married? How awesome is that?!

"I want the family to come along. I don't know of mum and dad will, but..." She trailed off.

"I'll come, Mary. Where will it happen?"

Mary let out a relieved laugh. "I was thinking here. I want to be able to invite our other family out, too."

Tom couldn't help but smile as he finished braiding Mary's hair. He paused, looking over his work. "Thank you for coming out to me. It must've been hard, and..."

I think I'm queer too?

"I'm very proud of you, Mary."

He brushed the other thought off. He didn't need that right now.

Mary let out a giggle and stood up, wrapping Tom into a hug. "Thank you, Tom. For being a wonderful brother."

He smiled and hugged her back. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Hell yeah!"

After they watched Spider-Man: Homecoming, Mary wished him a good night and left.

And so, Tom was left with his thoughts.

Mary wanted to come out to their parents. Maybe they'd calm down, but Tom couldn't help but feel worried for her safety. A shiver spread down his spine at the memory of his dad yelling at Tom for listening to Elton John.

He didn't want Mary to get hurt. Yet, his parents never hurt them, physically or mentally—right? So he doubted they'd start doing it now.

Would his dad—his real dad—he accepting? His birth mom was, after all. Maybe he'd be more comfortable if his papa was still here.

Tom's heart ached. He missed his dad.

A sigh escaped his lips as he dug his face into his hands. The floor creaked, but he didn't want to move.

"Thomas? You okay?" Tord's voice practically bounced around Tom's ear before he could register it.

Without moving, he responded with a muffled, "Perfectly fucking dandy." Suddenly, arms wrapped around him, pulling a quick from his mouth. "Tord!" he protested as the Norse pulled Tom into his lap.

"What's wrong?" he murmured, hugging Tom from behind.

Tom softened at Tord's warm hug, melting into the touch. His muscles relaxed, and he let his eyes close. "Thinkin' bout my family, mostly," he admitted quietly. Oh god, why was he even telling Tord? It's not like Tord cared about him or something!

"Is that why you look so upset?" he asked, gently rubbing Tom's arm.

He nodded, the action nearly unnoticeable. "It made me think about my dad. My birth one, I mean. A year after he died, mama put me in a foster home or whatever. That's why Mary's my sister—it's not like we're related." Of course they aren't. Mary was practically an albino (she didn't actually have the medical condition but she sure as fuck looked like it), while Tom managed to have some color in his skin. "And I started thinking about the foster family, which made me think about that, and..." Tom trailed off with a shrug.

Tord sighed into his ear and tightened his hug, pressing a soft kiss onto Tom's skin. "Do you want to talk about it some more or just be distracted from it?"

He bit his lip and turned around in Tord's lap. Hesitating for a second, he cupped Tord's cheek. "Distracted," he mumbled before kissing Tord, eyes squeezed shut.

Tord blinked in surprise. Placing his hand over Tom's, he kissed back. Pulling away from Tom just barely, he let himself watch Tom's eyes. "What do you want to do?"

Then Tom abruptly grinded against Tord, eyes closing. Tord grunted, reaching down to grip Tom's hips. He stilled the boy, earning an annoyed huff.

"C'mon, Thomas, are you sure about this?" Tord tilted his head, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

Tom's heart fluttered, but he quickly shoved the feeling away. "I..." He looked down. "I want you to make me feel good, Tord. Please."

How cute.

Tord's eyes widened.

He would die for this man.

"Jeg elsker deg."

Tom squeaked when Tord started grinding up against him, but the Brit responded by doing the same. Tord gently kissed Tom's top lip, followed by the bottom, before he pulled Tom into a real kiss. His tongue brushed against the opening of Tom's mouth. Like a good boy, he parted his lips for Tord, so the Norse let his tongue slide inside.

Tom's grinding went slower but deeper, trying to gain more friction as Tord cupped his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around Tord's neck, one hand reaching for Tord's hair, pulling at it. That earned a growl from Tord—a warning.

Fuck, that was hot.

Loosening his grip, Tom let out a soft whimper. Tord decided it'd be wonderful to suck on Tom's bottom lip, just making Tom hornier.

What a wonderful distraction.

Tord pulled back, grinning as he watched Tom pant.

"You're so cute."

"Fuck off."

Tord snickered as he picked Tom up, the boy squeaking. "I should start bringing lube everywhere I go," he joked lightly as he carried Tom to his bedroom.

Fun fact, kids: having anal sex without lube usually causes internal bleeding and trips to the ER. Death comes a bit closer every time an author doesn't use lube in their stories.

Tom yelped as Tord tossed him on the bed, scrambling into a sitting position. Tord rummaged through his nightstand drawer, as usual.

He fucking whipped the lube out. I haven't slept in over forty eight hours. He casually tossed the lube on the bed before climbing over Tom, pulling the boy into a kiss.


Tom whined when Tord pulled away, a scowl on his face. With a roll of his eyes, Tord leaned back and gripped the hem of Tom's sweatpants and briefs, pulling them off and tossing them somewhere.

He grinned as he leaned down and pressed a kiss against Tom's cheek. "I'm gonna make you feel real good, elskede." He let his hands slide down Tom's thighs as he backed up. He looked up at Tom, catching the boy's eyes, before he put his mouth on Tom's cock.

"Oh, fuck..." Tom moaned as Tord swallowed him to the root. Fuck, he couldn't remember the last time he got a blowjob.

Not to mention, Tord was good at it. The Norse didn't seem to have a gag reflex, and his tongue skills?

Fuck, Tord could make him come quick.

Tom found himself mumbling things under his breath as Tord worked, gripping the man's hair.

"T...Tord, if you... mmh... keep this up, I'll..." Tom cut himself off with another moan, head tilting back. Tord popped off of Tom's cock with a smug grin.

"That feel good?" he teased without shame, pulling Tom into another kiss.

Absolutely gross, and Tord knew it.

Tom scrunched up his nose as he pulled back, glaring at Tord.

"That's disgusting and you know it."

"I've made you swallow your own come."

Tom's face turned bright red at that, looking away. "Shut up!"

A smirk pulled at Tord's lip as he got off Tom, sitting down next to him and leaning back. "If you want it, get on with it."

He wanted Tom to ride him.

What an asshole.

Tom huffed, pissed as he moved over to Tord. He unbuttoned Tord's jeans as he scowled. "Where'd you put the lube, asswipe?" he hissed as he fished out Tord's cock.

With a roll of his eyes, Tord grabbed the lube and handed it to Tom with a hum. He got on his elbows. "You look cute from here," he murmured as Tom squirted a generous amount of lube on his hand.

"And you look like an asshole," Tom bit back as he gripped Tord's cock. It was fucking thicc, my dudes. Tom's eyelids drooped as he pumped it up and down, slathering it with lube. He bit his lip when Tord groaned, causing him to casually rub his thighs together.

Then Tord decided it'd be fun to pull at Tom's hair, the poor boy squeaking when he looked up at the Norse. Tord grinned at him and cocked his head like he hadn't done anything wrong.

And so Tom countered by giving Tord's cock a tight squeeze, eyes narrowing. Tord gasped and threw his head back.

Tom might as well be begging for trouble.

"Up," Tord ordered, causing Tom to huff. He didn't like being treated as a dog.

Nonetheless, he sat up. Tord patted his jeans, and Tom obediently climbed on top of Tord.

He hated himself.

Tord slowly debated on a slight punishment, mainly for fun, but went against it. He had agreed to this to make Tom feel better in the first place, and enforcing the negative behavior that he didn't care about Tom wasn't something he wanted to do.

So, he reached and gripped Tom's thighs, leading the boy to his cock.

"Whenever you're ready, kitten. Jeg elsker deg," he purred into Tom's ear, grinning when the boy shivered.

God, Tom was heavenly.

Tom rested his chin on Tord's shoulder and slowly sunk down, gasping. God, how did Tord stretch him just right every time? His hands slid down Tord's back, slipping up the shirt. Digging his nails into the skin, Tord's cock disappeared inside of him.


"You okay?" Tord rumbled in Tom's ear as the boy closed his eyes.

Tom let out an affirmative hum.

He had to move. Sitting like this made his thighs ache even more.

Poor Tom.

Slowly, he raised his hips and dropped back down, whining when his bare ass rubbed against Tord's jeans. He couldn't pinpoint it, but the fact that Tord liked keeping his clothes on always gave Tom a boost.

The feeling made Tom's stomach churn as he rode Tord, whimpering as the material rubbed roughly against his ass. Tord didn't seem to notice as he grunted and groaned, watching Tom with delighted eyes.

He didn't get to see Tom like this. Tom looked cute in this position.

Well, Tom always looked cute, but not the point.

"T-Tord—" Tom gasped out, but Tord cut him off with another kiss.

He seemed to be in a kissy mood. Not that Tom minded; it made him feel loved.

Not that Tord loved him or anything.

Tord pulled back and kissed Tom's cheek. Tom's bouncing began to slow down, but the boy tried to keep it up.

"Tord!" Tom repeated as the Norse stared at him lovingly. "Could you help me, you asshole?"

Poor boy.

With a roll of his eyes, Tord gripped Tom's thighs harder. He pulled the boy up then back down, jamming his hips upward at the same time.

Oh, Tom wasn't expecting that.

"Tord, holy fuck!" Tom called out shamelessly. His eyes widened as Tord repeated the action.

Fuck, Tord did that right against his prostate.

"Fuck, Tord, more!" he cried out, scratching at Tord's back. The Norse huffed and continued, panting. The position tired him out, but Tom seemed to be enjoying it, so he'd continue.

What a gentleman.

"You feel so good, kitten," Tord mumbled into Tom's ear, unable to stop himself. "Good boy. You're such... a good boy. Jeg elsker deg."

God, he loved Tom.

Tom sputtered out incoherently when Tord decided it'd be a fun idea to grip Tom's cock.

"T-Tord!" he gasped out, eyes watering desperately. He squeezed around Tord's cock, drawing a groan from the man.

Warmth pooled at the base of Tord's abdomen as he panted. Fuck, the way that Tom squeezed around him like that made him so hot.

He wanted to hear Tom's voice.

"Do you want to come, kitten?" he purred into Tom's ear, earning a whimper.

"Yes, yes, god please. I need it so bad, sir."

Tord remembered when Tom refused to say his name during sex. Oh, how the boy has grown.

"Good boy," he murmured, ramming into Tom at this point. The boy helped as Tord squeezed his cock before pumping it up and down.

"Oh, god, oh, god, oh—!"

Tom came without a second thought, panting heavily. Tord hadn't finished yet, causing him to groan as the man rubbed against his prostate.

"Fuck, hurry up!" he hissed impatiently, causing Tord to grunt in his ear. Still, no warmth filled his insides.

Well. Drastic times calls for drastic measures.

Tom threw away his dignity and grinded down on Tord, the man groaning. It took a moment, but soon enough, Tord came.


One last groan escaped Tord's lips as he lazily fucked Tom through the orgasm. The boy stopped digging his nails into Tord's back, thank god.

Panting, Tom rested his head against Tord's collarbone. His eyes dropped.

"C'mon, kitten, we gotta go take a shower," Tord murmured, rubbing Tom's arm.

"Move and I cut you."

Tord chuckled and rolled his eyes, falling down on his back and turning. Tom squeaked, but Tord still didn't pull out.

Kinky bastard.

"Jeg elsker deg, min kjære."

Okay, to be clear, I was having a mental breakdown while writing this A/N, but I passed out before I could post it. So, I've calmed down significantly and I'm no longer this stressed, but. This sums up my current existence pretty well

hey!!! you might be asking yourself: "man I wonder how Shi's doing!"

The answer???

I am on the verge of shooting myself and smiling while I do so!!! Even I can't tell if I'm joking at this point!!!

hahahahahHAha god I'm so fucking stupid,

lmao I had a serious case of writer's block halfway through and typed "FUCK" about fifty times and frankly??? the quality of this chapter??? probably worse than the quality of my life!!! You wanna know how many times I used the word was in this chapter? Ten!!! Wanna know my rule for it??? One 'was' every 1,000 words!!!

my cat is alive, thank fucking god, but my mother wants to throw him out!!! a wonderful fucking mom, right??? I'm pretty sure he has an anxiety disorder or some fucking brain damage, which I'm internally blaming my disappointment of a half-brother who's 30 and still lives at his moms house for because hey!!! he has a past of abusing animals solely because he is fucking stupid!!!

so yeah!!! don't know when I'll update!!! I might die from stress within the next month but who knows!!! I survived this long!!! it's only the fourth day of the second trimester and hey!!! Next tri is even harder, so!!!!!!

Okay now that that's over, a slightly more light hearted thing. I will delete any comments that start a debate.

So I had a debate with this guy about why you shouldn't hate Muslim people because apparently that is a thing that should be debated,,, and we started talking about how the Bible says slavery is okay and he was like "no it DOESNT!"

And I was sitting there like,,, "Buddy, the south during the civil war used the Bible as their main justification because it says 'slaves must obey their master'"

and he got super pissy and started talking about current day Islamic terrorists, so. Subject change

And I called him out on it then said "and what about Christian terrorists? the KKK, the planned parenthood shootings?"

and he said "you're changing the subject!!! we were talking about Christians from FIVE THOUSAND YEARS AGO!!!"

Obviously over exaggerated but that's what he said. I said okay boomer and still the best decision.

And then I realized something was wrong, so I asked

"wait... how long ago... do you think the civil war was?"

he hasn't responded.

also, just a reminder: this wasnt a hate on christians, it was me trying to explain to the guy that Muslims don't have to agree with everything in the Quran lmao

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