3) Devil's Favourite (p.2)

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"Who are you?" Lucifer asked.

"I.......I um... I am ......"

"Leave it!" Lucifer turned around in annoyance and asked this two minions.

"Who is she?"

"Hey! I can very much introduce myself . Just give me a second !"

You nearly shouted and half annoyed at Him for treating you like this. You probably pissed him off to a limit that you could "hear" Him rolling his eyes so hard at you.

His head turned in your direction but it was hard to tell whether he was looking at you or not.

"Bring me my journal." He snapped.

The gatekeeper hurried off to somewhere to fetch His journal.

You had no idea what to do by just standing there. Neither you could talk nor ask but stand there awkwardly. Lucifer wanted to make this even more difficult for you to bear it so his entire body decided to face you without any movement , more like a statue. You were so annoyed for not knowing if he was actually looking at you or was he daydreaming  for every split seconds.

"You know its really rude when you stare at someone like that?!"
You said softly.

"Beg your pardon ?" His heavy voice ringing your head.

You thought he smirked at you and his innocent question was just a mock tone.

"My Lord , here is what you asked for."
The gatekeeper bowed and retreated back to its place.

You saw him going through the pages slowly and intently. Your eyes landed on his hands that looked icy white with no colour, as if it was lifeless, but you had your doubts. His long and  slender fingers were accompanied by his sole black agate ring.
Your curiosity started building more and more and you were tempted to pull his hood off and reveal his face. You wondered if his minion devils had actually seen him without his hood or anyone in particular. You were so engulfed  in your own thoughts that you didn't even hear Lucifer talking to you. You just stood there dumbfounded and a confused look on your face. He frowned.

"You do not belong here, Y/N."

You were horrified, "How do you even know my name?!"

Lucifer laughed, "I thought you were more worried where'd you live."

"That's secondary . I'm asking---"

"Y/N, I'm the Devil and the Devil knows everything."

There was something not right about him , about the way he spoke.

" Ok Mr Devil, since you know everything, tell me where do i belong to?"

"To the heaven."

"Oh, okay."

part of you was not happy to hear what Lucifer said but you said nothing.

"You can stay here while i talk with The God. Make yourself comfortable ." He said and with that he disappeared  with the wind.

The Gates of Hell  opened with a creak sound. You were hesitant at first ,looking to your left and right with no attention. You muster up your courage and console your weak little heart , you take your first step.

At the back of your head you wanted to see Lucifer again but right now all your senses were shut. You took a 360° turn slowly, observing everything. The place was a barren land with only brick pavements and a broken bridge. The way to the actual Hell was when you cross this death bridge and if you could survive it ,congratulations , you are officially in Hell even after risking it all.
You walked a little distance and came beside the bridge. You looked below the bridge and what you saw made you weak in your knees. The  lava flowed in its own pace, sometimes it looked like acid and sometimes it looked like fire. It was different. You took a deep breath and took hold of the side ropes that were holding the bridge in place.
Even though it was a small bridge with small distance, it took eternity for just taking another step.
With each step ,the bridge was shaking , swaying from left to right. You took two to three steps and to your surprise ,when you looked back ,half of the distance was covered but the other half was still left.
Your heart gave in and you sat down then and there,holding onto the ropes and started crying.

"Oh my God ,
Oh my God,
Oh my God, please don't let me die ,please don't let me die!"
you spoke to yourself.

"Y/N, you are already dead."
Lucifer laughed.

You looked up to see Lucifer standing in front of you and enjoying himself . You sobbed and kept looking at him and then you did something that even Devil , himself  would throw you from the bridge.
You jumped onto his legs and clutch on his robe for your dear life.

Lucifer was horrified. He tried to free himself from your grip but couldn't.

You shouted in between your sobs .



you both were struggling with each other and screaming on the other end.
One was trying to free himself and the other wouldn't let go.

From a distance , the two gatekeepers  took a keen interest on what was happening between the two of you. Their heads were stuck between the bars of the iron rods to have a proper view.

Lucifer could not take this embarrassment anymore. As soon as he chanted some incoherent spell , you saw yourself on the other side of the bridge.

"Leave me."

You stopped struggling and saw yourself on the stable ground.

"Y/N ,leave me."


You let go off his robe and adjusted your clothes ,wiped away your tears and stood in front of him with an awkward confidence.

" Told you , i can help myself."

Lucifer stood there with a What--the--hell?  look position.


Hey guys, i hope you like this imagine and if you do , please hit the vote button.
Any suggestions  or ideas on this imagine or on *Oh Sehun* is most welcomed.
Next imagine ,on its way soon.!

ΦAlso,I'm on Tumblr as well , so some of my stories will also be published there under Black Beauty with the same username.

Again , i would like to thank my beautiful friend SmitaShukla16 who created a lovely cover for my imagines!
Love you Addy!:*)

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