Big Brother Honey(Kasanoda x fem!reader x brother!Honey)

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"Y/N/N-chan!" you heard your older brother call. You turned around and saw him running up to you, your cousin Mori at his heels. "Mitskuni!" You felt him barrel into your stomach. Despite the fact that Honey was two years older than you, he was much shorter. "Are you coming to the Host Club today, Y/N/N-chan?" You gave him a small nod. Your brother and cousin were both part of the Host Club at Ouran Academy and Honey loved it when you came to visit him there after school. What he really loved was being able to keep an eye on you.

"Okay, Y/N/N-chan! See you later!" he yelled before running off, leaving you surrounded by his fangirls. They began bombarding you with questions about Honey and Mori. What it was like to be related to them, what they were like outside of school and the Host Club. Those kinds of questions. You hated answering them since it wasn't up to you to tell your brother's business. You politely pushed passed them all and ran into your classroom. "Hello, Y/N!" Haruhi greeted you with a smile. You returned the greeting and took your seat.

*after school*

You opened the door to the Host Club and were showered with rose petals. You scanned the room for you brother, but found Kyoya instead. "Welcome, Y/N. I suppose you are here for Honey-Senpai?" You nodded and gave the young man a smile. "Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai should be returning any moment," Kyoya answered as the door opened again. You felt a sudden weight on your back. "Y/N/N-chan! You did come!" You giggled as your brother slid off your back so you could turn around. Your eyes met the brown ones of a strange young man and you suddenly couldn't remember your own name.

For a moment, nothing else existed in the room as you stared at the seemingly scary face looking back at you. It wasn't until Honey elbowed you in the hip that you remembered where you were. Mori was watching you with a small smile on his face. You quickly apologized. "This is Casanova," Honey introduced. You quirked an eyebrow at the intimidating boy. "That's, uh, Kasanoda. Ritsu Kasanoda," he replied, a light pink dusting his cheeks and you were certain that yours matched. "I'm Y/N Haninozuka." Ritsu's eyes widened a bit as he made the connection. "You're Haninozuka-Senpai's sister?"

*time skip(I love these in Host Club fics, sorry.)

It had been several months since you met Ritsu and in that time, you'd gotten very close to the heir to the Kasanoda Syndicate. You even joined the Gardening Club to spend more time with him. Ritsu really liked you and wanted to ask you out but there was one problem. Honey. Ritsu wasn't sure how he would react. Honey was your older brother and it was common knowledge that older brothers were fiercely protective of their sisters. "What are you thinking about, Ritsu?" your voice asked, bringing Ritsu from his thoughts.

"I, uh, was j-just thinking about y-you," he stuttered out a confession. You stopped what you were doing and reached for his hands, forgetting that yours were covered in dirt. You knew that Ritsu liked you and you certainly liked him back, but you wanted him to make the first move. Ritsu was shy enough and needed the confidence boost of knowing that he admitted his feelings before you did. "Oh?" you prompted. Ritsu scratched the back of his neck. "I like you, okay? I just don't know how Haninozuka-Senpai would take it," he answered.

You squeezed his hand and told him," Ritsu, my brother loves me and wants me to be happy. I like you too and you make me happy." His face flushed and you giggled. You loved how flustered Ritsu always got in these kind of situations. You let go of his hand and stood brushing yourself off. "I have to go but you know where to find me," you said, patting his shoulder and leaving him alone with the flower pots.

As you made your way to Music Room #3, you were humming to yourself and praying that Ritsu plucked up the courage to ask you out. No sooner had the thought crossed you mind than you heard footsteps running behind you. You smiled, knowing it was Ritsu. "Y/N, wait!" he called causing you to stop. You turned back and smiled at him. "Willyougooutwithme?" the words tumbled out as Ritsu tried to catch his breath. You giggled and asked, "What was that?" He glared slightly at you but repeated himself, "Will you go out with me?" You were about to answer when another voice spoke up.

"What did you just say?" the voice sent shivers down your spine. You turned to find Honey standing there with Mori. Mori's usually stoic expression was one of surprise, but Honey's reaction was far more frightening. He had this purple aura of evil surrounding him as he glared at Ritsu. "Haninozuka-Senpai..." Honey took a step near Ritsu. "Mitskuni, please. I really like him," you said softly, but you knew Honey could hear you. He stopped moving and looked at you. The murderous aura faded quickly and was replaced by his usual chipper self.

"Well then! You should come with us and have some cake! Casanova can come too!" You shook your head, but Ritsu looked far more terrified at the sudden mood change in your brother. You grabbed his hand and gave him a grin. Ritsu looked down and blushed at the sight of your intertwined fingers. "Just so you know, Casanova," Honey called back, the violet aura coming back for a moment, "If you hurt her, you'll have to answer to me." The aura disappeared again. Honey beamed, turned back around and went back into the music room. Ritsu gulped. "Your brother is scary," he muttered. You giggled and kissed his reddening cheek.


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