The Power of Suggestion (Kyoya x fem!reader)

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Kyoya bit back a groan as Haruhi left the club room, exasperated with the twins yet again. "What are you doing?" he asked, not really caring but also not wanting another mess to clean before club activities started. "We were just trying to get Haruhi to play with us," one of the twins said while the other held up a tube of sparkling dust. The two began fighting over it, instantly catching Kyoya's attention. He closed his computer and sighed. He unfolded his long legs and stood up.

In two strides, Kyoya was between the two brothers. The cap on the tube popped open, spraying the dust all over the Shadow King. For a moment, Kyoya merely stood there silently. His dark purple aura grew darker by the second. "What is that?" he asked menacingly, glaring at the twins. "Just a little something we got..."one twin began, shrinking back behind Tamaki. "From Nekozawa-Senpai," the other finished, hiding behind Mori. Kyoya's aura lessened at the fact. He didn't believe in any of Nekozawa's mumbo-jumbo.

"I see. And what does this sparkling dust supposedly do?" He asked. The twins came out from behind their hiding places sporting identical smirks. "It's supposed to..." one said, crossing his legs and leaning on his brother. "Make you fall in love with the next woman you see," the second twin completed the sentence. Kyoya chuckled darkly and pushed his glasses up with his forefinger. "That is utterly ridiculous," he remarked, turning back toward his chair. "But it works! We saw it." Kyoya sighed, but didn't comment.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash outside the club room doors. Kyoya quirked a brow and moved to open the door since he was closest. When he got the door open a crack, Kyoya saw you. You were on your hands and knees, scurrying to pick up your books and papers. From the looks of it, the clasp on your bag had broken and all your books had tumbled out. Being the gentleman that he was, Kyoya stepped out of the room and stooped to help you pick your books.

You looked up, a look of surprise painting your features. Kyoya knew who you where of course, but he'd never met you in person. He glanced at you and when his onyx eyes met yours, the world seemed to stop for Kyoya Ootori in a way it never had before. For a brief moment, all Kyoya could do was stare until he realized your lips were moving. He clicked back into reality. "Thank you, Ootori," you said softly, standing after he handed you your last book. He gave a nod and watched as you walked away, your (h/c) hair swaying with every step.

"We told you it worked," sing-song voices said from the doorway. Kyoya glared at them and returned to the room just before the start of club activities. Kyoya was lucky he wasn't actually hosting that day. For some reason, his mind kept wandering back to you. He didn't know if it was you he was attracted to or if the twins really had gotten to him with their powers of suggestion. Whatever it was, it got the better of him.

For weeks after your first encounter, you would come in everyday to find a purple rose waiting for you on your desk. Kyoya was always around after class. Sometimes he spoke to you, sometimes he didn't but it was clear that he was smitten. One day, you decided to ask him about it. "Ootori, why are you being so nice to me? You leave me roses and walk me to class. You glare at any boy that tries to talk to me. Why?" For once, Kyoya wasn't sure what to say. You shook your head slightly and turned to leave.

Kyoya placed his fingers to his chin and thought for a moment. He distractedly walked to Music Room #3, not even noticing the twins spying on him and laughing. The twins entered the club room right after Kyoya and realized that he was just not himself. "Kyoya-Senpai? Are you alright?" Haruhi was asking the moment Kyoya sat down. "Of course, Haruhi," he replied unconvincingly. The twins exchanged a sheepish look. "Kyoya-Senpai? You do realize that we were just playing about the dust right? It was just glitter," they told him, risking Kyoya's wrath.

His onyx eyes turned on them and they shrank back. "We were studying the power of suggestion. Seems it works," the twins said before bolting from the room. Realization slowly sank in for Kyoya. It hadn't been real, but that meant he might not really be infatuated with you. He quickly got up and left the room, praying he could catch you before you left the school. He saw your (h/c) hair first and he called out to you, not caring how it looked. "Y/N!" you turned and saw him. Your smile automatically turned into a frown.

Kyoyastopped just in front of you and breathlessly explained why he had been actingthe way he had. You burst out laughing hysterically for a few moments beforecomposing yourself. "I'm sorry, Ootori. I cannot believe someone asintelligent as you fell for that. I must say, the twins deserve some credit forit." Kyoya scowled, causing you to giggle again. "Look, why don't weput this aside? I would really like to be friends." Kyoya gave you a smirk and nodded. "I wouldlike that very much, Y/N."    

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